Gundam SEED Rebuild - Time Travel Fix-it Quest

so we need to beat 27.7, damn

anyone wanna risk the roll for defence?

we need at least 53
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Not yet. Might as well get it over with. If we fail, we fail. But again, Athrun would normally have gotten the suit anyway without us trying.

Rolling: Defending Mobile Suit, Cagalli Yula Athha - Martial VC [Base = 20 +(1) +(0.5 +1)]

About the same as the roll for Athrun's attack, I guess the guy's just a better fighter than Cagalli. Maybe the encounter will at least lower the awakening cost for him.
PistachioCookies threw 2 50-faced dice. Reason: Defending Mobile Suit, Martial Total: 35
6 6 29 29
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We get the BP of any mobile suit we see, if im guessing the mevhanucs right, so well be fine just sucks the dice REALLY want us to not have a mobile suit without buying ourselves
Though if we can awaken Athrun, he'll come with his stolen Aegis anyway.

....I hope that doesn't jack the cost of awakening him all the way up.

If someone needs to not have a suit to keep their awakening cost low, that would probably make the most efficient ace pilot we can awaken Shinn Asuka. Since he'll never have any reason to get near a mobile suit if we do our job right and prevent the invasion of Orb.

@TurbojetTakeoff - What's the actual process of buying an Awakening for someone? Can it only be done at specific times? Does it require both characters to have physical contact or just be nearby or can it happen remotely? Does it have a "delivery time" like with suits, or is it instant?
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It's gonna be incredibly awkward for ZAFT when Athrun's teammates, Rau and Patrick Zala hear news of him defecting if Cagalli awakened him.
I was thinking that the best opportunity, if she can't find a way to privately do it during this fight (i.e. grappling in the cockpit of the Aegis) would actually be when he's sent back in to Heliopolis to destroy the Strike.

Cagalli would need to fight Athrun, while Kira, Mu and Sahaku focus on stopping the rest of the GINN squad from blowing up Heliopolis. If she awakens Athrun while soloing him, she can plausibly disable the Aegis (or pretend to disable it) without killing him and then claim that she beat him the old-fashioned way and then take him hostage as a prisoner of Orb (not the Earth Alliance).

Being able to present him as a prisoner would be the ideal scenario. Athrun Zala, being the son of ZAFT's Defense Chairman, is just as high-value a target as Lacus Clyne. Cagalli could probably be able to use him to get Rau to back off, offering to give him back if Le Creuset retreats from the colony immediately with the 3 other suits he already has. As probably the highest-ranked Orb official there apart from Sahaku she would have to be taken seriously.

From there, we have a lot of advantage.

If Athrun goes back, we now have a trojan horse in ZAFT. If Rau is insane enough to refuse the exchage and try to sacrifice Athrun, we now have Alex Dino who has a plausible motive for betraying ZAFT - they betrayed him first and left him for dead.

Personally, I don't think Rau could even give that refusal without Athrun's teammates having extreme objections to the point of some of them mutinying over it. Athrun would have to cut in front of Yzak to get a piece of Rau.
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If Rau is insane enough to refuse the exchage and try to sacrifice Athrun
That would get an angry Patrick Zala go after Rau's ass for the death of his son and brand him persona non grata. Unless you tell me wrong that Patrick Zala had already been insane to the point he viciously rebuked Athrun for trying to stop him for getting revenge for his wife's death no matter the cost.
That's why Rau would have to be insane to try telling his team to keep attacking.

However, Rau is also a certifiably crazy person. So there is a distinct possibility he might deliberately think of doing it in order to later spin it to Patrick Zala as the fault of Orb, in some insane bid to try and expand his fury towards them, to increase the scale of his personal omnicidal campaign.

He'd first have to get his men to actually follow through with it, though.

And something tells me if he were to order Athrun's teammates to blow up the Aegis or Heliopolis with Athrun still in it, Dearka (and Rusty if he's still alive) would freeze up while Nicol and Yzak would flat out refuse. Miguel is the only one who -maybe- might follow the order, but I suspect if he tried, Yzak would fight him over it.

He might try to sell some story about it being a rational decision to Dearka, Nicol or Miguel, but it would be a hard sell to the emotionally-driven Yzak.