[X] Skip town and head somewhere new
[X] Tell your partners about Karl

Also additionally, I need a d20 roll for the cigarette vice
Didn't we already do that?

The night has come to an end! I have determined that way of doing vices and the rolls of such was shit and I will be dying it differently next time. You have acquired new vices! Cigarettes! The consequences for the vices are as follows:
  • Weed: Getting greened out, obviously.
  • Alcohol: Dancing like an idiot.
  • Music: Spending 2 hours fiddling with a radio instead of having fun with your friends.
  • Cigarettes: Hilda's now a habit smoker.
Oh no, consequences?

What do they do?
10ebbor10 threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: The Tar Reaper calls Total: 14
14 14
[X] Stay in town (Stresses Riya)

I just want to stay a bit longer to ask the doctor about her knowledge of the Deep Ones.

[X] Tell your partners about Karl
[X] Stay in town (Stresses Riya)

The goths aren't going to be content with what happened, we need to test out our plane, the Doctor still needs glaring at, and Riya can handle it for a little bit longer.

[X] Tell your partners about Karl
12-8 The Best Policy
Let's do finances! So! First up. All of the pilots cost 7 Thaler in total. Employees are another 3 Thaler. Now, next up is Hilda's plane getting upgrades. As in, installations. It needs a propeller, which is one Thaler. Joli can install the engine for free, but you need an alternator, which is 2 Thaler. Not gonna make you roll for it. You're also spending another Thaler on the scrip adding up. So in total, that's 14 Thaler spent out of your 30 you have right now. Yeeeesh! Also! Your bottom line is going up by 2 Thaler since you have to factor in your plane's maintenance now. So your bottom line is now 12 Thaler! 12 Thaler a mission or you're losing money. Make it happen.

"Alright, so, I feel like I should probably tell you guys how I became a pilot." You commented to Riya and Edgar while picking at your breakfast of greens, avoiding eye contact with them. You weren't sure how they would react to it. You framed the last time you mentioned it like a joke, though you had an odd need to tell someone about it. You weren't sure why. But you needed to be honest about it so they didn't think you were fucking nuts when you told them about Karl.

"Oh, I need to hear this," Edgar said, leaning in. Riya just looked at you skeptically.

"The night before I met Riya is when I left my coven. It's located like, a hundred-fifty kilometers west of Gregor. Pretty easy to spot from the air. They haven't had trade with the outside world, like, ever, and there hasn't been a man there also ever. Except for a couple visits during the War. But it was really just a tiny camp on the far side of the field next to the buildings. They left in August the year the bombs dropped. They left a couple planes behind. That was my first plane." You began, not wanting to think about your home.

"So who taught you to fly?" Riya asked, looking suspicious of you.

"No one did." You took a deep breath. "I went into the woods and made a deal with a nymph to teach me how to fly." You said as you exhaled.

"Wait, you were serious?" Edgar asked, as Riya just put her face in her hands. You looked down at the table.

"Yeah." You responded. You looked down at the table.

"What did you give in exchange?" Edgar asked next. You took a moment to frame your words before responding.

"I lent my fire magic to her for three nights." You said, feeling like you fucked something up.

"Is that bad?" Edgar asked. You shrugged.

"I mean, from what I've been told, their magic is kind of limited most of the time. They can't really create or have creativity. They just are. That's why deals are so important to them, and why they want to get the most out of it. So giving them the ability to use my fire magic was actually incredibly irresponsible." You said, thinking briefly about how much you'd matured in a month and a half. You ran your fingers through your hair and took another deep breath. "This isn't why I'm telling you this though. I just need you guys to not think I'm crazy."

"About?" Riya asked.

"I was given a necklace to give me the skill to fly a plane. It was made from the glass of a pilot's goggles. I didn't know it at the time, but it contained the soul of a dead pilot. You still with me?" They both nodded. "So, when I was hit with that shovel back in the mountains, I got a brain injury, and that necklace got smashed. The dead pilot's soul bonded with mine, and when my brain got regenerated he got stuck in my head with me."

"Right, the dryad said something about that." Edgar said.

"Last night he appeared to me when I was high off my ass. We talked for a bit."

"Hilda, you know I respect you. Are you sure that-"

"He's real. He was in front of me as plain as you two right now." You reached into your bag and pulled out the map tube. "I took this from home when I left. It's a map to the oldest woman in Himmelgard. Apparently she taught my coven magic. But I don't know where the map is referencing, and I don't know who could help. I want to help Karl pass on though. I owe it to him. So, I wanted to ask you guys for help with that."

"Of course, we'll help, Hilda," Riya said, smiling slightly. "Thanks for being honest with us. I hate it when you hide things."

"I'm trying to be better about that."

"So, that map is to the woman that taught your coven magic?" Edgar asked.

"Allegedly." You replied.

"Seems obvious who we should ask." He said. You looked at the table again.

[ ] Return home to find an answer.
[ ] Look for someone else to help read a centuries-old map.
[X] Look for someone else to help read a centuries-old map.
-[X] I'm not the first one to leave. You think you know where your niece went of to, and while the witches of the coven had nothing good to say about her (consorting with dark magic, terrible deals, hedonism and corruption) you doubt they'd have anything good to say about you either, so...

I still like that black sheep niece plot point I made up once, so let's go visit her.
[X] Return home to find an answer.
-[X]But, like, reluctantly.

Honestly I think I'm partial to this one. I would want to see Hilda have an actual extended interaction with her village since we really haven't gotten it yet. Also, the return home is definitely a story beat I want to have, if not now then later.
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[X] Return home to find an answer.
-[X]But, like, reluctantly.

Going home is the obvious choice, but going back after running away will be hard. Better make sure someone gets left to guard the aircraft.
[X] Look for someone else to help read a centuries-old map.
-[X] I'm not the first one to leave. You think you know where your niece went of to, and while the witches of the coven had nothing good to say about her (consorting with dark magic, terrible deals, hedonism and corruption) you doubt they'd have anything good to say about you either, so...

I agree with you. I liked that black sheep niece plot point you made up as well.
Vote is still open. Personally, I'm not opposed to returning home; I just think we should save it for a later date. And black sheep in the family are always interesting if nothing else.
Vote is still open. Personally, I'm not opposed to returning home; I just think we should save it for a later date. And black sheep in the family are always interesting if nothing else.


[X] Look for someone else to help read a centuries-old map.
-[X] I'm not the first one to leave. You think you know where your niece went of to, and while the witches of the coven had nothing good to say about her ("consorting with dark magic, terrible deals, hedonism and corruption") you doubt they'd have anything good to say about you either, so…

Also also, depending on @Texas Red feels about the vote, "consorting with dark magic, terrible deals, hedonism and corruption" could *literally* be eloping with …. a MAN! *opera sting*
Adhoc vote count started by digital2 on Jul 28, 2024 at 9:41 PM, finished with 12 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Look for someone else to help read a centuries-old map.
    [X] Return home to find an answer.
    -[X] I'm not the first one to leave. You think you know where your niece went of to, and while the witches of the coven had nothing good to say about her (consorting with dark magic, terrible deals, hedonism and corruption) you doubt they'd have anything good to say about you either, so...
    -[X]But, like, reluctantly.
    - [X] This sound like a job for a student of history!

It looks like looking away from home has won.
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12-9 Your Mom’s Side
[X] Look for someone else to help read a centuries-old map.
-[X] I'm not the first one to leave. You think you know where your niece went of to, and while the witches of the coven had nothing good to say about her ("consorting with dark magic, terrible deals, hedonism and corruption") you doubt they'd have anything good to say about you either, so…

"I think I know someone." You began, taking a deep breath. "So, you know how I said I was never taught to create a flying broomstick?" You continued.

"I don't know if you've told me that." Riya said. "But considering how restrictive you make your hometown sound, I'd believe it."

"Alright. So, my niece left our coven on a broomstick when she was thirteen." You continued.

"Wait, aren't you like, eightee-"

"My grandmother had my mother when she was seventy."


"We bargain with fae for children, remember?"

"Right. So, your niece?"

"When I was nine, and she was thirteen, she took her broomstick and flew away. She was my onl-… she was my best friend. And she left me behind in that coven." You explained, taking another breath. "And because she left, and the crones were scared of me following in her footsteps, I wasn't taught after I bled like everyone else. They only slowed me down by about six years." You finished, taking this time to quickly scarf down more of your breakfast.

"So... She could help with this?" Edgar asked.

"I have no idea. But she's the only person who would know something about this that isn't currently in my coven."

"You said she left nine years ago, right? How would you even find her?" Riya asked.

"...Hm. Well she was last seen heading north towards Bernbroich. It's a farming village on the east side of the Rhona River."

"Your plan is to trace her trail like that?" Riya questioned further.

"No one's gonna forget a witch coming in on a flying broomstick. And she probably found a place to settle close to home."

"That's a good point, you said she flew north of your hometown?" Riya relented, staring at the table like she was thinking about the mental map in her head. "Not a whole lot of options close north of that point you mentioned… just Bernbroich. Straight shot over a couple peaks to the north. We could make it there by backtracking or just pulling a long haul straight over the Fokker Mountains." Riya said, looking back up at you two.

[ ] Straight shot (4 segment Long Haul)
[ ] Backtrack (Take flight stress from the many flights)
[X] Straight shot (4 segment Long Haul)

Always go straight over the mountains. Maybe we get to see the big blasted wasteland Hilda's fire magic was not at all involved with.
[x] straight shot

We're a witch, we'll be alllll good in the jungle, even the jungle of the upper air