[X] Plan Shore Up and Roll Out
-[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
--[X] Strength
--[X] Durability
-[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
[X] Plan Strengthen Barriers, Moar Allies, Then War
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
--[x] The Skitarius
-[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
--[x] Strength
-[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars

This is my plan. Better to refine the basic wards before being swallowed up by the demands of war, and Strength made more sense than Durability bc we'll be facing DAOT and Chaos/Warp horrors down there. And Skitarii are absolutely essential for a protracted ground campaign.

Ideally, next turn we'd continue to expand our ground forces' capabilities by making more alliances with other groups. And if we could find some way to get another action that would REALLY help our action economy.
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[X] Plan Tools of Empathy and Destruction
-[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars
-[X] [Research] The Question of the Machine Soul
--[X] Rites of Empathy
-[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
--[X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)

[X] Plan Armies and Conquest
-[X] [General] Forge Alliances (Who?)
--[X] The Skitarius
-[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
--[X] Starlit Observationis
-[X] [Military] Conquering the Terrors Beneath Mars

[X] Plan Shore Up and Roll Out
[X] Plan Strengthen Barriers, Moar Allies, Then War
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[X] Plan: Just one more turn of building up
-[X] [General] Expand the Castellum
--[X] Starlit Observationis
-[X] [Research] Enhance the Wards' Capabilities
--[X] Durability
-[X] [Research] Develop New Warp-Related Technologies
--[X] Psy-Tools and Psy-Machinery (Primitive)
[X] Plan Armies and Conquest

We're going to need Skitarii for any large-scale combat, I have doubts that Automata alone will be able to hold ground. And if the Observatorium is what we think it is, we get orbital coverage of Warp detection, and I think importance of satellite imagery in war is self-evident.
the ease in wich something can be produced relies on metrology (how precise can you measure and aim your tools) and the tools themselves (cant make a stone sculpture without stone picking tools)

improving our warp measuring devices,as well building infrastructure and tools should lower the amount of actions it takes to complete a project
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Complete blueprint with all the theory.
And this will be great boon for us.

First because Knowledge is Divine so such find of it is obvious Divine Blessing/Favour.

Second because STC have some very good tech. And this one will be not just production instructions for single variant without explanation but an entire process for such unlocking basicaly new tech tree or sub tree.

And last tech priests ready to give A LOT for those.

So trading a copy or even original printout (while making a copy) would give us probably an additional AP over few (tens?) turns.
It would allow you to observe the immediate currents of the Warp around Mars and up to the Crust of Mars in depth.

Edit: Of course, with better tools and machines, it's range increases.
I am more interested would it detect psykers on Mars?

Like untill now Mars policy was probably to kill all psykers detected to stop them from exploding into demons as they lack any use for them.

But we now with Wards can possibly stabilise weaker ones and having them around would realy help with research of Warp.

Or just to have them around to use their powers to manufacture psymaterials/psytech much easier/faster.