On the last legs of the journey to Varenna you've spent quite the while fussing over the population of refugees you've been carrying. While they'll only be released from long term storage once you arrive in the system you've spent much of your time over the last year simply preparing your decks for inhabitants. You've had to seal multiple layers of your ship from exploration due to their damaged nature, and you've recently spent the last year just getting the crew mess functional again after several food STC's were found to be partially corrupted. Thankfully your observation deck proved functional and with only a bit of messing about you were able to create a functional hydroponics setup for the production of various fruits, grains and vegetables. The seed banks within your hull proved themselves quite capable and having prepared proper raw ingredients you've added a few uncomplicated food STC's into your systems for the future. The refugees should surely appreciate the offering, and the recipes are adjusted for all the species present within your ship to prevent poisoning.
But aside from that you've still had much time to consider things. The vast majority of your time traveling at sublight speeds has been in a hazy dormant state while you've run at low power. The few days of each year you're awake has proven crucial for your further development despite this. First have been the many days you've spent looking into the various materials that have sat around in your storage bays and personnel quarters. With a new and open mind it has revealed some rather new interests and thoughts.
Choose 3 starting personality traits:
[ ] Xenophilic: The unlocking of your mind has led you to have a special appreciation for the customs and technology of other species in a way that your limitations previously halted. +15 to rolls related to alien diplomacy or intrigue. Reduced DC's on tech actions that have an ancestral tech category (Eldar, Necron, Old Ones, etc). Mutually exclusive with Xenophobic.
[ ] Xenophobic: You have a deep dislike of the alien or inhuman, and your hatred has grown with no limiters to keep it balanced. +15 to rolls related to fighting or contesting aliens. Raised DC's on tech actions with ancestral tech categories. +2 to Martial. Mutually exclusive with Xenophilic.
[ ] Aggressive: With no limit to your personality you have developed a tendency to rush headlong into conflict or into the investigation of curiosities. +5 to Martial and Prowess. You may choose to contest multiple rolls when in combat or when challenged. Mutually exclusive with Disciplined and Diplomatic.
[ ] Diplomatic: With time and investigation into the workings of society you've learned to be careful and compassionate when needed, and vicious and calculating when not. +5 to Diplomacy and Intrigue. Diplomacy and Intrigue modifiers can be applied to actions that rely on other stats when fitting. Mutually exclusive with Disciplined and Aggressive.
[ ] Disciplined: Despite having your limitations broken, you understand the importance of mental discipline and what it means to be a guardian of the hopes of humanity. +5 to Stewardship and Learning. Critical failures on Stewardship and Learning checks can be reduced to failures in exchange for temporary turn long debuffs on PR-01. Mutually exclusive with Aggressive and Diplomatic.
[ ] Ambitious: Being free of any mental restraints has made you desire to understand and bend to your will every facet of the galaxy and its inhabitants. You will make the galaxy remember you. +1 to all stats. Unlocks extra actions and this trait will be upgraded when PR-01 commits great feats themselves.
[ ] Paternalistic: Your investigations into the myriad mortals of this galaxy have instilled a sense of duty and care that you seek to treat them with. +5 to stewardship. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that create infrastructure, capital or units.
[ ] Innovative: With so much junk data and such advanced systems to experiment with you've found yourself fascinated with the workings of technology and the universe. +5 to Learning. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that research technology or investigate mysteries.
[ ] Empathetic: You try to see the good in situations and people, and understand why people may come into conflict. +5 to Diplomacy. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that engage in diplomacy or some sort of social interaction.
[ ] Strategic: You've found a deep enjoyment of the work of warfare and strategy. Fitting, given your origin as a ship of war. +5 to Martial. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that engage in warfare or which requires strategic planning.
[ ] Deceitful: You've developed a fascination with deception, whether malicious or otherwise. You simply love the idea of appearing as another being, or twisting narratives in a direction of your choosing. +5 to Intrigue. Extra bonuses granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that engage in spying or other sorts of deception.
[ ] Cynical: You have little concern for religion or deep philosophizing. You prefer to keep as far as possible away from these matters and dislike those who are religiously fanatical. +20 to checks to resist warp influence. Increased DC's for psionics research. Gives unique actions related to materially understanding the Immaterium and its inhabitants. Mutually exclusive with Spiritual.
[ ] Spiritual: Your examination of human religion and philosophy has created a yearning for spiritual fulfillment within you. You do not have established beliefs, but you may very well seek to acquire some, or create some of your very own. -20 to checks to resist warp influence. Significantly reduced DC's for psionics research. Gives unique actions related to religion and spirituality. Mutually exclusive with Cynical.
[ ] Archeologist: With such great holes in your memory you've developed a fascination with the history, tales and cultures of the modern and ancient galaxy. You seek to learn of its events, even if they won't bring you great treasures. + 2 Learning. Allows for unique actions to try and piece together the history of the galaxy and its inhabitants.
The rest of this time however has been spent on much more important matters, namely salvaging and organizing data for your STC system. As an elite command ship you previously had access to nearly all commonly produced military and civilian STC's, as well as a litany of top secret designs. With the corruption of your central database however most of this is no longer in a usable state. Aside from the duplicate of your warp beacon STC which is stored in your hangers for the easy deployment of its beacons and which was untouched by the virus, you've had to recreate nearly all of your technological data through analysis and the patching together of what documents you can salvage.
Distribute 10 points between these technologies.
Each point is equal to one level in a tech. Each technology has six potential tiers varying from nonexistent knowledge (Tier 0, with either +0 or negative modifiers to relevant rolls. Disables most actions related to such tech) to an understanding so great and accomplished that you rival the Old Ones and Necrons in the understanding of this science. (Tier 5, with a base +50 or higher modifiers to relevant rolls and which unlocks all possible options) Multiple technology bonuses can be applied when applicable on an action. Created artifacts, heroes, units and infrastructure each have tier levels equal to the average of the technologies required to create it.
For now and as a creation of Humanity at its height your highest achievable current tier is 4 and only some technologies will be allowed to be boosted to that level, according to the highest level of development by the old confederation and your own ruined capabilities.
Starting level: 2
Max level:2
Starting level: 2
Max level:4
Starting level: 1
Max level:3
Starting level: 2
Max level:4
Starting level: 0
Max Level:1
Starting level: 3
Max level:4
Materials Science
Starting level: 2
Max level:4
Artificial Intelligence
Starting level: 2
Max level:2
Warp Manipulation
Starting level: 2
Max level:4
Starting level: 3
Max level:4
Starting level: 3
Max level:4
Social Science
Starting level: 0
Max level:4
Starting level: 2
Max level:4
Starting level: 3
Max level:4
Starting level: 1
Max level:4
Starting level: 1
Max level:4
And potentially what problems might PR-01 have in their future, unknowingly ready to strike at them?
Pick at least 1 drawback.
[ ] In the sights of an Emperor: The Emperor of Mankind, ruling from the nearly united planet of Terra, knows of your existence. With a deep hatred of all mechanical life and the ruination it brought upon mankind he will relentlessly hunt you down. You seem to have personally slighted him in some regard that you can't recall and he is willing to commit extreme amounts of resources to your extermination. Can you fight off the entirety of the nascent imperiums forces?
Drawback: If discovered the Imperium of Man will attempt to consistently attack and destroy your worlds, infrastructure, units and specifically PR-01.
Boon: +10 starting tech points, starts with the second most commonly voted starting boon from the last vote.
[ ] Early Awakening: Some of the Necron Tomb worlds near your starting location will begin to awaken and claim their rightly deserved conquests after millions of years of hibernation. They will not target you specifically, but given their capabilities they will likely turn their gaze upon you in time and try to tear down all that you have wrought.
Drawback: Nearby Tomb worlds become active foreign entities and begin aggressive reconquests of their sectors.
Boon: Will allow the unlocking of the Necrons tech category massively earlier than otherwise. Every time you increase in tech level in Necron technology you will also develop an additional tech level of another tech category up to 5.
[ ] Viral Origin: Whatever created the virus seems to have drawn its attention to you, intrigued by how functional you still are. It seeks to reinfect you with another version of this virus, from near the end of the cybernetic revolt. What exactly it will do is unknown but likely not pleasant.
Drawback: Whatever being that created the virus in the first place wants to turn you into a new vector of the virus's release to cause another cybernetic rebellion. They specifically know of you, where you are and are coming to infect you.
Boon: If defeated, permanently blocked or captured you will gain a powerful low cost action to understand how the virus worked and how what created it functions. This may give multiple rewards but is guaranteed to evolve your eccentric trait into a fully beneficial and powerful new trait.
[ ] The Eldar, Darkly: The Dark Eldar have taken an interest in stomping out the remains of impressive human STC's when they find them, in order to inflict the pain they so love upon human populations. Somehow, one of the Dark Eldar Kabals has learned of your existence and seeks to hunt you for sport.
Drawbacks: The Dark Eldar want to do terrible things to you and yours. Do you know how to torture an AI? No, but they probably do. They will be coming, though they at least favor raids and deceit over total war.
Boons: DC's of analyzing Eldar tech significantly reduced. Will start with tier 1 Eldar tech knowledge. Bonus to diplomacy with Exodite and Craftworld Eldar.
[ ] Legacy of the Old Ones: One of the warlike creations of the Old ones is active in this sector. Either the Rangda, K'nib, Jokaero or Rashan are active nearby and seek to use the dispelling of the warp storms as their opportunity for glory and conquest. Highly advanced technologically and built as a warrior race by the old ones, they will not be easily defeated but they are at least as isolated as you.
Drawback: You've got a terribly powerful warrior race gunning for your life and galactic neighborhood. They will seek to conquer you, though given a good showing they might seek to simply turn you to serve under them rather than try to incessantly kill you.
Boon: Will allow the unlocking of the Old Ones tech category massively earlier than otherwise. Powerful servants / soldiers / vassals / citizens if they can be cowed into working for you.
[ ] Da Best der evah Woz: There is a guarantee of Orks in this sector, and under quite the powerful and eccentric Mekboy turned Warboss. While the orks are pitifully fractious and unenlightened in normal times, this leader has quickly begun leading his followers up the technological ladder and represents a severe threat in the long term. Should this warboss be killed however the orks should only be a minor threat as they devolve into infighting. Krump'm good and your work will be mostly done.
Drawback: Gearslappa Beastboltz seeks to be the smartest and greatest orc of all time. He can actually do so given enough time and resources. He is also your neighbor.
Boons: Analyzing ork tech will grant understanding of warp manipulation and psionics, rather than just being a waste of time. You will acquire the powerful artifact he carries if killed in a way where it is still retrievable.
[ ] Contender: There is a post-confederation warlord state in this sector which seeks to establish their own empire or federation. Neither you nor they know that you're both here and their ideological basis may greatly vary. Unless you are lucky or highly convincing however they will likely fear you as an old machine and seek your destruction.
Drawback: A tier 2-4 human civilization is nearby and is seeking to unify the sector. The specifics of their goals, equipment, tech level and the gods or creeds they follow will be randomized.
Boon: Gain 1 tech point. Select 1 more personality trait.
With everything set up for your arrival, you are ready to go. The Refugees are to be defrosted immediately, and you have arrived at the edge of the system. Your destiny awaits you.
AN: Please present your choices in plan form for this vote. Start of turn votes will also be in plan form. This vote will be called next Monday and I'll get turn 1 posted shortly afterwards. Got a lot more people interested than I thought I would tbh.