It Somehow Got More Complicated
Mitsuru-nee agrees to go with you as soon as you ask. She also thinks there's a chance it's nothing, but that it's always better to be safe. Left unsaid is that both of you know Akira doesn't get any food at home, and while that might change if he's sick, you don't want to count on it and be wrong.

That's the normal part of this.

You've only come this way once before. Akira always insists on walking home by himself, and you aren't willing to deal with his parents by insisting otherwise. When you can, which isn't often, you try to pretend they don't exist.

Still... something feels different from last time. Not just in how there are different cars parked at the side of the road, or how the dumpsters have slightly different graffiti on them, but something else.

And then the building itself comes into sight. It... looks normal, from a distance. You don't know why you expected anything else.

Mitsuru-nee peers up. "Remind me again, which floor is the Kurusu apartment on?"

"Um..." This is why you brought your good friend, the student directory. "It's apartment 305, so... third floor."

"...The railing on the third floor appears to have been broken from the outside." Is it? It looks like it could be, but you have to squint to be sure. It must be an advantage of being reasonably tall. "I'm not sure what could have caused such a thing, but..."

"Shadows?" It's usually Shadows. "We were focused on the big one last night, so any others could do whatever they wanted." It feels sort of like a waste of time. There didn't need to be that many of you facing the enemy, some of you could have made sure nothing else happened while the rest of you were distracted.
Not that they do much, most of the time, but there's always a few who get ideas.
Not that anyone left behind could be everywhere at once, or that this would be part of the normal route, but you're going to think about it anyway.

"Maybe, but I can't see any other signs of damage." Maybe that's just because you're too far away. If you get closer, it'll be easier to figure out what happened. "The only other unusual thing is... oh. Your friend is here." You can tell by her tone that she doesn't mean Akira.

Lavenza is sitting at the foot of the stairwell, in the most inconspicuous outfit she owns. Specifically, one with a hood so her distinctive silver hair is mostly covered. "I was wondering if you would be here." So, the good news is, you aren't just paranoid.

The bad news is, whatever happened now has Lavenza involved. "What happened?" It can't be nothing. If this was a normal thing, she would have no reason to be here.

"Akira Kurusu has awakened to a Persona. Shiki and Motokage Kurusu witnessed this awakening. From there... things escalated." You don't like the sound of that word. "They were not very grateful to him for saving their lives."

You can tell there's a lot she's leaving out there. You think you might be fine with it. It's already happened, knowing the details will just make you feel worse.

The temperature drops. "Do I need to have a discussion with them?" Mitsuru-nee asks.

Lavenza bites her lip. "I suppose you would know better than I would whether or not that would make things worse. Akira has already been... extracted... so it may not be necessary."
But does that outweigh the stress relief?
Extracted? "...He's in the hospital, isn't he?"

"I would assume so. I'm capable of many things, but following vehicles isn't one of them."

Okay. And you know her well enough to know this is all the information she's going to give you. It might be enough to work with, but it doesn't really tell you anything about what's going to happen next.

It definitely doesn't tell you anything about what you should do next.

[ ] You'd like to know what the actual local humans think of the situation. There's a lot of things they could have seen, and a lot they could have been told, and what normal people think might actually be relevant here. Even if they don't pay much attention to you, they'll have to at least acknowledge Mitsuru-nee, right?

[ ] You'd like to look at the apartment itself, even if it might just be through the window. Something happened, and you can even double-check what happened with the railing.

[ ] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
Ken needs to visit his friend. That's what is important here.

My vote:
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.

Been playing through Persona 5 Royal, dear god does Akira need therapy in the non-Quest timelines. I am ardently hoping that whatever changes we have wrought help him somewhat.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.

Akira is Ken's friend, thus making sure his friend is okay and being comforted is top priority.

Any problems after that can and will be swiftly Executed via angry Nemi.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
Been playing through Persona 5 Royal, dear god does Akira need therapy in the non-Quest timelines. I am ardently hoping that whatever changes we have wrought help him somewhat.

If it makes you feel better - for all that this blew everything up for Akira things probably have.

Akira has Ken and Ken's older sister Mitsuru has been in the wings in regards to setting CPS on the family as soon as she got legal custody of Ken.

Also note Lavenza being Akira and Ken's friend. Who I think just bent the rules to the point of them screaming.

As in if it's unknown who called EMS, or whoever called EMS did so because an unknown individual dragged their attention to Akira's condition it 100% was Lavenza. And while she's not outright saying that "Akira's parents finally beat Akira up to the point of hospitalization because he spooked them/they flew into a rage at his having power with his persona which he summoned to rescue them" she's not not saying that.

1. Lavenza remembers what happened in the Q events. Especially Akira getting his persona. She wasn't happy with that with my hypothesis at the time and still is because the rules of her being an Attendant and specifically Akira's going into effect.

2. When does a Velvet Room Attendant care about being inconspicuous?

Lavenza is sitting at the foot of the stairwell, in the most inconspicuous outfit she owns. Specifically, one with a hood so her distinctive silver hair is mostly covered. "I was wondering if you would be here." So, the good news is, you aren't just paranoid.

But Lavenza was in the loop in regards to Akira's parents. So her being quiet and subtle would fit as she is a friend.

And for her that hood is extremely low key. In my experience it pays to presume people are competent when things are going smoothly.

3. Akira's parents were working on the neighbors who never took an interest before, it was less than 1 day of Akira missing school... And Lavenza knows exactly what happened, refers to Akira as being extracted and just so happened to be present when he was taken to the hospital. (No really, Lavenza talks around it but her given reason for not knowing where Akira was is that she didn't have the skills to follow the vehicle. She saw him be put in the presumable ambulance.)

Lavenza is sitting at the foot of the stairwell, in the most inconspicuous outfit she owns. Specifically, one with a hood so her distinctive silver hair is mostly covered. "I was wondering if you would be here." So, the good news is, you aren't just paranoid.

The bad news is, whatever happened now has Lavenza involved. "What happened?" It can't be nothing. If this was a normal thing, she would have no reason to be here.

This section is rather interesting.

See Lavenza just sitting at the foot of the stairwell implies that she was waiting for Ken. I think the Fae rules of not interfering is fully in effect now as Akira is a Fool.

And the reason Lavenza was waiting... Well she is a friend of Ken and Akira isn't she? A Velvet Room Attendant does not just wait at the stairs, presumably since oh, Dark Hour or soon after the Dark Hour, (the pour excuses for parents wouldn't have waited) for no reason. She was waiting for Ken.

When I think she does know where he lives. Or where he goes to school. As I said I think she's stretching the rules. She was waiting for Akira's persona to wake up, and that was either the reason or the excusing reason for her to be in the area.

Her sticking around was entirely a guess that Ken would show up.

Which makes it kinda strange that Ken thinks she wouldn't have shown up if things were more normal. Lavenza is bad at human but she does care.

[ ] You'd like to look at the apartment itself, even if it might just be through the window. Something happened, and you can even double-check what happened with the railing.

This is the bit we absolutely know as long as Lavenza didn't go off the reservation and set things up for the Shadow attack.

Just... A shadow attacked, Akira defended himself and his parents, they "took it badly". Lavenza knows the Shadow side of things.

[ ] You'd like to know what the actual local humans think of the situation. There's a lot of things they could have seen, and a lot they could have been told, and what normal people think might actually be relevant here. Even if they don't pay much attention to you, they'll have to at least acknowledge Mitsuru-nee, right?

This actually wouldn't have been a bad choice if it wasn't for Mitsuru being Mirsuru. Knowing what the local people are thinking of what happened would say what to expect for how to help Akira. Do people think there was a "robbery and that poor boy was attacked", whether it was due to storm damage and again poor Akira. Whether the story is that Akira lost his head and his parents "were defending themselves." Or whether the neighborhood is well aware that a child was just beat up by his own parents and was taken to the hospital.

[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.

Emotional support to Akira.
Making sure he's not twisting himself into knots where he's the one in the wrong.
And while Ken is doing that Mirsuru is probably going to be extracting the information from the medical staff as whether or not Akira's parents are approved visitors. If they're approved the official record doesn't have them as the attackers.

Basically the official version of events is available at the hospital.

Unfortunately Lavenza spelled out what happened. We don't need more information there. The question is the future - abd how the neighborhood is reacting only matters in regards to whether Akira is going back to that household or not
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Is she still, though?

Her conflict in Q was that she's changed and wants more than being an Attendant. That wasn't resolved and she timed out Ken and Akira's memories.

We have no resolution of the conflict between Lavenza's role and her desire for more than just the Velvet Room. Notably Lavenza like Akira is a Thief era character and her themes and conflicts probably for with that game's general motog

Also lack of any other explanation for why she was sitting waiting for Ken versus showing up to ask him questions or to tell him.

Attendant and accompanying rules being twisted and bent so that she's not acting but supporting fits.
[X] If Akira's in the hospital, you should visit him. He was actually there, so his side of things is the one that matters. The people working there are concerningly deferential to Mitsuru-nee, so you shouldn't have any problems convincing them to let you in.
I don't think she has left?

Perhaps not quite as much as Elizabeth, but she did choose to leave the Velvet Room to help Ken with Strega.
Elizabeth crosses her arms. "By which my dear sister means that she came out here every day until you were able to meet with her. Now that she has made an overt action in this world, to hide away from this world would mean denying responsibility for her actions."
And, of course, that's completely against what the Velvet Room stands for.
"I was not the one who came and knocked on the Velvet Room door, and I certainly wasn't the first to interfere with the Journeys at stake, but I made the choice to step forward regardless, and this is where it led me." Lavenza does not look anywhere near as serene as her words suggest. You get the feeling she's spent the past few days rehearsing them.
Perhaps not quite as much as Elizabeth, but she did choose to leave the Velvet Room to help Ken with Strega.

Hmm I've been taking that as her being unable to just fade away and pretend to not exist.

Like - her and Akira specifically have had the most impact to the character arcs by Ken's actions. She's the Thief Attendant and also the initiator of the time travel.

Also she's been developing a Persona (either that or a second personality) going by the Velvet Story side story.

I don't think things have simplified for her yet
It was hard to say what the idea of 'things being wrong' meant as far as the Dark Hour was concerned. Most people didn't experience it, which was a good thing. But when a new person started experiencing it in a stable way, it wasn't necessarily considered bad.
There are many ways the world can be, just as there are ways we can be.
Of course, most people didn't experience the Dark Hour in a stable way. Rather, they experienced it as the Shadows' prey.

But it was hard to say that was wrong as much as it was bad. The words were similar in meaning, but Makoto thought he was beginning to see a difference between the two. It was natural for the Shadows to hunt like this, so the world was still working properly. It just really, really sucked for everyone involved.

The September trip to Tartarus- it had been only the one trip, right?- felt wrong in a specific, easy to clarify way.

Sure, sometimes they came across people in the tower who were called by the Shadows. But it had never been anyone he knew.
But why should he be an exception? Death awaits all. Especially at his age.
He kept meaning to get his music player fixed to work in the Dark Hour. Somehow, it never ended up happening. Not that he was sure it would have made moments like this any easier. "Kitamura-san?" It had been a while since the last time they spoke, but he'd know Bunkichi anywhere.

He didn't seem to recognize Makoto. Or maybe he was just too out of it for that. Tartarus did that sometimes.

It wasn't wrong in the 'how things work' sense. But it was wrong because he should have been recognized. That was the point of an unbreakable bond.
Bonds will never overcome death.

If that's what you want to believe...

"You know him?" Yukari asked.

He nodded. "He and his wife own the used book store over at the strip mall. They're pretty lonely, so... they'll put up with anyone who wants to keep them company." Something he hadn't been doing recently. Something he didn't really need to, because their bond no longer required it.

...Something he could maybe stand to do a bit more often. He missed the treats, and apparently he'd missed something as important as Bunkichi wandering into Tartarus. Mitsuko had to be worried sick.
It's only natural. Things happen in people's lives without needing us to be there for it.
Something he'd known in the abstract, if only because of various relatives complaining that their lives were disrupted by his existence. That their lives weren't meant to include him, so he had a moral obligation to be as quiet and cooperative as possible. It made sense to him, and he was good at it, so he didn't think too much about the reverse.

Sometimes, him being somewhere could keep things from going horribly wrong. It was what Personas were good for, no matter how annoying they might have been otherwise. No matter how many problems they caused, there was the chance of something good, or averting something bad.

Sometimes, he wondered if that applied to other things he'd thought could only be problems.

If it did, it carried implications he didn't like thinking about.

Another thing with mildly unpleasant implications was when Elizabeth asked him to talk to Aigis about, of all things, geography. He had no idea what put the idea that this was something that needed to happen in her head, but Liz was the kind of person it was hard to brush off. She was so laid-back that, if she thought something was important, she was probably right.

This led to... well, he couldn't say for sure that Aigis was staring at the Wikipedia page for Sumaru City in shock. She didn't have to blink, after all.

But given her responses when he first asked her about the city, that was the impression Makoto got. "Do you believe me now?"

She still didn't blink. "My creators told me... that my database contained everything I would ever need to know."

It was certainly an argument that could be made. No one needed to know the names of every city in Japan. It was the sort of thing that could easily be looked up when it became relevant.
Do you really think it's that?
He didn't, really. There wasn't really a good reason to tell someone 'this is everything that exists' and then leave a notable part out. Especially when, from what he knew of cities like Sumaru and Mikage-Cho, it actually was relevant information.

For one particular reason, it didn't surprise him all that much. "Did anyone ever tell you what happened to our club advisor?" ...Okay, there was surely a better way to change the subject than that, he just couldn't think of it.

"I wasn't aware we had one." Right. The whole thing had been dealt with before she showed up.

"Well... for some reason, he wanted one of us killed. I don't really know why, but... just because someone's an authority doesn't mean they're not going to hurt you. Especially if they think... it'll get them what they want." This felt like the sort of thing Mitsuru should have been doing. But Aigis always seemed to turn to him more than her, for some reason. Something about him being her most important priority, which had started off just feeling like an odd pickup line and then got weirder and weirder.
One day, one of us will have to strike.
It was not, however, weird enough for him to take Thanatos' conspiracy theories seriously.

"I was their only way of fighting back against the Shadows. Why would they lie about something like this?"

If he thought about it, the answer was obvious. "Because there's been a lot of Persona Users living there since before you were built." The mess that was the Deva System had only been mentioned a few times, in a few scant articles, but there was enough to be able to comprehend the timeframes involved, if one knew where to look. After logging out of Innocent Sin Online for the night, Makoto never had anything better to do than look.

It was interesting, after all.

"That is impossible." She didn't sound as convinced as she'd been before they turned the computer on, so he was going to say they were making progress. "Before I was built, only three Persona Users were known to exist in the entire world."

Makoto had no idea where the number three had come from. Maybe he could ask Aigis for the names of those people, but if he didn't know who they were- likely, he didn't know anything about people who would have been notable during that time period- it wouldn't actually help. That would have required retaking control of the computer.

He didn't need to know their names to know why everyone else had to be perceived as nonexistent. "I suppose you were told this by the same people who said you were their only way of fighting back?"

The lack of answer told him everything he needed to know.

The power of the Aeon Arcana fluttered through his fingers.

Makoto needed to buy a new pair of shoes. The ones he'd been using were never going to be clean again.

"Wh-what are we going to tell people?" He'd heard a few things, in the past, about Kenji's friend Rio. Well. Ex-friend. They'd had a falling out after the scandal with Kanou-sensei got out of hand at the beginning of the new semester. Due to various reasons, including said falling-out, they'd never met before today.

He sort of wished they had, if only so he'd have a mental image of her that wasn't with her face pale, her eyes full of tears, and her clothes soaked with her friend's blood.
It is the natural state of things.

It really isn't.

"I'm sure Senpai will think of something." Or someone would. There had to be at least one of them capable of making up an excuse for... for this. "Unless you have something you want people to believe?"

He'd tell her not to kick at the Dark Hour blood puddles, but... well... their clothes were already ruined. "She was only here because her parents wouldn't let her back in the apartment. She'd still be alive if they hadn't..." It wasn't something they could strictly use to accuse the Hasegawa parents of infanticide.

The sky was far too clear for a night like this. "...If you want to make the implication, I'll tell them not to stop you." He couldn't say it was the right thing to do, but it felt like something he should have been doing regardless.

Maybe it was just that, with everything he'd heard about Saori Hasegawa, it was the only way to be sure she'd be remembered with even the slightest bit of kindness.

Maybe it was that he'd want his friends to do the same for him.

No one else would, after all.

That was something he kept thinking about, all the way to the full moon. So far, they'd been lucky enough for the worst not to happen to anyone in SEES. The only casualty had been someone who hadn't even been called to Tartarus by the Shadows, but was stuck there by accident. And yet, as they kept throwing themselves into danger... eventually, their luck was going to run out.

Tonight, a full moon night, when the strongest Shadows would emerge, the presumably last of a set they'd been chasing...
Are you prepared for what this will set in motion?
He couldn't be. There was no way to be, because he had no way of knowing what would happen next. Of knowing if this was even the right thing to do. With how excited Thanatos normally got for these fights... that he felt the need to ask this instead of just jumping in probably meant something.

But what else was there to do? It was wrong for Shadows to have an impact on the real world like this. Just because it had been happening for a decade didn't suddenly make it right. "Aigis?" His voice wasn't going to shake. He was good at not doing that.

"Is something the matter?"

"I'm going to do something..." Stupid, maybe? Risky? There was a reason Thanatos wasn't something he normally summoned, but tonight... He didn't think there was going to be a choice. Better it happened on his own terms. "If things go wrong, you need to stop me."

He knew there was no chance of her actually doing it. But he had to ask, anyway, so it wouldn't be his fault if it all went wrong.

Not that it did. Thanatos spent the fight surprisingly agreeable.

And then, after it was over, he went silent. He was still there, could still be summoned, but his voice was gone. Makoto was surprised, but... it had only just happened. There was no reason to think it was anything other than part of himself, whatever it was, becoming less prominent than it was before.

He definitely had no reason to think it had anything to do with the prospective transfer student he showed to the school the next day.
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Jul 13, 2024 at 7:27 AM, finished with 19 posts and 12 votes.
A Friend In Need
Akira's in the hospital. You need to go to him. What happened at his apartment is only important because it led to this.

Lavenza says she'll keep hanging around for a bit. You have no idea what else she could possibly be waiting for, but whatever it is, you trust she can take care of herself while doing so. It's fine if she doesn't want to come to the hospital with you.

You don't feel all that comfortable there yourself.

You aren't sure why, but something about being here feels wrong. It wasn't like this when Makoto-san ended up here at the start of the year, but now part of you expects the lights to go out at any time, plunging everything into darkness and danger. It's completely irrational, and you just wish you had any idea where it comes from so you could convince yourself of that.

Mitsuru-nee separates from you when you go inside, you think in order to ask questions about this in more detail than they'd be willing to answer with you there. So it's just you when you get to the room Akira's in.

He doesn't look great. That's... sort of what you expected, given where he is, but all you can think is that he looked fine yesterday. Today, there's a giant bruise on his left cheek, a small cut on his forehead, and that's just what you can see when the rest of him is covered in either bandages or clothing.

"This was your parents?" There was probably a more tactful way to say that, but you just can't think of it right now.
I'm not sure how much it would help, really.
"Not all of it. Some of it was from fighting the Shadow." He doesn't tell you what injuries come from where, which completely undermines his attempt to be reassuring.

You don't tell him that, because this isn't the time to start arguing about something so small. "What kind of Shadow was it?" You can't think of a lot of them as being able to get at an apartment that isn't on the first floor, they just aren't the right size for it.

"It was, um... some kind of table that could set things on fire?" You think you might know what he's talking about, but you've seen so many Shadows that no individual name stands out to you. "It also had a sword for some reason... Also, there was a big one with wings, but it flew away as soon as I summoned Arsene."

So there might or might not be some kind of flying Shadow loose in the town right now, but it's not anything brave enough to actually fight anyone capable of defending themself. You're sure someone's going to track it down over the next few days, and you're sure you're not going to hear anything about it when they do.
The alternative is learning far too much.
Part of you thinks you should be happy that Akira has a Persona now. But SEES is in a position where none of you know what come next. You know those Shadows you killed were important, you just don't know how.

Without knowing that, you don't know how long that sort of solution can last.

With what happened, you aren't entirely sure such a solution will even be necessary, but you're going to act like it is until proven otherwise, just so you don't get your hopes up. "What's Arsene like?" It's the safest question you can ask.

"He uses, um... Curse attacks." Like a mirror of yourself, if you want to think about it like that.

Not that you know how relevant this is going to be. How relevant it can be.

All you know is that you set something in motion last night, and that means this can't be over. "So, what are you going to do with...?"

He shrugs. "Is there anything you think I should do?"

[ ] " (Requires Expression 5, Empathy 5)

It feels like something you should have an honest answer for. It's such a simple question. And yet... "I don't know."

When you next see Mitsuru-nee, her face is closed off and she doesn't tell you anything about what she's learned.

Midnight comes and goes. The Dark Hour happens right on schedule. You'd never really let yourself think otherwise, but it feels like something more should have happened.
Should, would... what's the difference, really?
Whatever might have been meant to happen, it doesn't. You have a perfectly normal night where nothing goes wrong, or unusually right. You wake up and have to go to school, just like any other day.

You push away any thoughts that something might not be right. No. You're going to have a perfectly normal rest of the week, and absolutely nothing is going to stop you. (Pick up to three. Items are counted individually.)

[ ] Spend time with friends.
-[ ] Akira.
-[ ] Lavenza. (+Courage)
-[ ] Mitsuru-nee.
-[ ] Makoto-san and Aigis. (+Empathy)
-[ ] Fuuka-san and Yukari-san. (+Expression)
-[ ] Futaba and Kyouma.
-[ ] Morgana and Koromaru.

[ ] Magic practice! (+Diligence)
-[ ] Zio.
--[ ] By yourself.
--[ ] With Makoto-san.
-[ ] Dia.
--[ ] By yourself.
--[ ] With Makoto-san.
-[ ] Something light-based.
--[ ] By yourself.
--[ ] With Makoto-san.

[ ] Group study session! (+Knowledge)
Hopefully, I won't mess with the vote's formatting.

Edit: And... I mess with the vote's formatting, gosh darn it.

My vote:
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Lavenza.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Futaba and Kyouma.
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[X]Spend Time With Friends:
-[X] Akira

[X]Spend Time With Friends:
-[X] Lavenza

[X]Spend Time With Friends:
-[X] Futaba And Kyouma

Just - it's the aftermath of Akira getting sent to the hospital by his own parents. Getting everyone on the same page is useful.

I'm also rather suspicious Lavenza is going to be hunting down that winged Shadow.
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