[x] Deny them.

The titans are likely needed where they are. Plus breaking a treating so easily will and quickly will look extremely bad to the true movers and shakers of the Imperium.
[X]Deny them.

I am against creating noteworthy exceptions to our agreements with the Imperium. The good deed we do by them here could be used against us by them in the future. Especially when the Inquisition is looking for reasons to execute us. While a Titan Legion would be useful everything is on fire everywhere, and we are less vulnerable to the Orks own heavy units then whoever is currently using those Titans are to similar incoming threats.
[X]Agree to the Telepathica's terms.

We're here to save people in the end. The Chapter Master is also still one of our most important political allies and they want this.
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Luckily politics is no longer your domain, Laurent worries about that, you worry about whether or not you can defeat the Orks without the Titans.
I am against creating noteworthy exceptions to our agreements with the Imperium.
In case it is not clear, clause 4.1 is specifically an exception they carved out for themselves, what he is asking you is skirting the rules to actually ask the rest of the signatories with "hey, can you sign off on this", since they cant do it themselves.
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Luckily politics is no longer your domain, Laurent worries about that, you worry about whether or not you can defeat the Orks without the Titans.

While strictly speaking this is true this doesn't mean we should go out of our way to make their life more difficult and complicate our own expanding power bases agenda. Nor does this negate the Imperiums uh "aggressive" streak when responding to people they don't agree with politically. We've done well enough because they haven't assigned Assassinorum to the task yet. Ideally we continue to do awesome stuff for the local imperials so that we have them more or less in our pocket.

In case it is not clear, clause 4.1 is specifically an exception they carved out for themselves, what he is asking you is skirting the rules to actually ask the rest of the signatories with "hey, can you sign off on this", since they cant do it themselves.

So... it does still go against the written agreement by circumventing the signatories. A thing those Signatories could use against us. Which yes isn't our direct issue technically, but does affect our faction.
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True, but we have to be smart about it too. I don't want us to be the fall guy.

The Astropaths are privileged slave class that are kept alive for one reason: either flying ships around or sending messages. Whatever this disturbance in the warp is enough for the highest ranked person available to drop the Monopoly that's keeping them alive. Believe me if we do this the leading admiral is not going to forget that his mutants failed him and he can just ring Rebecca up up on a quantum telephone to get a message out if he really wants to.

(I know what a black crusade is but shepherd doesn't)

While we may not be able to publicly crow about doing this, once we save the planet/sector and it's again the 10 most powerful people in the room we can of course use this card. Without even mentioning that the other people in the room really want the message to go out right now.

It would be nice if people would stop arguing with the quest master when they say "yo stop worrying so deeply". Bot is not a trap QM.
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[X]Agree to the Telepathica's terms.

Debated with Qm and some others with satisfactory conclusions to my worries for the most part. So we might as well get some backup and attempt to deal with these Orks more swiftly then a prolonged conflict would allow.
If nothing else, I'm sure the Ork Warboss will be hyped that we can just portal in more stuff for him to fight, and they will contribute nicely... though he may be disappointed when this doesn't continue.
[X]Agree to the Telepathica's terms.

As I understand it, the telepathica's goal of finding a planet unaffected by the warp disturbance is doomed to failure. The disturbance is galaxy wide.

Meaning, we get a titan legion, and please our closest ally, the chapter master

They get the knowledge that their abilities are crippled for the foreseeable future, and that with the galaxy falling apart they need us more than ever.

Under those circumstances the navigator/psyker alliance is both less able to act against us and more likely to get dogpiled by everyone else if they try anyway.

Besides, the gate network was our starting bonus. I want to use it.
[x] Deny them

I do not wish to piss off the navigators, particularly given that they would have the potential to mostly hamstring our strategic mobility (we only have the one linelayer, and it's pretty much unarmed and mostly unarmored IIRC) should they, for instance, refuse to give us transport on any Warp-capable ships.
Regarding the strategy for the upcoming battle, fighting Orks is going to be a big shift from Tyranids, and I recommend we emphasize flexibility. Orks are less numerous, but more unpredictable than nids. You never know when they might pull out some ludicrous superweapon or have a flash of tactical brilliance that sends you reeling.

I think we should build a Fatboy heavy ground force to absorb the attack. They're mobile, versatile, and can duke it out with all but the largest Ork contraptions. Mobile factories can rapidly shift production to respond to the situation, they can spit out AA, heavies, or crowd control units at a moment's notice, or they can pop out engineers and turtle up when necessary
Agreed. We probably also want some Atlantis for quick, flexible air support that can travel around stealthily. T2 and T3 bombers, I feel, will be paramount to support our forces, thanks to their tactical flexibility.

We probably also want a few small stationary bases to hinder the orc movements and provide targets. The UEF has fantastic turrets that are quickly built, and will drain the much more limited orc forces.

I think we will want to have Eliza in the hive cities on alert, ready to spring to our support if needed, but otherwise taking care of economy and smaller tasks, and waiting to take over if we need rest.

Knights can easily outfight T3 units and proper big Titans will eat experimental units alive.
I assume that like Supcom experimentals, they are still prone to being outsmarted and have weaknesses that can be exploited?
The same as, say, a galactic collossus has no air defense, and is prone to be swarmed or surrounded?
Agreed. We probably also want some Atlantis for quick, flexible air support that can travel around stealthily. T2 and T3 bombers, I feel, will be paramount to support our forces, thanks to their tactical flexibility.

We probably also want a few small stationary bases to hinder the orc movements and provide targets. The UEF has fantastic turrets that are quickly built, and will drain the much more limited orc forces.

I think we will want to have Eliza in the hive cities on alert, ready to spring to our support if needed, but otherwise taking care of economy and smaller tasks, and waiting to take over if we need rest.

I assume that like Supcom experimentals, they are still prone to being outsmarted and have weaknesses that can be exploited?
The same as, say, a galactic collossus has no air defense, and is prone to be swarmed or surrounded?

Titans (and presumably Ork Gargants) are prone to overheating and breakdowns if subjected to constant combat, if for whatever reason a massive barrage of nukes isn't an option.

Preferably we would kill titan scale combatants with air power, but swarming will do in a pinch.
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We can do most of the heavy fighting with artillery backed up by T3 gunships. Dukes shoot what are basically tactical nuclear weapons and Broadswords are tough, fast and shoot rapid fire weapons. There perfect for mopping up whatever doesn't get blasted by the artillery. Keep air superiority and that's all we will need. Have the PDF, sisters and knights then hold whatever is taken until new firebases can be set up
Yeah, see, that's where the situation differs. Navigator Houses at best have local security and assassins, gene-line members not deemed fit to fill the psychic role given combat training. You? You got one wierd power and not much else.

We have giant robots. We have domination of the information sphere that hasn't been seen in over twenty thousand years. We can turn the corpses and ruins of our enemies into an ever-growing tide of steel and lead.

We are not the same.

We will also probably end up making the shit that happened with the knight houses look like mild banter between longtime besties over where to eat out if parts of the imperium start jumping the gun and starts throwing Navigators into pyres because our gates make them no longer useful.