[X] The Black-Red Lightning, the arcs of power that erupted when she was pushed to her limits, the energy that fuels the Giant-Killing Blow, and perhaps more, if you could figure out how to call it on command… (Provides a new Idea to develop an unexplored aspect of your Bloodline)
[X] Death-Warding Horn: The first of Audrey's foes had a piece of magic horn sewn into the collar of his hood. This treasure will ward off the first blow that would take his head, and then be destroyed. She was fortunate in that it was only damaged by her hasty blow, and might still be put to use again. (Gain a Death-Warding Talisman that may save you from death, once)
Scheduled vote count started by Alectai on Sep 27, 2024 at 11:16 PM, finished with 51 posts and 28 votes.
Just to clarify, going up against increasingly tougher foes isn't explictly a requirement for a Christian cultivator to advance to the next Beads and Decades, right? I recall for the Norse, orthstirr was only gained by growing their reputation of mighty feats, so they were culturally
incentivized to "go looking for trouble" (particularly since the Enemy had hidden all knowledge of Odr). But for Christian cultivators, advancement is a function of investing Zeal, and generating Zeal is merely a function of time, not "reputation", correct?
Nope, you could go meditate for ten years and come out of it ridiculously strong.

Of course, you need money, you need achievements, and you need reputation to advance quickly, but that's mostly in the form of getting the Good Shit, suffice to say, you're not going to get any more fights on that level for a good while.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure our teacher either suspects we have the Pride flaw, or is just used to new Squires over-estimating themselves/not understanding the risks. The IC plan for this mission was meant to be character development that also shows us that Norseman are dangerous (as Reinald's been saying since our first meeting) rather than explicit mechanical rewards.
Yeah, the idea here with this and the previous outing was to get you experience in real-world situations, that's it. This last one got a little more hardcore than it was really planned on being, so real-world combat missions are probably on hold for a while.

That said, while your cultivation doesn't require you to fight, your social position absolutely does in the long term. Knights exist and are given the level of resources they require (which is significantly more than a Thane, as a rule) specifically so they can defend Wessex from threats. As a Knight, you will be expected to go out and fight, not stay at home and cultivate.

So, while your time as a squire will likely be less frequently violent going forward, in the long run you will be expected to engage in significant violence.
If a Knight does not fight or otherwise uphold their end of their contract (by supplying enough soldiers/wealth to make up for their absence on the battlefield... which is a hefty price considering the strength of Knights), they are ostracized at best.

Now, there is an argument to be made for Knights sitting out of wars they expect their side to lose in hopes of their new masters taking them in. However, who wants a Knight who won't fight?
Are there hermit monks who live in caves and pray and cultivate for centuries in a row?
If so, how powerful would they be?
Are there hermit monks who live in caves and pray and cultivate for centuries in a row?
If so, how powerful would they be?

Probably somewhere, yeah. Ones who live in monasteries are more common, though.

And, as I understand it, they're around as powerful as other cultivators of their age and stat allocations...less so if they don't regularly come out for Communion. Like...living in a cave and forsaking human contact doesn't make you less powerful in Carolingian Cultivation (beyond the loss of Grace for not receiving Communion regularly), but it doesn't really make you more powerful either. Not enough to matter anyway.
And, as I understand it, they're around as powerful as other cultivators of their age and stat allocations...less so if they don't regularly come out for Communion. Like...living in a cave and forsaking human contact doesn't make you less powerful in Carolingian Cultivation (beyond the loss of Grace for not receiving Communion regularly), but it doesn't really make you more powerful either. Not enough to matter anyway.
Shouldn't they get extra Zeal points for such a demonstration of righteousness to God and the fact that they spend literally all their free time praying and cultivating without distraction for earthly pleasures and socialising? Without committing any of the sins that are inevitable in society.
Shouldn't they get extra Zeal points for such a demonstration of righteousness to God and the fact that they spend literally all their free time praying and cultivating without distraction for earthly pleasures and socialising? Without committing any of the sins that are inevitable in society.

God wants you to go out and do Good Works, not hole up in a bunker forever and contemplate your navel.

Culture is Cultivation in the Written World, which means that any avenue that has you never interacting with it is fundamentally a dead end, it's just a conceit of the setting.
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God wants you to go out and do Good Works, not hole up in a bunker forever and contemplate your navel.
So it turns out that such a monk can get an increase in Zeal if, for example, he walks around the world performing miracles spreading the word of God?
Culture is Cultivation in the Written World, which means that any avenue that has you never interacting with it is fundamentally a dead end, it's just a conceit of the setting.
Even for classical oriental cultivation with its Taoists and the common practice of closed cultivation?
So it turns out that such a monk can get an increase in Zeal if, for example, he walks around the world performing miracles spreading the word of God?

Even for classical oriental cultivation with its Taoists and the common practice of closed cultivation?

What do you think the cultivation memes of constantly coming out of seclusion to fight for resources and murder each over slights comes from?
And, as I understand it, they're around as powerful as other cultivators of their age and stat allocations...less so if they don't regularly come out for Communion. Like...living in a cave and forsaking human contact doesn't make you less powerful in Carolingian Cultivation (beyond the loss of Grace for not receiving Communion regularly), but it doesn't really make you more powerful either. Not enough to matter anyway.
Would those kinds of knights even have knightly armor? That shit is expensive to make and maintain and their income sources wouldn't be that large.

And not having knightly armor is a pretty big power drop.
Would those kinds of knights even have knightly armor? That shit is expensive to make and maintain and their income sources wouldn't be that large.

And not having knightly armor is a pretty big power drop.

Yep, a Knight is at the speartip of a very long logistical train, one who's not holding up their end of the deal ends up with their shit falling apart with shocking speed.
Speaking of armor. Do other Christian cultivators have their own armor analog?
I don't mean it from a functional point of view, but rather a set of clothes that acts as a multiplier of the cultivator's power to better perform their tasks.
For example, would priests have a ceremonial robe specially tailored to enhance the revelations available to them?
Would those kinds of knights even have knightly armor? That shit is expensive to make and maintain and their income sources wouldn't be that large.

And not having knightly armor is a pretty big power drop.

The question was about a monk rather than a Knight, and monks need less logistical support. A Knight who did this would probably not have Knightly Armour unless it was leftover from before they developed this practice.

Speaking of armor. Do other Christian cultivators have their own armor analog?
I don't mean it from a functional point of view, but rather a set of clothes that acts as a multiplier of the cultivator's power to better perform their tasks.
For example, would priests have a ceremonial robe specially tailored to enhance the revelations available to them?

They do not. Knightly Armour is a very specific thing that they have and others do not. It is one reason Knights are definitively the best combatants for their cultivation level among Carolingian Cultivators.
Turn 3.4 - Aftermath
"There," the Bishop of Warwickshire's voice filters through Audrey's clouded thoughts, bringing her back from the haze the prayer of health had left her in, "the Lord has seen fit to mend your wounds. I assign you thirty Lord's Prayers to thank Him properly."

"Thank you, Father," Audrey clasps her hands and bows her head in thanks, the return of her teeth leaving her words clear and crisp as they should be. A surge of anger sparks at the memory of her once-lisp, of the snickers held behind fingers and teasing grins concealed by a mask of friendship.

"Thank the Lord, my child, for I am but a vessel of His Will," the Bishop's kindly eyes glitter in the candle-light as he rises to his feet. "He wills that you be healed, so He lends me the strength to see it done. No more, no less. He loves all His children and you are no exception."

Taking his crozier from where it leans against the stone-brick wall, the Bishop returns his hat to his head as, with a final smile, he taps his way from the cloister and into the light of the sun. Audrey isn't alone for long, for the familiar shape of her master soon darkens the door.

Sir Reinald Vieux steps into the room, the unusually prominent wrinkles about his eyes casting long shadows in the candle-light. "I take it you have healed?" He says, gesturing to where Audrey sits on a spartan bed.

"I have," Audrey answers, her words slightly stilted and awkward. Reinald had held himself in a most unusual way ever since she had been injured. The stiffness and uncertainty had even started afflicting her! It was almost as though he held himself responsible for her being injured, but that couldn't be the case. It would be ridiculous to shield a Squire from pain and injury, for their lives will be filled with nothing but come graduation into Knighthood!

Reinald's lips thin as he looks about the room for any spare chairs. Upon failing to find any, a light sigh slips his lips as, with a gesture, a chair of salt forms from the stone-brick ground. Taking the seat, he takes a deep breath and turns his attention entirely on Audrey.

Reinald has an odd way of interacting with people. He never gives anyone his full attention, some part of himself is always keeping active tabs on those around him, the landscape, the state of the wind, and all manner of other minor variables one needs to track to thrive on the battlefield. But when he does turn one-hundred percent of his attention on something, well, it can send shivers up a spine of steel.

Audrey swallows, but Reinald breaks the silence first, "I failed you."

Three simple words, spoken with a candidness that belies their severity. Three simple words, but they were enough to send Audrey reeling.

Three simple words.

Audrey blinks, mouth opening and closing in shock and confusion, "W-what?"

"I failed you," Reinald repeats as he leans in, eyes never leaving hers for even an instant. Not even a blink separates his gaze from hers. "I should never have brought you there. As your Knight, my task is to make sure you learn the skills and practices necessary to being a Knight. Instead, I brought you to a battle far beyond your level. I failed to do my due diligence and, for that, you nearly died." His eyes haze as he says those words before a blink, the first of the conversation, wipes the slate clean. "I failed you."

"I-I don't understand."

"I am prepared to end my mentoring of you and ensure that you receive the training that you should have under me," as he says this, he reaches into his clothes and retrieves a rolled up and ribbon-bound piece of paper. Undoing the ribbon, he unrolls it before Audrey's eyes, "All you need to do is sign here and you won't have to see me again."

Audrey blinks and rubs at her eyes, then pinches herself when that does nothing. When the paper still doesn't vanish and she still doesn't wake up, a frown tumbles down her face as her brows furrow and her fists clench.

"You idiot."

The words hang in the air as Audrey's eyes snap wide. Reinald stares at her with jaw slack and mouth cracked open a half-inch.

D-did she really just say that?

…oh God.

Reinald closes his mouth and sits upright. Running hands through his hair, he fixes her with a stare that could cut glass. "I will take that as a 'no'."

"Y-yes," Audrey manages through a frozen face. Reinald is a social superior, to insult him at a time like this is nothing less than the height of impropriety! She's the idiot, not him!

The corner of Reinald's lip tugs into an upward curl as his nostrils flare. As if reading her mind, he says, "There is a time and place for all things, Audrey Eotenslaga," oh no, that's her full name… "and this was the right time for your words, though," he chuckles, "I can't recommend that you go around telling people that they're being stupid in those specific words."

"R-right," she's quick to nod, anything to save her from her stupidity.

"While I'm here," Reinald starts after a moment of silence, "I read your family's history, but I didn't come across any mention of that black lightning you were using. In fact, it almost seemed peculiar how un-present it was, like someone had purposefully removed any mention of it."

"That's… Odd," Audrey frowns as she considers the words. While she isn't especially familiar with her family's history, specifically what outsiders would know, her family's usage of black-red lightning isn't exactly a big secret. So, why wouldn't it be mentioned in the records? It's not like there is shame in it! It's the tools of her family's work!

"Well, if you know anything more, don't hesitate to tell me." He smiles, "After all, the more I know of what you can do, the better I can tailor your training."

"Speaking of training," he turns the topic elsewhere, "I have a martial style I think you might be able to make use of."


What martial style will Reinald teach?
[ ] Hordebreaker - Martial Style for fighting multiple foes.
[ ] Francisca - Martial Style for ranged combat involving thrown weapons
[ ] Lutter Corps à Corps - Dedicated wrestling style with appropriate moves.
[ ] Thunderous Charge - Cavalry style based on using a lance.

(Note: Reinald has all of these Styles, but the criteria for learning a Style and teaching it are somewhat divergent, and he will not be able to teach any but the one selected. At least not without significant difficulty. Obviously you can also engage in all of these kinds of fighting without a specific Style, but the Style will be better within its area. On that note, if anyone has a better name for the wrestling style, we'll hear it out, we're not completely satisfied with it.

Normal update tomorrow, this one's just a bonus)
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…Something something of Hands Laying as a play on lay on hands, unless you guys are using that for a healing art or something?
…Something something of Hands Laying as a play on lay on hands, unless you guys are using that for a healing art or something?

I did some looking up on actual French terms for wrestling and that was on the list including to online dictionaries. But, like, having a style be named a French term for wrestling feels a bit...off. Martial Styles are usually not named quite that simply.
[X] Hordebreaker - Martial Style for fighting multiple foes.

Okey so we don't have a horse and that makes the cavalry style not useless but unoptimal until we get one.

We're mostly a close quarter combatant and while having ranged options would be nice, we have ways to close the distance and we only have so much training to throw around on nice to have things.

I'm pretty sure we already have a wrestling style? we definitely have a style we got a wrestling move from (and can likely gain more) and that's honestly enough.

Hordbrekaer on the other hand seems perfect, as a knight we would find ourselves outnumbered fairly constantly and I would like something that would make those kinds of fights less suicided for us.
[X] Hordebreaker - Martial Style for fighting multiple foes.

We already have a bloodline style directed against one opponent. The second style is better to take the one that is directed against several. After all, if it weren't for our luck, thanks to which we killed a strong opponent with one blow, then we would have died trapped between two enemies.
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