[X] Begin the polycule, take one or both as confidants.
- Standards:

[x] Don't die. I'm …I'm not strong enough to handle that. Not again
[x] if you want to do something casual with someone, give one or both of us the *all good* hand sign so we know you're not being taken advantage of.
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This one is a good one, though perhaps with a caveat or following standard that the Polycule should be given some pre-warning about peeps going out with casual sex intended.
Communication is the bedrock of successful Poly.
While it's a sensible sentiment, it's not one that Hilda ever paid much attention too, IIRC.

So it feels out of character to pick it.

Got to remember, a standard is not a mere proper practice , it's the kind of stuff that, if violated, is a good reason to break of the relationship, blow trust, and so on.
Defining bedrocks, so to speak.
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Hilda's biggest issue seems to be authority, like with her coven or that officer she blew up at. Maybe treating the relationship as a source of authority instead of a partnership would work as a Standard.
This one is a good one, though perhaps with a caveat or following standard that the Polycule should be given some pre-warning about peeps going out with casual sex intended.
Communication is the bedrock of successful Poly.

As both Riya, Hilda, and potentially Edar have Casual Sex as a Vice, to be honest, my mind was mostly on protecting the Circuses options to clear stress.
[X] Begin the polycule, take one or both as confidants.
-[X] No new people unless everyone agrees.

[X] Celebrate by taking both of them along for the Vice phase.
Can you tell me what you mean by lie?
Just a joke about how the truth wasn't particularly appreciated last time...


Fae Mood - A Flying Circus Quest Mature - Fantasy - Action - Historic

Hilda made a deal with a nymph to learn to pilot an airplane to escape the abusive coven she was raised. Through many mistakes, near-death experiences, and self-destructive hedonism, she'll learn what she wants for herself, and work for it alongside her new friends.
[X] Begin the polycule, take one or both as confidants.
-[X] No new people unless everyone agrees.
-[X] if you want to do something casual with someone, give one or both of us the *all good* hand sign so we know you're not being taken advantage of.
-[X] For Edgar, be honest, straightforward, and double check.

"Alright. Yeah. I want that with you two." You said, smiling back. Riya's smile dropped a little before she spoke.

"First things first, if we're going to be in a relationship, you cannot lie to me. I know we're past that. I'm just reiterating." Riya explained, looking at the both of you. "I'm not really gonna ask much of you. You can go and be with other people, you don't have to tell me. Though I'd like to hear about it." She said that last part smiling again.

"If either of you are with other people I at least want to meet them beforehand. Just to, like, get a feel for them. I want to make sure you're safe." Edgar said to the both of you.

"We can handle ourselves." You said, narrowing your eyes at him.

"Well, yeah I know- just do it for my own sake, at least." He replied, sighing.

"Anything else?" Riya asked him.

"Yeah, always tell me if I cross a line so I don't do it again and we can work through it. I don't want to hurt someone from that again. That's it."

"If we're going over what we want out of this, if we're going to bring anyone else into this relationship at some point, we should probably all agree on it." You suggested offhandedly.

"I agree with that. I think that should be a rule in this." Edgar agreed.

"If both of you want that then I agree." Riya nodded.

"Alright, so, I'm cool with you two being with other people, and I know you want to interact with whoever either of us are with, but if you go off with another girl, or guy, if you want, just sign Alles Klar towards me so I know you're not… charmed, or something." You continued to Edgar.

"That's oddly specific." Riya commented.

"It comes up more often than you'd think. At least where I'm from." You explained seriously. "Also, Edgar, thank you for taking initiative in asking us to tell you if you cross a line. I appreciate it." He nodded at you. "Adding onto that, just be straightforward and don't beat around the bush about things. We can both take it. And double check regularly with us if we're trying something new." He nodded again, slightly more remorseful. "Alright, enough of that. Let's celebrate! New engine and new boyfriend and girlfriend!" You said, flagging down one of the waitresses so you could get absolutely blackout drunk. You fucking earned it.

I need someone to roll 3d20 for the vices. I'm gonna try this as a way to show if the vices will in fact help Hilda relax. And then I'll summarize how fucked up this night gets and show what damages your self destructive outlets (vices) cause.
Woo, new confidants! But good Lord, if any of them could hurt :((((
Also, lol, I knew I should have added a vote to
[X] Celebrate by taking both of them along for the Vice phase.
Not sure when I'll post next, but I think I'm feeling burnout coming on. I'm gonna take a break before I actually burn out though. Shouldn't be more than a few days max!
Something I've realized is that Edgar assumed both Riya and Hilda were lesbians before learning otherwise. I'm not really sure what implications that is or if he just thinks basically all female pilots are lesbian or something, but I thought it was funny.
Additionally I got my wisdom teeth removed this morning so I may add to this break cause of that. I'm fine, don't worry, the recovery will go fine, but I'm in a bit of pain and might just take it easy to recover for a few days. Maybe. We'll see.
12-5 Green Out
I took a substantially longer break than I expected. I'm beginning college, got back into Caves of Qud, recovering from surgery, was on the verge of burnout, and I've just been trying to enjoy my summer. I'm back though! I think. We'll see. Hope it's all a good read anyway!

You went past a pleasant buzz tonight, you just kept sipping the bottle until it stopped feeling better than your previous amount of sobriety. The half oblivion was better than constantly bringing your mind back to watching twenty boys burn to death by your own hands. That was effective in quelling your stress, but fiddling with your radio for an hour and a half trying to adjust through the static caused by a brewing thunderstorm rolling against the mountains was just annoying. You just couldn't enjoy it. You went for your other go-to stress reliever, but your weed bag was empty. Right. You had to buy more. And it was like nine at night.

Your solution to this was to hold up a fistful of caps and say that it's all anyone's that can give you weed. Unsurprisingly, you had takers immediately, and you were sold a package of what appeared to be gummy candy by some younger man who definitely looked the part of someone who enjoyed hemp. You were skeptical, but the packaging explicitly stated they contained oils from weed. You'd heard of people baking pastries with hemp before but never actual candy like this. You were told you only had to eat like two to get knocked on your ass. You ate three, and after ten minutes of still talking to Riya and Edgar you realized you were still completely sober. Well, specifically sober from weed. You must have just had a high tolerance, so you just kinda snacked on the entire bag while talking to the other two. And frustratingly, you finished the bag still feeling nothing.

You started to feel the effects when dancing with the other two, all of you thoroughly inebriated. Finally, you thought, but it wasn't just an intensifying sensation over your mind and body like with your joints, it was like sinking in mud. It was slow and heavy. After a while you had to sit down. The experience quite quickly turned from disorientation to a loss of proprioception. It felt like after you got hit on the head. Everything within your sensory perception was subconsciously a vastly different size than you thought it was. You needed to concentrating on every bodily function. Breathing, swallowing, awareness of your surroundings, in that order. Your partners were on the other side of the room, but they felt farther than your homeland now. You felt alone in the corner of the room. The busy bar was quickly becoming torturous on your senses, so you covered your ears with your hands and closed your eyes, attempting to block the world out. By focusing on only your breath it was possible to hold yourself together and not start crying again.

There was no way to tell how long you spent like that before you felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You steadied yourself and opened your eyes, trying to look to your right with a tremendous amount of effort. Timothy was sitting there, offering your a cigarette.

"It gets too much for me in here too. This helps." You half heard, half read off his lips. He was wearing earplugs. You really had to invest in some.

[ ] Take the Cig (engage in cigarette vice, roll with advantage)
[ ] Deny and continue to be in agony

I am interested to see where you all want to draw the line for vices, considering you've already done opium and drink like a fish.
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