I will preface this by saying that
Who Needs Harmony has been inactive and its writer offline on this site for over a year, leaving me with no real prospect in getting express permission to share this world. However, the people have spoken that there is interest in continuing the good work and so I will freely give credit to the spiritual predecessor and background information for this game.
Before speaking of magic or the inhabitants, one must start with the current era to understand the world. It is the transition to a new age, as the self-proclaimed and widely acclaimed avatar of Chaos has been laid low in a foreign land. With this victory comes the end of the casual abuse and petty revenge by the Mad God and with that freedom comes the chance to prosper in the new lands. For the Mad God was a thoughtless individual and free in the use of his power. Oral traditions may speak of mountains or plains, heat or cold, but as the dissolution of his effects reveals the extent of the damage to the world there are many cases where the entire landscape has been changed. In one land, the very cycle of night following day has been broken.
Yet to the shattered peoples of the world the time was only one of celebration. No more is civilization doomed to huddle in small pockets, worrying that their crops or their bodies will be changed at a whim. No more will roads be turned to taffy and wash away in the next day, forests be the refuge of many an impossible beast, or beds be found with the wrong children held within.
The dawn of an Age of Order allows for the mighty, the powerful, and the ambitious to thrive.
But... Whose cause will you champion?
(choose one)
[ ] Felines
Numerous nations of this crafty and mischievous people now line the coast. Unlike many other races, they do not possess a shared history, leaving them quite ready to lie, cheat, and steal or wine, dine, and celebrate depending on which benefits them the most.
Several nations are poised to become the centers of power of the race, controlling the riches of fertile land alongside the transportation routes of sluggish rivers. In the highlands, bandit clans make bargains with entities fair and foul for the powers they do not possess themselves.
(Magical Tradition: Sorcery. The art of making deals with magical entities in order to gain access to esoteric affects.)
[ ] Thestrals
Secluded in mountain strongholds the Thestrals look down on those below with disdain, preempting the disgust of their neighbors at their fierce or unsettling appearance. Despite the changes inflicted on them by the Mad God they are quite provably equine in nature
Despite their obligate herbivory their traditions are considered cruel and strange by outsiders, a result of the harsh land they have staked claim to. Warfare between the Bloodlines is done as a chain of assassinations to preserve the lives of the common citizen while foreign settlers are removed without warning.
(Magical Tradition: Umbramancy. A study of Absence, where basic practitioners can move between shadows and experts can directly damage groups of foes.)
[ ] Zebras
Groups of survivors emerge across the continent to find that their ancestral home spoken in song and tale has become a marginal wasteland as the Age of Chaos ends. Remnants of prior eras lie scattered but serve as no true boon for they hold great treasure and threats in equal measure.
As the more fertile river valleys concentrate populations into where they can be supported, those who practice shamanism for personal gain practice their arts in their secret places. Bargaining assistance to those terrors locked away in previous ages, or chaining them for their own purposes.
(Magical Tradition: Animism. Everything in existence has a spark of desire. Those learned in the arts of communicating with such natural existences can draw them out to perform their will.)
[ ] Yeti
The lands of their home were cursed to never see the light of the sun until recently. A hard land breeds hard people, and the Yeti are wild indeed. Communities are a new concept with food previously being unreliable and even now tribes are slow to trust agriculture. Preferring to instead track the growing herds of large prey animals they have always survived off of.
As travel becomes easier, unnatural and constant snowfalls subsiding with the ending of the Age of Chaos, the tribes can now get into regular contact with neighboring cultures. Most tribes are envious of the plenty that others were merely granted and it seems that the first to unite the tribes will have to be the mightiest, smartest, and most bloodthirsty of them all.
(Magical Tradition: Elementalism. Being able to pull out what meager heat is in ice, or making skin resemble the rocks that are in the vicinity.)
[ ] Minotaurs
A people of such unbreakable spirit that the Mad God considered them to be poor victims and as such have come through the Age of Chaos with a people and nation somewhat intact. Despite that, the Age was still hard on them. Personal discipline is expected in all things, and all citizens must spend time serving and protecting the Republic in what started as a lottery for risking having to endure the petty revenges of the Mad God.
Of the cities that make up the Republic, not all is well. The cost of survival was great and not all are equally positioned to benefit from the new frontiers. Still, the fact that the Republic of Asterion had industries at all means that exploration, trade, and conquest are all options.
(Magical Tradition: Veneration. The more something is held to be true, the more true it becomes. Someone who is known as a "good" statesman is unaffected, but a legendary one might be granted the knowledge of whoever is across the table from them in order to come to an arrangement satisfactory to all.)
[ ] Dromaeids
An offhand joke by the Mad God that became something more through their own effort and sacrifice. Through this rejection of fate subsequent generations were put on the path to understanding it. And then, molding it.
Their nature as obligate carnivores does little to endear them to their neighbors and food is harder to come by. Yet by building structures under a star their power can be taken, in part. And for a race with such few people, defying the heavens will need to be done in order to cement a place for themselves.
(Magical Tradition: Astromancy. Reading the fates in the heavens, and changing both with concerted effort.)