Very funny would be situation where with enought development Mars decide to set up outposts on Terra to scavenge it for archeotech before Big E gain full control.

May lead to a scenario where emps decides to join the admech and subvert it from the inside out

He has his terrawatts clans of scientist and artifciers

Seems a very straightforward process
I know,i know
But emps is nothing but pragmatic

If waging war becomes too costly and negotiations are too loopsided in the admech side
Then taking over through non warfare means is better

Who is gonna outdiplomacy mr super psyker?

It would probably lead to him setting foot on Mars and all of Warp Geigers pointing at him before exploding.

I will just say this:
@012345 you don't know how many tricks in his bag the Anathema has.
@armentho let's just say that in this timeline, before the Age of Strife swung by in full throttle, Emps, [REDACTED], and [DIVINELY REDACTED], worked on a very, VERY, special project in [(WAR IN HEAVEN) REDACTED].
I will just say this:
@012345 you don't know how many tricks in his bag the Anathema has.
@armentho let's just say that in this timeline, before the Age of Strife swung by in full throttle, Emps, [REDACTED], and [DIVINELY REDACTED], worked on a very, VERY, special project in [(WAR IN HEAVEN) REDACTED].
Ah, yes, to quote "A Song of Peace", Anathema is dirty cheater who cheats
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 12, 2024 at 9:35 PM, finished with 48 posts and 33 votes.

  • [X] Plan: They got MUCH harder then Tactical Dreadnought Armour (Terminator Armor)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: Stepping up the Research
    [X] Plan: I Spy with my little eye, Warded Voidships and an Need-to-be-Explored Sea of Stars
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Starlit Observationis
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: Mars Expansion While Peace Reigns
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Infrastructure (0/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    --[X] Munitoria Logis
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    [X]Plan: The Labor of Flesh
    [X] Plan: Infrastructure build up and logistics
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Infrastructure (0/3) x3
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standards
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Munitoria Logis
    [X] Plan: Castellum and Research
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Research Domes (0/3)x2
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: All in on machine spirits.
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    --[X] Rite Overhauling (0/2) x2
    --[X] Rite of Manifestation (0/2) x2
    [X] Plan: To boldly go
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Starlit Observationis
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standards
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    - [X] Rites of Empathy
    [X] Plan: They got MUCH harder then Tactical Dreadnought Armour

Research Empathy: 44
Research Voidships: 90
Research Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery: 35
Khororhoth threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Research Total: 169
44 44 90 90 35 35
Last edited:
Scheduled vote count started by Khororhoth on Oct 12, 2024 at 9:35 PM, finished with 48 posts and 33 votes.

  • [X] Plan: They got MUCH harder then Tactical Dreadnought Armour (Terminator Armor)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: Stepping up the Research
    [X] Plan: I Spy with my little eye, Warded Voidships and an Need-to-be-Explored Sea of Stars
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Starlit Observationis
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: Mars Expansion While Peace Reigns
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Infrastructure (0/3)
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    --[X] Munitoria Logis
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    -- [X] Rites of Empathy
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    [X]Plan: The Labor of Flesh
    [X] Plan: Infrastructure build up and logistics
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Infrastructure (0/3) x3
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standards
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Munitoria Logis
    [X] Plan: Castellum and Research
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Research Domes (0/3)x2
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -- [X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
    [X] Plan: All in on machine spirits.
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standars
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    --[X] Rite Overhauling (0/2) x2
    --[X] Rite of Manifestation (0/2) x2
    [X] Plan: To boldly go
    -[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
    --[X] Starlit Observationis
    -[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
    --[X] Explorator
    -[X] [Military] Recoupe Losses and Train to New Standards
    -[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
    -- [X] Integrate Wards into Voidships
    -[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
    - [X] Rites of Empathy
    [X] Plan: They got MUCH harder then Tactical Dreadnought Armour
Looks like pretty much all of the one action researches are going to be done.
052.30M | Alliance: Explorators
The revelation of the STC to the leaders of Mars had reshaped the political landscape of the Mechanicum. With the promise of renewal and progress, the STC's knowledge gave Mars an edge unseen for millennia—self-sustaining installations that could be established without disrupting planetary ecosystems or draining worlds dry. This was a revolution in infrastructure: workshops, manufactories, and forge-stations that could blend seamlessly with their environments. And for the Empyric Engiseers, it was the dawn of a new era.

The announcement of the discovery spread across Mars a year after its unveiling, and with it came waves of favor—endless shipments of materials, artifacts, and personnel were funneled toward the Ephemeralis Astra Castellum, solidifying the Empyric Engineers' reputation as visionary stewards of the Machine God's will.

⚙️ ⚙️ ⚙️ ⚙️ ⚙️​

Two years after the discovery, emissaries from the Explorator Fleets made their way to the Ephemeralis Astra Castellum. To call the Explorators excited would be a gross understatement—they were overjoyed beyond measure. The Empyric Engineers' discovery opened doors that the Explorators had only dreamed of: the ability to land and establish infrastructure anywhere, even on worlds filled with priceless xenobiological or archeotech knowledge, without disturbing their ecosystems. It also gave them the capacity to turn wayward asteroids into fully functional supply stations, making their long journeys through the void far more sustainable.

At the appointed hour, the Explorator delegation arrived in orbit. Their ships shimmered in the dark, their hulls decorated with the sacred sigils of the Machine God, the vox networks buzzing with excited binaric cant. The Explorator emissaries were granted a ceremonial welcome within the heart of the Castellum—an honor not lightly given, further marking the importance of this meeting.

Magos Iomene-35 stood at the center of the assembly hall, her servo-limbs coiled and still, a symbol of mechanical composure. The Explorators filed in, each one a paragon of adaptive evolution, with their mechadendrites writhing like the tendrils of deep-sea creatures. Among them was Archmagos-Explorator Antheros Valt, his silvered skull surrounded by glowing cogitator nodes, eyes gleaming with fervor.

"Praise the Machine God!" Valt's voice echoed through the vast chamber, rich with reverence and excitement. "We have awaited this moment since the transmission reached us. The knowledge you have given, Magos Iomene-35, will change everything. Entire sectors that were once forbidden to us for fear of ecological ruin are now within our reach."

"By the will of the Machine God, so shall it be," Iomene-35 replied with a slight inclination of her head. "This knowledge is as much yours as it is ours. The Empyric Engineers recognize the value of your work and wish to see it thrive."

The negotiations were a formality—both factions understood that this was a partnership destined by the Machine God himself. Over the next hours, Magos Iomene-35 and Antheros Valt drafted a series of agreements that would cement their alliance.

  • Collaborative Deployment Protocols
    • The Empyric Engiseers would share their refined infrastructure templates with the Explorators, enabling them to establish forges, workshops, and manufactories anywhere, including remote or delicate environments.
  • Mutual Data Exchange
    • In return, the Explorators would share their findings—archeotech, alien ecosystems, stellar anomalies, and all records of their discoveries—with the Empyric Engineers, ensuring that every new world explored became a library of knowledge for Mars.
  • Mobile Sanctums and Resupply Stations
    • Asteroid-based resupply stations would be built using the STC designs, allowing the Explorator Fleets to operate more independently of major Forge Worlds. These stations, easily deployable and scalable, would provide repairs, re-arming capabilities, and sanctuaries deep within uncharted space.
  • Joint Expeditions
    • The Legio Cybernetica would provide warded automata to accompany Explorator Fleets on especially dangerous journeys, ensuring protection from Warp anomalies and other esoteric threats lurking in the unknown.
  • Priority Access to Discoveries
    • Any technological or esoteric discoveries relevant to the Warp or the Empyric would be forwarded immediately to the Empyric Engiseers, ensuring they could continue their mission of understanding the dangers of the Immaterium.
  • Blueprints of Voidships and Voidshipyards
    • The Blueprints and expertise for the creation of Voidships and Voidshipyards.

Joint Projects:

[ ] Empyric Mapping Arrays
Develop a device that can map and predict Warp currents in real-time, allowing Explorator Fleets to travel deeper into uncharted space without being lost to the Immaterium.
Ætheric Role: Integrate PsyTech components into sensors to detect minor disturbances in the Warp, including the presence of entities or hidden phenomena.
Explorator Role: Develop long-range mapping protocols, enabling data from multiple ships to be aggregated into a dynamic star map of both the realspace and Immaterium dimensions.

[ ] The Spectral Language Initiative
Decode patterns in alien machine languages and esoteric signals, enabling communication with xeno-tech or pre-Age-of-Strife technology without risking corruption.
Ætheric Role: Develop runes and protocols that act as psychic dampers, preventing corrupted data from influencing Mechanicum systems.
Explorator Role: Apply archeological insight to decode ancient or xeno signal structures, helping identify technologies previously considered incomprehensible or too dangerous to approach.

[ ] The Aetherium Gardens
Establish research sanctuaries within Warp-affected regions, allowing the study of esoteric phenomena and rogue psychic energies in a controlled environment.
Ætheric Role: Build wards and containment fields to prevent immaterial contamination while enabling the study of dangerous phenomena.
Explorator Role: Establish self-sustaining research habitats that can survive in hostile areas for long periods, providing both observation points and recovery teams for rare phenomena.


By the end of the negotiations, Magos-Explorator Valt could hardly contain his excitement. "This is a new dawn for the Mechanicum," he declared. "Our fleets will no longer be constrained. We will land on worlds where no man or machine has set foot in millenia, and we will preserve the knowledge we find." His voice was filled with the joy of a pilgrim on the cusp of revelation.

Iomene-35's response was measured, but satisfaction radiated through the micro-cant embedded in her speech. "Knowledge is the domain of the faithful. Together, we will ensure that the stars yield their secrets—without destroying what the Machine God has preserved."

The final rites of alliance were performed, with the two factions exchanging ritual circuits and cogitator keys, binding their futures together. The Explorators departed soon after, eager to deploy the new technologies across the galaxy.
spectral language initiative seems important,40k is filled with remmants of necron,old one,daot as well other xenos species whose artifacts are partially corrupted or damaged by the warp

being able to get a idea of their use is important
Ok the mapping arrays are definitely what I'm voting for. An alternative to navigators is too good to turn up. Even if of lower quality it in contrast can be manufactured in numbers.
I think I'll go with Mapping Array, not getting lost is nice... Though I wonder how that'll work with the thing about Immaterium transporting them through time? Hmm...
Only the gardens don't appeal to me, Maps would benefit the explorators hugely and due to our alliance us aswell while Language could be more immediatly of use...
gardens seem more useful for a late game project,when we have good enough wards and we need to go research inside a warp storm or warp infested region

at this moment is useless to us,is a tool without a problem to make use of

language for reversee engineering,mapping for logistics (indirectly increasing amount of samples for study and making archeological studies easier)
The revelation of the STC to the leaders of Mars had reshaped the political landscape of the Mechanicum. With the promise of renewal and progress, the STC's knowledge gave Mars an edge unseen for millennia—self-sustaining installations that could be established without disrupting planetary ecosystems or draining worlds dry. This was a revolution in infrastructure: workshops, manufactories, and forge-stations that could blend seamlessly with their environments. And for the Empyric Engiseers, it was the dawn of a new era.

The announcement of the discovery spread across Mars a year after its unveiling, and with it came waves of favor—endless shipments of materials, artifacts, and personnel were funneled toward the Ephemeralis Astra Castellum, solidifying the Empyric Engineers' reputation as visionary stewards of the Machine God's will.
The STCs are an extremely big deal and when combined with the Empyric's actions at reclaiming Mars they've more then solidified their reputation.

Two years after the discovery, emissaries from the Explorator Fleets made their way to the Ephemeralis Astra Castellum. To call the Explorators excited would be a gross understatement—they were overjoyed beyond measure. The Empyric Engineers' discovery opened doors that the Explorators had only dreamed of: the ability to land and establish infrastructure anywhere, even on worlds filled with priceless xenobiological or archeotech knowledge, without disturbing their ecosystems. It also gave them the capacity to turn wayward asteroids into fully functional supply stations, making their long journeys through the void far more sustainable.
It's a huge help for them.

"Praise the Machine God!" Valt's voice echoed through the vast chamber, rich with reverence and excitement. "We have awaited this moment since the transmission reached us. The knowledge you have given, Magos Iomene-35, will change everything. Entire sectors that were once forbidden to us for fear of ecological ruin are now within our reach."

"By the will of the Machine God, so shall it be," Iomene-35 replied with a slight inclination of her head. "This knowledge is as much yours as it is ours. The Empyric Engineers recognize the value of your work and wish to see it thrive."

The negotiations were a formality—both factions understood that this was a partnership destined by the Machine God himself. Over the next hours, Magos Iomene-35 and Antheros Valt drafted a series of agreements that would cement their alliance.
Their interests are to aligned and the Empyric's have been to big of a help for this not to happen.

  • Collaborative Deployment Protocols
    • The Empyric Engiseers would share their refined infrastructure templates with the Explorators, enabling them to establish forges, workshops, and manufactories anywhere, including remote or delicate environments.
  • Mutual Data Exchange
    • In return, the Explorators would share their findings—archeotech, alien ecosystems, stellar anomalies, and all records of their discoveries—with the Empyric Engineers, ensuring that every new world explored became a library of knowledge for Mars.
  • Mobile Sanctums and Resupply Stations
    • Asteroid-based resupply stations would be built using the STC designs, allowing the Explorator Fleets to operate more independently of major Forge Worlds. These stations, easily deployable and scalable, would provide repairs, re-arming capabilities, and sanctuaries deep within uncharted space.
  • Joint Expeditions
    • The Legio Cybernetica would provide warded automata to accompany Explorator Fleets on especially dangerous journeys, ensuring protection from Warp anomalies and other esoteric threats lurking in the unknown.
  • Priority Access to Discoveries
    • Any technological or esoteric discoveries relevant to the Warp or the Empyric would be forwarded immediately to the Empyric Engiseers, ensuring they could continue their mission of understanding the dangers of the Immaterium.
  • Blueprints of Voidships and Voidshipyards
    • The Blueprints and expertise for the creation of Voidships and Voidshipyards.
Makes sense overall lots of mutually beneficial things going on here and lots of opportunities for both groups.

By the end of the negotiations, Magos-Explorator Valt could hardly contain his excitement. "This is a new dawn for the Mechanicum," he declared. "Our fleets will no longer be constrained. We will land on worlds where no man or machine has set foot in millenia, and we will preserve the knowledge we find." His voice was filled with the joy of a pilgrim on the cusp of revelation.

Iomene-35's response was measured, but satisfaction radiated through the micro-cant embedded in her speech. "Knowledge is the domain of the faithful. Together, we will ensure that the stars yield their secrets—without destroying what the Machine God has preserved."

The final rites of alliance were performed, with the two factions exchanging ritual circuits and cogitator keys, binding their futures together. The Explorators departed soon after, eager to deploy the new technologies across the galaxy.
The Explorators are very enthusiastic about this.
Ætheric Role: Integrate PsyTech components into sensors to detect minor disturbances in the Warp, including the presence of entities or hidden phenomena.
better sensors are probably locked behind Starlit Observationis
Ætheric Role: Develop runes and protocols that act as psychic dampers, preventing corrupted data from influencing Mechanicum systems.
Ætheric Role: Build wards and containment fields to prevent immaterial contamination while enabling the study of dangerous phenomena
are both of these under the Enhance the Wards' Capabilities section of research, or is the former under the Question the Machine Soul section of research?