A Flame of Hope in the Grim Darkness (A 40k/Multicross Quest)

Lakshmi may need renaming there. The Sol Alliance does NOT have fond memories associated with that name after Lakshmi-2 tried to kill off the House of Light when they sought refuge within the Last Cities walls.

And, depending on timelines since this came out after the quest started, her face and voice being used again by Maya Sundaresh when she tried to suborn the Vex to conquer the Sol system.

I'd say name it after an Eliksni figure since the Cabal got a moon. Perhaps Chelchis, after the Kell of the House of Stone who faced down the Hive and allowed the Eliksni to escape Riis?

I didn't think the name would be tainted to that extent, but in the interest of fairness, I'll let the matter be put to a vote along with the rest of the policy selections.

[ ] Change the name of the moon Lakshmi to something else.

[ ] Keep the current name as is.

Now that all the information for the system survey is posted, the deadline for voting will bw set to this coming Tuesday, September 17 at 9pm CST.

Please make sure you all have your votes finalized before then.
I'd say leave a vote on what it changes TOO for after the vote ends.

And like I said. The Cabal got a moon named after a legendary figure, the Eliksni did not. This seems unfair. Obviously the vast majority of the planets are gonna get names from Earth cultures, since the vast majority of our starting populations are earthborn humans. But if we are letting the minority alien populations have them, every interested culture should get something.
I'd say leave a vote on what it changes TOO for after the vote ends.

And like I said. The Cabal got a moon named after a legendary figure, the Eliksni did not. This seems unfair. Obviously the vast majority of the planets are gonna get names from Earth cultures, since the vast majority of our starting populations are earthborn humans. But if we are letting the minority alien populations have them, every interested culture should get something.

You know what, that's fair. The main reason I hadn't included an Eliksni name was because the only legendary figure I knew of was the Starcatcher, but that didn't seem like it fit with the naming conventions of the system. I didn't know about Chelchis, Kell of Stone until he was brought up, but now that I've read up on him and his deeds, he definitely seems like a worthy figure to name a celestial body after.

Since most everyone seems to agree changing the name, and I don't see any opposing votes, I will go ahead and change the name of Behemoth's fifth moon to Chelchis, if there are no objections.
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There is also Inaaks, Miisraks mom.

Who was a fucking MADWOMAN.

This crazy bitch went to the moon, snuck through the deepest parts of the Hive infested HELLMOUTH, before the Guardian killed Crota, and snuck into the Pyramid Ship lurking beneath. Got past all the defenses within including Nightmares. Then carved up the body of a slumbering god to steal bits of his corpse to use as voodoo power sources.


Bitch SCARY.

But not super appropriate to name a planet after.
Last call for voting, the current round will end in 1 hour and 30 minutes! Please make sure all votes are finalized before then!
Survey gives us some valuable targets for mining and expansion down the line, but I don't think it changes anything in the short term while we're still getting the basics together.
Strategic Turn 2 Vote Results
Adhoc vote count started by BobTheNinja on Sep 17, 2024 at 10:05 PM, finished with 58 posts and 15 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Oh Fuck No Money
    -[X]Civics, Commerce and Culture +1 FLEX
    --[X] Monetary System - While each polity has been provided with all of the physical resources needed to self-sustain and grow, money is something that wasn't included (with the exception of Glimmer due to its other uses). Right now, most everything is running on goodwill, favors, and barter, and while it's generally working at the moment, it's just not very efficient for conducting larger-scale trade and economic coordination. That and most of the cultures present aren't post-currency. Some form of monetary system will need to be established to help things run more smoothly.
    --[X] The Fourth Estate - Arguably a free press is one of the most important elements of any decent democratic society, as they are the denizens' eyes and ears for matters beyond the daily purview of their lives. And while there will doubtless be intrepid journalists plying their trade regardless, if one values keeping the government honest and the people accurately informed, then formally supporting the establishment and integration of independent news organizations across all partner polities should be a priority.
    -[X]Production and Infrastructure
    --[X] Transport Network and Port Compatibility - Each polity has its own infrastructure for receiving and debarking their own transports, but they do not presently have roads or rails connecting to the other polities' islands, and their ports are not optimized for the vehicles of the other factions. Constructing road and rail links between the islands, expanding existing ports, and building new transport facilities made to accommodate other extant transport types will facilitate heightened and more efficient trade and travel between territories.
    -[X]Exploration & Reconnaissance
    --[X] Geological Survey (Moon) - The large, airless, rocky moon orbiting the main planet could be a prime location for shipyard construction, thanks to its low gravity and likely presence of useful ore and mineral deposits. A more in-depth survey would help confirm what resources are present.
    --[X]Joint Exercises - This program will facilitate shared military exercises between the different extraversal forces, ranging from small-unit tactics to large-scale theater exercises and simulations, across all kinds of environments. This will help acclimate each force with their counterparts' capabilities, facilitating more effective tactics, strategies, and coordination in live battle.
    -[X]Technological Research and Development
    --[X] Sophont Physiology and Genetics - With so many sapient species now living on the same world, it would be greatly beneficial for the various medical professionals of each polity to have access to a common, shared set of physiological and genetic data from each species. This program aims to gather volunteers from each species to collect bio-samples and run through a battery of various biological scans and measurements, as well as cataloging any pre-existing medical data from the different factions.
    -[X]Magic Research and Development
    --[X] New Practitioner Safeguards - For those individuals who are capable of potentially wielding magic, but have not yet been trained in its use, new rules and regulations will be established to create secured and warded training facilities, as well as heavier emphasis on control and caution with learning and practice of their abilities. There will also be more stringent rules on the practice of magic by novices to suppress potentially unsafe self-training or testing, at least until we have a better understanding of their abilities' interaction with the Warp. Some will chafe at these restrictions, but we can't afford to underestimate the risk of Chaos corruption or incursion.
    [X] Change the name of the moon Lakshmi to something else.
    [X] Plan: The Bear Necessities
    -[X] Monetary System
    -[X] Transport Network and Port Compatibility
    -[X] Geological Survey (Moon)
    -[X] Joint Exercises
    -[X] Sophont Physiology and Genetics
    -[X] Magic Potential Evaluation Research
    -[X] New Practitioner Safeguards
well money reform,my take is very straightforward

given we are gonna be post scarcity and we vote for somewhat decentralized socialist,we should only need money for incredible time consuming artisanal jobs and goods (art and performance in the mundane side of things,ultra rare clark tech and magical artifacts in the more wacky side)

for something to be currency it needs:

>to be durable (you need to move around with you in your pocket with all the wear and strain it implies)
>to be light and portable (you need to carry it and use it for transactions)
>to be divisable (you need to be able to divide it into smaller units of currency to make transactions that involve decimals values)
>uniformity (value and properties must be consistent across all units,1 dollar in texas has the same values as 1 dollar in florida)
>recognizability (properties,dimension and appareance must be iconic enough to make it hard to counterfeit)
>stability (the value of it,the rate at wich is created and at wich is used must be predictable and gradual to ensure trade is possible)
>acceptability (must be trusted and used widely)

i nominate a form of thin sheets of glimmer as our new currency,seems to fit most of this
given we are gonna be post scarcity
Unfortunately we are not likely going to be post scarcity, none of our constituent factions (save for the androids/machines and even then they are not exactly post scarcity) exist as post scarcity societies. Even the Hiigarans and Taiidan are not post scarcity and they have the tech most likely to enable such.

Still, with the provision that we be able to produce it, I agree glimmer seems to be an excellent choice for a currency.
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Our society won't be fully post-scarcity. I'm pretty sure that we'd be able to manage to create a society where the genuinely basic levels of needs (food, water, some degree of shelter) are available to pretty much everyone, but there's still going to be scarcity of a lot of the more advanced stuff (like having a life where you are actually comfortable and happy, as opposed to just not starving). And well, most of these societies are used to at least some manner of currency and exchange, so the development of such is basically inevitable even if not done purposefully (gray markets will invent currencies if no usable one exists). But I'm not sure we'll use Glimmer because Glimmer is too useful. What we'll be producing of it may well be getting used for things more important that can't be substituted by something less usable. Additionally, it'd have the problem that the supply would be basically controlled by one sub-faction, due to only one sub-faction having easy access to it, which would be a bad potential political bonfire.
none of our constituent factions exist as post scarcity societies

on their own not,but when you combine their tech bases they can

Our society won't be fully post-scarcity. I'm pretty sure that we'd be able to manage to create a society where the genuinely basic levels of needs (food, water, some degree of shelter)

thats.....thats what post scarcity means
where most needs are cheap and easy to make that everybody can have access to them with minimal human input

>destiny has matter generation
>homeworld has advanced manufacturing
>pretty much all of them have advanced energy sources
>AI and robots are common place

nothing really stop us from having legion of robots manning farms,factories,and build most goods people need and want (everyone gets a gaming PC if they want,higaaran manufacturing + destiny matter forges make it possible

the exception to this is:
>clark tech (tech that is borderline reality breaking or sometimes outright does) too dangerous or needs too much expertise and mantainance
>magical artifacts that can only be made artisanally and need time

but those stuff is only relevant to researchers and soldiers and some major infrastructure/industrial applications

for 99...% of our pop (after we properly integrate tech bases and logistics) we could provide for them a life quality equivalent to that whose yearly income is 300k+
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>destiny has matter generation
>homeworld has advanced manufacturing
>pretty much all of them have advanced energy sources
>AI and robots are common place

Let's not forget, we have a bunch of genius Servants working with us.

It's not just all of our tech-base we need to combine but all our magical stuff as well.

And then if we combine our Tech with our Magic, we'll be sitting pretty.

The problem is time. It's gonna take some time to do all of this.
I'm more pointing out that there is a very big difference between 'basic needs are met without any effort' and 'people are actually happy'.

The latter is much, much harder to get than the former.

Additionally, we are in a galaxy such that we really can't afford to have half our population sitting around not working anyway, not due to lack of automation ability, but rather because the galaxy is provably horrible and we will need every man-hour of work we can get.
We have the manufacturing technology. We also have the cheap compute and probably the mathematics to figure out an alternative to markets. Mostly what we would need is time unmolested to develop, implement, and bug-fix our market alternative at scale.

Given this is 40k...
Given this is 40k...
Yeah, we are going to have bigger issues to deal with for a while then making ourselves a truly post-scarcity society. We might be left alone for a little while but we need to get things together, sorted, and then build up, both in system and the surrounding systems as well as set up watch/listening posts a bit further out. I would like to have ample warning on unexpected visitors, and enough military power to survive first contact with who or whatever we find or finds us.
Additionally, we are in a galaxy such that we really can't afford to have half our population sitting around not working anyway, not due to lack of automation ability, but rather because the galaxy is provably horrible and we will need every man-hour of work we can get.

Once shit goes down, we're going to need every able hand on stuff like Military, R&D, or Exploration. Automation can provide some assistance here, but only so much. Idle populace is only a concern if a large chunk of people aren't suited to any of those fields. Given we have an entire volunteer population, those should be outliers.

And even those will pale in comparison to the inevitable clusterfuck of integrating an annexed world, in terms of manpower requirements. I'm pretty sure a single hive spire outnumbers our entire polity several times over. Come to think of it, even if we don't have time to make everything in abundance, having a surplus of certain resources and infrastructure may help cushion a large influx of people, esp if said infrastructure can be relocated.
I've just realized we have a tech vulnerability, we don't have good base line shields. The best shields we have are from Macross and those by far can't be used all the time (I think they are energy hungry even by Macross standards). So we need to see about developing some general use shield tech that is cheap yet effective enough to put on all of our ships and facilities.

//Edit: It seems we have some prospects for such tech already available.
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