[X] (Grox): We proceed with the Grox hunt, but with a smaller, skilled group and under strict supervision.
[X] (Rain callers): As for the Rain Callers, we commence with basic training, gradually advancing to more complex tasks.
[X] (Grox): We proceed with the Grox hunt, but with a smaller, skilled group and under strict supervision
[X] (Rain callers): Accept the Proposal and integrate the Rain callers into the Army.
THe issue I have with the Grox option is this:

– This will start a tradition where members, after training, will go hunt a Grox in the Wild.

That seems very limiting if we want to create a functional prosperous civilization.
To clarify, this is with the army and those who join it as a right of passage. This will also be passed on to the Space Marine Legion once they get here and your PDF once you build it.

OFC right NOW, most of the tribemen are fighters, but that will change once you found a city.
To clarify, this is with the army and those who join it as a right of passage. This will also be passed on to the Space Marine Legion once they get here and your PDF once you build it.
i don't now why, but the idea of 8ft tall super solders punching a fat lizard cow a the right of passage is funny.

Question is if the Grox grow to the size of some 15-20 ft tall, 40-50 ft long chunky bois through some selective breeding and artificial natural selection
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i don't now why, but the idea of 8ft tall super solders punching a fat lizard cow a the right of passage is funny.

Question is if the Grox grow to the size of some 15-20 ft tall, 40-50 ft long chunky bois through some selective breeding and artificial natural selection
Not SM but initiates fresh from training like the space Wolves.
[X] (Grox): Accept Lorgar's Proposal to take over the Taming Project. This allows you to clear the Oasis this turn instead.
[X] (Rain callers): Accept the Proposal and integrate the Rain callers into the Army.
Should honestly be incredibly easy. She Who Lives In Her Name is the Principle of Hierarchy, hates chaos and has automatic type advantage against the Wyld and Raksha, which aren't 1:1 with the Warp and Daemons, but pretty fucking close.

SWLiHN is also the one Yozi with the keyword 'fascist' in the description and is the Yozi of mind control, to the point that just hearing her name is enough to get you enslaved (which is why she's called SWLiHN instead of whatever is the real one in universe). So you know, it's probably not a good idea to dunk Lorgar myth in the concepts of SWLiHN even for that sweet sweet Anathema keyword.

Edit: looks like I over reacted with the response, that was written a while ago and the Lorgar myth is not that moldable anymore, assuming major events like the heresy allow changes of course.

[X] (Grox): We proceed with the Grox hunt, but with a smaller, skilled group and under strict supervision.
[X] (Rain callers): As for the Rain Callers, we commence with basic training, gradually advancing to more complex tasks.
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Votes closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on Apr 26, 2024 at 9:43 AM, finished with 26 posts and 16 votes.
Turn 1: Choosing a Discipline
Colchis - 830.M30

As the Chieftain, the weight of the future rested upon your shoulders, casting a solemn aura over the gathered tribe beneath the vast expanse of the desert sky. Lorgar's bold proposal, to tame the Grox and integrate the Rain Callers into the army, loomed large, promising to shape the tribe's future in ways yet unforeseen.

With a single gesture, you bestowed your blessing upon Lorgar, appointing him as the leader of the Grox taming project. His eyes gleamed with unwavering resolve as he accepted this new mantle, his vow echoing through the crowd, a promise of excellence and dedication.

"Your guidance will be our beacon," you declared, your voice carrying the authority of ages past. The tribe's murmurs of approval resonated with the wisdom of your decision, recognizing the path laid out before them.

Turning to the volunteers, you embraced their integration into the army, acknowledging the power they would weild over the storm. "Their ability to call forth the tempest will be a formidable weapon," you proclaimed, your voice unwavering in its conviction. The volunteers, a mix of excitement and trepidation, stepped forward, ready to embark on this new chapter in the tribe's history.

A thunderous cheer erupted from the tribe, reverberating through the desert. However, amidst the celebration, you noticed a significant development among the volunteers. Many guards, once outsiders, now stood among the eager faces, their expressions a blend of determination and curiosity.

Approaching the group, you sought to understand their newfound motivation. Axata, a seasoned veteran, stepped forward, his gaze ablaze with newfound purpose. "We have trained tirelessly alongside the tribe," he explained, his voice filled with conviction. "Now, we wish to fight not just for them, but with them. These challenges offer us a chance to prove our loyalty and earn our rightful place among our brethren."

His words resonated deeply within you, a testament to the unity and solidarity that changed your tribe forever. Welcoming the guards into their new roles, you acknowledged their dedication and commitment, recognizing their skills as a valuable addition to the tribe's arsenal.

As high noon approached, the desert sun reached its zenith, casting harsh shadows across the gathered tribe. The volunteers, including the guards, stood at the forefront, eager to learn the ancient art of Rain Calling. Lorgar and Raheem, their resolve unwavering, stood beside you, ready to witness the initiation of this new era for your tribe.

Lost 5 Essence -> Now at 05/10. VEE

With a solemn nod, you signaled the beginning of the ritual. The volunteers closed their eyes, their minds focused on the ancient art they were about to wield. Soft chants escaped their lips, blending with the wind as they beckoned the spirits of the desert to heed their call.

Slowly, the sky began to change. Clouds gathered, swirling and darkening until they obscured the sun. A cool breeze picked up, carrying the scent of rain and the promise of relief from the desert's relentless heat.

With a resolute chant, the volunteers unleashed their power. The clouds burst, releasing a torrential downpour that drenched the desert in a deluge of rain. The tribe cheered, their voices mingling with the roar of the storm.

As the rain fell, a deep rumble echoed through the air. Dark clouds gathered overhead, swirling around the volunteers as they channeled their newfound abilities. With a collective effort, they unleashed their power once more, calling forth another torrential downpour that drenched the desert landscape.

Beside you, Lorgar and Raheem stood, their expressions filled with pride and accomplishment. The storm was a testament to their newfound skills, a display of the tribe's unity and strength.

As the storm raged on, a sense of satisfaction washed over you. Lorgar had fulfilled his promise, uniting the slaves, guards, and tribesmen under a common cause. The bond forged in the midst of the storm would endure, strengthening the tribe against any future challenges.

Amidst the chaos of the storm, Lorgar and Raheem approached you, their expressions serious. The tumultuous weather provided cover for their conversation, ensuring privacy amidst the elements.

"Father," Lorgar began, his voice barely audible over the howling wind, "there is a matter of great importance that we must discuss."

You nodded, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down upon you. "Tell me, my son," you said, sensing the gravity of their words.

"It concerns Lorgar," Raheem interjected, his gaze flickering between you and Lorgar. "He is a Psyker."

The revelation did not startle you. Lorgar's connection to the spirits and his extraordinary talents had always hinted at a deeper power within him. What did surprise you, however, was the sudden awakening of his abilities.

"Son," you addressed Lorgar, turning to face him, "is this true?"

Lorgar nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of wonder and resolve. "Yes, Father," he replied. "The faith you instilled in me, the belief in something greater, it awakened something inside me. I can feel the power coursing through me, a bond with the spirits unlike anything I've known."

Stepping forward, Raheem placed a comforting hand on Lorgar's shoulder. "His powers are raw, unbridled," he explained. "But with proper training, he could become a force to be reckoned with, a champion for our tribe."

You pondered their words, realizing the implications of Lorgar's newfound abilities. As a Psyker, he possessed incredible potential, capable of wielding powers that could reshape destinies. Yet, such powers also carried great risks, as Psykers were often met with fear and suspicion.

"We must proceed with caution," you declared, your voice unwavering. "Son, Raheem, we shall keep Lorgar's abilities hidden for now. We cannot afford to draw unwanted attention. However, we shall also commence his training. Lorgar, your powers can be a great boon, but only if they are disciplined and wielded with wisdom."

Looking at Lorgar, you offered him a choice. "Son," you began, "I offer you a boon. If you wish to gain mastery over your powers, I can grant it."

Lorgar hesitated, a shadow of doubt crossing his face. "My debt to you remains unpaid," he murmured, barely audible over the storm's roar. "I cannot make a wish until that debt is settled."

With a reassuring smile, you dispelled his uncertainty. "Your debt has been repaid, Lorgar," you stated firmly. "You have fulfilled my request, uniting the slaves, guards, and tribesmen. You have proven yourself a leader and a warrior. The debt is settled."

Gratitude and relief washed over Lorgar's features, his expression softening. With determination in his eyes, he turned to you. "Then I wish to gain control over my powers," he declared, his voice resonating with resolve.

Lorgar has awakened his psychic powers but he is untrained. To fix this, you are granting him 5 Dots in one Discipline. Right now, he has an affinity for these four disciplines. In the future, you can grant him more specific ones but these are it for now.

This is the first thing Lorgar learns and this will the the first thing he teaches any psyker who pledges themselves to him. So the first skill is one that he gains a bonus in teaching.

[] Mind Shields

–Protecting your mind from the Warp.

[] Precognition

–I can see the future.

[] Psychokinesis

–I can move stuff with the power of my mind.

[] Telepathy

–Speak to people with the power of your mind.
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While Mythos are prolly far more important, it sure feels good to pour massive blobs of XP into Lorgar. Weakest Primarch? Nope, not happening.
While Mythos are prolly far more important, it sure feels good to pour massive blobs of XP into Lorgar. Weakest Primarch? Nope, not happening.
Lorgar's mythos is social and mentally. So he WILL be the weakest, physically until you teach him MA.

This is not avoidable as even Guilliman and Magnus had physical as a secondary focus.

But yeah. Dumping xp is going to help a LOT.
To clarify, this is with the army and those who join it as a right of passage. This will also be passed on to the Space Marine Legion once they get here and your PDF once you build it.

OFC right NOW, most of the tribemen are fighters, but that will change once you found a city.

I know it's a bit late, but say we develop a prosperous, civilised world. We could easily have a hundred million people under arms. Where will be find enough Grox!
I know it's a bit late, but say we develop a prosperous, civilised world. We could easily have a hundred million people under arms. Where will be find enough Grox!
You are stepping down the path of domestication them, so there will be plenty around.

People also do not need to kill them, just take them down/out wit them, etc.