Gundam SEED Rebuild - Time Travel Fix-it Quest

Still haven't watched the movie yet so can't tell how it's characterized for now (/ _ ; ) Hopefully it will be available to my area soon. That said, it's not necessary to emulate the canon if you think there are better options as a third party NGO. (If decide to go this route)
Take your time and enjoy the movie.

True, your story's Cagalli can have Compass go in a different direction than the canon.
What do we expect the backlash to be for the warn option using the family name? Zafts just not showing up and discrediting us? Zafts thinking her family is apart of this officially?
The backlash is now Cagalli has to explain how she knew about the impending attack.

It's not ZAFT she'll have to explain to, but the Earth Alliance and the rest of Orb.

Her father is going to come knocking asking about who she's been talking to, that gave her the info. The Alliance will be pissed at Cagalli knowing in advance and not telling anybody until the day of the attack, resulting in their officers dying and their suits getting stolen (because let's face it, we're not likely going to be able to prevent the Buster, Duel and Blitz getting taken, even if we can save the Aegis and Strike).

Worst case scenario, Cagalli gets accused of being the one who leaked the location and information about the G-Project to ZAFT.

Depending on how cut-throat internal Orb politics is, it could also possibly be blamed on the rest of the Athha family and used to get Uzumi kicked off as Chief Representative (the Sahaku family might try it).

.....And of course, it would tip off Rau that Cagalli has an inside source of information on his plans. And when he can't find the leak internally, would probably decide just to cut the head off the snake and target Cagalli directly.
Hm... Tell her father she slept with Athrun Zala and got the story out of him... This of course happened a fair bit later, but probably did. No actual lies, just a very weird truth, that's not actually the truth.
The alliance doesn't have the right to ask for anything. They had secret negotiations with a noble house. Her father also can't complain since she told him about the G weapons and he blew her off. What's he gonna say? He wouldn't have believed her regardless.
NOT that we should rely on such, we can always BUY a suit if we dont get one now, though i wonder if we awaken someone else, will our WP income increase?
If we buy a suit then the suit should be advanced enough to make a difference. A technological difference that will allow orb to advance their MS a few gens.
[X] Plan - Rails but Guns
[X] Plan: A Lioness Protects - Archangel Route

I don't really care whether or not we call the port, I just don't want the Strike getting carried off by Miguel or Athrun, leaving us only with Astrays. Cagalli can have a shouting match with her father or not and if she manages to get herself in the Aegis' cockpit, the Alliance is going to be pissed at her anyway.

Also, buying good* suits can be discussed when we actually have the points for it, we don't even have enough to Awaken Kira and the Akatsuki costs 5x as much.

*The Astrays are not good suits.
If athruns bunk mate dies like he should then the strike goes to him while the Aegis probably stays there or disappears into space depending on the colony.

I'd rather have one side have a Gundam and the other side not to have any at all. It stops escalation if one side has such a clear advantage. The only reason earth had the spine to declare war is they thought they'd sweep the plants.
Astray-s are 1st gen GAT-X100 equivalents without the Phase Shift Armor.
ORB outright made a Strike replica and a new Striker pack instead of a high spec Astray.
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I'd rather have one side have a Gundam and the other side not to have any at all. It stops escalation if one side has such a clear advantage. The only reason earth had the spine to declare war is they thought they'd sweep the plants.
Though if you look at Gundam 00, one side having all the Gundams really just made all the other sides (the nations that would eventually become the Earth Sphere Federation, the Union, League and AEU) decide to jointly gang up against Celestial Being.

That Taklamakan Desert operation to capture the Gundams would've worked too.

They only got bailed out because of the Trinity siblings and those guys were sent by the same man who eventually gave the ESF the Tau Drives and look at the escalation that happened after that.
Phase Shift is a double edged sword without the infrastructure support of the Archangel and Skygraspers anyway, hence the ZAFT kids usually losing tactically because they ran out of battery early on.

That said both routes have their pros and cons, hence why I made both.
They only got bailed out because of the Trinity siblings and those guys were sent by the same man who eventually gave the ESF the Tau Drives and look at the escalation that happened after that.
Then we have Katharon who never seem to try steal GN Tau Drives and make their own or modify them into the Flags, Tierens and Enacts such as the GN Flag used by Graham for example.

Katharon is like the AEUG if they didn't have access to advanced mobile suit technology and relied on One Year War machines.
Okay so if Kira is piloting an Astray... let's say the red frame with base equipment(no katana, shield, and rifle) versus Kira piloting the strike with base equipment(shield and rifle, no striker packs). The Kira in the Astray wins due to being a less bulky and more agile mobile suit. Phase shift is a detriment in Gundam vs Gundam fights due to the Gundam's in seed mainly using energy weapons, which bypasses phase shift. It's really useful against pretty much everything else ZAFT can and will field until very late into the war.

Then we have Katharon who never seem to try steal GN Tau Drives and make their own or modify them into the Flags, Tierens and Enacts such as the GN Flag used by Graham for example.

Katharon is like the AEUG if they didn't have access to advanced mobile suit technology and relied on One Year War machines.
Sorta, the actual reason was that GN drive Tau's have issues. First, they are a new technology, second not many are made, at least compared to the old MS, third GN tech is heavily guarded, fourth the other MS in comparison are much cheaper to get and employ, and they also have a longer operating time. Like the Anf, while completely useless in MS vs MS, can run on fucking diesel. Thanks to wireless energy transfer, flags and Enact can run indefinitely in their home regions.
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Sorta, the actual reason was that GN drive Tau's have issues. First, they are a new technology, second not many are made, at least compared to the old MS, third GN tech is heavily guarded, fourth the other MS in comparison are much cheaper to get and employ, and they also have a longer operating time. Like the Anf, while completely useless in MS vs MS, can run on fucking diesel. Thanks to wireless energy transfer, flags and Enact can run indefinitely in their home regions.
That's true and Katharon kept losing battles, heavily relying on Celestial Being for help to defeat the A-Laws forces.

The only time Katharon gets a win is when they took advantage of A-Laws' anti-particle cloud and defeated their GN Tau Drive-powered mobile suits who were inside the said cloud in attempt to weaken Celestial Being there, catching them off guard.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by TurbojetTakeoff on Feb 11, 2024 at 8:12 AM, finished with 119 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan: A Lioness Protects - Archangel Route
    -[X] Incomplete Natural-use OS: A very incomplete OS, but still better than the heap of spaghetti that the OMNI Enforcer is using. [Piloting Malus with no Natural OS changed from -10 to -7 when booted into a mobile suit]
    -[X] Body Armor: Slightly more protected. But noticeable to a trained eye. [Martial +0.5; Intrigue -0.5. Temporary.]
    -[X] Handgun(s): Suitable for concealed carry. Still noticeable to a trained eye. [Martial +1; Intrigue -1. Temporary. Two Maximum.]
    -[X] Professor Katō's Laboratory: This was where they met in the first timeline. Also conveniently close to the Earth Alliance Industrial Sector. [Potential confrontation. May encounter difficult DCs and VCs (versus checks).]
    -[X] Alert the Port - Terrorist Attack Warning from an Athha: She can try to warn them, and try to leverage her family name for credibility. Hopefully it will not backfire. [Affects Narrative.]
    [X] Plan: A Lioness Protects - Astray Route
    -[X] Incomplete Natural-use OS: A very incomplete OS, but still better than the heap of spaghetti that the OMNI Enforcer is using. [Piloting Malus with no Natural OS changed from -10 to -7 when booted into a mobile suit]
    -[X] Body Armor: Slightly more protected. But noticeable to a trained eye. [Martial +0.5; Intrigue -0.5. Temporary.]
    -[X] Handgun(s): Suitable for concealed carry. Still noticeable to a trained eye. [Martial +1; Intrigue -1. Temporary. Two Maximum.]
    -[X] Morgenröte Heliopolis branch: The Astrays are here. The staff are unsuspecting. [Potential confrontation if pushing the luck too far.]
    -[X] Alert the Port - Terrorist Attack Warning from an Athha: She can try to warn them, and try to leverage her family name for credibility. Hopefully it will not backfire. [Affects Narrative.]
    [X] Plan - Rails but Guns
Mechanics Concepts 1
I got bored so here: More Ideas!

ORB-X-000 Gundam AME is a Mobile Suit based on tech from the Universe of Gundam Seed.

A Mobile Suit designed and tuned specifically for Cagalli. It is built for high-speed mobile suit assault tactics, i.e. Hit and run. As such employs much more powerful vernier thrusters than most G-Weapons or Astray units in its base form. As an early Gundam based in the Seed universe, it shares their main weakness. It lacks a power plant and only uses an Ultracompact Energy Battery.

- "Igelstellung" 75mm Automatic Multi-barrel CIWS
Anti-aircraft defense cannons are mounted on both sides of the head. These light projectile weapons are used to intercept missiles, destroy lightly armored vehicles, etc.

- Type 70 Beam Saber
AME is equipped with a back-mounted beam saber for close combat.

- 57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
The AME's primary ranged weapon, can be stored on the side skirt armor, and can easily destroy a ZGMF-1017 GINN with one shot, but is mostly ineffective against suits with anti-beam coating. It has an additional handle that can shift to the side and is often used for extra stability when the Strike is firing its rifle rapidly.

- Shield
A piece of equipment designed to increase the AME's defensive capability, it is mounted on the left forearm and/or handheld. The shield does not have phase shift armor, so it is not as durable as the AME's armor, but it also does not drain energy each time it is hit. The shield's major advantage is that it is anti-beam coated and can block or deflect beam weapon attacks, against which phase shift armor is ineffective.

- Phase Shift armor
When this armor is activated, the AME's color changes from a light grey to a gold scheme with white mixed in. The Phase Shift armor renders the AME immune to physical attacks such as bullets, sword slashes, missiles, etc. However, Phase Shift armor continually drains the battery of energy, shortening the mobile suit's combat endurance, and using up additional energy when it is hit.

ORB-X-078 Gundam Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto is a Mobile Suit based on tech from the Universe of Gundam Seed.

A Mobile Suit designed and tuned specifically for Cagalli. It is built as an high-speed mobile suit artillery platform, i.e. meant for shoot-and-scoot operations. This mobile Suit employs a Neutron Jammer Canceller as such is powered by a nuclear reactor. Giving it a near-indefinite operation time unless it over-employs its weapon systems. It's meant for single-target elimination by any means necessary.

- "Igelstellung" 75mm Automatic Multi-barrel CIWS
Anti-aircraft defense cannons are mounted on both sides of the head. These light projectile weapons are used to intercept missiles, destroy lightly armored vehicles, etc.

- MA-M01 "Lacerta" Beam Saber
The main close combat weapons of the Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto are two MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers, which are stored above the railguns. Since the beam sabers are powered by the suit's nuclear reactor, they have a higher output than the ones used by the original GAT-X series. The two beam sabers can be combined into a twin-edged beam saber, and this form is known as an 'Ambidextrous Halberd'.

- 75mm High-energy Buster Beam Rifles
The AME's primary ranged weapons. They can be combined to fire a higher-power beam.

- High-energy Beam Mega Cannon
When used in its "Maximum Output Mode", the cannon's barrel splits open and extends to fire a beam with the destructive power to exceed any of the weapons the Freedom can use.

- Shield
A piece of equipment designed to increase the AME's defensive capability, it is mounted on the left arm's gimble. The shield does have phase shift armor, so it is as durable as the mobile suit's armor, but it also drains energy each time it is hit.

- MMI-M15 "Xiphias" Railguns
A pair of railguns that are mounted on the waist, have an excellent rate of fire and high ammunition capacity. Folded into three parts when not in use, they can be used to deal with situations where beam weapons are ineffective and are the suit's most powerful solid-based weaponry. Although the railguns have foldable grips at the sides, they can be fired without the grips being held in hands.

- Variable Phase Shift armor
An improved version of Phase Shift Armor, VPS armor is capable of automatically changing its strength, as well as color and power consumption in the field, although this must be programmed beforehand.

- Neutron Jammer Canceller
The Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto is equipped with a Neutron Jammer Canceller, which counters the effects of the ubiquitous Neutron Jammers and allows these suits to be powered by nuclear reactors. This gives them near-limitless combat endurance, even with Phase Shift armor activated.
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I feel like at this point in the story, the most useful kinds of "cheap suits" would be one of 3 types of highly-specialized suits. Either:

1. GINN-killer suit. Something made mainly to kill mooks. Phase Shift Armor and weapons that don't rely on battery, so that the only drain is the Phase Shift and it can last as long as possible while it's out killing GINNs (or Moebius MAs, if fighting the Alliance).

2. Gundam-killer suit. The exact opposite of a mook killer. No physical weapons, just Beam stuff meant to melt through Phase Shift Armor. And no Phase Shift of its own, just beam-coating and maximum mobility, as all the current Gundams themselves have beam weapons.

3. Ace-killer suit. The one you bring out for high-value targets like Rau or maybe Athrun. This one needs 3 specific things. First, it wants something like the Blitz's Gleipnir or the Astray Amatsu's Magashira no Hoko - a kind of harpoon weapon that tethers the suit to the enemy. Second, it needs a highly-reinforced cockpit. Third, it needs a high-reliability ejection system.

Why? Because it's a kamikaze suit. The strategy is to grab the other guy, hug them and blow both suits up.

Enforced plot armor means the other guy will probably eject and survive too, but it has a decent chance of depriving them of their suit and taking them out of the fight for the rest of a battle. If it's a critical battle where they would have killed someone, one kamikaze suit is a relatively small price to pay and as probably better value for money than trying to engage in a traditional dogfight that would require a much more expensive suit to compete.