a Quest (OR..."Come Sail Away: A Council/Riot Hybrid Quest Where You're Trying to Build a Ship")

Round 18 Start - "...They'll Be Watching You."
An ominous atmosphere fills the air. No one can quite put a finger on why, but the best guess is that it might have something to do with the conversation the robot overheard from what were presumably a couple of the Naysayers.

Oh, and there's also the fact that the clouds have grown thick in the sky. That probably doesn't help either.

Weather is now Overcast!

On the bright side, at least you have a significant surplus of food for now.

Food Currently Needed for This Round: 36
Current Food Stored: 199

Signup Votes (Which half of this quest do you want to be a part of?):
[ ] [Signup] Council
-[ ] Password?

Those who Sign up as 'Council' usually get two three votes below; Including 1 [Council] Vote, 1 [Riot Boost] Vote, and 1 [Direct Action] Vote.

[ ][Signup] Rioter
-[ ] Password?
-[ ] Nifty Identifying Quest Name, quippy phrase, or brief distinguishing feature for flavor purposes (Keep it short!) (Optional)

Those who Sign up as 'Rioter' get a single vote below; They can vote for 1 [Riot!] action.

Change Roles (Swap from 'Council' to 'Rioter' or Vice Versa):
[ ][Change Role]
-[ ] Council to Rioter
--[ ] Password?
--[ ] New Nifty Identifying Quest Name, quippy phrase, or brief distinguishing feature for flavor purposes (Keep it short!) (Optional)
-[ ] Rioter to Council
--[ ] Password?

Those who Change Role may not include a vote for any other action alongside it.

Council Votes (What does the Council want to do this turn?):
- Council may choose One (1) Council Vote; Majority Wins

[ ][Council] Make or Change a Rule
(Try to add, remove, or modify a quest rule)
-[ ] What Rule? (Write-In)
--[ ] Change Food Requirements (How?)
---[ ] Do Not Require Food for Inactive Players

[ ][Council] Implement a Policy
(For example, implement an official quest policy towards the Naysayers)
-[ ] What Policy? (Write-In)
--[ ] Declare War on Naysayers

[ ][Council] Designate Project Parameters
(Give input to help determine the intended final results of a Quest Project.)
-[ ][Council] The Flying Ship
-[ ][Council] Quest Lab
-[ ][Council] Longhouse
-[ ][Council] Farm
-[ ][Council] Chicken Coop

[ ][Council] Diplomacy
-[ ] Frontier Bug Town
--[ ] What?

[ ][Council] Change Win Condition
(Note that changing the Win Condition will be more difficult than establishing the original Win Condition, and will grow increasingly difficult the closer you get to completing your current Win Condition. But if you really, really want to try, you're free to do so.)
-[ ] What?

[ ][Council] Write In

Council's Riot Support Vote
(Which action does the Council want to encourage Rioters to do by giving that action a +1 and helping give Equipment priority to?):
- Council may choose One (1) Riot Boost Vote; Majority Wins

[ ][Riot Boost] What?

Council Direct Action Vote
(What action does the Council want to get its hands dirty with by contributing to directly?):
- Council may chose One (1) Direct Action vote, Majority Wins; must take place within the confines of The Quest

[ ][Direct Action] Develop Ship Design
-[ ] Details?

[ ][Direct Action] Crafting
-[ ] What
--[ ] Using What?

[ ][Direct Action] Work on Project
-[ ] Flying Ship
-[ ] Quest Lab
-[ ] Longhouse
-[ ] Farm
-[ ] Other (What?)

[ ][Direct Action] Address Problem
-[ ] Negative Rioter Status (How?)

[ ][Direct Action] Address Entity
-[ ] Reality (

[ ][Direct Action] Write In!

(You don't need to cast a vote for this, but if you want to make sure you're not at risk of going hungry this turn or have some sway in what is actually eaten, you can take this as a free action regardless of your role.)

[ ][Eat] What?

Riot Vote:
- Rioters get One (1) Riot Vote; Riot rules apply

Note: Remember, in order to use a Banked Die, include a sub-vote with as part of an action that the chosen Banked Die is valid for.

[ ][Riot!] Propose Ship Design
-[ ] Details?

[ ][Riot!] Explore
-[ ] Where?

[ ][Riot!] Gather Resources
-[ ] What from Where?

[ ][Riot!] Crafting
-[ ] What
--[ ] Using What?

[ ][Riot!] Work on Project
-[ ] Flying Ship
-[ ] Quest Lab
-[ ] Longhouse
-[ ] Farm
-[ ] Chicken Coop
-[ ] Other (What?)

[ ][Riot!] Address Problem
-[ ] Negative Rioter Status (How?)

[ ][Riot!] Address Entity
-[ ] Naysayers (How?)
-[ ] Frontier Bug Town (How?)
-[ ] The Forest (How?)
-[ ] Reality (

[ ] [Riot!] Write In!

Cooperation Vote
- Rioters get a collective [Cooperation] action, determined by simple majority vote. Each Rioter gets a single (1) Cooperation vote per Round. Can not be used to negatively target any specific individual or group who is part of the quest.

[ ][Cooperation] What?

As usual, vote to remain open for a minimum of one week; there will be a minimum 24-hour last call period, and the vote will close at any point after that one-week and 24-hour last call period without further warning.
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Alright pleb- er, rioters, now that our food situation seems stable, I propose you use your might to collect resources and perform some scouting on the naysayers, as they clearly seem to be up to something.

My fellow councilors, I propose we help them with their resource gathering efforts.
[X][Riot] Continue using my hatchet to cut the trees we've collected into a more conveniently-usable form.
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
[X][Eat] Dirtworm Steak

Defending against the undoubtedly-incoming Naysayer invasion seems important, so I'm proposing it as our co-op action.
[X][Riot] Get knife, go to grasslands/plains? Cut down and bring back the long grass for supplies
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
[X][Eat] Dirtworm Steak
[X] [Riot!] Panic about if past memories were real and try to create statues from past memories using Sod and Dirt
[X] [Cooperation] Dig out the Longhouse
[X] [Eat] Try to eat some Love Nothing
[X][Riot!] Address Problem
-[X] Negative Rioter Status (Apply Aloe Vera gel to @Half Moon 's face wound, to test if medicine works generically or for specific injuries.
[X][Eat] Dirtworm Steak
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.

Gonna need to test this out, but just in case it doesn't work, if someone doesn't know what to do for this turn could I ask you to go look for willow in one of the forests?

[X][Riot] Get knife, go to grasslands/plains? Cut down and bring back the long grass for supplies
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
[X][Eat] Dirtworm Steak
Also, might use some of this to try and make bandages if there aren't more injuries from the naysayers this turn.
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[X][Riot!] Attempt to use an piece of aloe and other herbs like it to try and make a healing poultice
[X][Cooperation] Search Unexplored areas for new herbs.
[X][Riot!] Attempt brick making by combining grass and clay and then roasting that in the fire
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
[X][Riot!] Crafting
-[X] Spears
--[X] Sharpen long sticks

[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
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[X][Riot!] Crafting
-[X] Simple Construction Equipment, which will then be given to anyone in need of it.

[X] [Cooperation] Dig out the Longhouse

[X][Eat] Dirtworm Steak
Round 18 Vote
[X][Riot!] Write In!
-[X] Trip Advisor
--[X] Your latest trip during your most recent trip made said trip quite a trip, leaving you literally and metaphorically tripped up. With new reports of naysayer activity, supposedly within the forest, you suspect there's more to your stumbling about than you'd thought. Approach @GrayGriffin and determine a course of action.
---[X] Thank the Orb of Floof for helping you get back to the Quest and for the snack, then break off towards the feathered rioter. Keep an eye and an ear out for any trouble - especially on the Forest. You'd grab a walking stick, but for now, wood is your enemy. Grab a fistful of sod instead.
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
[X][Riot!] Crafting
-[X] Chop the Large Log (and any other logs gathered on the turn) into boards
--[X] Stone hatchet


[X][Eat] Dirtworm Steak

[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
Primary Concern has been addressed by Cooperation Action.
Searching for individual objective...
Problem found
Insufficient Quantity of Hatchets
Searching... Solution found

[X][Riot!] Use the Stone Hatchet Assembly Package to make a Hatchet for @Dragonofelder
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
[X][Eat] Mushroom
[x][Council] Implement a Policy
-[x] Anti-Questor Activities Committee
--[x] Questors are to throw mud, rocks or other such items at a naysayer any time they see a naysayer in our borders or neutral territory. We shan't stoop to un-questorlike activities like dishonorable eavesdropping or spying anymore

[X][Riot Boost] Make bricks

[X][Direct Action] Gather resources
-[x] Logs

Frankly, not immediately running off naysayers and eavesdropping is dishonorable and unquestlike. We must ensure those naysayers are driven from our lands in honorable mud combat like the heroes we are, not like naysayers that skulk about and do things like think and plan their actions
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[X][Council] Implement a Policy
-[X] Anti-Questor Activities Committee, modified
--[X] If any Naysayer is seen in our territory, Questors are to politely tell them that this is our area just as they have theirs and they should leave. Now. If they refuse, or if the same Naysayer/s come back, the Rioters are encouraged to throw mud, rocks or other such items at them or to drive them out in the way you prefer.

Slightly modified to avoid conflict over neutral territory. The Naysayers are in their right to be in the neutral area, but our territory is ours alone.

[X][Riot Boost] Make bricks

[X][Direct Action] Gather resources
-[X] Logs
The good news is that you do form some kind of connection with something.

The bad news is that you have no idea how it happens, you don't know what kind of connection it is, and you don't know what you formed a connection with.
[X][Riot!] Step 1 of the plan has worked - now to pull on that connection and summon a spooky minion! You're on the cusp of something - you can feel it. (although that might just be the shiver down your ghostly spine).
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.
[X][Eat] Dirtworm Steak

Alright - this time the dice will come through for me. After multiple turns of rolling low I'm due for a high roll, right?
[X][Council] Implement a Policy
-[X] Anti-Questor Activities Committee, modified
--[X] If any Naysayer is seen in our territory, Questors are to politely tell them that this is our area just as they have theirs and they should leave. Now. If they refuse, or if the same Naysayer/s come back, the Rioters are encouraged to throw mud, rocks or other such items at them or to drive them out in the way you prefer.

[X][Riot Boost] Hatchet production

[X][Direct Action] Gather resources
-[x] Logs
Round 18 Vote
[X][Riot!] Write In!
-[X] Trip Advisor
--[X] Your latest trip during your most recent trip made said trip quite a trip, leaving you literally and metaphorically tripped up. With new reports of naysayer activity, supposedly within the forest, you suspect there's more to your stumbling about than you'd thought. Approach @GrayGriffin and determine a course of action.
---[X] Thank the Orb of Floof for helping you get back to the Quest and for the snack, then break off towards the feathered rioter. Keep an eye and an ear out for any trouble - especially on the Forest. You'd grab a walking stick, but for now, wood is your enemy. Grab a fistful of sod instead.
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.

[X][Riot!] Write In!
-[X] Give Random Reader advice about how to best forage in the forest, including various potential pitfalls to watch out for and the resources that we most need from there.
[X][Cooperation] Patrol our side of the Quest-Naysayer border.