Khororhoth threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 8
Oh bloody hell, How often do we have to deal with bloody hell.

Wow. Khorne apparently hates us in particular.
That is to be expected we favor bloodless combatants and could bring more peaceful times so... yeah he hates us.

We got an 88, then an 8, right after turn 8, so the attack landed on 088.30M. Khorne is rolling red hot.
Oh my goodness no wonder we are getting slammed by Khorne with those numbers.
so updating the rules for a chaos incursion:

>roll a double numbers of a chaos god (88,66,77,99)
>roll the chaos gods numbers several times in a row
[X] Plan: Healing, Rebuilding and Preparing

I suggest next turn we finish up the Arrays too just so our commitment to the Explorator is done-zo as is the second Restoring the Ranks.

Not sure on the third AP though, but that can wait until next turn if no commitments pop up.

I am once again advising against doing alliances at the moment and for later turns whilst we update our Military Doctrine + repairing the Infrastructure on top of any Commitment Options that pop up with our AP.

If people do want it, let it be done via Omake Bounties. Otherwise, just wait until we're through this. :X

...Thinking about it, QM @Khororhoth (sorry for tagging...), is our commitment to the Cybernetica done yet or do we have to make sure the Ward Scope is Crude first (one level just above Primitive) before it is done?

And does it get updated if we give them Petty Wards thereafter?
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Thinking about it, QM @Khororhoth (sorry for tagging...), is our commitment to the Cybernetica done yet or do we have to make sure the Ward Scope is Crude first (one level just above Primitive) before it is done?

And does it get updated if we give them Petty Wards thereafter?
Almost done, one more level of scope and strength.

Not really.
so updating the rules for a chaos incursion:

>roll a double numbers of a chaos god (88,66,77,99)
>roll the chaos gods numbers several times in a row
Actually the rules remain the same as before, it's just that the Narrative favored Khorne so much that I made it a special event.
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Geh. Strength and Scope huh? At least we can finish up our commitments to the Explorator... I don't think we can delve deeper into Metallurgy yet but it should be soon... I hope. :V
This and a military focus next turn as well, we can't help our allies if deamons keep destroying our base.

Helping our allies might contribute to our defense though? Next turn we should start on the research necessary for our agreement with the cibernetica and finally finish the research domes to see if we can start escaping AP hell.
[X] Plan: Healing, Rebuilding and Preparing

Okay, rush Military Infrastructure next turn then when our stuff is rebuilt.

Khorn better be watching his red ass, because this is sure as shit a GRUDGING!!!!!

In fact.....

[X] Plan: Healing, Rebuilding and Preparing
-[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
--[X] Restore and Heal
-[X] [Military] Restoring the Ranks (0/2)
-[X] [Military] Redesigning the Doctrines
--[X] Reinforcement of the Mind and Soul
[X] Plan: Healing, Rebuilding and Preparing
-[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
--[X] Restore and Heal
-[X] [Military] Restoring the Ranks (0/2)
-[X] [Military] Redesigning the Doctrines
--[X] Reinforcement of the Mind and Soul