Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[ ] Announce your status as Maia's sworn kin, lie to protect her

[ ] Attempt to keep the secret for at least another year, stay out of it
Well this is a predicament. Our testimony would go quite a ways to counter official query's, but might only solidify a motive in those undecided minds willing to seek vengeance in unofficial quarters.

On the brightside Amiti's project is partially recovered, though I think we may have to help her with it if we want to ensure she passes in good standing.
[x] Attempt to keep the secret for at least another year, stay out of it

"Accomplice to murder, which she did without forewarning us, but we're not going to do anything to finger her" is already a lot of neck to stick out for Maia, really, and she's pretty sure she's getting away with it. Let her take what consequences she will. That's part of her not being a vassal, too: the freedom to take responsibility for her own actions.

It also doesn't really do anything great for either Ambraea or Maia to announce this publicly. Every reason to not announce it the morning after it was sworn holds true today, too.
I agree with this however. The consequences are Maia's to bear, by her own choice, and Assassination is Maia's entire upbringing and heritage prior to sorcery.

Also, Deizil has been sabotaging her work for months, possibly more than a year. It will make it more convincing Nalri would get stupidly desperate and attempt something beyond herself in such conditions. If she was struggling to succeed as a seventh year, than threats to and work of a seventh year doing her in by virtue of misjudging what she could handle becomes more acceptable as an explanation.

[X] Attempt to keep the secret for at least another year, stay out of it
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[] Announce your status as Maia's sworn kin, lie to protect her

Ambraea rides and dies with her people.

Edit: [] Attempt to keep the secret for at least another year, stay out of it

I feel that Ambraea absolutely should be ride or die with people, but we don't need to intervene here. Maia is the expert in murder-related matters, and our attempts to protect her could backfire. I do want to emphasize that this is not a vote to say that "Maia's problems are not our problems". It is a vote of confidence in her expertise as an assassin.

Edit Edit: [X] Announce your status as Maia's sworn kin, lie to protect her

I misunderstood. I believe the decision is whether we should aid Maia if she somehow comes under suspicion and needs us to vouch for her.

That is not a difficult choice. As I said before, Ambraea rides and dies with her people.
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Couldn't have happened to a nicer girl. You mess with the cinnamon roll, you get the heavy end of the hammer.

But oy vey, what a choice. I'm assuming here that the "announce Hearthmate status" choice would happen immediately if we took it? What I really want is the option to just stay chill and say nothing, until and unless someone starts seriously hassling Maia about this. At which point I would instantly announce the Hearthmate status and alibi her. It's just that it's way to early to do that right now, no one's even accused her of anything yet--it would be surprising and suspicious in and of itself, frankly.

[X] Attempt to keep the secret for at least another year, stay out of it
Edited in light of author's comments:
[X] Announce your status as Maia's sworn kin, lie to protect her
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[] Announce your status as Maia's sworn kin, lie to protect her

I do agree that it's more suspicious to announce they're hearthmates right after the murder.
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Since people seem to be misunderstanding what this choice represents, please remember that this vote is not about just saying "we're hearthmates and I can vouch for her" out of nowhere, it is about whether or not you say this when the question of "did Maia have anything to do with this" comes up anyway.
[X] Announce your status as Maia's sworn kin, lie to protect her

Oh okay well good to know I was being silly for worrying about just randomly blurting the sworn kin status thing instead of intelligently waiting for the proper timing.
There, a tied and bound woman had awaited her, and a knife had been pushed into her hand. When Maia had asked who the woman was, all anyone would tell her was, simply, "an enemy".

Afterward, Maia's grandmother had held Maia's hands by the wrists, making Maia look at the blood her grandmother had deliberately smeared there, and had told her: "Nothing can ever take this back. An instrument of vengeance, so anointed, may never be unstained again. Always, remember what you are."
What the fuck, what kind of family is that? Poor girl!

[X] Attempt to keep the secret for at least another year, stay out of it

She killed someone because she stole lesson notes. She can assume the consequences.
We should probably also considering responses beyond just this investigation, particularly clan Iselsi, and the Empress. As Maia said, nobody wants a weapon that chooses it's own targets, and learning Maia has Chosen a Hearthmate and Targets for herself could provoke some manner of response in the long run. It would be presumably harder to asail us once our hearth has more members, provided we waited a year to collect them.