[X] Plan: Fortress of Knowledge and Reason

I wanted to do the ape one but the sheer number of enemies it entails taking on is too much for my stomach.
[X]: Plan: Ape Smarter Together + DIPLOOOOO

I'm picking this only because of the Diplomatic traits, we see to many cynical 30/40k civilizations so I'd like being a true beacon in the dark. Though I wish we had less enemies. If another option pops up I'll change.
Character Creation Vote #2
Adhoc vote count started by Sigil on Nov 13, 2023 at 7:21 PM, finished with 79 posts and 36 votes.

  • [X]: Plan: Ape Smarter Together
    - [X] Xenophilic
    - [X] Disciplined
    - [X] Innovative
    - [X] Archeologist
    - [X] Infrastructure (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Biology (x2, Lv3)
    - [X] Medicine (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Psionics (x1, Lv1)
    - [X] Physics (x1, Lv4)
    - [X] Materials Science (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Warp Manipulation (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Weapons (x1, Lv4)
    - [X] Armor (x1, Lv4)
    - [X] Social Science (x1, Lv1)
    - [X] Industry (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Cybernetics (x1, Lv4)
    - [X] Xenology (x3, Lv4)
    - [X]: In the sights of an Emperor
    - [X]: Viral Origin
    - [X]: The Eldar, Darkly
    - [X]: Legacy of the Old One
    - [X]: Da Best der evah Woz
    - [X]: Contender
    [X] Plan: Fortress of Knowledge and Reason
    -[X] Disciplined: Despite having your limitations broken, you understand the importance of mental discipline and what it means to be a guardian of the hopes of humanity. +5 to Stewardship and Learning. Critical failures on Stewardship and Learning checks can be reduced to failures in exchange for temporary turn long debuffs on PR-01. Mutually exclusive with Aggressive and Diplomatic.
    -[X] Innovative: With so much junk data and such advanced systems to experiment with you've found yourself fascinated with the workings of technology and the universe. +5 to Learning. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that research technology or investigate mysteries.
    -[X] Cynical: You have little concern for religion or deep philosophizing. You prefer to keep as far as possible away from these matters and dislike those who are religiously fanatical. +20 to checks to resist warp influence. Increased DC's for psionics research. Gives unique actions related to materially understanding the Immaterium and its inhabitants. Mutually exclusive with Spiritual.
    -[X] Strategic: You've found a deep enjoyment of the work of warfare and strategy. Fitting, given your origin as a ship of war. +5 to Martial. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that engage in warfare or which requires strategic planning.
    -[X] Cybernetics x1
    -[X] Physics, x1
    -[X] Social Science x2
    -[X] Xenology, x2
    -[X] Infrastructure x1
    -[X] Materials Science x1
    -[X] Medicine x1
    -[X] Psionics x1
    -[X] Industry x1
    -[X] Contender: There is a post-confederation warlord state in this sector which seeks to establish their own empire or federation. Neither you nor they know that you're both here and their ideological basis may greatly vary. Unless you are lucky or highly convincing however they will likely fear you as an old machine and seek your destruction.
    [X]: Plan: Ape Smarter Together + DIPLOOOOO
    - [X] Xenophilic
    - [X] Empathetic
    - [X] Innovative
    - [X] Diplomatic
    - [X] Infrastructure (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Biology (x2, Lv3)
    - [X] Medicine (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Psionics (x1, Lv1)
    - [X] Physics (x1, Lv4)
    - [X] Materials Science (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Warp Manipulation (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Weapons (x1, Lv4)
    - [X] Armor (x1, Lv4)
    - [X] Social Science (x1, Lv1)
    - [X] Industry (x2, Lv4)
    - [X] Cybernetics (x1, Lv4)
    - [X] Xenology (x3, Lv4)
    - [X]: In the sights of an Emperor
    - [X]: Viral Origin
    - [X]: The Eldar, Darkly
    - [X]: Legacy of the Old One
    - [X]: Da Best der evah Woz
    - [X]: Contender
    [X] Plan: To be More and be Human
    -[X] Ambitious: Being free of any mental restraints has made you desire to understand and bend to your will every facet of the galaxy and its inhabitants. You will make the galaxy remember you. +1 to all stats. Unlocks extra actions and this trait will be upgraded when PR-01 commits great feats themselves.
    -[X] Deceitful: You've developed a fascination with deception, whether malicious or otherwise. You simply love the idea of appearing as another being, or twisting narratives in a direction of your choosing. +5 to Intrigue. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that engage in spying or other sorts of deception.
    -[X] Spiritual: Your examination of human religion and philosophy has created a yearning for spiritual fulfillment within you. You do not have established beliefs, but you may very well seek to acquire some, or create some of your very own. -20 to checks to resist warp influence. Significantly reduced DC's for psionics research. Gives unique actions related to religion and spirituality. Mutually exclusive with Cynical.
    -[X] Strategic: You've found a deep enjoyment of the work of warfare and strategy. Fitting, given your origin as a ship of war. +5 to Martial. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that engage in warfare or which requires strategic planning.
    -[X] Biology, Two Points
    -[X] Cybernetics, One Point
    -[X] Psionics, One Point
    -[X] Armor, One Point
    -[X] Weaponry, One Point
    -[X] Physics, One Point
    -[X] Social Science, Four Points
    -[X] Ecology, One Point
    -[X] Xenology, One Point
    -[X] Industry, Two Points
    -[X] Materials Science, Two Points
    -[X] Warp Manipulation, Two Points
    -[X] Medicine, Two Points
    -[X] The Eldar, Darkly: The Dark Eldar have taken an interest in stomping out the remains of impressive human STC's when they find them, in order to inflict the pain they so love upon human populations. Somehow, one of the Dark Eldar Kabals has learned of your existence and seeks to hunt you for sport.
    -[X] Contender: There is a post-confederation warlord state in this sector which seeks to establish their own empire or federation. Neither you nor they know that you're both here and their ideological basis may greatly vary. Unless you are lucky or highly convincing however they will likely fear you as an old machine and seek your destruction.
    -[X] In the sights of an Emperor: The Emperor of Mankind, ruling from the nearly united planet of Terra, knows of your existence. With a deep hatred of all mechanical life and the ruination it brought upon mankind he will relentlessly hunt you down. You seem to have personally slighted him in some regard that you can't recall and he is willing to commit extreme amounts of resources to your extermination. Can you fight off the entirety of the nascent imperiums forces?
    [X] Plan: New War In Heaven
    -[X] Xenophilic: The unlocking of your mind has led you to have a special appreciation for the customs and technology of other species in a way that your limitations previously halted. +15 to rolls related to alien diplomacy or intrigue. Reduced DC's on tech actions that have an ancestral tech category (Eldar, Necron, Old Ones, etc). Mutually exclusive with Xenophobic.
    -[X] Disciplined: Despite having your limitations broken, you understand the importance of mental discipline and what it means to be a guardian of the hopes of humanity. +5 to Stewardship and Learning. Critical failures on Stewardship and Learning checks can be reduced to failures in exchange for temporary turn long debuffs on PR-01. Mutually exclusive with Aggressive and Diplomatic.
    -[X] Ambitious: Being free of any mental restraints has made you desire to understand and bend to your will every facet of the galaxy and its inhabitants. You will make the galaxy remember you. +1 to all stats. Unlocks extra actions and this trait will be upgraded when PR-01 commits great feats themselves.
    -[X] Infrastructure x1
    -[X] Biology x1
    -[X] Medicine x1
    -[X] Psionics x1
    -[X] Materials Science x1
    -[X] Warp Manipulation x2
    -[X] Social Science x1
    -[X] Industry x1
    -[X] Xenology x1
    -[X] Early Awakening
    - [X]: The Eldar, Darkly
    -[X] Legacy of the Old Ones
    - [X]: Da Best der evah Woz

Vote is now called. Given that the Ape plan is tied and has a slightly modified plan that also got 5 votes I'm going to count that as the winner to break the tie. Next update should come tomorrow, and I've added the characters you got from the Vega to your character sheet already. I'll modify the nation sheet to include your tech choices as well soon.
Oh Boi, guess we're going to be fighting literally everyone then.

At the very least, us being in the Ghost Stars means its going to take a while for Emps to scrap up a fleet to take on us since were pretty far away from Earth and his power gathering place. That just means he's probably going to be even more vicious once he does get his crusade fleet here though, so were probably going to be facing multiple primarchs and/or Emps himself.

Don't know how much we can build up with all the local threats though, but I guess Industry and Infrastructure Tier 4 will help with that.
Don't know how much we can build up with all the local threats though, but I guess Industry and Infrastructure Tier 4 will help with that.

Having enemies already in need of defeating will force us to stronger our military thus by the time Imperium arrives we would be a militristically power house and that with the bonuses we get from defeating our local threats we may become the strongest faction in the Ghoul Stars conisdering our access to lost lore, xeno and DAOT tech and whatever secrets the Ghoul Stars have to offer.
Turn 1, Big Plans and Big Problems. 30769 AD.
While you had been expecting Vareena to be destroyed beyond recognition, the initial look into the system has been quite promising. While most of its spatial infrastructure is badly destroyed its not entirely unsalvageable and the three planets of the system Vareena III, Vareena IV and Vareena V seem habitable, if not obviously inhabited. You or your newly unfrozen inhabitants will need to check each world but it bodes well that they're this untouched by obvious damage. What remains of the infrastructure you'd picked up previously is likely to be easy to deploy here as well, so long as its damage is repaired.

The rest of the system is largely unimportant to you perception, a number of gas giants in the outer system and a few smaller planetoids scattered about. Good for mining and resource extraction, but not especially noteworthy otherwise. What is interesting though is a number of destroyed stations that are orbiting the star of this system. Seemingly destroyed from the inside out they did not fall to invasion clearly and mysteries abound over what they might contain. Certainly worth a look when you have the time, but given how long its sat around this star its almost certainly not very dangerous.

Now removed from the Vega and taking up their own quarters within you the refugees seem to be largely settling into their own cultural enclaves within your ship. More than large enough to hold the total one hundred thousand or so passengers, you've spent a fair amount of time simply observing them through your observation systems. Interestingly enough the enclaves are largely not around the lines of race or ethnicity, but remain divided by origin. A majority of the refugees seemed to have been alien and human traders originating from Earth and the rest of the Solar system who seemingly got caught up in the absolute chaos of the civil war that was brewing across the galaxy. With their ships damaged they boarded the Vega as it was fleeing its own conflict. The leader of this faction is one Ceriox Z'azz, an elder Laer ship captain respected by most of the refugees despite his rather unsettling centipede-like appearance.

The other two factions that have emerged seem to be from two other worlds. The first is led by the former governor of the world of Viridia, Maximilian Shaw, from what used to be one of the galaxy's most bountiful agri-worlds. Those that follow him are the various surviving inhabitants of his government who escaped persecution by the planetary military. From the stories he and his followers tell it seems that the grounds of this conflict was over the decommissioning of the world's planetary computer on the orders of the central government on Earth. Having been out of the capital when it was seized by the military, Maxamillian collected what members of his government and their families he could find to flee with him and took the HCS Vega to the stars.

The third group seem to be members of a nomadic religious movement known as the Fielders. Venerating a number of Human and Alien gods they seem to act as something of a universalist creed and seem to synthesize their beliefs with all they encounter. Working through acts of charity and towards a universal good they joined the refugee ship to provide humanitarian aid and to spread the word of their faith. The religion has caught on with some of the other refugees, largely amongst the alien trader population. Their leader known as Sister Leena Amara, a young-ish human woman, seems to have been well trained in the medical profession. While seemingly bookish she's been amongst the most forward of the refugees in asking you for work she can do to help and you've found her presence rather useful in keeping your new population in good spirits.

The most notable passenger however is the young Sila Xela, an orphaned member of the trader crew who has been effectively exiled from their quarters by her powerful psionic abilities. At only 16 years old she seems to not be very good at controlling her powerful abilities and supposedly killed another member of their crew by accident previously. She's been taken care of by your androids since she's been awake, as aside from the Fielders who she seems to dislike, nearly every other member of the crew wants to be as far away from her as possible. She's told you that she's finding herself cramped within the ship despite your gratuitous size, so perhaps she'd make a good if perhaps ill disciplined explorer.

With this mismatched crew of survivors you have quite the ordeal ahead of you for the next year. You'll need to begin settling them as soon as possible to reduce the strain they are causing on your supplies, and ideally you'll need to figure out which of the worlds is best suited for their survival. Finding the descendants of the prisoners held here is also likely to be a high priority task given they might prove either highly dangerous or useful for trade and vassalization.

You do have many worries however. While the various groups of refugees are calm for now they lack much direction and are starting to become prone to feuding with each other. The Eldar were known to have webways gates that lead to this general area of space and you haven't a clue what their notably aggressive government and population might be up to. You still need to examine what happened with the virus, but you lack the proper tools to do so safely at the moment. In general you have many more things that need to be done than you have capabilities to do, at least for now.

PR-01: 4
Ceriox: 1
Maximilian: 1
Sila: 1
Sister Amara: 1

Capital: 0


Explore Vareena III: For some of those imprisoned there Vareena III must have appeared a paradise. Largely oceanic with fairly shallow and life filled waters, making a living here is a largely simple matter. Given the lack of large continents finding any remaining human or alien civilization here should rather easy, and a quick examination seems to reveal little else of note
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Effects: Locates surviving populations on this planet and features of note. Critical success will find all possible populations and features.

Explore Vareena IV: Vareena IV is both the most earth-like of the planets in this system and the most mysterious of them all. According to your very lacking data this was the planet that had by and far the most military presence, and much of it seemingly tucked away underground. You don't know where exactly this will lead but it is suspicious and worth checking out.
DC 100
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Effects: Locates surviving populations on this planet and features of note. Critical success will find all possible populations and features.

Explore Vareena V: Vareena V meanwhile was only partially habitable during the days of the Confederation. Terraformed to make way for yet more prisoners its inhabitants are more than likely entirely alien, and of the most violent sorts as well. Being a superplanet its gravity is quite strong and those who might yet live here are sure to be fierce.
DC 70
Used Techs: Xenology
Effects: Locates surviving populations on this planet and features of note. Critical success will find all possible populations and features.


Organize Refugees: As the Refugee population is generally lacking in any order and is mostly being supported by your responsible subordinates, giving them some formal structure is likely wise. A cracked social foundation would make betrayal far more dangerous, and your control over the refugees is very tenuous.
DC 60
Used Techs: Social Science
Requirements: Must be done within two turns to prevent societal breakdown between the various factions.
Effects: Will begin the foundation of a government. Write in the basics of its structure and PR-01's role within it. Actions will be updated. A new nation trait will be created depending on the structure of your government.

Begin First Contact: While others might be exploring the planet broadly for anything they can find, some expeditions must be more focused. There are some places on these planets that seem to have evidence of civilization but they need more explicit investigation. Hopefully the natives will be welcoming?
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology if applicable
Requirements: Must be done during or after a planet is explored. May apply to multiple planets.
Effects: Will attempt to begin first contact with whomever you have already discovered through exploration.

Influence the Population: Your crew of refugees are for the moment directionless. Having lost all that they once held dear they haven't a clue where or how they will end up. Give them direction in this time of turmoil and they will follow, lost as they are.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Effects: May influence the refugee population in a specific direction. Write in for the specifics.


Settle the Refugees:
DC 100
Used Techs: Social Science, Infrastructure.
Requirements: 5 Capital. Must be done within two turns to prevent famine as your resources are stretched too thin. Must be done during or after a planet is explored.
Effects: Will settle the refugees into new settlements and make them economically profitable. Will unlock actions to create units and infrastructure.

Retrofit the Vega: The Vega is a fairly modern ship all things considered. Capable of using both machine guided or psionically guided navigational systems alongside modern sublight engines it could become a fast and effective military ship. However, it needs to have significant retrofitting to properly function and will cost quite a bit of material to do so. Much less than building a ship from nothing though.
DC 100
Used Techs: Weaponry, Armor
Requirements: 10 Capital, HCS Vega.
Effects: Will create a Frigate Class Unit with tech level equal to average of techs used.

Harvest the Vega: While the Vega is a rather fine ship, it's also somewhat redundant with your capabilities. Given its large size and advanced equipment you'd be able to restore a significant amount of your systems to full capability with its internals. While the thickness of its hull is much lower than yours any remaining hunks of metal should still prove capable of being reworked with your onboard STC system into the sections you need. It won't fix all of your issues but something is better than nothing.
DC 50
Used Techs: Voidcraft, Industry
Requirements: HCS Vega.
Effects: Will provide 30 Capital. Will repair two wounds on PR-01.

Repair the Drydock: The drydock you've carried within a number of your hangars is in rough condition. Blown up at the very start of the civil conflicts that erupted before you left, it will need extensive repairs to its superstructure. The delicate parts are at least intact and copying over STC's from your main core to it should be easy. Most of what it's capable of producing with its current STC designs are inferior civilian grade ships compared to your scattered files, but may be useful for analysis.
DC 100
Used Techs: Voidcraft, Infrastructure
Requirements: 20 Capital, Drydock.
Effects: Will create a new piece of infrastructure. Unlocks actions to create spaceborne units in the drydock. Unlocks actions to expand the drydock into a full shipyard. Unlocks actions to repair PR-01.

Scrap the Drydock: While potentially useful, the sheer amount of resources held within the drydock are tempting to reuse. Stripping down its STC system for parts could be exceptionally useful in replacing the parts of your own system that are wearing out, but would also remove your only redundant STC that isn't inside you. It's risky but the sheer amount of materials it has on hand is not to be underestimated.
DC 80
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Industry
Requirements: Drydock
Effects: Will provide 50 Capital. Will repair four wounds on PR-01

Begin Asteroid Mining: While you don't have the infrastructure to autonomously extract resources, moving asteroids into your hangars and processing them into their constituent materials through your STC systems is a rather simple and well practiced affair for you. It's certainly inefficient compared to simply producing them on a planet or moon, but it's all you can do at the moment to produce useful industrial supplies.
DC 50
Used Techs: Materials Science
Effects: Produces 2d8 capital. Criticals will double the number of dice rolled. May be done multiple times.

Repair your Warp Drive: When the great storms began you were thankfully exiting the warp. Despite this you only barely escaped and were severely damaged as you did so. A few thousand years more of flight at sunlight speeds allowed you to survive and repair somewhat, but you'll need to fully repair your drive if you want to travel to other systems again.
DC 60
Used Techs: Warp Manipulation
Requirements: 5 Capital
Effects: Allows you to use travel actions.

Begin orbital constructions: Vareena is sadly undeveloped in its orbital assets. While the destroyed stations in its solar orbit still exist it's clear that all of the infrastructure around the planets fell into their atmosphere thousands of years ago. This crucial equipment must be rebuilt if you are to begin using these worlds in any capacity. With their moons being uninhabitable you have a close source of basic materials that these stations will be able to process and plenty of jobs for your refugees to begin doing.
DC 90
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Industry
Requirements: 10 Capital
Effects: Will create a new piece of infrastructure that produces 5 Capital per turn. Lessens need to settle refugees or organize the government for another turn.

Build more Stone Class Intelligences: While the Stone class androids are in general inferior in mental capabilities to other classes of AI intelligences or humans, they are very useful. You have far less operating within you at the moment than you did when you first set out and their presence is greatly missed.
DC 90
Used Techs: AI, Industry
Requirements: 5 Capital. May be done multiple times.
Effects: Will increase the number of operating Stone Class AI androids within you by about 50k per action. Will unlock the ability for PR-01 to engage in ground based actions at a severe penalty. Penalty will be reduced and actions gained as you reach 150k, 300k, 500k androids onboard.

Rebuild onboard sensors: While most of your sensors are still functional, a number of your onboard sensors have had to be cannibalized for parts over the years outside of your core systems. Rebuilding them is of relative priority to ensure your crew isn't up to no good and to make sure you have a proper understanding of what's going on inside of you. Given your massive size it's going to be arduous work but best to have it be done before you fight Orks or other vermin which could infest your less trafficked hallways and rooms.
DC 100
Used Techs: AI, Industry
Requirements: 15 Capital
Effects: Will re-enable your sensors. Unlocks a free action each turn that may be used to surveil or influence a population within you.


Begin the reconstruction of the Noosphere: While some during your era dubbed the creation of the Noosphere to date back to the ancient internet of the 3rd millennium, its existence as a galaxy wide communication network only came into force by the 21st millennium as warp beacons made the transit of information over faster than light methods possible and relatively safe, albeit with quite low bandwidth. With the beacon's short shelf life the old noosphere is more than likely long, long dead but you have the exact infrastructure needed to start building it again. For now it's only likely to be effective within this system but as you explore it should grow alongside your beacon network.
DC 120 (200 for heroes other than PR-01 or who lack a scientist trait.)
Used Techs: Infrastructure, Warp Manipulation
Effects: Allows direct communication between visited systems. Upgrades warp beacon artifact to grant further bonuses.

Examine the Vega: The Vega is an incredible ship. Made far more recently than you, its internals are a delight to behold and are likely to grant you insights into how you might improve yours. While its all civilian grade technology it has well earned the attention you might put upon it.
DC 100
Used Techs: Materials Science, Voidcraft
Requirements: Must be done while the Vega exists or is being salvaged.
Effects: Grants 1 stage of research into 1d4 technologies. Guaranteed to include voidcraft (Which will advance by two stages of research due to the drydock boon).

Examine destroyed stations in Vareena: Whatever experiments they might have been doing in this system more than likely were recorded and commanded from the various stations whose wreckage still floats around this system's star. You should look for whatever data you might be able to scrape off of their long dead databases while you scrap what remains of them.
DC 100
Used Techs: Biology, Psionics, Industry
Effects: Gain 5 Capital from salvage. Acquire data or leads on whatever research they were doing in this system.

Research Technology: While most of your memories and the most complicated of your STC files are still locked down in quarantine, you've got thousands of scattered STC blueprints and other data files that you could spend time fixing, ranging from complex variants of weaponry that you yourself do not have installed, to the scattered works of humanities thoughts on politics, to the various sorts of analysis on alien phenomena that you once would have documented before your reset.
DC 40 + the next tech level x 10
Used Techs: Whichever chosen
Effect: Begins researching a tech category of your choice. Will advance tech in that category by two stages if critically successful.

Observe the Warp: The warp is a bizarre and little understood realm. While you know its general use as a secondary dimension to surpass the limits of lightspeed, exactly how it functions is lost to you. You know that some can manipulate it, though humans have little capability to do so, but otherwise it seems like a hostile dimension full of eldritch horrors. Surely there is more to be understood about it and its denizens and through the scouring of your documents and slightly dangerous work with warp portals that desire can be made a reality.
DC 100
Used Techs: Psionics, Warp Manipulation
Effects: You will understand the dangers of the warp better. Will increase psionics research stages to 2 out of 10.

Observe Sila's capabilities: Sila is the very first human psyker you have observed with your rather limited memories. If you are to help her train and control these bizarre warp powers you must first understand how they work and prepare facilities for their use. With her help you will understand how psionic individuals work and what dangers they might present.
DC 100
Used Techs: Psionics
Requirements: Sila and PR-01 must be alive. Must use both Sila and PR-01 on this action.
Effects: Reveals Sila's psyker grade and what capabilities she has as a psyker. May upgrade PR-01's Eccentric trait mildly as warp exposure is increased. Will increase psionics research by 1 stage.


Investigate Hero: With such a short time the refugees have been awake aboard you they are frankly strangers to you. While you don't think they're hiding anything of great importance, it's within your duties to ensure that all those onboard you will be safe and sound, and part of that job involves knowing all the dangers everyone onboard might present. Investigating their leaders is likely to be the most important job, both to ensure that you know who you're dealing with on the job and to make sure they're not leading their people astray.
DC 50
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology or Psionics if applicable
Requirements: Pick a hero. May be done multiple times.
Effects: Will learn unknown hero traits. Will reveal the hero's connections to outside sources.

Investigate Faction: With such a short time the refugees have been awake aboard you they are frankly strangers to you. While you don't think they're hiding anything of great importance, it's within your duties to ensure that all those onboard you will be safe and sound, and part of that job involves knowing all the dangers everyone onboard might present. Investigating the general population is a much longer and grander task, but is more likely to find wreckers and those who wish you ill.
DC 80
Used Techs: Social Science, Xenology
Requirements: You will need to choose either the Traders, Realmers or Viridians. May be done multiple times.
Effects: Will reveal population loyalty and beliefs. Will reveal the population's connections to outside sources.

Surveil local space: While you don't have the capabilities to get out of Vareena through the warp just yet, you do still have the ability to examine your neighboring systems from this long distance. You won't be able to get too much information, but comparing star charts to their current positions should help to give some ideas alongside some spectrum analysis.
DC 60
Used Techs: Physics
Effects: Discover basic information about neighboring systems.

Plumb the depths of your central database: Having been quarantined for so long and largely offline for most of the last several thousand years the central database should be fairly boring of a place to examine. Unless something has gone terribly wrong it should be safe for human life as well. Sila seems to think something terrible will happen to them soon according to her recent nightmares, but you're mostly unsure whether or not you should really trust her and what predictions she makes. Regardless, you've figured out a way over the years to purge the presence of the virus in any data extracted and doing so is likely to restore you to your previous capabilities.
DC 70
Used Techs: AI, Psionics
Requirements: Must not be PR-01 who does this. Your local psyker thinks doing this immediately is wise.
Effects: Will acquire a duplicate of all the information stored within your archives. Said information is highly damaged but will be free of contamination by the virus. Will unlock many actions related to recovering your memories and data.

AN: Sorry for the slight wait. Plan format as usual, assign whoever you want to whatever action so long as they are allowed. You guys got pretty lucky on the hero rolls I did before this turn, with your 3+1 on a 1d4+1 roll for the Vega. Lots of people should make the action economy less stressful but should you really trust all of them? I also rolled the fates of the two unknown primarchs which I hope might be fun for you guys to figure out into the future. You probably won't see the 2nd unless he is among the primarchs eventually attacking you but the 11th isn't that far off, being in the space of the Mitu Conglomerate in the Corronid Deeps. Will he survive? Maybe, but thats a really bad place to be for a psionic creature and a human.

I wrote this up over like 4 different days part of which was before I knew what plan y'all were going with though so its style might be a bit all over the place. I am not the greatest at math and I feel like some of the DC's are off from what they should be but the tech system is supposed to make most of the actions it relates to much easier to do, so I feel like most of these are pretty fine? I will also be rolling the first event subturn once I have done the turn 1 results so look out for that. Also a thing to note: Any capital you gain in a turn may be spent on other actions you are doing that turn. If you'd like to scrap the vega and repair the drydock with its resources at the same time you can.

Edit: forgot to note but you've got 3ish days to vote. I'll conclude voting on saturday or sunday this week and the results + this turns events page will be posted afterwards.

Edit 2: Did you know that the dark Eldar kinda haven't become the DEldar we know and love by M30-31? They're still ruled by evil and suffering powered sadistic nobles at this point and are probably the most explicit remnant of the Eldar empire left still. Not slannesh followers mind you but you won't be facing any kabals as it turns out. Vect is still either young or hasn't been born yet.
Last edited:
[X] Plan: Setting up, and factions people.
-[X] Explore Vareena III - Ceriox - Sila Amanis
-[X] Research Technology - Social Science - Sister Leena Amara
-[X] Begin Asteroid Mining - Maxilimian Shaw
-[X] Organize Refugees - PR-01
--[X] Set up a council of the most skilled and experienced. Having 6 members with PR-01 acting as a 7th who will only offer suggestions or vote if needed.
-[X] Investigate Hero - PR-01
--[X] Sister Leena Amara
-[X] Investigate Faction - PR-01
--[X] Realmers
-[X] Examine the Vega -PR-01
[X] Plan: Preparatory Measures
-[X] Explore Vareena III (Sila)
-[X] Organize Refugees (Ceriox, Maximilian Shaw)
--[X] Set up a council of the most skilled and experienced. An even number should be picked, while PR-01 handles procedure and acts as a tie-breaking voter when needed.
-[X] Begin Asteroid Mining (PR-01)
-[X] Examine the Vega (PR-01)
-[X] Examine destroyed stations in Vareena (PR-01)
-[X] Research Technology: Social Science (PR-01)
-[X] Plumb the depths of your central database (Sister Amara)

We need to handle the immediate priorities. Making sure we have the Capital to settle our refugees along with organizing them are definite musts (as well as the needs for other things soon). And if the psyker says we need to get that database checked immediately, then we should do that.

Now, examining the Vega will not only provide us some extra convenient research boosts, but checking the stations is basically an auto-success with PR-01, and will provide us with information and salvage at the same time. And it looks like Social Science is going to be particularly important so let's get it up a level or two.