Gundam SEED Rebuild - Time Travel Fix-it Quest

I have lost track of my train of thought hard enough that I can't respond to most of this post but don't even get me started on how heavily, deeply, intrinsically Great Man Theory Gundam 00 is.
Wasn't there an Old Human Faction that oppose the ELS-human union and harmony which prompted Celestial Being to do their armed interventions once again?

I doubt it by this time he should already be in his naturals are beneath coordintors and deserve death line (cause of the death of his wife) and be planning things like genesis.
like this guy in episode 8 was saying things like that's exactly why we cant forgave them those that get in our way.
so yeah at this point already had a with me or against me view point
True, he has to die then as a canon event.
Wasn't there an Old Human Faction that oppose the ELS-human union and harmony which prompted Celestial Being to do their armed interventions once again?
No? Well, maybe in ancillary manga I haven't read, but those generally have a pretty different perspective on the setting than the animated entries, no matter what Gundam we're talking about (but again, especially AD).

This also has nothing to do with my point that the actual drivers of the course of history in that setting are all singular individuals.
No? Well, maybe in ancillary manga I haven't read, but those generally have a pretty different perspective on the setting than the animated entries, no matter what Gundam we're talking about (but again, especially AD).
Guess you missed out some post-A Wakening of Trailblazer stories of Gundam 00. One of them had Graham Aker returning to life as an ELS-human hybrid after blowing himself up to pave way for Setsuna and his 00 Quanta to get inside the ELS Planetoid and successfully communicate with them and aid of Veda terminal to properly process all excess information by Tieria.

Then there's another Tieria Erde-type Innovade who is made a new member of Celestial Being to handle the Old Human Faction.
Yes, my guess as to why they didn't implement them is that they were more expensive. Lot fewer ammo problems, but a lot more expensive of a solution than a gun that's not going to be the main armament and is meant for missile defense. Also, it eats at the battery. Also due to beam convergence the range will be worse than it's bullet based counterpart.

Yeah agreed. Also compact beam weaponry were rare during CE71, and you'd have to wait until Calamity's shield cannon or Slash ZAKU's Gatling beam cannons to get that small caliber high firing rate suitable for CWIS purposes

I like to think Witch from Mercury had the right of it. "Victory is not decided by a mobile suit alone, nor by a pilot's skill alone".
Cue poor Strike Rouge vs ZAKUs and GOUFs :V

Would it be possible to redeem Patrick Zala?
I'm generally inclined to think everyone is redeemable (depends on what you mean by redeem...?) But so far I see little factor sthat could contribute to a mindset change for Zala, or Le Creuset for that matter. Le Creuset would make a funny ally though. lol

I wonder how secure CE's prison are for imprisonment for life... hmmm...
Chapter 1.6 - Battle of Heliopolis 1
Scheduled vote count started by TurbojetTakeoff on Feb 11, 2024 at 8:12 AM, finished with 119 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan: A Lioness Protects - Archangel Route
    -[X] Incomplete Natural-use OS: A very incomplete OS, but still better than the heap of spaghetti that the OMNI Enforcer is using. [Piloting Malus with no Natural OS changed from -10 to -7 when booted into a mobile suit]
    -[X] Body Armor: Slightly more protected. But noticeable to a trained eye. [Martial +0.5; Intrigue -0.5. Temporary.]
    -[X] Handgun(s): Suitable for concealed carry. Still noticeable to a trained eye. [Martial +1; Intrigue -1. Temporary. Two Maximum.]
    -[X] Professor Katō's Laboratory: This was where they met in the first timeline. Also conveniently close to the Earth Alliance Industrial Sector. [Potential confrontation. May encounter difficult DCs and VCs (versus checks).]
    -[X] Alert the Port - Terrorist Attack Warning from an Athha: She can try to warn them, and try to leverage her family name for credibility. Hopefully it will not backfire. [Affects Narrative.]
    [X] Plan: A Lioness Protects - Astray Route
    -[X] Incomplete Natural-use OS: A very incomplete OS, but still better than the heap of spaghetti that the OMNI Enforcer is using. [Piloting Malus with no Natural OS changed from -10 to -7 when booted into a mobile suit]
    -[X] Body Armor: Slightly more protected. But noticeable to a trained eye. [Martial +0.5; Intrigue -0.5. Temporary.]
    -[X] Handgun(s): Suitable for concealed carry. Still noticeable to a trained eye. [Martial +1; Intrigue -1. Temporary. Two Maximum.]
    -[X] Morgenröte Heliopolis branch: The Astrays are here. The staff are unsuspecting. [Potential confrontation if pushing the luck too far.]
    -[X] Alert the Port - Terrorist Attack Warning from an Athha: She can try to warn them, and try to leverage her family name for credibility. Hopefully it will not backfire. [Affects Narrative.]
    [X] Plan - Rails but Guns

Alert the Port - Terrorist Attack Warning from an Athha.
Orb Union Military and Civil servants - Reputation of Cagalli Yula Athha slightly increased.

Omake - Mechanics settings.
Bonus World Points Total +4.

Chapter 1.6 Battle of Heliopolis 1

"...Thank you, Ms. Athha... Yes... Yes... Understood, Ma'am. We'll follow up," the Chief Traffic Control Officer of Heliopolis Spaceport promised before hanging up the phone and letting out a long sigh.

The chief gazed out of the observation window on the far side of the control room. There was only the usual traffic against the backdrop of stars, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Do you know the Athha kid? The daughter of the Chief Representative?"

The younger officer nodded hesitantly. "So that was her on the phone just now?"

The chief nodded. "Seems like it. The call's routed through Charles Lim, that senior manager of Morgenröte— Said she'd like to report a potential terrorist attack against the spaceport."

Startled, the young officer spun around to face the chief, almost losing balance in zero gravity and having to grab the edge of the nearby desk. "I'm sorry?"

The chief sighed. He picked up and shook his almost-empty tumbler, which had been magnetically sticking to his desk. He was going to need more coffee for this. "Bombs are said to be likely not involved, but instead a potential ramming attack against the port facility and this control center. Maybe even involving rogue forces' mobile suits."

The young officer's eyebrows shot up. "Mobile suits? How did she know? This isn't a prank call, is it?"

"She claimed it to be an anonymous informant," the chief sighed. He had his doubts as well, but the Orb Union was, for all intents and purposes, an aristocracy, even though there might be some checks and balances with the democratic parliament. The five main clans had always had their own resources and intel. The name Athha was not to be taken lightly.

Then the chief shook his head. "It shouldn't matter anyway. We received a terrorist report. The standard contingency procedures dictate the rest. Tanaka, initiate the emergency response plan. Ask the backup security team to scan for suspicious items in the public area of the port anyway. And prepare for evacuation readiness level 1. Have the standby team ready at the secondary control center for the switchover. All crew in this station standby for evacuation if ordered."

"Yes, sir," the young officer nodded, but then hesitated as he thought of something and added in a low voice, "What about the occupants currently in Dock S1?"

The chief rubbed his temple. The guests of Sahaku were a bunch of trouble. If this somehow turned into power plays between the clans, he wanted no involvement whatsoever.

"Just treat them like any other regular users. Inform them that we received safety reports and that we are investigating and closely monitoring the situation. Their dock is located deeper into the asteroid body, so they should have some level of protection against ramming anyway."

"Yes, sir," Tanaka nodded again and turned to his workstation to begin relaying his superior's orders.
The chief continued rubbing his head. Hopefully, they were just being overly cautious.

Cagalli pressed the side of her belt where her concealed gun was holstered, seeking its comforting weight. If worse came to worst, she might have to rely on it.

She had managed to arrange a meeting at Professor Katō's Laboratory and asked Kira to meet her there for the Talent Scheme. She could see Sai and Kuzzey working at the other end of the laboratory. She politely nodded at them as she entered the room but didn't try to speak with them. It felt strange to see them again like this, with them not recognizing her.

Sai had been really helpful when he rejoined the Orb Government near the end of the Second War, and last she heard, Kuzzey was doing well too.

The professor had not arrived yet. She hadn't been able to see him last time, so she doubted she would be able to this time either. She would really love to speak to him, for so many things. The sheer geniusness of trusting the Sahakus and working on OMNI projects in a neutral colony, for one.

She might even be able to… convince him to give her a tour to the OMNI Enforcer managed areas. Although she doubted she could simply walk into the area where the GAT-X units were stored, even with Katō's endorsement. Still, it might have been easier to gain access.

But that plan would not work now. So, back to Plan A— blend in with the confusion and panic among the crowd during the initial attacks and find her way into the restricted area, just like she had inadvertently done before.

As she was lost in her thoughts, the door clicked open. She looked up and saw Kira waving at her, with Tolle and Miriallia trailing behind him.

"Ms. Hibiki!"

Cagalli couldn't help but grimace a little at the weirdness of the name. Sure, that part would always be a part of her history. But still…

She shook her head. "Just call me Cagalli."

Kira blinked his clear eyes, a hint of embarrassment visible. "Uhm... okay? Ms... Ah, I mean, Ms. Cagalli?"

"Just Cagalli is fine, if you're okay with me calling you Kira," Cagalli chuckled.

"Right, of course," Kira scratched the back of his neck and continued, "Oh, um, I have the draft ready. If you'd like to take a look?"

"Sure," Cagalli had time, and nothing else to do other than waiting.

And it was impressive. Even as someone with limited knowledge in the field, she could see how well the demo worked, with the simulated outcome presented by Kira. It didn't quite reach the level of Morgenröte, but it was close and exceptionally brilliant for just two days of work. Erica would definitely be interested in seeing this.

She carefully pocketed the disc containing Kira's program and placed it next to the hard drive she had with her—the one containing Morgenröte's work.

"And, uh... I told my mother that you would like to say hi to her. She looked quite shocked when she heard your name...?" Kira hesitantly added, hoping for more information.

Cagalli blinked, realizing she had almost forgotten about it. "Oh..."

Kira continued, "Yeah, She kinda mentioned that you're a dear friend's daughter, but they lost contact a long time ago."

"Uh... well, I guess in a way that's not wrong," Cagalli tilted her head. Now that she thought about it, maybe Mrs. Yamato would try to reach out to her father about this. She had deliberately cut off contact with home to prevent any potential remote overrides for the safehouse. They would have no way to contact her if they wanted to.

"Well—" she started, but suddenly the lights in the room flickered.

A deep rumble spread through the shell of the space colony, reaching their underground-level laboratory.

Cagalli stood up— almost knocking her chair to the ground. The Battle of Heliopolis had begun.

"Approaching ZAFT vessels. Please respond!" one of the traffic controllers loudly repeated in the control center, but received no feedback.

"We're detecting powerful electrical interference from the ZAFT vessels!" Another controller reported, looking back at the senior officers. "Chief!"

The chief officer's blood ran cold. It was an attack, but not by terrorists. Heliopolis, being a neutral colony, deliberately avoided having a military presence to prevent provocation or escalation. The police emergency response team was ill-equipped to handle this situation.

He ordered, "Redirect the police forces to the habitat area. They're of no use here. Suggest they assist with evacuation efforts. All hands to evacuate now! Tanaka!"


"You will lead the evacuation. Check with the secondary control center for their status. If unable, head to the back office for further orders. I will stay behind for the switchover."


"No buts. Go!"

"... Yes, sir."

The staff in the center quickly filed out into the corridor. The chief watched until the door closed after the last person and thought about his conversation with the young Athha. At least they were prepared for the evacuation thanks to her warning.

Now that he thought about it, could the young Athha have already known about this attack? Was that why she warned them…? No, that would be absurd.

He shook his head. There was no use in speculating. He focused back on the situation and continued hailing the ZAFT vessels, but still received no response. Suddenly, he saw several distinct blue plasma trails shooting out of the vessels.

His face paled. He picked up the handset. "Calling Heliopolis Main! ZAFT mobile suits incoming! I repeat, ZAFT mobile suits incoming!"

Cagalli gritted her teeth. The attacks had begun.

She rushed out of the room, startling Kira and his friends, before turning back and said, "You guys get to safety. Try to get to the shelters as quickly as you can. I have something I need to check."

With that, she left them dumbfounded. She had considered asking Kira to come along; it had been her plan all along.

But in the heat of the moment, she could not quite bring herself to do it. This Kira was still just a civilian teenage student. She, on the other hand, was at least trained and more equipped than he was. Maybe she would ask for his help if he were her Kira, or maybe even be totally reliant on him… But she hesitated to bring along her clueless little brother straight into trouble this time..

"Wait, Cagalli. Where are you going?" Kira called after her.

Regardless, she definitely underestimated her brother's athleticism and nosiness. He caught up with her in no time, having seen her rushing in the opposite direction of safety.

"Kira— No time to explain. I need you to trust me and go with your friends."

"Nothing is this important. Let's go back!" Kira insisted.

"Kira, no—" But before she could finish her words, the corridor they had come from collapsed.

Cagalli cursed under her breath. She grabbed Kira's wrist and pulled him along. "This way!"

They ran until they reached the end of the corridor, where it connected to open-air walkways bathed in broad daylight. Cagalli immediately came to a halt and held up an arm to block Kira as well.

She peeked out from the shadow.

Beyond the guardrails of the walkway, there lies a colossal humanoid metallic structure, scaling at more than eighteen meters. It emanated an eerie, almost divine presence at first glance, as if it were an idol representing the destructive nature of humanity.

GAT-X105 Strike.

Next to it was another machine, also in dull gray color. But Cagalli could almost see the vivid red color bleed in from her memory— the GAT-X303 Aegis— the machine in which Athrun almost fought Kira to the death, with nothing but the pure intent of killing each other.

"They really are here..." The sight of the mobile suits hit Cagalli. Last time she was so angry— at the ridiculousness of mobile weapons developed in her neutral homeland. The residual anger resurfaced, but this time it was mixed with a new anger, that this was somehow necessary.

Kira was shocked at the sight. He looked back at Cagalli. "Mobile Suits?"

"Earth Alliance's latest mobile weapons… Developed without our knowledge…" Cagalli gritted out.

It felt as if these giant machines, designed to be ruthless killers, were being summoned, with the soldiers fighting and dying around them serving as human sacrifices.

She would find a way to end this. Just like she had been working towards with Kira, Athrun, Lacus, Captain Ramius, and the rest of the Archangel's crew.

But then, the Strike looked almost exactly like her old partner when unactivated. And she knew from her trusty Rouge that there was potential in building something new out of this current mess—a way to protect important people with these machines.

Gunshots echoed incessantly in the area. Cagalli could see ZAFT soldiers entering from the far side. There was a brunette in a jumpsuit, facing away from them, using the machines as cover while trying to shoot back. Cagalli immediately recognized her as the former, or perhaps future, captain of the Archangel.

The scene was growing more chaotic by the second. Time was running out. They needed to move now.

Name: Cagalli Yula Athha

Piloting: 25 (+1)
Martial: 20 (+1) (+0.5 +1)
Diplomacy: 21 (+1)
Stewardship: 30 (+1)
Intrigue: 20 (+1) (-0.5 -1)
Learning: 12 (+1)
Awakening: 20 (+1)

The Torchbearer of Dawn
Cagalli carries on the legacy of her forerunner, with her own will and ideals forged in the battlefield and the political arena.
Gain World Points when succeeding in Piloting/Martial/Diplomacy/Stewardship checks according to the degrees of success while being a non-invading force.

SEED Factor
Cagalli is one of the focal points of this world. Holders of the SEED Factor may enter a state of enhanced awareness and peak physical ability. They may, however, experience slight disorientation and exhaustion after coming out of the S.E.E.D. mode.
May activate at any time. When activated,
Receive N re-rolls, where N = Awakening Attribute before activation / 10 (Rounded down); Awakening +5;
Automatic deactivated after battle concludes. After deactivated,
All Attributes -3 until the character rests.

Cagalli is a naturally born human being, with no genetic enhancement.
Piloting -10 when piloting a Mobile Suit with no Natural-use OS

Mobile Suit/ Armor


1 * Body Armor
1 * Handgun

Personal Budget

Items of Interest
1 * Morgenröte Incomplete Natural-use OS
1 * Proof of Concept Natural-use OS by Kira Yamato

World Points
39 + 2 (Bonus) + 2 (Bonus)

What is Cagalli's Plan?
Please suggest a battle plan. Choose any number of choices such as but not limited to the following actions as long as there are no conflicts. Please specify action order. May specify backup action and other further details.

[ ] Ask for help from Murrue Ramius: Announce your presence. Knowing Captain Ramius, she probably would not kill you on sight. Probably. [Martial DC - Easy, then Diplomacy DC varies - Easy]
- [ ] Introduce yourself as Students / Orb Official / Morgenröte staff / etc.: Affects the first impression you give out. May have consequences if actions/equipment mismatch your stated identity. [Affects Diplomacy DC]

[ ] Ask Kira to Stay Close with Cagalli / Stay with Murrue Ramius / Escape: While Kira would not take any active fighting actions, you may be able to convince him to take defensive choices [Diplomacy DC varies - Easy to Difficult]

[ ] Get near GAT-X105 Strike: You need to get on a mobile suit asap. The Strike only seems the most fitting.
- [ ] Get Permission First / Announce your Intention / Sneak: Decide how you plan to get near the mobile suit. [Diplomacy DC and/or Intrigue DC and/or Martial DC]

[ ] Get near GAT-X303 Aegis: You need to get on a mobile suit asap. And there may be a chance to get on the Aegis to deny ZAFT the suit. [Martial DC - Medium, then Martial VC varies - Difficult]
- [ ] Get Permission First / Announce your Intention / Sneak: Decide how you plan to get near the mobile suit. [Diplomacy DC and/or Intrigue DC and/or Martial DC]

[ ] Write-in: Please specify. [DC to be decided by QM. Subject to QM veto.]
[ ] Get near GAT-X303 Aegis: You need to get on a mobile suit asap. And there may be a chance to get on the Aegis to deny ZAFT the suit. [Martial DC - Medium, then Martial VC varies - Difficult]
- [ ] Get Permission First / Announce your Intention / Sneak: Decide how you plan to get near the mobile suit. [Diplomacy DC and/or Intrigue DC and/or Martial DC]
Aegis! Let's get it! For the lolz.
Gunshots echoed incessantly in the area. Cagalli could see ZAFT soldiers entering from the far side. There was a brunette in a jumpsuit, facing away from them, using the machines as cover while trying to shoot back. Cagalli immediately recognized her as the former, or perhaps future, captain of the Archangel.

The scene was growing more chaotic by the second. Time was running out. They needed to move now.
Time for the Aegis and Strike be piloted by the twin siblings before Athrun and his comrades get their chance.
If the circumstances can be setup to be similar then Kira going for the strike will save the Captains life. We can take the Aegis before Athran back tracks to take it after his failed attempt on the strike.

Ok what do we think has changed with our warning? If Kira's friends got to the emergency pods then he has less to no chance of fighting. More people also got evacuated and probably less deaths from the initial attack.
Ok what do we think has changed with our warning? If Kira's friends got to the emergency pods then he has less to no chance of fighting. More people also got evacuated and probably less deaths from the initial attack.
Kira's school friends might not be there, but Cagalli is. She didn't get tossed into an evacuation pod this time around. So chances are Kira would fight in the immediate term just to stop her from getting herself killed.

In the longer term, if Cagalli is there is to pick up the slack with the fighting, he might decide to just leave everything to her. Most likely point that I see that happening is if/when ZAFT stops attacking Heliopolis and/or when Cagalli departs Heliopolis. Since if the colony is still intact, he wouldn't have a reason to leave - the place is his home.

At that point, we might have to Awaken him to get him to join the Archangel and keep making natural-use OSes. Even if he got offered a disgustingly huge sum of Orb government money for it, chances are he'd refuse to do it on principle if he knew the natural-use OS we wanted was for military suits instead of civillian-use ones.
What is Cagalli's Plan?
In canon, Ramius positioned herself near the Strike. So if we leave Kira with her, ZAFT isn't getting that suit. They'd have to go through both Ramius and Kira's plot armor to reach it.

Currently leaning towards introducing herself to Ramius (herself as an Orb official and Kira as a student) and telling Kira to stay with her and then Cagalli announcing that she intends to defend the Aegis. Martial rolls aren't great, but not getting near the suit basically guarantees Athrun steals it, difficult roll is still better than guaranteed failure.
Won't Ramius just tell them to go to the nearby shelter first? It has room for one person, which the Mc was placed in the original timeline.
She would, which is why I assume the Diplomacy DC is needed in the first place. She'd have to be convinced to let them stay nearby. Probably the reason it's an "easy" check is because Ramius is currently too busy to argue much and Cagalli can shoot a gun, which makes it easier for her to argue her own usefulness.

Though, unless she says that Kira can upgrade the OS of the Strike, we'd basically be asking Ramius to babysit him.
Would it be possible to redeem Patrick Zala?
Only person I can see having a chance of it is Athrun, if he was able to forcibly put his father in a position between having to choose between his genocidal revenge desires and losing his son to a horrible, anguished demise in parallel of the way he lost his wife.

I have no idea how such a situation could be engineered, but there's a chance Patrick would give up on revenge to save his son.

What is Cagalli's Plan?
Please suggest a battle plan. Choose any number of choices such as but not limited to the following actions as long as there are no conflicts. Please specify action order. May specify backup action and other further details.

[ ] Ask for help from Murrue Ramius: Announce your presence. Knowing Captain Ramius, she probably would not kill you on sight. Probably. [Martial DC - Easy, then Diplomacy DC varies - Easy]
- [ ] Introduce yourself as Students / Orb Official / Morgenröte staff / etc.: Affects the first impression you give out. May have consequences if actions/equipment mismatch your stated identity. [Affects Diplomacy DC]

[ ] Ask Kira to Stay Close with Cagalli / Stay with Murrue Ramius / Escape: While Kira would not take any active fighting actions, you may be able to convince him to take defensive choices [Diplomacy DC varies - Easy to Difficult]

[ ] Get near GAT-X105 Strike: You need to get on a mobile suit asap. The Strike only seems the most fitting.
- [ ] Get Permission First / Announce your Intention / Sneak: Decide how you plan to get near the mobile suit. [Diplomacy DC and/or Intrigue DC and/or Martial DC]

[ ] Get near GAT-X303 Aegis: You need to get on a mobile suit asap. And there may be a chance to get on the Aegis to deny ZAFT the suit. [Martial DC - Medium, then Martial VC varies - Difficult]
- [ ] Get Permission First / Announce your Intention / Sneak: Decide how you plan to get near the mobile suit. [Diplomacy DC and/or Intrigue DC and/or Martial DC]

[ ] Write-in: Please specify. [DC to be decided by QM. Subject to QM veto.]
I was hoping to get how much it would cost to Awaken Ramius, but we technically haven't met her yet so... Yeah working on a plan B. Maybe something about being pissed off, Cagalli can sell being pissed off really well! Especially when she probably is pissed off.
I was hoping to get how much it would cost to Awaken Ramius, but we technically haven't met her yet so... Yeah working on a plan B. Maybe something about being pissed off, Cagalli can sell being pissed off really well! Especially when she probably is pissed off.
Cagalli can be not pissed off? Show me proof! Even with proof i would declare you a LIAR! lol
[X] The Cagalli Handbook - Chapter 1: Yell at them
- [X] Ask for help from Complain/browbeat Murrue Ramius into submission:
Announce your presence. Knowing Captain Ramius, she probably would not kill you on sight. Probably. [Martial DC - Easy, then Diplomacy DC varies - Easy]
-- [X] Introduce yourself as a pissed-off Orb Official: Tell Murrue that you are a fairly important official/dignitary, who is very angry finding out about a certain deal EA made with the Sahaku family behind Orb's back yesterday and about the ZAFT task force outside the unarmed colony.

- [X] Ask Kira to Stay with Murrue Ramius: While Kira would not take any active fighting actions, you may be able to convince him to take defensive choices [Diplomacy DC varies - Easy to Difficult]
-- [X] Give Kira the Hard drive with the Morgenröte OS: Give Kira some homework
-- [X] Tell them both to get into the Strike, as GINNs are heading straight into the colony:
Ready or not here they come. The EA detachment of Moebius Mobile Armors are currently being slaughtered outside the colony.

- [X] Get near GAT-X303 Aegis: You need to get on a mobile suit ASAP. And there may be a chance to get on the Aegis to deny ZAFT the suit. [Martial DC - Medium, then Martial VC varies - Difficult]
-- [X] Get Demand Permission First: I'm getting into this mobile suit and defending this colony from its most likely destruction -- Cagalli the calm
I was hoping to get how much it would cost to Awaken Ramius, but we technically haven't met her yet so... Yeah working on a plan B. Maybe something about being pissed off, Cagalli can sell being pissed off really well! Especially when she probably is pissed off.
I was thinking something like this for the Ask Ramius action:

[ ] Ask for help from Murrue Ramius
- [ ] Introduce Kira as a waylaid student
- [ ] Introduce Cagalli as an Orb Official: Tell her you were the one who passed on the anonymous tip-off to the port about a potential terrorist attack. Get pissed that you've just found the reason for the attack.
- [ ] Suggest to Ramius to activate the suits, pointing at the tip-off indicating the assailants had Mobile Suits of their own.

Giving Kira the Morgenroete OS and telling him to install it in the Strike is a good idea for how to get him into the cockpit.

I had a different idea for how Cagalli could get into the Aegis.

- [ ] Get near GAT-X303 Aegis
-- [ ] Announce your Intention: Say you're going to defend the suit until they can get it moving.
-- [ ] Use the cockpit as cover: Suggest the safest place to mount the defense is from the Aegis's cockpit using it as a foxhole and tell the defenders to get in... and then squeeze in with them.
Last edited:
I was thinking something like this for the Ask Ramius action:

[ ] Ask for help from Murrue Ramius
- [ ] Introduce Kira as a waylaid student
- [ ] Introduce Cagalli as an Orb Official: Tell her you were the one who passed on the anonymous tip-off to the port about a potential terrorist attack. Get pissed that you've just found the reason for the attack.
- [ ] Suggest to Ramius to activate the suits, pointing at the tip-off indicating the assailants had Mobile Suits of their own.

Giving Kira the Morgenroete OS and telling him to install it in the Strike is a good idea for how to get him into the cockpit.

I had a different idea for how Cagalli could get into the Aegis.

- [ ] Get near GAT-X303 Aegis
-- [ ] Announce your Intention:
Say you're going to defend the suit until they can get it moving.
-- [ ] Use the cockpit as cover: Suggest the safest place to mount the defense is from the Aegis's cockpit using it as a foxhole and tell the defenders to get in... and then squeeze in with them.

The issue is that we might need to roll intrigue with these options rather than purely Diplomacy... I'm fearing an intrigue rolls on one of my options anyway. Or the worst-case scenario Diplo and Intrigue rolls.

Also, information overload and chaos can be our best friends in this situation. I would have gone full Martial as it's highest stat right now, but I'm worried about Kira.
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Also, information overload and chaos can be our best friends in this situation. I would have gone full Martial as it's highest stat right now, but I'm worried about Kira.
How high the stat is is one thing, but I'd say it's actually the difficulty level that is more important.

Going full Martial would probably require fighting the Earth Alliance defenders as well, on account of Cagalli trying to force her way into one of the cockpits without permission from Ramius - they'd just treat her like just another hostile. Difficulty of it would be through the roof.

Intrigue is a lower stat, but the check might be easier if she's successfully established herself as an Orb Official.

That is to say, I'm hopeful that identifying herself as the one who called the port will drop the difficulty of the DC all the way down. And that doing so will in turn it drop the difficulty of getting near the Aegis and eventually into the cockpit.
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Also we need to remember we have +2 on all our rolls for all of this turn/day

Also i say we go full refuge in audacity. Call Murrue by her name AND rank, call the suits BY NAME and unit designation. Show ourselves calm, collected and in total control of the situation. Confidence is everything in these situations. Being informative too.
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How high the stat is is one thing, but I'd say it's actually the difficulty level that is more important.

Going full Martial would probably require fighting the Earth Alliance defenders as well, on account of Cagalli trying to force her way into one of the cockpits without permission from Ramius - they'd just treat her like just another hostile. Difficulty of it would be through the roof.


But, it might be fewer rolls in total. Less inherent luck in the matter. A double-edged sword either way. Which is why I would have wanted to awaken her... by congratulating her on her marriage to Mu.

Intrigue is a lower stat, but the check might be easier if she's successfully established herself as an Orb Official.

That's a big if.......


That is to say, I'm hopeful that identifying herself as the one who called the port will drop the difficulty of the DC all the way down. And that doing so will in turn it drop the difficulty of getting near the Aegis and eventually into the cockpit.

There is a bigger issue with that... The Suits are basically unusable and Ramius knows this. Also, she might not know about the report. Worst case scenario she knows about the report and who called in the Report.

Also we need to remember we have +2 on all our rolls for all of this turn/day
+1, we get +2.5 on Martial due to equipment.

Also, I say we go full refuge in audacity. Call Murrue by her name AND rank, call the suits BY NAME and unit designation. Show ourselves calm, collected and in total control of the situation. Confidence is everything in these situations. Being informative too.

This... Might require a roll on its own. Also, it might work or it might cause issues. Basically being too calm in itself might cause suspicions. So it MIGHT be a roll to cause us to look more suspicious. Cagalli's biological age coming back to bite us in the rear.
This... Might require a roll on its own. Also, it might work or it might cause issues. Basically being too calm in itself might cause suspicions. So it MIGHT be a roll to cause us to look more suspicious. Cagalli's biological age coming back to bite us in the rear.
Fair, anway imma wait a bit before i put my actual vote in, see what people put forward, think it over to see if i add anything of my own.
But, it might be fewer rolls in total. Less inherent luck in the matter. A double-edged sword either way. Which is why I would have wanted to awaken her... by congratulating her on her marriage to Mu.
Though remember, the number of dice rolls doesn't matter if the difficulty of all of them are so low, it's below our stats in the first place. They will be guaranteed passes. It's only when the difficulty level goes above the stat that we're relying on dice to make up the difference.
There is a bigger issue with that... The Suits are basically unusable and Ramius knows this. Also, she might not know about the report. Worst case scenario she knows about the report and who called in the Report.
I don't see why her knowing about the report would be worst case, if anything it should be the best case as it would verify Cagalli's story.

The suits being mostly unusable is also besides the point when they obviously still stand a better chance of not getting snatched/destroyed when there's someone already inside it, running away with it (even if they are running very poorly).
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Though remember, the number of dice rolls doesn't matter if the difficulty of all of them are so low, it's below our stats in the first place. They will be guaranteed passes. It's only when the difficulty level goes above the stat that we're relying on dice to make up the difference.


Depends on the amount of success we need. If we need all of them to succeed then It's riskier. If only some, then it's less risky. The bigger issue is this:
- [ ] Introduce yourself as Students / Orb Official / Morgenröte staff / etc.: Affects the first impression you give out. May have consequences if actions/equipment mismatch your stated identity. [Affects Diplomacy DC]
The gun and body armor might fuck us, it might not. It's most likely going to be a roll.


I don't see why her knowing about the report would be worst case, if anything it should be the best case as it would verify Cagalli's story.


Because the person who reported it was Cagalli Yula Athha, not something I would want coming out right this second. There is chaos to be yet had.


The suits being mostly unusable is also besides the point when they obviously still stand a better chance of not getting snatched/destroyed when there's someone already inside it, running away with it (even if they are running very poorly).

I think they can barely move. I need to check if they can actually move the legs. I know the arms can... But can the legs? Because it's supposed to be worse than what Morgenröte has... Which was, not all that functional.
I think they can barely move. I need to check if they can actually move the legs. I know the arms can... But can the legs? Because it's supposed to be worse than what Morgenröte has... Which was, not all that functional.
They do barely function, Kira has to do on the spot programming to get it to move, but we have Natural OS with us. We can move them at a malus. The issue is keeping them afterwards, especially if Murrie is in strike.

Edit: I wonder if her dad is sending people to the colony? Kira's mom should have contacted him by now.

I don't think the people on the ground know about the report. Only the port was notified correct? Meaning the spaceship and those guys are probably wiped out.

Kira doesn't need the natural OS to pilot. No reason to give it to him and possibly by extension the earth forces.
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I, for one, am entirely behind the endeavor of awakening Ship Mom Murrue first

[X] The Cagalli Handbook - Chapter 1: Yell at them
- [X] Ask for help from Complain/browbeat Murrue Ramius into submission:
Announce your presence. Knowing Captain Ramius, she probably would not kill you on sight. Probably. [Martial DC - Easy, then Diplomacy DC varies - Easy]
-- [X] Introduce yourself as a pissed-off Orb Official: Tell Murrue that you are a fairly important official/dignitary, who is very angry finding out about a certain deal EA made with the Sahaku family behind Orb's back yesterday and about the ZAFT task force outside the unarmed colony.

- [X] Ask Kira to Stay with Murrue Ramius: While Kira would not take any active fighting actions, you may be able to convince him to take defensive choices [Diplomacy DC varies - Easy to Difficult]
-- [X] Give Kira the Hard drive with the Morgenröte OS: Give Kira some homework
-- [X] Tell them both to get into the Strike, as GINNs are heading straight into the colony: Ready or not here they come. The EA detachment of Moebius Mobile Armors are currently being slaughtered outside the colony.

- [X] Get near GAT-X303 Aegis: You need to get on a mobile suit ASAP. And there may be a chance to get on the Aegis to deny ZAFT the suit. [Martial DC - Medium, then Martial VC varies - Difficult]
-- [X] Get Demand Permission First: I'm getting into this mobile suit and defending this colony from its most likely destruction -- Cagalli the calm