[] The Best Spy Wears a Human Suit
-[] Mute (4pt. Flaw) You cannot speak. You may communicate with the Storyteller and describe your actions, but cannot talk to player or Storyteller characters unless everyone concerned purchases a commonly understood sign language (via the Language Merit) or you write down what you wish to say.
-[] Vulnerability to Silver (2pt. Flaw) To you, silver is as painful and as deadly as the rays of the sun. You suffer aggravated wounds from any silver weapons (bullets, knives, etc.), and the mere touch of silver objects discomfits you.
-[] Deep Sleeper (1pt. Flaw) When you sleep, it is very difficult for you to awaken. The difficulty of any roll to awaken during the day is increased by two.
-[] Eidetic Memory (2 point Merit): With but a moment's reflection, you can recall anything you've observed or experienced in clear detail. In a stressful or dangerous situation, this recollection may require a Perception + Alertness roll.
-[] Disciplines (10 total)
-[] Dominate 5: Possession: At this level of Dominate, the force of the Kindred's psyche is such that it can utterly supplant the mind of a mortal subject. Speaking isn't required, but the vampire must capture the victim's gaze. During the psychic struggle, the contestants' eyes are locked on one another.
Once the Kindred overwhelms the subject's mind, the vampire moves his consciousness into the victim's body and controls it as easily as he uses his own. The mortal falls into a mental fugue while under possession. She is aware of events only in a distorted, dreamlike fashion. In turn, the vampire's mind focuses entirely on controlling his mortal subject. His own body lies in a torpid state, defenseless against any actions made
toward it.
Vampires cannot possess one another in this fashion, as even the weakest Kindred's mind is strong enough to resist such straightforward mental dominance. Only through a blood bond can one vampire control anotherto this degree. Supernatural creatures also cannot be possessed in this way, although ghouls that have drunk from the vampire using Possession can.
System: The vampire must completely strip away the target's Willpower prior to possessing her. The player spends a Willpower point, then rolls Charisma + Intimidation, while the subject rolls his Willpower in a resisted action (difficulty 7 for each). For each success the vampire obtains over the victim's total, the target loses a point of temporary Willpower. Only if the attacker botches can the subject escape her fate, since
this makes the target immune to any further Dominate attempts by that vampire for the rest of the story. Once the target loses all her temporary Willpower, her mind is open. The vampire rolls Manipulation + Intimidation (difficulty 7) to determine how fully he assumes control of the mortal shell. Similar to the Animalism power Subsume the Spirit, multiple successes
allow the character to utilize some mental Disciplines, noted on the chart below. (Vampires possessing ghouls can use the physical Disciplines the ghoul possesses, but not the mental ones.)
- 1 success Cannot use Disciplines
- 2 successes Can use Auspex and other sensory powers
- 3 successes Can also use Presence and other powers of emotional manipulation
- 4 successes Can also use Dementation, Dominate, and other powers of mental manipulation
- 5 successes Can also use Chimerstry, Necromancy, Thaumaturgy, and other mystical powers
[] Obfuscate 5: Vanish from the Mind's Eye: This potent expression of Obfuscate enables the vampire to disappear from plain view. So profound is this vanishing that the immortal can fade away even if he stands directly in front of someone. While the disappearance itself is quietly subtle, its impact on those who see it is anything but. Most kine panic and flee in the aftermath. Especially weak-willed individuals wipe the memory of the Kindred from their minds. Although vampires are not shaken so easily, even Kindred may be momentarily surprised by a sudden vanishing.
System: The player rolls Charisma + Stealth; the difficulty equals the target's Wits + Alertness (use the highest total in the group if the character disappears in front of a crowd). With three or fewer successes, the character fades but does not vanish, becoming an indistinct, ghostlike figure. With more than three, he disappears completely. If the player scores more successes than an observer's Willpower rating, that person forgets that the vampire was there in the first place.
Tracking the character accurately while he appears ghostlike requires a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 8). A successful roll means the individual can interact normally with the vampire (although the Kindred looks like a profoundly disturbing ghostly shape). A failed roll results in a +2 difficulty modifier (maximum 10) when attempting to act upon, or interact with, the vampire. The Storyteller may call for new observation checks if the vampire moves to an environment in which he's difficult to see (heads into shadows, crosses behind an obstacle, proceeds through a crowd). When fully invisible, the vampire is handled as described under Unseen Presence, above.
A person subject to the vanishing makes a Wits + Courage roll (mortals at difficulty 9, vampires at difficulty 5). A successful roll means the individual reacts immediately (although after the vampire performs his action for that turn); failure means the person stands uncomprehending for two turns while her mind tries to make sense of what she just experienced.
Building monsters is fun.
This particular Akuma takes advantage of the fact that with enough successes you can in fact use Obfuscate
though possession... and possession does not have a range limit. Rather than try to sneak his room-temperature-corpse-self into places he should not be, he grabs a mortal who should be there and proceeds to sneak that way. If he gets caught he can try to explain his presence, if that does not work he can pull a vanishing act right in front of the offending target and come back with another illusory face (lower level obfuscate) It would be nice if he could spare the freebies to buy Because I Think I Can so that he can never botch the roll to actually
posses someone, but there is just nowhere to shake it loose unless he loses the final level of Obfuscate and that is too good to drop.
Also as a endearing quirk the mute flaw is
physical so it only applies in his own body. You can just imagine this slumbering undead horror that only speaks through its most recent puppet, or while it's at home only though the empty clone body we made for it.