Voting is open for the next 2 days, 11 hours
[X] Plan Build and Develop the Military City.
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
--[X] [Task] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
---[X] [Target] Pendragon
----[X] Void Drydock.
-----[X] Destroyers
-[X] [Officer] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Task] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
---[X] [Target] Pendragon
----[X] Void Drydock.
-----[X] Destroyers
-[X] [Officer] Radana, Camellia Knight
--[X] [Stewardship] Develop City.
---[X] [Target] Pendragon

I'd rather not lock a character into a single task for potentially four turns/cycles. Also I don't like the idea of our infantry potentially getting really bad equipment if we roll horribly. Plus with this we'll have Pendragon closer to getting a second building chain like another Void Drydock for more ship building or The Lycoris Sanctuary to shore up our influence on the planet.
Hmm, in the event that the infantry design option wins, I'm actually going to mention I've also gone and revamped my old troop design system to offer way more options than the old generic template. What was once just "a soldier and their rifle/tank" now has stuff like utility and specialist slots...

*Weeps in balancing hell I foresee myself in a few months*

And here I am considering not just those slots customizable, but maybe also the main weapons themselves, like the preferred rifle/smg/shotgun type. I wanna ask what people here think of that, if they're interested in making that also an option to tweak about.
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like the preferred rifle/smg/shotgun type. I wanna ask what people here think of that, if they're interested in making that also an option to tweak about.
Woud be. Though it would probably add even more to try and ballance without breaking something.

Like Historically, in WW1, the shotgun was so effective in trench clearing, the Germans tried to scare the Americans into retiring the weapon by declaring it a cruel and unusual weapon.
Like Historically, in WW1, the shotgun was so effective in trench clearing, the Germans tried to scare the Americans into retiring the weapon by declaring it a cruel and unusual weapon.
I mean, it's been hinted strongly that there is a Senate mechanic to help govern all this, including issuing bonk mechanics. Not to mention that technology always advancing can help mitigate stuff, which then is countered by advancements on the other end. Huzzah for arms escalation.
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I mean, it's been hinted strongly that there is a Senate mechanic to help govern all this, including issuing bonk mechanics. Not to mention that technology always advancing can help mitigate stuff, which then is countered by advancements on the other end. Huzzah for arms escalation.
The eternal arms race. Guns vs Armor. And given this verse, combat can change very drastically very quickly by simply changing the group we are stuck fighting. After all, we got ourselves elites clad in pure solarium that could probably laugh off anything that isn't designed to deal with heavy armor. Others might not have that sort of stuff, but have their own BS, like the Noatun stealth materials.
Also, full transparency here, I'm in the process of setting up a Patreon page for this quest. There's been developments at my day job that make me want to try out alternate ways of income, and it'll also be good motivation for me to invest even more in this original setting of mine. Rest assured that I'm not having anything like patron-locked voting and the like, given that this is a forum quest. The story of Violet d'Iris is never going to be locked behind such paywalls.

Instead, I'm mainly thinking that whatever content spawns from the Patreon is more to supplement the setting, like short snippets of life around the galaxy, featuring all different sorts of peoples and situations. Stuff that isn't narrative-critical, but help flesh out or put a spotlight on the wider background information. Notably, the idea is that these are still going to eventually appear here, but those in the Patreon will get a look first along with some even being able to submit their own snippet prompts for me to pick up or work together in crafting. It's still a work in progress, but I'd love to hear feedback for this idea already.
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Also, full transparency here, I'm in the process of setting up a Patreon page for this quest. There's been developments at my day job that make me want to try out alternate ways of income, and it'll also be good motivation for me to invest even more in this original setting of mine. Rest assured that I'm not having anything like patron-locked voting and the like, given that this is a forum quest. The story of Violdet d'Iris is never going to be locked behind such paywalls.

Instead, I'm mainly thinking that whatever content spawns from the Patreon is more to supplement the setting, like short snippets of life around the galaxy, featuring all different sorts of peoples and situations. Stuff that isn't narrative-critical, but help flesh out or put a spotlight on the wider background information. Notably, the idea is that these are still going to eventually appear here, but those in the Patreon will get a look first along with some even being able to submit their own snippet prompts for me to pick up or work together in crafting. It's still a work in progress, but I'd love to hear feedback for this idea already.
That sounds like a tough spot. Personally I have no trouble with such an idea. Depending on the tiers or what you want to do with the setting in future I am even tempted to contribute a little despite my means. I love settings like this, and I like this one specifically a lot too.
Troop Stats
Even with ships capable of leveling cities from orbit or aircraft capable of remarkable precision strikes, there still is a need for treads, wheels, or boots on the ground to take and hold territory. In some regards, they are perhaps the foundation of the armed forces themselves. Such ground units are referred to as Troops in general, though they can vary quite wildly in design and function.

Troops are broken down into Regiments, which are then further subdivided into Battalions. This is the most widely accepted organization structure in place across civilized space, though individual numbers per army can differ. The vast majority of regular standing forces will have four (4) Battalions each while elite handpicked special forces usually only have two (2).

Each Battalion can be the same unit design or vary wildly, but they are always attached to wherever their Regiment deploys. Each Battalion can be individually defeated or lost in the fires of war, yet the Regiment will carry on so long as even one can carry their flags. However, the accumulated experience and veterancy per Battalion is not so easily replaced.

Individual Troops will, in general, have the following categories and stats referred to in Land Battles:
Strength: A measure of this unit's overall remaining soldiers.
Armor: A measure of how ready this unit can withstand most enemy attacks.
Movement: A measure of how far the unit can move normally across the battlefield map.
Main Weapon: What this unit's primary weapon against most opponents are.
Specialist Weapon: What this unit will use in addition to their regular attacks against enemy when the prerequisite conditions are met.
Utility: What the unit has brought to aid them in the field, usually in a non-combat role.

Strength is a value used to measure how durable a unit is out in the field, especially in regards to how many soldiers or vehicles are still combat operational. It is usually always going down once a unit to deployed, and when it hits zero (0), the unit is effectively defeated and struck out for the time being.

However, even before hitting the bottom, a unit can still possibly suffer a variety of issues all the while once they start taking considerable losses. This is to represent them beginning to suffer from a host of issues once they come under fire, and range from being displaced in panic or suffering even more loss from disastrous strikes to their command elements. The threshold for these checks to occur is at every ten (10) Strength lost, and there are different modifiers that affect the chance.

Armor describes the general effectiveness of a unit's equipment to shield against attacks. Advances in technology enable those in the field to withstand and even recover from what could have once been fatal injuries, but it is a constant arms race between offense and defense. As such, it may be rendered ineffective at times, and the very best are also suspectable to the gradual wear of attrition.

Movement is a representation of the unit's ability to traverse the battlefield under its own power. This encapsulates their own vehicle capabilities, but does not include forms of outside support such as transport craft. It is possible for a unit to sacrifice their combat turn in exchange for even more movement, but this rush will also leave them in a more vulnerable position if they come under hostile attack.

Main Weapon
A unit's main weapon is defined as their primary means of attack against the vast majority of targets, regardless of effectiveness. This is an important determination to a unit's intended combat position on the battlefield, though it does not necessarily restrict it so. There are a few substats that further detail these weapons, not including other special effects.
Range is the attack range of this weapon.
Hit is a positive modifier to how likely the attack will succeed.
Damage is the minimum damage this weapon will do.

Specialist Weapon
Unlike Main Weapons above, Specialist Weapons are defined by having more restrictive conditions but increased effectiveness against the right targets. They are effectively both a second attack as well as a possible counter out on the field. However, that is only if they are properly used as the correct tool they are. It is fairly common for them to have special effects.

Utilities refer to additional equipment brought onto the battlefield that do not have an associated attack with them. Instead, they often provide either passive modifiers or reaction abilities for a variety of purposes. Depending on what they are equipped with, a unit's role on the battlefield may be simply improved or wildly changed.
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Okay, that should be the troop stat write-up complete. I'll try to get round to how a round of ground combat goes before the troop design stage (if the plan with it wins). I wonder if you can see why I was so intrigued to run this quest with all this floating around my head!
Ground Battles
When opposing Regiments meet in the same area on a planet, there is a chance for battle to occur. This depends on the number of Regiments being committed on either side, with the general rule being that if one side's total strength exceeds the other's by more than three times, an organized withdrawal is the heavily recommended action so as to preserve good soldiers for a more meaningful fight elsewhere.

However, there will be times where retreat is not an option, either out of strategic consideration or practicality (such as being trapped on the planet). Or perhaps they believe they can take a fight so. Then as per common civilized law, it is expected that the leadership of both sides at least relay intent to contest the area to one another, along with a general broadcast to all civilians in the area to evacuate. It is expected that military forces are to either stand aside or even aid in creating relief columns until all non-combatants are confirmed out of the danger zone.

For those more scrupulous though, they may chose to instead forgo this evacuation time and immediately put troops in the field, trapping any civilians in the area. Under such circumstances, fighting in any urban tile has the potential for war crimes of varying severity.

The Phases of Battle
Battles are sometimes quick affairs but given the size or tactical acumen of either side, they can also become elongated engagements, requiring multiple subcycles to resolve. In addition, there can be developments or events happening beyond the immediate battlefield that could affect it so. As such, to resolve them in a timely manner, all battles each subcycle are simply divided into the following sequential phases for ease of reference.
Movement Phase
Transport Phase
CQC Phase
Airstrike Phase
Attack Phase
Objective Phase

Damage Resolution
Throughout the turn, there will general calls for attacks, regular or otherwise depending on the situation at hand. For ease of reference, the general rules for resolving majority attack rolls are here.

The attacker in such cases makes a roll to hit, adding or substracting any appropriate modifiers. Depending on the final total, the following list determines how success their attack was.
0-25: Failed attack, no damage.
26-50: Ineffective attack, does only minimum damage.
51-75: Successful attack, add 1d10 to damage.
76+: Critical attack, add 2d10 to damage. Any roll over 100 will apply the excess as a negative modifier to the defender's armor roll.

Once the results of the attacker's results is determined, the defender will now make an Armor roll to determine how much damage they are able to mitigate. Modifiers are likewise applied to the dice roll to determine the effectiveness of their defensive equipment. The following list describes the results from the roll.
0-50: Defense failed, the attack goes through unmodified.
51-75: Partial defense, the attack is reduced by 1d10.
76-100: Good defense, the attack is reduced by 2d10.
100+: Pristine defense, the attack is reduced by 2d10 that can exceed the minimum damage.

Note that with the exception of a Pristine defense, the most damage can be reduced to is the basic damage value of the attacking weapon. After the final damage is determined, critical checks will occur.

Movement Phase
In the movement phase, Battalions already deployed to the battlefield will receive their general orders from high command. This will usually involve new grid coordinates they are expected to march to, with the assumed preparation to make ready for if enemy forces are within range.

This will happen simultaneously for all forces on the field, and the amount of comm traffic flowing between officers and their subordinates to coordinate moving is vast. As such, it is nearly impossible for either side take advantage of general movement to launch any surprise attacks on hostile troops, leading to the occasional shock of when opposing troops find themselves staring at one anther in surprise. However, before the inevitable fight occurs, the Transport phase must first resolve.

Transport Phase
The Transport phase has two aspects to it: deploying new Battalions from the reserves, and swiftly transporting troops via travel craft across the battlefield.

Each Regiment usually brings two (2) Pelican transport craft already by themselves into each battle. These Pelicans are devoted to carrying their contents into the battlefield quickly, and lack defenses. If they are attacked, they are easily shot down and replenish very slowly, at a rate of half the total Regiments a side has.

But despite these flaws, they are nimble transports capable of bringing sudden reinforcements to turn the tide of a fight or evacuating a badly depleted Battalion back to the reserves. The Transport phase is when they act, carrying out orders to either deploy fresh troops to the battlefield, transport present Battalions to cut down travel time, or help evacuate the wounded from a fight.

Be aware that they are not only suspecting to anti-air weaponry but could also be intercepted by enemy aircraft on duty as well. It is also possible for reserves units to arrive to the battlefield on foot, provided a valid entry point.

CQC Phase
The CQC phase is where opposing Battalions that land in the same tile resolve brutal close quarters combat with one another, using only their Main Weapon to do so and nothing else. This is a special form of combat where all attacks and defenses are resolved at the same time, the frantic fighting of the situation sometimes resulting in mutual kills.

The side which does the most damage combined after it is all resolved 'wins' the tile and the opposing unit is forced to withdraw in a random direction to the closest adjacent open tile.

Airstrike Phase
All while the troops on the ground have been moving about, attack squadrons have been launched for general bombardment orders. They have specific grid coordinates that high command believes to be worth targeting specifically and cover the area so, hitting what they can see before rapidly ascending to safety. This is the only time in which attack squadrons will launch bomb runs on non-directed enemies. Afterwards, they will be tasked to providing direct close air support for friendly ground units.

Attack Phase
Now, after all this buildup and preparation, is when Battalions finally attack each other with all they have at hand. Each Battalion on the field will be randomly selected to then act, swapping sides for every other attack. They will target the closest enemy to attack (picking randomly if tied) and then act on it with their Main Weapon. Specialist weapons will also be used if applicable, and if any squadrons are sill on standby, they have a chance strike with precise CAS.

This is the singular most violent phase of a turn without question.

Objective Phase.
When the smoke clears and the dead grimly removed, it is now time to observe which sectors on the battlefield have changed ownership and tally them so. Additional bonus objectives are also counted, then a final determination is made. If one side has scored more than the other, then the round goes to them with a tactical victory. If they are tied, then it is nobody's triumph.

Battle Resolution
However, even if the round is over, the battle may still rage on in that area, especially if enemy forces are still present. The only true way to force their general retreat is to have have at least three tactical victories over them, at which point they must concede the region and withdraw their Regiments, suffering mild attrition to those still on the field when the retreat was given. The victor may also capture some in the retreat and decide their fate, including destroying veteran units. Be aware that executing prisoners of war is a war crime of minor severity.
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There, that should be the 'basic' ground combat rules all laid out. As you can see, it's not too dissimilar to naval battles but definitely has a lot more meat. After all, this project did start as an Imperial Guard hankering, and because of general frustrations with most 4x ground battles (stares at Stellaris).

Must be crazy to be a soldier in any sci-fi cause at any moment you might just be orbitally eviscerated
I get the sentiment, but honestly? It's no different from dying to artillery. Or dying to a missile. Or dying to a random bullet. Death lurks around every corner, but it's the courage to know it does and continue living that is so very human.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Mar 31, 2024 at 11:02 PM, finished with 22 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan Start building destroyers and damn the cost!
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
    --[X] [Task] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
    ---[X] [Target] New Helm
    ----[X] Void Drydock.
    -----[X] Destroyers
    -[X] [Officer] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    -[X] [Officer] Radana, Camellia Knight
    --[X] [Task] [Learning] Outfit Troops.
    ---[X] [Target] Infantry.
    [X] Plan: The Web Grows
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
    --[X] [Task] [Intrigue] Send Spies. Have sharp-eyed spies pass through a rival power, using existing cells to help provide a cover for the experts to work and deduce what the enemy is doing now. Discover what primary action another power is focusing on. Requires one (1) progress. Has a low chance for discovery.
    ---[X] [Target] Older Sister/Andernia III
    -[X] [Officer] Radana, Camellia Knight
    --[X] [Task] Commercial Spaceport. Under the United Empire common law, no trader that does not posses hostile, hazardous, or forbidden material is to be turned away. They are to be allowed to ply their wares as they see fit, though local oversight is certainly permitted. Increases Military by two (2). Decreases Wealth and Influence by two (2). Berth for two (2) destroyers or one (1) cruiser. Requires four (4) progress.
    ---[X] [Target] New Helm
    -[X] [Officer] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    --[X] [Task] [Learning] Outfit Troops.
    ---[X] [Target] Infantry.
    [X] Plan Build and Develop the Military City.
    -[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
    --[X] [Task] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
    ---[X] [Target] Pendragon
    ----[X] Void Drydock.
    -----[X] Destroyers
    -[X] [Officer] Kat, Hyacinth Prism
    -[X] [Officer] Radana, Camellia Knight
    --[X] [Stewardship] Develop City.
Cycle 4.1
[X] Plan Start building destroyers and damn the cost!
-[X] [Character] Violet d'Iris, Solar Princess
--[X] [Task] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
---[X] [Target] New Helm
----[X] Void Drydock.
-----[X] Destroyers

-[X] [Officer]
Kat, Hyacinth Prism
--[X] [Task] [Stewardship] Construct Chain.
---[X] [Target] New Helm
----[X] Void Drydock.
-----[X] Destroyers

-[X] [Officer]
Radana, Camellia Knight
--[X] [Task] [Learning] Outfit Troops.
---[X] [Target] Infantry.

It was a strange thing, Radana reflected, to be calmly sipping tea to the tune of live fire weaponry. The noise and smell of gunpowder filled the air while design prototypes were marched out one by one from the various design companies eagerly competing to have their weapon selected as the government's preferred weapon in the hands of soldiers. The representatives of said firms along with a few other notables were too seated around a table, enjoying a cup of brewed fire blossom tea and watching the exhibition.

The Camellia Knight recalled reading in the sacred texts about how once, such an activity would take place on actual battlefields on ancient Terra. For a moment, she tried to imagine it so, trying to nonchalantly try to drink and hold a social gathering while soldiers on both sides were cut down where they were, screaming for help. Her fingers tightened slightly around the handle of the porcelain cup, her circuits flashing briefly. No, no she couldn't imagine it so.

Because then, Radana couldn't live with herself if she wasn't too on the field, trying to help however she could, limited as her fighting ability was.

The fantasy passed and she calmly exhaled, gently lowering her drink just in time to notice the others staring intently at her. Oh dear, had she missed out on something? Well-honed etiquette helped cover up the flush of embarrassment and she instead put a measured smile, one that was carefully meant to suggest a note of innocence without truly meaning it. It was probably the expression that her best friend used all the time. "I apologize, but my station does not expose me often to the realities of the battlefield. Nor am I well-versed in the deep and complicated history of warfare, in which case I must defer to learned experienced specialists such as yourself."

Judging by the surge of confidence in the others' eyes, that had absolutely been the right thing to say. Radana occupied her lips with another sip to hide the slight grin, practically feeling her childhood friend kicking her under the table with a knowing look. However, this time she listened more intently to what the others were debating, not wanting to be caught off guard again. "In such case, we can hardly fault our elegant host for such inexperience," One of the gathered declared firmly, supporting her seeming naivety. "If anything, the willingness to admit one's lack of real battlefield experience is to be applauded, as such controlled environments are hardly comparable to the chaos of real war."

"Then if I may, having formerly served and fought in His Late Majesty's forces?" Another spoke, one who did have the weathered but unbroken look of a retired veteran. Radana knew this to be the truth, this particular spokesperson having supposedly retired from the military for a cushy lobbying job according to the gossip vine. So she let him speak with a nod of the head. "Thank you. Today, we shouldn't just be comparing raw performance numbers with our weapons in the hands of those with sharpest eyes among the Brilliance Knights. Instead, we need to think instead about the lowest denomination in our ranks, that scared private rifleman just signing up to try and get military benefits but now thrown into a real battle."

"It certainly isn't the most glamorous look, but it's true," One from a rival company reluctantly admitted. "Even if we provide the very best in training and put them through numerous war games, it's still a far cry from what they could actually see when the safeties are off."

There was a single tilt of the head in acknowledgment. "Indeed. So, speaking as a veteran if I may, I don't care what my gun's exact specifications are as advertised by a salesperson. All I want to know is if it'll save my life out there."

"An enlightening point of view," Radana praised and reached out to top up the tea cups, a subtle but welcomed gesture. "From what I have been described then, it is best that we do not evaluate based on pure performance, but rather what our brave patriots on the field need."

"Exactly. So let us then consider the infantry's role." They stopped, then turned to a competing firm with a reluctant nod. "Though loath as I am to admit, perhaps one far more well-versed in the actual study of the role would offer greater insight than the one on the ground."

Radana studied the indicated individual and recalled them to be an expert in military history, one with quite a high profile that had seen them grace many a high gathering. She allowed them to rise now but kept the veteran in mind, wanting to temper theory and practice together. "Thank you for your deference in the subject matter. Please allow me to be blunt." A pause, then a harsh truth was spoken. "The role of infantry is be the anvil of numbers, one that is meant to weather harsh losses but keep marching in spite of it. They are fodder on the battlefield, the masses of our armed forces meant to take hits for more valuable units."

The veteran's jaw clenched but nothing was said. It didn't need to, especially when the Camellia Knight gave an acknowledging nod their way and raised her voice to moderate. "Please remember that these are lives you are casually dismissing. A loss of an individual is a tragedy, but a loss of multiple can quickly turn into an unsympathetic statistic."

"...I see. I will keep that in mind." They took a minute to regather their thoughts, then continued speaking. "In fact, while I may have just sounded rather callous and rude just now, it should never be underestimated the potential for an infantry battalion to achieve high glory in combat. In which case then, it is not just a triumph for them, but a triumph to all their colleagues."

"Much better," The veteran grumbled and patted their chest. "We can't understand whatever tactics high command puts out for us, only that we need to follow them. If we see the shot to victory, we'll take it, and damn whatever the higher ups want. In the name of those who pushed us forward while they stayed behind."

The socialite organizer nodded, pleased that a seeming consensus has been reached. Radana spoke then to catch all their attentions. "Then with those factors in mind, let us consider what we wish our brave soldiers shall be outfitted and trained in, all to fight and win on the Solar Princess' coin."

Infantry Base Stats
Strength: 100
Armor: 0
Movement: 3

Create an Outfit Kit!
[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] Main Weapon
-[ ] Specialist Weapon
-[ ] Utility
-[ ] [Name] ____ Infantry Kit
--[ ] Manufacturing Firm (Optional)

Choose a Main Weapon
-[ ] [Main Weapon] Terra Assault Rifle Mk1 A rugged assault rifle model that has ancient roots in Terran history, with incredible ruggedness and durability in majority of field conditions across the galaxy.
Range: 2
Attack: +20
Damage: 4

-[ ] [Main Weapon] Mars Battle Rifle Mk1 A model first developed for the harsher Martian climate, but since finding popularity as a long range infantry rifle.
Range: 3
Attack: +15
Damage: 3


Choose a Specialist Weapon
[ ] [Specialist Weapon] Pipe Anti-Tank Launcher Mk1 A simple tube quite reminiscent of a plumbing pipe can strike fear into armored foes.
Range: 3
Attack: +10
Damage: 5
Special: Target must have at least Armor 10. Armor saves from this weapon are reduced by -20.

-[ ] [Specialist Weapon] Seeker Anti-Air Launcher Mk1 Thermal sensors combined with visual guidance combine together to form a dangerously potent and reliable weapon against aerial targets.
Range: 4
Attack: +15
Damage: 4
Special: Aerial interception weapon. Will be used automatically when aircraft appears within range.


Choose a Utility
-[ ] [Utility] Medic Company Mk1 Increase the number and training of medical personnel in the unit, with basic triage ability for every individual to at least stem the bleeding until a medic can see to it.
Special: At the end of every round, this unit will regain 1d10 Strength. However, this cannot exceed 80% of a unit's overall Strength.

-[ ] [Utility] Drop Pod Mk1 Have the unit undergo extensive training to have the confidence to use special pods mounted on Pelicans to effectively disembark mid-air, announcing their arrival to the battlefield with a bang.
Special: Special Transport Phase effect. This unit cannot be hit with aerial interception from ground forces when being transported. However, they have a chance to land off their intended grid.


Finish it with a Name!
-[ ] [Name] ____ Infantry Kit
--[ ] Manufacturing Firm (Optional)

- Decided to name the transport craft Pelicans. Lot of sci-fi settings have their transport craft named Pelicans, figured might as well get with the trend.
- If you decide to add in a manufacturing firm, I'll change the main weapon name to appropriately reflected it so. Lots of guns tend to just be the company's name, so it makes sense. Or if you want to just rename the gun independently/keep it as is, just add it in the manufacturing blurb. Just don't pull a US Army and name everything the M1. I like to think that Violet shouldn't have an aneurysm at her age from trying to figure out which one her spies are talking about.

12 hour moratorium to name your rifle.
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I kinda like the idea of going with the battle-rifle (Snipers), Anti-Tank Launchers, and then the medic company so we can just continuously harass the enemy and then just get out of range before they retaliate with the medic company to replenish any losses from airstrikes/the enemy getting close while we pull back, and the Anti-Tank Launchers for any armored columns trying to rush us.
Drop pods are seductive, but for basic infantry, whose purpose is to take and hold ground? I would not recommend it. Especially at this early stage of military development.
Dropping in from the sky with hard hitting code range weapons in a decapitation strike seems like the most thematic thing for our spyrincess
It does doesn't it. Oh wait, just thought of something. If we're able to avoid deploying all of our forces at the onset of the battle, (and assuming we can do the action again to make another infantry kit), what if we tried using the Sniper-kit to lure the enemy away and then drop in the close-ranged infantry? I feel like a combination of the two would also play into spyrincess thematically with the whole 'I know what you're up toooooo.' Though I suppose the question is (if we can pick up the action again later), which we want to do first.
It does doesn't it. Oh wait, just thought of something. If we're able to avoid deploying all of our forces at the onset of the battle, (and assuming we can do the action again to make another infantry kit), what if we tried using the Sniper-kit to lure the enemy away and then drop in the close-ranged infantry? I feel like a combination of the two would also play into spyrincess thematically with the whole 'I know what you're up toooooo.' Though I suppose the question is (if we can pick up the action again later), which we want to do first.
Yes, you can! In fact, you can have multiple different types of outfit kits per unit and even mix and match what each Battalion in a Regiment is equipped with, or just go pure with one option. The only thing is that you cannot change the kits out on the field, the time to do that when they're at their home base.
[x] Plan: Semper Fi
-[x] [Main Weapon] Terra Assault Rifle Mk1
-[x] [Specialist Weapon] Pipe Anti-Tank Launcher Mk1
-[x] [Utility] Medic Company Mk1

Just like Desert Storm.
Voting is open for the next 2 days, 11 hours