Bound to Earth: A CK2 Earthbound Quest in an 8-bit Dystopia

[X] Quality Resin: Repair your baseball bat and gain an additional +1 to Martial. -1 Funds

Part of me is really concerned that someone opposed to us will get the bug spray and kill Buzz with it... but bigger number is good.

Buzz Buzz with the 100 SMAAAASH! , very nice.

I'm honestly leaning towards Criminal. We aren't exactly the friendly face to begin with, and we're in a good spot for one.
Plus, not having to play by da rules means that Giygas can't hypnotise the law-makers into doing something directly against us. If he can manipulate anyone that doesn't have PSI powers, then we can't really make any (open) alliances in case he just decides to take control of them.
Now, on my opinions on the organisation types:

Corporate is the norm of The City, the most popular spread for the sandwich that is the status-quo. By all means, we have no reason not to replicate this, however a corporation needs one thing to keep it afloat: Products to sell, original products to sell specifically. While CD is a smart cookie, I am not certain if she would have that kind of innovation, perhaps someone else in the Quarter though? Not to mention the hurdles we'll have to go through just to convince others to do business with our fledling...well, business. So far this is at the bottom of my list.

Criminal organizations, while not as common, are still the second-most common in The City as groups like Shadoloo, the X-Syndicate, and Slick's River City run their operations freely without intervention. Ignoring the law outright opens up many more opportunities than a corp would provide, and alternate ways to make those eagledollars that are too dirty for a reputable corp...directly, atleast. The rep deficit is a bit steep however, and we may need to draw a fine line in the metaphorical sand to assert with our morals stand and hope none of our goons cross it.

And then there's
Archaic, perhaps the most interesting one there is simply by how diverse it is.

Feudal Kingdoms, old democracies, anything that was on Earth is fair game! Of course, a Feudal state is mostly off due to how industralized the Eagle Quarter is, but I suppose if you really want to crown a queen, there are other types of monarchies to replicate. A democracy is more plausible, but also runs the risk of CD losing control thanks to the democratic process, or becoming one inname only if not.

There are plenty others: Theocracies, Dictatorships, etc, but all have their downsides.

Of course, this is all only if we Cass creates her own organization. Taking one over is also in the cards, which case I anticipate said organization remaining in the same classifaction, just with Cass at the head. Which for each type would be:

Corporate: Any of the local, legal powers in the Quarter probably.

Criminal: The Sharks, Everdred's Gang

Archaic: ???

Okay, I will finally end this spiel with one more thing: I wonder if it could be possible to do what Outer Heaven did and achieve a synthesis between two of these types.

If you don't know, in 8BD Big Boss of Metal Gear fame has set up Outer Heaven in the Outlands. However, the way he runs things is a bit different as offically he's the President of Zanzibar Land while Outer Heaven is a more of a state-owned Corp and the standing army of the nation, albeit one that he also leases to others as mercs. This makes Outer Heaven/Zanzibar Land more of stratocratic dictatorship than a regular corp, but also doesn't quite fit in with the other categories either.

I wouldn't mind replicating that, though for reasons only one person in this thread would know about :V . Other than that though, there may be other ways to find an 'inbetween' perhaps?
With the recent revelations that Giygas can outright mind control people who don't have PSI I think we should make sure any organization we have ensure that having PSI powers is nigh-mandatory for advancmenet beyond grunt/intern/serf. Teaching PSI to people would be a bit of an action sink, but the rewards of giving more people loyal to us psychic powers and an immunity to mind control outweigh the potential costs I think.

Plus PSI is the one thing we have that sets us apart from any other gang, corp, or group, so may as well leverage that as much we can.
[X] Quality Resin: Repair your baseball bat and gain an additional +1 to Martial. -1 Funds

The same reason other people have given. A permanent boost is great. The bug Spray could probably give us an edge against the insects and ants guarding the first sanctuary location, but after that, I think it's a long time before bugs will be important again. It's kind of a short-term vs long-term thing.

As for making an organization, I feel like becoming Corporate is just not an option for us. We don't have products to sell or services to sell, and I see no way of us getting those any time soon. We're not an inventor and we can't really leverage our psychic powers for it either.

Criminal is an option obviously but that would hit us with a stiff reputation penalty. It is 100% our brand, and I think that the freedom to dodge all those pesky corpo laws would be great for us, but the rep penalty doesn't look too good.

I'm actually curious about what we could do with Archaic. Because outside of us needing to be the boss we don't really have any required structure here. Democracy is probably a bad idea and feudalism doesn't really work for us, but there are probably other power structures we could make use of.

That said, I think my vote on how to progress toward making an organization is actually to start fighting the Sharks. Either we'll endear ourselves to our Treehouse friends by fighting a shared enemy, or the Sharks will find a worthy opponent in us. Either way might open some doors for us.

That or we'll get mugged.
I'm also kind of curious about archaic to seems like a pretty interesting option it might work if my theory of CD
I just want you to hear my theory and give me your thoughts about it I think cd and just stay with me here is the reincarnation of medusa from Kid Icarus.
I have some a picece evidence so far is when we saw the mural of medusa we also thought it gave us a sense of familiarity.
Along with the eggplant wizard plushy and for some reason we would never give it away or throw it away or we always kept it with us and the eggplant wizard was always a main staple of medusa's forces in kid Icarus
I just want your thoughts about my theory that cd is the reincarnation of medusa
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[X] Quality Resin: Repair your baseball bat and gain an additional +1 to Martial. -1 Funds

Might change my vote to the Bug spray, but for now I'll chose the Resin, given it's more long term.

On the topic of organizations, we should stick with either Criminal or Archaic, as I don't see MC going for Corporate.

On the topic of Giygas's mind control that's really nothing new, as most of the humans you fight in Earthbound are mind-controlled (even Poky, though a good chunk of it could've also been him being a little shit). Speaking of mind-control, we should take the learning option to study the animals next turn, that way we get a better understanding of Giygas's mind-control stuff and potential ways to counter it besides the shit out of the victims hard enough to nick the sense back in to their skulls.

It's nice that we got our first Nat100, and it'll pay off once we get our Faction set up, or once we kill our first Starman.

That said, I think my vote on how to progress toward making an organization is actually to start fighting the Sharks. Either we'll endear ourselves to our Treehouse friends by fighting a shared enemy, or the Sharks will find a worthy opponent in us. Either way might open some doors for us.

That or we'll get mugged.

I agree, beating up gangsters is a very good way to make friends, especially when the gangsters you beat up are hated by everyone.
[X] Quality Resin: Repair your baseball bat and gain an additional +1 to Martial. -1 Funds.
Somewhat leaning toward corporate v anything else but not sold
Dalaam probably, it's a monarchy.

I'm Goessel kind of curious about archaic to seems like a pretty interesting option it might work if my theory of CD
I just want you to hear my theory and give me your thoughts about it I think cd and just stay with me here is the reincarnation of medusa from Kid Icarus.
I have some a picece evidence so far is when we saw the mural of medusa we also thought it gave us a sense of familiarity.
Along with the eggplant wizard plushy.
That is... unlikely, but not so unlikely that i'd say it's outright impossible.

I still don't entirely buy it. Nothing really suggests that Medusa is dead in the 8BD setting, and being the reincarnation of a being on even playing terms with Pallas Athena kinda makes a threat like Giygas notably less terrifying. But it's at least one option that answers some of those questions.
(even Poky, though a good chunk of it could've also been him being a little shit).
Fun fact! You know how after Happy happy village, Porkey seems to say he's sorry and then says he lied?

In the Japanese version, he's genuinely remorseful, and wants Ness to say that he'd like to be friends again... but ness is a silent protagonist, and Porkey takes the silent treatment very poorly.

As for which one to take... Honestly, whilst Coporate feels unlikely, passive income and not needing to be super shady would be nice... but we already have the rep issue, and frankly, many of the local lawful agencies probably don't like us.

We were never going to get along with Strong given our background, and Pirkle is actively a problem and would likely outcompete us. We also don't really have anything to sell, and we're not specced to be able to be a buisness focused character.

Hopefully criminal gives us options that aren't 'mug people', though I'm honeslty pretty okay with petty crime like theft provided the target is someone like, well, Strong or Pirkle. Might be able to make it more like a resistance organisation, Since that is the whole point of why we want an org in the first place.
Ditto on the "We really aren't built for corpo business unless we really work at it" angle.

Criminal seems the way to go, it's one of the few org types that can function might makes right, and might is one of the few things easily available to us.

I'm not to fussed on how dark we go either to be honest. Probably nothing excessively cruel, because that tends to be self-defeating, but if we go darker than Robin Hood or the Propaganda!Yakuza I won't mind either. We're here to save the world remember? Genocidal psychic deity coming for our planet? Cracking a few eggs to make the omelette of death seems inevitable.
What if we did a mix of all 3? An "Archaic" Kingdom/Republic/Whatever, with a respectable "Company" that helps its citizens, and a "Criminal" underbelly - who may or may not steal from the strong and give to the weak - that clashes against the "Company"?

Could be a nice Ruse, at least for a while. But we would need someone on board, willing to play this complicated game.
What if we did a mix of all 3? An "Archaic" Kingdom/Republic/Whatever, with a respectable "Company" that helps its citizens, and a "Criminal" underbelly - who may or may not steal from the strong and give to the weak - that clashes against the "Company"?

Could be a nice Ruse, at least for a while. But we would need someone on board, willing to play this complicated game.

"Come one, come all to the Grand Democratic-Republic of the Kingdom of the Free Disenfranchised Teenagers of Eagle Country. We vandalize government property, assault random strangers on the street, manufacture and sell jury-rigged alien technology, spread psychic powers among the youth, enact a counter-intergalactic genocide against an alien warlord and his empire, and maybe commune with Dark Gods on tuesdays!"

"We also have pizza, so please join"
Ditto on the "We really aren't built for corpo business unless we really work at it" angle.

Criminal seems the way to go, it's one of the few org types that can function might makes right, and might is one of the few things easily available to us.

I'm not to fussed on how dark we go either to be honest. Probably nothing excessively cruel, because that tends to be self-defeating, but if we go darker than Robin Hood or the Propaganda!Yakuza I won't mind either. We're here to save the world remember? Genocidal psychic deity coming for our planet? Cracking a few eggs to make the omelette of death seems inevitable.
I... disagree.

For all this is a bleak take on earthbound... it's still Earthbound.

Earthbound at it's core is a deep, deep rejection of the idea that only evil, cruelty, and bleakness exists in the world. That idea is what Giygas is, but the world isn't a place without love, and goofiness, and mr saturn, and tessies, and so many other things.

we might need to do some illegal things. I'm pretty okay with that. Hell, I want to steal from the copos and the sharks really bad actually, I want the frankystein. I'm not super down with shrugging off doing cruel things because it's easier. I want to at least try to stay bright, despite it all.

Edit: Heck, I'd argue that's also 8-Bit Dystopias theme as well. For all it takes place in a darker version of videogames, the villains haven't won. Light is alive, the Blue Blur is fighting Robotnik, the Mario Bros. are genuinely decent people. Hope isn't dead, and the villains aren't quite as victorious as they'd like people to believe.
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If we DO make an Archaic, what exactly should we make? A secret sect of PSI users could be an option, or we could go for an anti-corporate rebellion group. A Kingdom, or other such form of 'new country', while a nice idea, suits C.D about as well as a cactus suits a flood, so that's probably not a good idea.
If we DO make an Archaic, what exactly should we make? A secret sect of PSI users could be an option, or we could go for an anti-corporate rebellion group. A Kingdom, or other such form of 'new country', while a nice idea, suits C.D about as well as a cactus suits a flood, so that's probably not a good idea.
I thought Anti-corp rebellion group would be criminal honestly. Since Corps are the Law, and criminals is a broad term meaning 'Anyone unlawful' (ATARI, a major anti-corp group, having been given as an example).
As for making an organization, I feel like becoming Corporate is just not an option for us. We don't have products to sell or services to sell
Actually had an idea about that! See with CD's healing ability and all we could sell low cost, modestly effective medical services. Just slide it under the banner of 'spiritual healing' or such to buy some time to figure out expansion and ward away more serious players who'd see that as ridiculous. With some help from a tech-y sort we could maybe break out tech to automate or expand the process.

Nice, effective, and cheap healing for the community, money to fight Giggles the godly, and good PR to help recruit new folks to help business or PR, or even punch Giggles.
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ATARI isn't for the faint of heart. They're a hardcore anti-corp terrorist organization I invented as the antagonists for a short-run 8BD campaign.

The premise was simple: The party were hired by WilyCorp to reclaim an oil rig in the Great Bay that an ATARI cell had hijacked. There were supposed to be hostages they had to rescue, but by the time the PCs got there, nearly everyone they could get their hands was slaughtered. Most of them at the hands of Evil Otto, who was left to his own devices. The other members were Frogger, Pitfall Harry, and Bounty Bob, who answered to a mysterious leader who snuck onto the rig's staff and opened the back door for the rest.

I can keep going (I gave them all Metal Gear-tier backstories), but suffice to say they were a mixed bag of insane, reprehensible, and/or tragic.
Actually had an idea about that! See with CD's healing ability and all we could sell low cost, modestly effective medical services. Just slide it under the banner of 'spiritual healing' or such to buy some time to figure out expansion and ward away more serious players who'd see that as ridiculous. With some help from a tech-y sort we could maybe break out tech to automate or expand the process.

Nice, effective, and cheap healing for the community, money to fight Giggles the godly, and good PR to help recruit new folks to help business PR punch Giggles.
I was actually thinking of something like that, leveraging our PSI abilities and then hiding it under spiritual jargon and stuff like homeopathic alternative medicine and several NDA's and claim its a private technique or proprietary technology we can probably do something like this.

Especially since we picked the healer/support route for our powers. Alternate org type unlocked?

We'd probably have to go down the path of healing people for money to start with.
We could go the Doof route and just be a hodgepodge of weirdos with a connecting theme (if you can connect the dots together).
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ATARI isn't for the faint of heart. They're a hardcore anti-corp terrorist organization I invented as the antagonists for a short-run 8BD campaign.

The premise was simple: The party were hired by WilyCorp to reclaim an oil rig in the Great Bay that an ATARI cell had hijacked. There were supposed to be hostages they had to rescue, but by the time the PCs got there, nearly everyone they could get their hands was slaughtered. Most of them at the hands of Evil Otto, who was left to his own devices. The other members were Frogger, Pitfall Harry, and Bounty Bob, who answered to a mysterious leader who snuck onto the rig's staff and opened the back door for the rest.

I can keep going (I gave them all Metal Gear-tier backstories), but suffice to say they were a mixed bag of insane, reprehensible, and/or tragic.
Honestly, I was referring to them more in terms of general ideology in context of the world primarily being corp-centered as opposed to scale or level of violence used.

Not surprised given that they're described in the document as having gotten more extreme with each attempt to take them down.
Edit: Heck, I'd argue that's also 8-Bit Dystopias theme as well. For all it takes place in a darker version of videogames, the villains haven't won. Light is alive, the Blue Blur is fighting Robotnik, the Mario Bros. are genuinely decent people. Hope isn't dead, and the villains aren't quite as victorious as they'd like people to believe.
Yeah, that is a fascinating thing about 8BD compared to its sister project. EVil won in DVV, and, while there is still hope, the first shot already failed and the PCs job is to try and salvage things. But in 8BD, the only reason Evil has won is because it got the first move. Megaman is in construction, Sonic is striking against Robotnik. It's just before dawn. Granted, it's up to GM/QM discretion, so it's possible for those heroes to fail, or, worse, be corrupted by this new world they've found themselves in, so...Hm.
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