Bound to Earth: A CK2 Earthbound Quest in an 8-bit Dystopia

Bound to Earth: A CK2 Earthbound Quest in an 8-bit Dystopia
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You live in a harsh world, but it is the world and home you are bound to.

Step forward and fight in a hidden conflict that threatens everything, one buried in an innocuous part of the City of Light.
Character Creation
You live in a harsh world.

Though you're just a 'kid' still, you understand that much.

Beyond the walls of your home and the streets of your sleepy, simple city, the world is a place of suffering and struggle.

It's filled with injustice and frightening, awful things you don't fully understand and hope to never understand.

You're just a single person.

A small 'blip' on a television screen where grander than life figures take up almost all the space.

Dictating how the world is shaped, how the flow of history will go, and what the fates of countless people will be.

It's hard not to feel small, to feel insignificant, when you think about that.

Yet, in the night sky, even suns appear as little more than blips of light against such a black backdrop given enough distance.

The biggest things have the smallest of beginnings.

You're reminded of that as you stare out your window, drifting off to sleep, catching a streak of light coming down from the sky just as you drift off.

Thinking about who you are…

Character Creation

[] What is your name? Note: Anything stupid or inappropriate can and will be vetoed by the GM
[] What is your sex?
[] How old are you? [13-18 years old]
[] What is your favorite food?
[] What is your favorite thing?

[] What is your strongest trait?
[][] Your unseen potential (PSI)
[][] Your sportiness (Martial)
[][] Your way with words (Diplomacy)
[][] Your intelligent use of your allowance (Stewardship)
[][] Your skill in weaving lies (Intrigue)
[][] Your good grades (Learning)

[] What is your weakness?
[][] Your untreated asthma (General debuff that can appear without treatment)
[][] You need glasses (Martial debuff in ranged related situations)
[][] You walk with a limp (Martial debuff in speed related situations)
[][] You're shy (Diplomacy debuff in certain situations)
[][] You're in debt (Stewardship debuff in certain situations)
[][] Your bad reputation (Intrigue debuff in certain situations)

[] What is your most prized possession?
[][] A cracked baseball bat (+Offensive Martial Item)
[][] A Teddy Bear (+Defensive Martial Item)
[][] Your savings (+Funds)
[][] Ruler, to measure things (+???)
[][] Nothing, but you do have some junk (+2 random items)
Setting Information

What is this Quest?

This is a Quest based in the setting of 8-Bit Dystopia: Deluxe, focusing mainly around the Earthbound inspired area of the Eagle Quarter.

8-Bit Dystopia: Deluxe is a setting originating from /tg 4chan some time ago that has since been expanded upon by individuals over the "Villains Victorious" server

It reimagines and re-interprets videogame settings and characters, fitting them all into a largely original crossover setting.

Please make sure to read the 8-BD document linked HERE, but I'll go over some important background and concepts here.


The Beginning

In the early 1970's the reports of UFOs, alien sightings, and supposed abductions had grown beyond what could be chalked up to mental illness, fads, or attention seeking conspiracy theorists. However the existence of extraterrestrial life was still laughed off as fantasy, even as an air of uneasiness and fear bloomed in the heart of the Cold War.

Not long after the increased sightings began however did SETI telescopes discover something incredible.

Another planet capable of supporting life, called "Princeps Dominare".

The idea of traveling to other worlds ignited the imaginations and hopes of countless people who lived in fear of the future.

Which suddenly seemed so much brighter…


In 1978 however all dreams of a bright future were dashed when an armada of intergalactic warships entered the Solar System.

Making a beeline to Earth, the armada attacked several major cities and population centers across the planet.

This was the start of the Invader Wars.

Dubbed 'Space Invaders' this attack prompted a UN emergency session that sparked a newfound sense of unity born from desperation.

In spite of past differences and divisions in ideology, all of mankind became united in their goal to survive and beat back the invaders.

Facing a far more advanced and far more numerous enemy, mankind fixated everything they had on reverse-engineering the aliens' technology. Using what they learned to build massive weapon platforms the size of city blocks to blast the Invaders out of the skies and defend the remaining cities on the planet.

However even with the full brunt of the world's militaries and reversed engineered weapons, it quickly became apparent that mankind was fighting a war that would not end until they were all destroyed.

In their efforts to understand the alien's technology however, mankind came to better understand how their ships worked. If the Invaders had managed to reach Earth using such technology, then it would be possible for Mankind to reach Princeps Dominare.

Efforts shifted from winning the war for Earth to building a fleet of colony ships to escape the Earth.

People, agricultural vaults, historical and cultural keepsakes, everything of value or importance that could go would go.

To what many prayed would become the new home for mankind.

In 1984, the colony fleet was completed and left the planet with what remains of the Earth's defensive armies.

With the planet abandoned the Space Invaders besieged the planet and completely and utterly destroyed it.
This event would forever be known as "The Crash" for the violent, malicious way the cradle of humanity was destroyed.

For some reason, still unknown to this day, the Invaders did not pursue humanity's colony fleet.

After just a year, in 1985, the fleet arrived at Princeps Dominare

A New Home…?

Upon landing on the planet, an explosion of construction began with the aid of Robotics genius Dr. Light.

Walking resource harvesters called M.U.L.E.S collected the raw materials from the planet while terraforming robots known as Lemmings began to build urban districts and underground infrastructure at breathtaking speeds.

Overcrowding issues were completely subverted and it seemed like humanity's new home would be an amazing one.

However the automated nature of the construction left what was built unplanned, and typically thoughtless.

Worse yet, many found their freedoms restricted by the rise of various factions and groups.

Following Dr. Light's death in a 'tragic accident', his close friend Doctor Wily took control of his assets and founded what would be the first of many Mega Corporations…

The Year is 200X…

40% of the planet is now covered in a dense urban sprawl. A single gigantic city once known as the City of Light…

Now simply known as The City.

A place where criminal syndicates and megacorporations rule over chunks of territory and control their own slices of the populace in place of nations or city states.

The majority of humanity find themselves powerless in the face of those who control the areas where they now live.

Those who don't bend the knee and conform to the will of their overlords have few options.

They can leave the city for the Outlands, where primitive tribes and wannabe warlords vie for power.

They can journey into the Pipeworks, the incredibly deep and labyrinthine utility and sewer system where mutants, cults, and other monsters lurk.

Or…they can try to take a stand and make a difference, and probably die trying.

This new world is dangerous, cruel, and alien to our own. It is a world where those with evil in their hearts prevail, and those with the best intentions are struck dead.

…Or that is what they would like you to believe.

Even now pirate broadcasts can still be heard. A phantom voice of a man long since thought dead claims there are still heroes to be found.

Setting Details

A.I and Robotics Technology

Innovations by the late and great Doctor Light and the (sadly) still living Dr. Wily has pushed robotics and artificial intelligence to new heights. Turning it from the stuff of science fiction to practical and vital technologies. With WilyCorp's production and Robodyne's expertise, robots and similar automated machines are a common sight in The City

Bioroids driven by positronic brains built by Wilycorp, organic brain chip operated Badniks from Robodyne, and countless miscellaneous designs from smaller manufacturers have ensured that robots of all shapes and sizes exist.

M.U.L.E.S are used to strip resources in the outland, while swarms of Lemmings pave over the native environment and lay the groundwork for the ever expanding city.

All while the likes of WilyCorp's "Joe" bioroids and Robodyne's SWATBots keep law and order in the zones of their respective masters.

However, the normalization of robots in society has also led to the rise of robots suffering all manner of errors, glitches, and irregular operations.

When a machine loses sight of their intended function and becomes irregular, or goes "Maverick", they are considered a danger to everyone around them. As they are no longer bound to the normal restrictions placed on the behaviors of machines, allowing them to potentially do anything.

It is because of this that WilyCrop's bioroids all come with a policy requiring the replacement of their positronic brains every few years or decades. Both as a way of subverting warranties and making money, and of curbing an increasingly common issue.

This rise in "Maverick" machines has led to the creation of an occupation of hunting them. With Humans and specialized Bioroids known as "Maverick Hunters" chasing down for either bounties or out of obligation.


Once lab animals, Uplifts were genetically modified and cybernetically enhanced to be granted sapience and more humanoid forms.

Created initially to serve as the first settlers of Princeps Dominare intended to be sent ahead of the colony fleet, the majority were lost when the ship became lost due to a malfunction in the warp drive of the ship carrying them.

The Uplifts that were left ended up being treated as sub-humans and glorified second-class citizens until agreements came into place that (partially) ended the practice.

After The City was founded, the Uplifts that had been lost suddenly made contact during the 1990s.

It was revealed that not only had they survived, but settled another system they called the "Lylat System".

Tragically a civil war broke out between the plants of Corneria and Venom, leading to a horrific civil war that turned the once thriving system into a wasteland of near extinction.

Refugee uplifts fleeing from the war ended up accepted (however tentatively) into The City, which proved to only be slightly more hospitable than what they were faced with by the war. Lylatians found themselves discriminated against by humans and societally separated from the already present uplifts, who were far more accustomed to the way things were.

Uplifts possess human intelligence and the majority of them are modeled after humans, being anthropomorphic with bipedal locomotion, hands with opposable thumbs, and similar features.

Most possess enhanced abilities due to miscellaneous mutations, cybernetic augmentations intended to suit their original purpose, or improved attributes due to the nature of the animal species they were processed from.

While the 1st Generation of Uplifts had to be deliberately created, the Second and Third Generations require far less direct augmentation to develop by comparison. With Third Generation uplifts specifically being born with few, or no, cybernetics at all.

As of 200X, the highest concentration of uplifts live in the zones controlled by Robodyne. Due to the better quality of life and the lower overall bigotry towards them from the humans there.

At the same time however, when missing person reports start rolling in with the demand for brain chips for badniks, it's usually Uplifts going missing…


With industry comes progress and with progress comes pollution!

Chemical, medical, and industrial waste runoff are incredibly common within the boundaries of The City. Produced by every major corp, and even most of the minor ones, a great multitude of people end up exposed to the waste. Either due to unsafe work environments, accidents, or simply living on the streets or in the wrong neighborhood.

Anyone altered, disfigured, or irreparably mutated (or born) from these contaminants are labeled as Mutants.

Mutants are immensely diverse given the nature of their creation being overt, subtle, semi-human, or unrecognizable. Regardless of the severity, the majority of mutants suffer harsh persecution or exploitation from the majority of people within The City. This has forced most mutants to live within the Pipeworks below, with a scant few mutants appearing in the Outlands due to the reach of water pollution stretching far beyond The City itself.


The Space Invaders instilled a deep hatred for extraterrestrials in the majority of humanity.

While humanity has not made any contact with other alien races since, there's no doubt that other aliens do in fact exist.

The Big Three have an agreement to keep aliens away from the planet and The City as a whole, shooting down any foreign vessel that creeps too close. Both to avoid the potential danger of enraging the majority of humanity and for purely selfish reasons.

However, Metpharm only holds to the agreement as written. Having bought the moon orbiting the planet, they meet with alien delegates in the Zebestian space port and stations firmly owned by them. And are rumored, but never confirmed, to hire and utilize the occasional alien bounty hunter or criminal.

When an alien does, very rarely, sneaks past the orbiting detection system, they typically end up in the Outlands. With residents usually not caring,especially if the aliens have something exotic to trade to them.

Any aliens within The City itself are usually not seen. Content with avoiding attention from them, or whoever is likely chasing them.


Magic and the supernatural aren't anymore believed or accepted as they are in the present, save for the gullible or particularly unusual.

With the rapid advancement of technology the majority of unusual happenings are chalked up to scientific phenomena that simply haven't been properly studied.

However the explorers of the ancient ruins in the Outlands and the cultists who whisper twisted prayers within the shadows of the Pipeworks reject such notions.

Strange, ancient artifacts of unexplainable but genuine power have been recovered in the Outlands and achieve what can only be described as magic.

All the while the various chthonic cults within the underbelly of The City claim to possess boons from those they worship in the dark. With fearful stories of 'summoning' seemingly demonic beings or unleashing unusual attacks.

Claiming to serve beings that everyone has seen at least once in their dreams, but forget as soon as they awaken.

With only those of the truly strong of spirit and devoted of will capable of bringing back of a fragment of that sleeping realm to the land of the waking.

Due to the nature of how most are 'elucidated' to the existence of this supposed word of thought and unlimited energy, it's known as "The Dreamlands".

But anyone willing to put their beliefs in something so deluded must truly be desperate or crushed by the harshness of the city.

After all, such a thing couldn't possibly exist…

Psionics or "PSI"

While "Psycho Kinetics" or "Psionics" can simply be written off as a more pseudo-science way to justify magic, there are more 'normal' people within the boundaries of the city willing to entertain such a concept.

A strange blue fox uplift seemingly capable of speaking to others with their mind, veterans who spin stories of soldiers capable of speaking to the dead or moving objects with a thought, the rare martial artist capable of seemingly impossible feats credited to their 'strength of mind', and rumors of a corporation trying to build an amplifier for such seemingly fictional abilities.

While concrete research simply hasn't been done on the existence of psionics, at least officially, the concept of them has existed for some time.

Some more learned on the history of the topic say that the popular belief of psionics came into being prior to the Invader Wars, in the early 1900s. Where a man, once the pride of the town, went missing with his wife. Only to return, claiming to have been abducted and refusing to explain what happened to his wife.

Occasionally, strange notes are found in unopened colony ship luggage, or mixed in with 'antiques'. Speaking of strange powers and giving incomplete instructions on how to attempt to unlock some inner power.

While intriguing to some, others claim that PSI is connected to the so-called "Dreamlands", dampening most individuals' suspension of disbelief.

However, those rumored to have such powers are said to whisper strange things in their sleep. Said to sometimes enter into their own personal part of the Dreamlands. Their "Magicant".

While humanity's lack of contact with aliens makes it impossible to tell if Psionics are more or less common other races, or actually real, there are some who fear that mankind's proclivity towards PSI came from an alien race.

And that alien race…

Isn't p̶̧̨̻͕̩͎̹͔͈̬̫̩̪̲̭͎͋͛͗͗̍̓̅͂͝l̵̨̛͔̟̈́̄͐́̍ͅę̷͉̙̦̞̙̱̠̆̃̈́ḁ̶̢̣̼̯̣͑͑̑͒͘s̷̨̢̫̹͙̈͜é̷̛̛͉̗̮͗̍̂̉̿͝d̴̨̲͍͈̳͚̟͍̻̫̝̘͎̞̪̫͖̐͛ ̸̧͚̻̖͗̍͌͑̎̎̂̈́̌̿͋̎͋́̓̕ͅb̸͎͉̮̱̒͋͌̂̇́͋̑̌̚y̶̹͖͉͖͖͐̚ ̴̢̛̤̩͓͈̬̤̙̖̯̺̫̣̞͙͇͑̉̽̆͆͐̂̈́̎͊̋̽͛̾͠t̶̨̲͛͆̈́̀͘h̸̨͓͔̬̼̬̘̄͘͜a̷̗̩͍̺̻̘̜̘͈̞̪̹̔̽͗͌̓̀̋̃͂̿̈́͑̓́̀̓̚t̷̢̢̧̩͓̮̣̪̙̯̰̙̼̄̍̒̿͂͌̓̽̀͊͘͝.

Notes Regarding the Handling of the Crossover

Since the Earthbound inspired area, the "Eagle Quarter", wasn't really elaborated on in the 8-Bit Dystopia document, I've had to work out a majority of the lore and details surrounding it myself.

However, since I aim to try and keep in line with the rules and feel of the setting itself, I contacted the person behind managing the document and spoke over my intentions with them. Getting the general greenlight for my overall premises.

Now generally 8-Bit Dystopia works within the realm of the first five console generations in terms of the games and material used.

But this won't be a hard rule for this Quest.

Certain titles relevant to this Quest beyond Earthbound from the Gameboy Advance, the Dreamcast, and such will be included on a situational basis.

This will allow me more wiggle room to include some material from Mother 3 (a GBA title) and some later material from other game series that are likely to become involved in things.

At the start of the quest, the focus will primarily be on Earthbound/Mother related elements. To give the Quest a sort of 'local' feel in relation to the setting as a whole.

However as things progress, and ultimately escalate, other elements from outside the starting area itself will become relevant.

Material included in this Quest both from Mother/Earthbound and other series will be reimagined and reinterpreted to a degree.

Efforts will be made to respect the source material, but this is ultimately for fun and thus some creative liberties will be taken with some aspects.

Local Setting: The Eagle Quarter

This Quest will be focused in and around the "Eagle Quarter".

The Eagle Quarter is an autonomous region within The City, settled and built by American refugees from a particular colony ship.

Landing far from where the other ships had, the refugees stripped the vessel down and built settlements that were (at the time) far from where The City was.

Pining after and wishing to preserve their own slice of Americana, it quickly became a zone of pizza delivery joints, fast food restaurants, homely towns, teenage street gangs, klan inspired cults, and hideously expensive healthcare.

Years later, The City's expansion has placed the Eagle quarter between the borders of several other areas owned by various corps and factions.

The Eagle Quarter is not under control of any one faction or corporation. Instead power is split between various local leaders, small corporations, and criminal factions of the individual areas and cities.

Who, while almost always out for themselves, are more than willing to put aside their differences when it comes to dealing with matters of unwanted external influence.

Their efforts ensure that whatever outside plans to take over the Eagle Quarter by force will be more effort then it's actually worth.

It helps that the Eagle Quarter barely registers on the radar of The Big 3 most of the time. With Metpharm almost deliberately avoiding the area altogether for some reason, further worsening the healthcare situation.

While offering a greater sense of freedom and privacy compared to the near dystopian conditions of other areas, the lack of a guiding hand of a single unified power in the region has left the Eagle Quarter with a myriad of local problems.

Local problems that are left squarely in the hands of the locals to either deal with, or suffer through.

A conga line of petty criminals and street gangs, increasingly hostile and rabid wildlife, fraudulent inventors and local corps churning out dangerously low-quality products, and a local currency that slingshots between one of the stronger bit-player currencies to having to pay 99 dollars for a cheap plastic bracelet and 14 dollars for a hamburger.

The isolation and lack of eyes on the Eagle Quarter is its greatest strength and most devastating weakness.


A small, quiet city on the north-west edge of the Eagle Quarter, overlooked by rolling hills and bordered by the sea and a river. It has a surprising amount of forests and greenery left, even in comparison to other places in the Eagle Quarter.

Onnet's population has a high volume of young individuals, all with few prospects and little to keep their attention or entertain them. Because of this it's known for its very high juvenile crime rate, to the point that it's a joke that juvenile delinquents in Onnet eventually grow up and become real criminals who find work in Twoson.

Somewhat ironically, the second thing Onnet is most well known for is its fervent police force who excel in shutting down roads and preventing passage to and from areas. With some joking that they want to set a 'world record'.

The local leader is B.H. Pirkle, the CEO of Pirkle.INC and the 'mayor' of the town. Despite being in charge of the town however, they're mostly just a figurehead that writes checks to the Onnet Police Force.

Led by Captain Strong, the O.P.F operate as both a local police force for Onnet and a private police force for hire. Deploying police officers to maintain law and order for the right price.

Due to their rates and lack of interest, they're primarily hired to patrol the streets in Fourson and to maintain border security for the region as a whole. It's thanks to them that it's currently difficult to get in, or out of, the Eagle Quarter unless properly permitted to do so by the higher powers.

Despite being based in Onnet however, the O.P.F's number of active officers in town is usually quite low due to being deployed elsewhere. This has led to the rise and formation of a youth gang called the 'Sharks' based out of the local arcade.
  • Beak Point: A small peninsula on the southwestern edge of Onett that is mostly undeveloped save for a single piece of property that is hideously overpriced for its state of dilapidation.
  • Onett Arcade: The local arcade and only real source of meaningful entertainment for kids and teens in the local area. It's since become the ad-hoc base for the "Sharks".
  • Onett Police Station: The regional officer for the O.P.F and the local police station.
  • Pirkle.INC HQ/Onnet City Hall: The large building in the center of town that acts as the offices for the local corporation and the center of the town's administration and bureaucracy.


To the south of Onnet is Twoson. An active and lively city with a stronger economy where many local businesses and inventors work in the hopes of becoming proper corporations someday.

Twoson is often a place visited by people, both from Onnet and beyond, in search of work or to alleviate boredom.

The biggest draw to the city is the variety of entertainment options available. The famous and most eye-catching of which is known for cycling through live show acts so often that no one could ever get bored attending, aptly named the "Chaos Theater".

A single man by the name of Mr. Poochyfud owns the Chaos Theater and all other entertainment venues in the city. With his wealth and the debt he tricks others into making him the de facto leader of the city.

It's said that those who go to Twoson in search of a good time will almost always find it, while those hoping for steady employment or stardom will end up working for Mr. Poochyfud…for the rest of their lives.

Contrasting the harsh and deceitful legitimate businesses however are a host of professional criminals who ply their trade in Twoson.

The most well known of which is the local crime boss "Everdred", a man who's criminal history stretches back to before the Invader Wars and is obfuscated by tall tales and hearsay.

Everdred runs the infamous "Burglin Park". A local public park that he took over and turned into a den of criminal activity that operates completely in the open. Despite the sheer boldness of such a move, it turned out to be an effective one as Mr. Poochyfud has failed in every attempt to shut down or stymie Burglin Park's operation.

Though some see Burglin Park as an open way to fence stolen goods, many of the locals see it as a legitimate bazaar to both buy and sell at. Often stating it feels like a safer, more fairly run place to do business then most local shops and corporations.

Recently men and women dressed entirely in blue have begun appearing on the streets at night and unsettling people…
  • Chaos Theater: The largest entertainment venue in Twoson that hosts a variety of live shows that differ so widely from one another that it's nothing short of chaos.
  • Burglin Park: A public park turned into a criminal bazaar that operates just as publicly as the park did.

Peaceful Rest Valley

To the east of Twoson is a verdant, untouched valley with a winding river. Enclosed by cliffs and filled with clean water and emerald trees, anyone who stumbled upon it would wonder how such a beautiful place had gone unmolested so close to an urbanized city.

That's usually right around the time that person is killed by a mobile EXPLODING TREE and their corpse is beset upon by walking sprouts.

"Peaceful Rest" Valley is a name everyone who narrowly escaped dying there can agree is quite fitting.

Home to incredibly hostile and deadly flora, the Peaceful Rest Valley is inhabited only by a few scattered cabins. Most of which aren't even lived in most of the time and are simply property bought or traded by those who appreciate a dangerous, secluded place to lay low.

Beyond the beautiful, horrifying valley is a place many would argue is quite worse.

Happy Happy Village

An idyllic commune nestled at the very end of the Peaceful Rest Valley. A town where everything is painted blue and everyone's face is painted with a smile.

All. The. Time.

Happy Happy Village or H.H Village is the birthplace of Happy Happyism. A new religion founded by Mr. Carpainter after he received a revelation from god following his arrival on the planet after the destruction of Earth.

The tenets of Happy Happyism are simple: To paint the entire world blue and to always be happy.

Members who open themselves to happiness and dawn blue garments will find themselves welcomed into an organization almost 200+ strong!

Followers of Happy Happyism receive a place to sleep, food to eat, a community to thrive in, regularly scheduled meetings to ensure your adherence to the religion, and free (mandatory) doses of colloidal silver!

However, many are eager to cling to unhappiness and have decided to spread horrible rumors regarding this wonderful religion. As a reminder, Happy Happyism does not:
  • Encourage bigotry and violence towards Uplifts, Mutants, and Non-Humans.
  • Kill farm animals and people via skin suffocation due to applying too much blue paint.
  • Kidnap minors and hold them against their will to induct them into the religion.
  • Engage in regular human sacrifice to appease a power beyond the realm of sleep.
Mr. Carpainter's happiness and strength knows no bounds, and everyone in the village knows that it's only a matter of time before Happy Happyism spreads to all of the Eagle Quarter.

And then all of the world.
Two-Three Tunnel
A highway tunnel cutting through the mountains between Twoson and Threed, known as the "Two-Three Tunnel ".


In The City a proper burial is something that most people can't hope to have.

Those who die and aren't simply left to rot or dropped down into The Pipes for the mutants to eat are usually incinerated, processed down into bio-matter, or (depending on how recently they died) processed into…spare parts.

Threed is rather special in that it is home to a large number of traditional graveyards. Where the dead can be interned with headstones and respect.

While far from cheap and morbid to some, Threed is seen as a respectful and dignified place where those who die can be remembered and visited. Instead of tossed aside or worse sold for mere money.

Of course, no matter how clear the skies are or how clean the streets are swept, any city where the most popular profession is coffin maker, is going to end up feeling a bit creepy.

Not helping the reputation is the fact that Threed is known for being a hotspot for supernatural incidents.

Stories of lamps hurtling themselves across rooms and attacking children, the dead banging on their coffins to be let out, angry specters forcing cars off the road, and more.

Fearful of passersby taking one look and speeding past, Threed has made a concentrated effort since its founding to be more approachable. Keeping the graveyards well kept and growing pumpkins for a more festive atmosphere.

They try to hold events and festivals frequently to give people a reason to visit the city other than burying their loved ones.

In fact, it's said that soon the circus will visit the town…

Dusty Dunes Desert

A large desert between Threed and Fourside that wasn't developed by the initial settlers due to the generally inhospitable climate, the difficult terrain surrounding it, and dangerous wildlife. By the time the border of The City expanded and overtook the Eagle Quarter, the desert ended up overlooked by Lemmings due to being sandwiched between already urbanized areas.

Outside of a pitstop and a few shacks along the road that runs along past the desert, few people officially live in the region. While generally ignored and seen as little more than a good source of heatstroke and snakebites, interest in the desert has slowly started to peak.

A scant few believe that due to being overlooked and untouched, the desert could be an untapped gold mine of resources just waiting to be discovered.

Of course, there's no practical basis for this belief, and so far it's led to little more than people digging holes in the sand hoping to get rich or die trying.


One of the largest and most bustling cities in Eagleland, Fourside is home to a proper mid-class corporation: Monotoli Corp.

While arguably more like The City than anywhere else in Eagleland with security robots roaming the streets, a dense urban sprawl, and a harsher atmosphere, the city has a bustling nightlife and more opportunities than one might think.

An apartment store, a theater, a museum with dinosaur bones saved and preserved from Earth, bakeries, cafes, a slurry of bars, and a host of factories and offices.

Fourside is the heart of manufacturing and big business in the Eagle Quarter. If any product was mass produced locally, it was likely made in Fourside.

Monotoli Corp, founded by Geldegarde Monotoli, is housed in the largest skyscraper in the city, uncreatively known as the Monotoli building.

Owning most of the payphones and landline telephone utilities in the Eagle Quarter, Monotoli Corp has a tendency to learn things others don't want them to know. Because of this they're one of the richest corporations in the area, so much so that The Big 3 will put them on hold for several hours when they try to contact them instead of immediately hanging up on them.

While Fourside's crime rate is kept at rock bottom through the overwhelming force of the O.P.F and a small army of security robots, this has come at the cost of public opinion of Geldegarde Monotoli.

Almost half of the entire city utterly despises the man and the other half is likely too scared to be honest with their feelings.


A seaside city with palm trees, bright sunlight, hot asphalt, and even hotter beaches. Untouched by smog, Summers is home to bright blue waters and seafood restaurants that manage to make whatever fresh hell is pulled out of the sea into something worth eating.

However this beauty comes at a steep, steep cost. Almost everything in Summers is hideously overpriced, from hotels, to food, to payphones that cost an arm and a leg.

An arm and a leg those with the cash are more than willing to pay, making Summers a resort or vacation city for anyone who's not already loaded.

A majority of the businesses in the area are actually owned by the "Scaraba Cultural Museum" run by former museum curator turned owner Mr. Fork.

Using the immense wealth generated by the tourism in the area, Mr. Fork has paid extra to ensure that the O.P.F working in the are particularly zealous. Ensuring the streets are kept clean and fun, and that anyone caught breaking the law has their corpse taken out with the tide.

The rest of the money goes towards funding archeological research in Scaraba, all in an effort to unearth yet more artifacts from the former Outland ruins in the region.

While a museum is usually the last place to visit for those seeking alcohol, excitement, and an escape from reality, Mr. Fork has made sure that the finds placed into the museum are so breathtakingly unusual that even the illiterate find themselves paying for a look.


A port town to the west of Summers that is smaller and far less luxurious by comparison.

Toto is known for its fishing and canneries, supplying the majority of fresh seafood served at a premium in Summers. Despite this relationship Toto isn't as financially well off as Summers due to being given largely unfair deals by the bigger, richer city.

Worse yet, Toto has been forced to place 'Decontaminators' in the sea running down their coast.

These 'Decontaminators' suck up much of the water pollution that ends up in the region from The City itself. Ensuring that Summer's waters are pure and crystalline, while the waters around Toto have begun to actively mutate the sea life and rile it into murderous frenzies. When fishermen in the area mention a "Kraken", they're not talking about a squid…

Loosely controlled by Mr. Fork in Summers, Toto lacks a local leader and is partially controlled by a coalition of fishermen who have been forced to bend the knee in service to the resort city.

It's this lack of direct, overt control however that makes Toto one of the few places in the Eagle Quarter that is willing to freely break the policy of partial isolation from the rest of The City.

When the locals find themselves short on cash, it's not uncommon for an unregistered ship to appear in the dead of night or on a particularly foggy day. Unloading all manner of goods, or people, from zones outside the Eagle Quarter.


Scaraba is a desert region within the Eagle Quarter that's not as developed or easily accessible as the other areas. Those seeking to go there usually have to take a boat from Toto to do so, or find less conventional means of travel.

The town of Scaraba itself is a small, sun beaten place of stone brick buildings, wilting palm trees by the sea, and shrinking oases.

Though many have no reason to visit such a place, others have all the reason in the world to travel to the harsh desert area.

Because Scaraba itself is a slice of the Outland hidden inside the Eagle Quarter.

Out in the desert are countless ruins ranging from pyramids, to monoliths, to tombs, and hidden treasure troves. All of which are unspeakably ancient and predate the arrival of human settlers by innumerable years.

Strange people are said to wander the desert alongside even stranger beasts and monsters.

Though going there may cost someone their money, or even their life, those who have returned successfully from Scaraba often do so with incredible knowledge or treasures beyond comparison.

Scaraba isn't particularly controlled by any one individual, though the wealthier groups within the Eagle Quarter are fond of funding expeditions in the region to plunder it's secrets and riches.


A frigid, perpetually snow covered area of Eagleland. Difficult to reach due to the harsh weather and frigid climate, it is home to a number of isolated research facilities, resource outposts, and the Snow Wood Boarding School which specializes in fostering technical skills and creative thinking amongst its students. Even if it arguably does so in somewhat overbearing ways.

Winters is known for being the home of many reclusive scientists and is rumored to be where scientists from various corporations go to hide or unofficially 'retire' in a way that doesn't involve being dropped off a skyscraper or having an 'accident' like Doctor Light.

Due to the lack of any centralized population center, no one has particular control over Winters save for perhaps the Snow Wood Boarding School. And even then their influence doesn't extend very far beyond their gates.

Beyond which stands untamed snow wildernesses, rumors of lake monsters, eccentric men doing research in total isolation, and the occasional camper and rogue resource harvesting operation.


There are stories of a floating city in the clouds. An occasional flash of pink amongst the overcast or smog-filled regions that draws the eyes upward. Such a thing, naturally, couldn't exist. And even if it did it would have been found using satellite telemetry. Yet rumors persist, and many find themselves cloud gazing without realizing it…

Rumors of an Underground

The Pipeworks stretch to all points within The City, and the Eagle Quarter is no exception. While there isn't currently a publically known route down there within the Eagle Quarter, there have been rumors of strange underground areas since the Eagle Quarter was founded.

"The Lost Underworld", the "Deep Darkness", and one report of a madman babbling about a cave that was seemingly little more than a void of madness.


A world that exists only when you go to sleep…it sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?
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Rules & Quest Mechanics

(These rules and mechanics with some modifications have been lifted from other quests like DoofQuest, Father Quest, and this quest's main inspiration: To Be the Very Best: Rocket Quest)

Turn Mechanics

Each turn represents the efforts you, your allies, and your enemies take over the course of a single month in-game. This means that for every 12 turns a year will pass.

Some actions will be time sensitive and may not be available after a certain amount of time, while other actions may take time to unlock. This will usually be alluded to in some way or outright stated by the QM.

Faction Actions are actions that represent the collective effort of your faction and will (hopefully) bring you closer to your goals. They range from spying on the police, plotting schemes, building treehouses (or robots), or researching and creating new technologies.

The base roll for a faction action goes as follows, rolling against a certain DC:

1d100+The relevant stat of the PC + Relevant stat of Assigned hero + Any traits of the hero or the PC + Loyalty Bonus + Omake

The base benefits and costs of a faction action are listed in the action itself, but the narrative effects may or may not be tweaked depending on who you assigned to a task.

Example: You've recruited Youngest Joey and his Rattata as Starfox and assigned him to a diplomacy based mission. In this situation, him talking about how his Pokemon is in the "the top percentage of Rattatas" likely wouldn't be much help, and Starfox would likely end up doing most of the actual work. However the two could build a stronger understanding of one another, and Joey could learn more about how to talk to others or at least not annoy them, increasing his Diplomacy stat.

By taking special actions, or simply the passage of time, the characters of any character can improve.

Each turn (unless altered) you will be able to take five Faction Actions. One for each of the five categories:

Martial, Diplomacy, Stewardship, Intrigue, and Learning.

This quest will also include a sixth category: PSI or 'Psionics' that will not have its own dedicated action (at least not at the start), but will factor into special actions available in the other categories.

Actions start off limited but may be raised in the future. As shown below, these stats show how good somebody is at their respective stat.


PSI or 'Psionics' is a measure of an individuals' potency and skill with mental abilities or other esoteric powers. This stat will be used both as a measure of psychic abilities and magic which, while mutually exclusive, will use the same stat in this system. While PSI does not have its own Faction Actions, it can be used for special actions in each category and may allow for unique benefits or bonuses going forward. On average not everyone will have a PSI stat, or even be able to gain PSI abilities, making those that have them or can develop them special.

0: Lacking any PSI potential whatsoever.
1-5: A latent PSI user that has yet to awaken to their power.
6-9: Freshly awakened or untrained PSI user.
10-14: Has learned some basic PSI abilities and used it in fights
15-19: Someone who has deliberately trained their PSI abilities and honed them.
20-25: An expert in the use of PSI.
25-35: Powerful mental master.
36-40: Superhuman PSI ability.
41-50: Extraordinary PSI user, capable of clashing with superhuman and mutant PSI users.
51-60: Legendary PSI user, a freak of nature.
61-70: Verging on 1988's Akira level of PSI power.
70+: Giygas…

PSI techniques can come in four different tiers.
α: Alpha. The weakest, most basic version of an ability, but also the most cost effective. Effects single targets only most of the time.
β: Beta. Medium tier, more costly than Alpha but also more damaging and effective. Targets single targets only most of the time.
Σ: Sigma. I think I referred to this accidentally as epsilon earlier. Second to last tier. Focus either on being able to affect multiple targets, or having an additional effect to the baseline ability.
Ω: The ultimate version of an ability, the most powerful but also the most costly. PSI abilities that only have one version are Omega by default.


The measure of a person's ability to fight, engage in battle, or at least tactically direct others in a fight. Actions pertaining to Martial will usually be seizing areas by force, eliminating enemies in mass or single combat, competing in competitions of strength, or similarly violence or force based in nature.

0: physically paralyzed
1-5: a weakling, sickly, infirm or particularly incompetent
6-9: an average human being
10-14: Some combat training, karate classes, has been in a few scraps
15-19: Trained soldier
20-25: Expert veteran of combat
25-35: respected military leader
36-40: Competent superhuman
41-50: World class fighter, capable of throwing down with most supers and mutants
51-60: Incomparable fighter, legendary, once in an era general
61-70: High-level superhuman powers paired with natural skill and years of experience
70+: Unstoppable juggernaut of destruction


One's ability to communicate thoughts, ideas, and feelings and convince others of your viewpoint and beliefs. Diplomacy actions often involve simply talking to others, working out compromises, fostering goodwill or an improved reputation amidst the populace, and other such things.

0: deeply, personally repulsive
1-5: Annoying, obnoxious, grating
6-9: An average human being
10-15: Moderate charisma and basic social skills
16-20: trained negotiator or corporate dealmaker
21-25: Highly skilled professional diplomat
26-35: Magnetic personality, liked by all they meet
36-45: Cream of the crop, natural born politician, brilliant dealmaker
46-55: Literally superhuman persuasive power, preternatural understanding of human psychology
55-70: Could trade a castle for a piece of string
70+: Social Deity


MONEY. In a world ruled by Megacorps, financial power means a lot. Knowing how to use, make, and leverage the fiance and business is important, at least to some. Managing businesses, buying property, utilizing money, and getting up to corporate scheming falls under Stewardship.

0: Does not understand the concept of trade
1-5: Bad with money, scatterbrained, unable to lead others
6-10: Standard human
11-15: basic organizational skills and time management
16-20: Professional Project Manager
21-25: High ranking corporate worker skilled at their job
26-35: Experienced CEO or governor, capable of managing massive interlocking projects at the same time
36-45: Financial Wizard, can predict the stock market with some accuracy, can sketch out plans for an entire business venture in a week
46-55: Supernatural management skills, capable of leading entire countries without apparent effort
56-70: Multiple simultaneous thoughtstreams, could amass a fortune bigger than Wily's if they put their mind to it.
71+: owns you already, you just don't know it yet


Lie, cheat, steal. Deception is a powerful tool. Spying on your enemies, uncovering dirty secrets, spreading false information, planting moles amidst the enemy, or simply lying falls under Intrigue.

0: Incapable of lying
1-6: Credible, easy to fool, has trouble remembering to keep secrets
7-10: average human mind
11-15: petty criminal, amateur sleuth
16-20: junior spy; professional thief
21-25: secret agent
26-35: criminal mastermind
36-45: Master of disguise, intricate webweaver, conceals true intentions unconsciously
46-55: World's Greatest Detective, Infamous phantom thief, can hide in plain sight
56-70: superpower assisted stealth, could convince a person their entire life was a lie in an afternoon

71+: They've already won, you just haven't noticed yet.


A measure of one's academic and scientific knowledge, or at least their ability to use that knowledge in a useful manner. Research and development primarily falls under Learning, as do other intellectually aligned actions.

0: non-sapient
1-6: simpleminded, dim, uneducated
7-10: High School Diploma, average intelligence
11-13: Slightly smarter than average; some college
14-20: college graduate in sciences, trivia champion
21-30: Doctorate in technical field, Cash Wheel National Champion
30-35: Factotum
36-40: Leading expert in their field, photographic memory
41-50: World's greatest expert on their subject
51-60: Smartest human alive, perfect recall of every fact they have ever learned
61-70: Inhuman intellect
71+: Appears omniscient


Particularly successful or unsuccessful rolls are considered Critical Successes and Critical Failures, or SMAAAASH Successes and SMAAAASH Failures respectively.

Your chance of critical success is defined as 1/10th of your chance of success, rounded to the nearest percent. Your chance of critical failure is now defined as 1/10 of the chance to fail, rounded to the nearest percent. To illustrate:

If you have a 20% chance of success: 8% chance crit fail, 2% chance crit success
If you have a 50% chance of success: 5% crit fail, 5% crit success
If you have 80%: 2% crit fail, 8% crit success

No matter what else might affect your crits, you cannot Critically Fail at a greater percentage than you could normally fail. If you have a CoS of 3%, your Crit Success chance cannot be more than 3% as well.

A critical success represents an action going as well as it could have and grants extra benefits.

A critical failure represents an action going as badly as it could have and leads to some additional penalty beyond simply failing an action.

As always, what character you place on a roll can affect how it plays out and cause knock-on effects. An AI critting on a robotics-based roll for example is likely to provide a much more impressive breakthrough than a spy assigned to the same action, and indeed a spy's crit success bonus might have more to do with hiding your Internet activity than expanding it.

As Learning actions tend to have very specialized categories without easily-transferable skills, learning actions by default have a 5% increased crit failure chance if the unit assigned is not a specialist in that area. This applies to both councilors and heroes.

Bare Failures

Bare failures occur when you miss a roll by 10 or less. Narratively, you nearly succeeded but were stymied in some small but critical way. On a bare failure, the DC of the action is halved, and you may attempt it again next turn.

If an action is neither a success, a crit success, a bare failure, nor a critical failure, it is a normal Failure. Generally speaking, nothing happens.


If you roll a SMAAAASH success, you roll another d100 as an explosion, with the same crit success threshold. On another crit success, it becomes a double crit. A theoretical triple crit is again possible, and so on. Each successive crit threshold causes increasingly ludicrous degrees of success.

There are no crit failure explosions.

Personal Actions

Person Actions are the actions that represent the individual efforts a hero unit can take per turn.

These can range from personal training, finding a hobby, speaking to others, networking, or something mundane like ordering a pizza and relaxing. These actions can unlock new options from research topics, additional recruitable heroes, improved stats or traits, or just generally increasing the hero's loyalty.

Every turn a Hero Unit may take a single Personal action and be assigned to a single Faction Action, adding their relevant stat value to the roll.

The player character meanwhile gets a total of four Personal Actions per turn. Which can be spent as the players wish. However three of these actions can be expended to give a project or action your "special attention". Meaning the roll for that action will be made with advantage, relevant modifiers included, and the better of the two rolls taken.

For most normal personal actions, a flat 1d100 will be rolled, with higher numbers indicating a greater degree of success. While 'critical failure' and 'critical success' are not specifically defined, rolling extremely high or extremely low will still cause the action to go as well or as poorly as it possibly could have. Particularly dangerous or chaotic personalities will be signposted.

NOTE: At the start of this Quest the player character will not be in control of a faction. As such the 'faction actions' they take at the start will be recontextualized as personal actions.

At the start they will have five actions to take per turn and no personal actions, since they will start with effectively nothing and will be working from the bottom up.

Once the player character has gained control of or founded their own organization, the setup will transfer to the standard 4 Personal Actions + 5 Faction Actions setup.

Hero Units

Hero Units are special individuals who stand out from amongst the crowd. They can range from thugs, soldiers, scientists, inventors, sleazy neighbors, or well meaning students. Even if your organization comes to be composed of a lot of people, your Hero Units are the people who you rely on to get things done.

At the start of the RP, you will only have a single hero unit alongside your player character.

Over time however you'll be able to rally others to your cause. Sometimes by simply making your intentions known, and other times by taking special actions or winning them over to your point of view. Your personal actions, or the personal actions of other heroes, could potentially gain you some Hero Units as well.

However the Heroes serving you aren't stagnated slaves. Your actions will have an effect on them, and if you treat them poorly or neglect them don't be surprised if they walk out or even betray you. If treated well a Hero Unit will become more loyal to you. Some Heroes are much harder to please than others, but could be worth the extra effort or have other benefits to them.

Hero Units have preferences that, if not made clear up front, may emerge given enough time. A scientist Hero might not want to give public speeches, and a soldier-esque Hero might not want to do R&D. If a character's traits or personality makes them hate a certain kind of action, they may refuse or be barred from doing so.


All of your hero units will have an opinion value assigned to them that reflects how well they look upon you and how willing they are to do as you ask. For most units, this starts at 0 and can range from -100 to 100.

A value of 0 to -25 indicates that the unit mildly dislikes you- nothing too serious for now, and it won't cause any harmful actions against you, but you might want to watch out to make sure it doesn't get worse.

At -25 and beyond they will actively start hating you, and may make moves to pack up and leave at the earliest possible opportunity. Values of -75 or worse are when they will probably start to contemplate murder- at this point they deeply despise you and will actively attempt to work against you. Conversely, values above 25 will have them consider you a mild acquaintance, above 50 as a friend, and above 75 will reach the sort of trust it takes years of camaraderie to earn.

Even an opinion of 100 might not be enough to convince your units to do certain things- if your own mother came to you and asked you to pick up a gun and invade Spain single handedly, for example, you'd probably still say no even if you did like her. Character preferences can be mitigated by high opinion, but they will still have their own minds and can still say no to things that deeply violate their beliefs, common sense, or well-being.

Various modifiers can act upon this. An intern you hire on may have a +15 modifier for giving them a job they really need, while a corpo from a rival corp could have a -20 modifier for you simply by existing as you are. Modifiers like these are permanent until some event removes or alters them- the corpo employee won't change too much just because you invite him to a few cocktail parties, for instance, but if you prove to him that his loyalty is genuinely deserved (or you make peace with his boss) he might lose the malus.

Pay attention to your heroes' Preferences! Forcing someone to work on a job they despise will give them a mild malus that will decay in a few months… unless you actively force them to keep working on that, in which case the modifiers stack, and the time it takes to remove will increase. Hiring a botanist and forcing them to work on organic chemistry will not go over well!

There's an advantage to keeping your heroes as loyal to you as possible. When making a roll, their loyalty will be reflected in a bonus modifier. A rating of -25 to 0 or 0 to 25 gives you an additional 10% of their relevant stat for that roll either subtracted or added, respectively. 25-49 will give you 15% added, 50-74 20%, and 75-100 25%. Numbers will be rounded down to the nearest whole.

If you have a hero with an Intrigue of 32 and a Loyalty of 15, they will gain a 32*0.1 rounded down bonus, or 3. The total roll will be:

1d100 + PC's Intrigue + 32 + (32*.1=3.2, rounded down to 3) + any other relevant modifiers


Both the player character and heroes can possess Traits.

A Trait is a representation of some semi-permanent aspect of that character be it physical, mental, philosophical, or miscellaneous.

Traits can be both negative and positive, applying bonuses or debuffs in certain situations, directly affecting the DC or consequences of certain rolls, or simply adding interesting complications to things.

While Traits can be gained overtime based on a character's experiences, growth, or what happens to them, they cannot be removed under normal circumstances. Though items or certain efforts can be made to tweak or mitigate certain Traits.

Funds and Income

The City has a very strange economy where both the major powers and the bit-players produce their own currency. Some of which have proper exchange rates while others simply wouldn't be accepted at all a zone or two over.

For the sake of simplicity Funds will be kept in low, nebulous numbers and any Funds made will be assumed to be in the local legal tender "Eagle Dollars" unless stated otherwise.

Once you found or take over a faction of your own, it may be possible to gain businesses or operations that provide a positive income, or at least provide some form of profit after some initial expenses.

Even without money, you and our faction will be able to skirt by just fine and should always have the funds needed to keep food on the table and the lights on.

However Funds will be required for tackling expensive projects, personal purchases, and just generally having some savings around for when it could be most useful.

Even in a world where Megacorps rule however, not everything can be bought with mere money.

Items and Bonuses

Over the course of the quest your character can come into possession of single use or long term items that can grant them bonuses. Ranging from direct improvement to their stats to faction-wide benefits.

These will be kept track of and expanded as your inventory grows.


Reputation is a general measure of how the public does, or will, see your faction. 0 is neutral, -100 is utterly reviled, and +100 is beloved by all. Your faction's reputation can increase, or decrease depending on actions taken or events that occur. How loved or hated your faction is can effect a variety of things.

Individual Faction Reputation
However, general rep doesn't govern all. Individual Factions may have a view of you that is divorced from your general reputation. Possibly liking you more or less based on a variety of factors such as your ideology, superficial appearances, or past deeds with them. Some factions may forever irrationally hate you, while others can potentially be worked into the good graces of, or start off as surprisingly welcoming.


You are going to be waging a secret war against a genocidal alien plot. It was made abundantly clear to you by Buzz Buzz that should the truth of this become known, the Big 3 will attempt to intervene in such a heavy handed manner that the end result would be more destructive then anything Giygas could dream of. As such you must balance your efforts to stop Giygas with avoiding raising suspicions in the public.

Suspicion has a minimum of 0 and caps at 100.

Suspicion is raised when rumors, reports, or outright evidence of PSI, aliens, or abnormal activities spreads. Openly using PSI powers, sightings of aliens, and other such actions can raise Suspicion.

At every 20 points of Suspicion as 'Suspicious Action' will occur, denoting the notice of one of the Big 3. These still start out small, and escalate.

Should Suspicion reach 100, there may be grave consequences.

However Suspicion decreases at a rate of -1 point per turn and can be further decreased by taking certain actions that intentionally hide the truth, muddy superstitious rumors with mundane explanations, or simply distract the public or discredit the idea anything is wrong.

Fanart and Omakes

Those invested enough in the quest to make fanart or put together a well written "Omake" will be rewarded for doing so.

Individual players will be given "EXP", with the standard reward for something being 100 EXP minimum and will be collected and tracked by the QM via an EXP tracker.

In the future, players may be able to spend EXP to do certain things or shake things up in the narrative. For now however, players with EXP can use it to create a roll for a singular action by 1 per 100 EXP spent, with it being capped at +10/1000 EXP.

When other EXP features are implemented, you all will be informed by me. For now we'll keep things simple.
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Character Sheet, Hero Units, & Faction Info


Cass Darnel (C.D)

  • PSI: 12
  • Martial: 14 [16]
  • Diplomacy: 7
  • Stewardship: 7
  • Intrigue: 3
  • Learning: 8
Current Funds: 6
Passive Income: +1

Tattered Plushie: A plushie you've had since you were a baby. It has more patches in it at this point then original fabric. Despite growing older, you couldn't concieve of throwing it away or giving it to someone else, even your siblings. You carry it with you everywhere, albeit out of sight. That being said you have no idea what it's supposed to be. It's purple and cute. Some sort of...eggplant...wizard? It's weird.

Opinion: N/A

  • Delinquent Face, Heroic Heart: ???
  • Sporty!: There's a lot of things you are, and being active is certainly one of them. Teams and meet-ups suck, but you do enjoy games when you're able to participate. It helps that you win a lot of the time. [The DC for tasks related to competitions and non-combat physical martial activities is lowered by -10]
  • Bad Reputation: You have something of a reputation around Onnet as a trouble maker and some people are convinced you're a 'bully'. It doesn't help that you've been told you have a 'resting criminal face' apparently. This makes you stand out a lot to people actively looking for suspicious people. [You start off with a lower Intrigue score than baseline. Certain characters and organizations may view or react to you negatively right off the bat.]
  • Dreamer: You can sleep away your problems thanks to the vivid dreams you have. Every couple of turns you must oversleep to manage your emotional issues. It's so nice you'll want to do it more, and more...
Description: Your name is Cass Darnel or "C.D" as you tend to get called. You are a 16 year old girl living in the city of Onnet. Your home is in the 'suburbs' and you live there with your younger Brother "Kart" and your younger sister "Floppy". Your mother, Recerd Darnel, is always away working and typically speaks with you over the phone. Due to incidents in the past, you are viewed as a dangerous delinquent by most people in Onnet.

You are also trying to save the world from the genocidal alien known as Giygas.

PSI Abilities:
C.D is a Supportive PSI user. They can learn various healing, buffing, and defensive PSI techniques.

  • Lifeup α: The base healing PSI Technique. By expending PP, the user can mend injuries and damage ranging from light to moderate in a single target be it themselves or someone else. Its not enough to make a dent in severe or grievous injuries, but it's cost effective. Lifeup cannot effect illnesses or 'status effects' as that falls under a different technique.
  • Speed Up α: An 'old' PSI technique, sometimes referred to as 'QuickUp'. This technique allows the user to expend PSI energy to accelerate the state of being of a single target. Allowing them to move and react faster for a brief time, at the cost of potentially exhausting themselves. Stronger versions do not increase the amount of targets that can be affected by this technique, merely its intensity.
  • PSI Plushie α: An immensely powerful ability unique to CD. Unleashing a wave of PSI energy you hit all enemies in your vicinity and pull on the threads of reality, unraveling them and causing tremendous damage. This ability ignores abilities like PSI shield and can temporarily disrupt or shred defenses. However, currently, using this ability is dangerously taxing on CD. Using it will leave her [Psychically Strained], giving her penalties to using PSI for 2 turns. Improving her PSI abilities and honing this technique made reduce or one day eliminate the penalties.


Buzz Buzz

"A bee I am…not."
  • PSI: 35
  • Martial: 2
  • Diplomacy: 6
  • Stewardship: 6
  • Intrigue: 15
  • Learning: 10
Opinion: +25 (note to self: 15% loyalty bonus)
  • PSI Warrior: Unless stated otherwise, Buzz Buzz can use their PSI score in place of their Martial for any rolls that would require it. Empowering their small body and leveraging their PSI abilities to clash with physically superior adversaries.
  • A Bug I am...Not: Buzz Buzz is very physically fragile in their current state. Any Faction Roll they are assigned to that results in a SMAAAASH Failure, may result in their outright death. Due to being an alien, and a bug alien at that, any diplomacy action they are assigned to may have its DC increased by +50 or more when dealing with people who hold fear, bigotry, or a grudge against extraterrestrials.
  • PURSUED: "..."
A small, stag-beetle like alien that descended from orbit in a re-entry capsule disguised as a meteorite. One just small enough that the orbiting satellites would calculate as likely to burn up on re-entry and thus be ignored. They've arrived to warn you of a genocidal scheme that is on the verge of being hatched by Giygas, the leader of an alien army.

Buzz-Buzz knows as much as he does because he was specifically recruited into Giygas's army. Due to his size and his natural talent for PSI, Giygas himself taught Buzz-Buzz the basics of PSI. Intending to use him to locate PSI capable individuals. Because of this, Buzz-Buzz was made privy to certain specifics of the operation and got a degree of special treatment.

Upon learning the full extent and intent of Giygas's plan however, Buzz-Buzz's conscience wouldn't let him participate. Leading him to desert and escape to the planet ahead of the fleet, carrying a warning and what he hopes is a possible way to beat Giygas

Known PSI Abilities
  • PSI Shield Σ: A psionic shield capable of covering groups of allies. As long as it's up, it blocks the PSI, Magical, and energy-based attacks of enemies. It breaks eventually and must be re-cast after enough hits. Using a different shield will cancel these effects. Buzz Buzz claims it can handle the attack of a 'Starman'.

Name: Porky Minch

  • PSI: X
  • Martial: 1
  • Diplomacy: 3
  • Stewardship: 9
  • Intrigue: 24
  • Learning: 6
Opinion: ???

  • Conniving Ally: If Porky is assigned to an Intrigue action where the result is a critical failure, a second roll will be made. If the result of that roll is a critical success, it will replace the original result. Otherwise the result of the first roll will be kept.
  • Heavyset Operator: Porky's physique sucks and that's not changing anytime soon. He begins with a Martial of 1 and has severe penalties against increasing it. However, when operating a combat vehicle or mechanized unit, he is considered to have a Martial of 12 and whatever Martial bonus he'd receive from what he's operating is doubled.
  • Uncertain Moral Character: You cannot see Porky's opinion score.
  • Personal Ambition "COOL STUFF": Porky had to give himself some motivation to keep sticking his neck out. He craves material pleasures and goods that he considers to be exotic, unique, or luxury. Ensuring he gets these will ensure he remains an effective hero under your employ.
Description: Your heavyset neighbor that you've loosely known since you were a little kid.

Fat, slovenly, and seemingly untrustworthy, Porky isn't generally well liked by most people around town. If not for his selfish behavior then due to his abusive, openly toxic parents.

In spite of all of his shortcomings however they seem content throwing their hat in the ring with you and helping you, in their own capacity, with your endeavors.

Name: Kyōko

  • PSI: X
  • Martial: 15
  • Diplomacy: 7
  • Stewardship: 8
  • Intrigue: 9
  • Learning: 9
Opinion: +15

  • River City Girl: You can take the girl out of River City, but not the River City out of the girl. During Combat Encounters Kyoko will always have access to one of following actions for 0 Action Points per turn unless explicitly stated otherwise.
    • Find Weapon [0 AP]: A stick, a bat, a chain, a rock, a brick. It'll fall apart after the fight, maybe even during the fight, but you can always find something. And disposable weapons have their place...
    • Throw Something [0 AP]: A rock, a trash can, a bicycle, maybe even an enemy!
    • Pat Down Bodies [0 AP]: Money has a habit of disappearing as soon as it hits the ground in River City, so making a habit of looting is natural. In combat using this action on a defeated has a chance to give a temporary item, a small amount of Funds, or information.
  • Bird of a Feather: Kyoko has really hit it off with you. People tend to focus on two delinquents rather then what the delinquents are doing. Kyoko's resting Opinion with CD will always be +10 unless betrayed. When assigned to an action with CD that would otherwise generate Suspicion due to PSI usage, etc, roll a 1d100. If the result is 1 to 5, no suspicion is generated. Otherwise the amount of Suspicion generated is merely lowered.
  • Homesick: The current state of River City is upsetting to Ryoko, even if they don't show it or make it clear. As the situation deteriorates, so too will Ryoko's mood and ability to focus...
A peppy yet rough and tumble girl from River City. They moved to Onnet recently due to the troubles going on in their old home town. Having helped you in a scrape, they seem friendly and reliable. They seem to have moved to Onnet just prior to the lockdown and only really became known after finishing up with the hassles of moving so abruptly. Seems the River City residents knew things were getting bad long before the news got out...

State of Faction


Type: Criminal
Size: Tiny

  • -40 General Reputation
    • + 15 with Nook Real Estate
    • Neutral or partially positive starting rep with some criminal factions
Org. Traits:
  • Community Minded: Whenever your faction receives positive Reputation they receive +2 additional rep. Whenever you damage another faction's reputation, or a faction is put into a poor light by your actions, any negative reputation they receive will be increased by +5.
  • Treehouse ✰ [HQ]: A simple one room treehouse located in the woods behind the local library. It provides a relatively hidden place to meet, discuss in private, and lay low. Outside of that however it lacks any real amenities, but plenty of room for improvement. [1 Slot for facilities]
  • Childhood Home ✰ [Personal]: Your two floor plus basement childhood home on the outskirts of Onnet's suburbs. It was where you were born and where you've lived till now. With your mother leaving, it belongs to you now. You don't think you could bear to sell it. [0 Slots for Personal Facilities]
  • Baseball Bat Stockpile: A large amount of baseball bats from Onnet, enough to arm every member of your gang for some time. They're considered sports equipment first and weapons second by many.
Income Sources:
  • (+1) Baseball Bat Factory Investment dividends]
  • Current Total Funds: 4 (As of Turn 7)
  • None
Average Organization Member: -Drawing to come soon!-
Personnel Profile: Kids, teens, and young adults. No real adults are in your organization.
Training: -Inexperienced Delinquents- They think they know how to throw a punch, but more importantly they're eager and willing to do so.
Equipment: Baseball bats, rocks, and the clothes on their back and whatever they brought from home.
Disposition: Enthusiastic if somewhat lost on the full scope of what this may entail.
Loyalty: Placid, neither hesitant nor particularly loyal. They're more engaged with the cause then they are with you.

Suspicion Level:​

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Items, Bonuses, and EXP Tracker

Items, Bonuses, and EXP Tracking


  • Repaired Baseball Bat:A bat you've had for a long time. The resin you bought has restored it to it's prior state, it's much sturdier. Still, maybe there are even more ways to improve it? [+2 to Martial]
  • Sound Stone: A shard of an ocarina that was used (somehow) to 'defeat' GIygas during the first invasion. It is a PSI artifact capable of detecting places burgeoning with PSI, namely sanctuaries. It can also record special 'sounds' though this function doesn't seem to have a use to you. [Greatly reduces the DC for finding sanctuaries and largely eliminates the dangers of trying to claim a Sanctuary as your own. Provided it remains in your possession]
  • 'Meteorite' Shard: A strange, currently unidentified stone. You have no idea what it could be, but you have no doubt someone would likely want to buy it for a high price...
  • Prefilled Mayoral Paperwork: A paperwork form for a 'mayoral decree' with blank spots that can be filled out to be just about anything. It was pre-signed and pre-stamped for the mayor's convenience. It can only be used once, but this could potentially be used to give out a fake order to those working for the mayor...
  • Lab Equipment: A myriad of stolen equipment from the Onnet Hospital's medical lab. A lot of it is out of date, but it's still professional equipment. Useless on its own, especially without the right knowhow or setup. However it would make setting up a semi-proper lab room significantly easier and remove more or less all material cost.
  • Beeject & NELCON: An as of yet unidentified drug with an injector. The instructions state to press the injector to the side of the neck and pull the trigger. No needle experience is needed. Anyone could use it, but it could be dangerous, or even outright lethal.
  • Xterminator Spray: A potent insecticide no longer produced due to it's toxicity. Could be useful when dealing with pests. One time single-use item that grants a +10 Martial bonus against Insect-like enemies. Usable in combat or with applicable checks


KnownParadox: 0 EXP (100 EXP spent so far)
DaviProGamer27: 25 EXP
Cathode: 75 EXP
mcclay: 150 EXP
Nice Ping: 150 EXP
Frozen Flame: 200 EXP
ScribeTransient : 300 EXP
weredrago2: 300 EXP
The3rdCorinthian: 450 EXP (400 EXP spent so far)
3-13 Sniper: 500 EXP
nihartma: 600 EXP
FalloutCow: 700
Undead Frog: 800 EXP
Brightflame: 900 EXP
woweed: 1000 EXP
griffinlw: 2750 EXP (400 EXP spent so far)
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Omake Archive 1


Those who make satisfactory Omakes will receive EXP and receive an accompanying image, as well as feedback. All Omake Awards will be tracked here for easy reading.



|@DaviProGamer27 is Awarded +25 EXP|
This was very short for an omake with a few factual errors. I haven't specified where Saturn Village is, or if anyone knows where it is. BeanBean Village would likely be in the Pipes, but that's more up in the air. However those references alone were a nice addition. It was pleasing to read, getting to see the flicker of the fact that Cutman was reprogrammed by Dr. Wily from something that Dr. Light had made. Going forward, if you work on anymore Omakes, try to flesh them out more and give them some proper length. The use of colored text was also very good. You have the right spirit, so keep up your work!


|@KnownParadox is Awarded +100 EXP|
This was a very thoroughly written and fun Omake. A really good example of how things can be handled. It takes an innocuous event that likely or could have happened, and shines a light on it. Giving some insight into the setting and the events themselves. The whole thing felt very lore accurate and had an equally fitting tone. Excellent work!

Funky Tunes to Fight Off the Dark

[@The3rdCorinthian is Awarded +250 EXP]
Absolutely goddamn beautiful. In character, lore accurate, in-depth, and I swear there were some allusions to things C.D thought. Like with Professor K mentioning how people proposing the possibility the new Rudie might 'burn out'. All in all I LOVED reading this. Excellent work Corinthian, I hope you do more of these going forward.


[@griffinlw is Awarded +100 EXP]
This was a really cute little Omake. Given Picky/Porky's parents aren't home often (and when they are I'm sure they wish they weren't), imagining Picky just wandering around unsupervised and getting into trouble seems pretty likely. His behavior is an interesting contrast to his canon brother, and the cute little reference to an obscure game is a nice touch.

Mirror of Possibilities

[ @nice ping is awarded +100 EXP]
Already gave my feedback, thank you for the hard work <3

It's the Takoyaki Guy!

[ @griffinlw is awarded +150 EXP]
This was a really well done story and it's always good to see Live a Live get some love. Picking Akira was unexpected, but very fitting for the setting. The one-sided conversation was fun to read and it was an excellent mix of a harsh understanding of the setting with a spark of optimism and encouragement near the end. Excellent work on making something that feels like it could have easily happened within the story.

Picky Fucking Dies Picky goes to the Hospital

[ @griffinlw is awarded +100 EXP]
This was another funny little misadventure for Picky. I liked how you referenced what happened on the hill with the CROWS. Porky felt written pretty in character all things considered and the scenario was overall very amusing. You did a good job with this one.

Can One Man Be Blamed For the Future?

[ @The3rdCorinthian is awarded +200 EXP]
This was a really nice Omake focusing on George, a character mentioned only in the very first Mother game. I really enjoyed your explanation of how he escaped the aliens, I'd never considered using Magicant/Dreamlands like that. I feel the voice you wrote for George is well done and I appreciate the tone of the writing. It's grave, looming, and filled with apprehension and fear for the future. You certainly gave good lovecraft vibes with this. However I appreciate the hopeful ending, and the understanding that nothing is set in stone. It's honestly very inspiring, and a good twist of the famous Chrono Trigger line!

PSI What-If Dabbles

[ @nice ping is awarded +50 EXP]
A nice little bundle of concepts in regards to potential what-if abilities. PSI Karma is an interesting concept. Thank you for sharing your ideas, it's always nice to see concepts felt out and explored in writing like this.


[ @Brightflame is awarded +300 EXP!]
Beautifully written and wonderfully descriptive. The fight scene especially was concise, but impactful (in the writing and beating sense~). You wrote C.D VERY in character here, rough around the edges and not entirely emotionally honest.. Kyoko is a TON of fun here and contrasts C.D in a very fun way. I was smiling the entire time I was reading your omake. Thank you for all your hard work and thank you for making me appreciate River City that much more~

Get N or Get Out

[ @Cathode is awarded +75 EXP!]
You're definitely getting into the mindset of 8-Bit Dystopia if you're making references to Howard & Nester, hot damn. This was an entertaining little story and I always appreciate nods to the games, like with the trash burger. In the future though, you might want to break up your writing a bit. Some of what you wrote felt a bit crunched together format wise.

Smiles Reflected by Tears

[ @griffinlw is awarded +150 EXP!]
Great name for the story, first off. Secondly this feels like it properly takes advantage of the concept of something that could show alternative realities. The list of possible alternatives was really intriguing, the Outer Heaven and Lightning ones especially stuck out to me. C.D seeing themselves happy without their siblings and being genuinely disturbed by their thoughts afterwards was SO much fun to read. I think you captured the haunting, selfish feelings seeing something like that would naturally stir in someone.


[ @griffinlw is awarded +300 EXP]
This was a delightful Omake. You nailed the characterization of everyone, Darthe and Cube especially. The robot's inner ruminations and the description of the METROID were were particularly good. I didn't think the Distant Future Scenario could get creepier, but an Omega Metroid certainly made it that way. Very fitting to couple a 'rogue' A.I and a Metroid here, excellent use of the combined setting of 8-Bit Dystopia. My favorite past has to be the end though.
You disliked the idea of violence, one of the things Kato had programmed into you from the very start. But for this monster, this Megalomaniac. You would make an exception.
You were going to make it regret coming here.
Fantastic work on capturing the atmosphere, tone, and source material. A perfect pick for Halloween, Griffin.


[ @Brightflame is awarded +200 EXP]
This was a very fun Omake. You did an excellent job on formatting it like a proper 'report' of sorts that I'd expect to read in an early X-COM game. The fun implications of X-COM's activities and the other crash sights led me to think of various fun possibilities. Commander Keen's ruminations at the end were particularly satisfying. I could feel a genuine weight in the hesitation and responsibility they had, just from their inner thoughts and the small bits of dialogue they spoke aloud. Excellent work, Bright~

Captain Strong Negaverse Quest

[ @Brightflame is awarded +400 EXP]
This was a really fun Omake to read. The setup of the Quest taking the point of view of a currently antagonistic character, and putting the player's actions in a new light, is honestly pretty clever. I felt you characterized Captain Strong (And the Mayor) very well. The treat of the whole thing was the fake player comments that you wrote which felt both very grounded and pretty amusing. I was smiling the whole time reading this. Thank you for the wonderful work, and Merry Christmas <3


[ @griffinlw is awarded +250 EXP]
You really captured the spirit of the characters with this Omake, Griffin. While the Little Mac premise was intriguing, this setup feels more appropriate. Ryu felt very in character and it was charming to see Masaru's approach to fighting on display. Him going to Ryu about the literal lunatic out for everyone he fights honestly makes a lot of sense and feels very appropriate. The bit at the end where they're just eating Soba in Ryu's small, shit box apartment felt like a very fitting end to it.

Come Play with Me

[ @undead frog is awarded +300 EXP]
Frog, I just want to say that I feel you did a great job. This was a concise, but very satisfying Omake. The reference was cute by itself, but you sold the emotions the characters felt in your writing very well. Reading this, I felt there was genuine weight in the the reunion of two friends who'd clearly been separated by harsh circumstances and time. Thank you for posting this, I was smiling the whole way through. I hope you enjoy my drawing as much as I enjoyed your writing.

Castle Bound in Shadows

| @griffinlw is awarded +250 EXP |
I'd like to apologize up front that I missed this Omake originally.

This is probably my favorite of what you've made thus far. The setup is very clever, re-writing the Oda-period of LiveALive to be in the outlands works beautifully. Ryoma being an ancestor to the original fits super well with the themes of Castlevania, considering the Belmont legacy.

Ryoma and Carrie were written perfectly. With Ryoma being positive, cunning, and somewhat playful while having a clear sense of timing. The line from Carrie about the guards being men not monsters, and wanting to give them the chance to repent, read seamlessly coming from her.

Carrie going to the WRONG evil castle under the assumption Dracula was there is both as humorous as it is understandable. Ryoma and Carrie honestly make such a cool duo that it just nails what makes 8-Bit Dystopia so much fun.

If anyone sees this, please give this Omake another read. I feel a lot of people slept on it, myself included.

Banjo Time

| @woweed is awarded +150 EXP|
For your first Omake this was rather nice, don't be hard on yourself! It was a fun, brief romp with a nice setup. I have fond memories of those witches from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. Imagining them camping out in the same area where Gruntilda and Banjo live is oddly fitting.

The concept of the witches in the Isle O' Hags hoarding/monopolizing the local food supply and polluting the environment with their magics, leading to all the weird stuff we see in the games is really cool! I think you managed to justify the bizarre things we see in Banjo & Kazooie very well! Excellent work


| @nihartma is awarded +300 EXP! |

This was a really creative Omake. Dense, detailed, and exploring an angle I genuinely hadn't considered. If Kart or Floppy ever did catch wind of any of the things CD has , and will, talk about she'd likely come off completely CRACKED. You sold the concern, confusion, and utter helplessness of a poor child dealing with what they're convinced is a mentally unwell sibling. The bit at the end where they just fold up on the couch and silently cry as CD rants in the background is a powerful image. Excellent job!
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Omake Bounty Board


This is a list of omakes and omake topics that if written will grant awards beyond EXP. This list will be updated as ideas come and omakes are made.

Pyrrhic Victory

In the 1970s Giygas's plot to secretly invade the Earth ended in failure thanks to the efforts of Ninten, Lloyd, Ana, and Teddy. It should have been a happy ending but…it wasn't. In 1978, the Invaders came and just a few years later the Earth was destroyed. Their hard fought victory felt like it had been for…nothing.
Description: Write a bleak omake detailing one of the previous 'heroes' or someone they met along their journey, dealing with what, in their eyes, appears to be the end of the world. Repeatable once per character.
Reward: +Adds Unique item to find in game, +Chance for canon ascension.

Another Day in Eagleland

- Claimed Once!
Just another day in the Eagle Quarter. Nothing ever changes around here…right?
Description: Detail a day in the life of a resident of the Eagle Quarter.
Reward: +10 added to the next faction roll category of the writer's choice. Repeatable.

Heroic Rambling

The Outfielders have just formed, but that doesn't mean the more notable members haven't already begun getting up to things.
Description: Write an Omake focusing on one of the Heroes currently in the employ of the Outfielders.
+10 added to the starring character's next personal roll. Repeatable for different characters.

An Outside Perspective

The City is as diverse as it is sprawling. Sometimes it requires an outside perspective to truly understand when something is out of the ordinary.
Description: An omake featuring an outside force, organization, or individual observing the oddities and quirks of the Eagle Quarter compared to the rest of The City.
Reward: +A beneficial event (for you) happens in the Eagle Quarter.

An Alien Perspective

Giygas's invasion and intentions are esoteric and terrifying to the humans who are aware of it. But who's to say it's anymore knowable to the other aliens?
Description: Write an omake showing what the views or opinions of an alien, or more space-bound character, would be of Giygas and his forces if they were aware of their existence.
Reward: +New research options later OR +Hindrance to the aliens next actions next turn.

Psychic Spread

- Claimed Once!
While the Eagle Quarter may be home to PSI users, it's not the only place where they dwell. One can only imagine the circumstances other psychics find themselves in, if they even realize they're psychics at all.
Description: Write an omake featuring a character with psychic powers/PSI. This can be a character established to have such powers, or merely a character interpreted to have or awaken to psychic powers.
Reward: +15 to next PSI training roll(with increased stat gains), +Chance to meet a new character.

Somewhere In The City

The Eagle Quarter is merely a small part of The City. What can seem all encompassing or world ending here is totally unknown outside its borders. It's likely there are things going on out there right now we'll never hear about…
Write an Omake focusing on an entirely different section of The City outside the Eagle Quarter. Must center on a character that hasn't featured in an Omake before.
Reward: +1 to a Random Stat, +Chance for new items to be found in the Eagle Quarter.

Somewhere Beyond The City

The City doesn't encompass everything, but it one day could. Until that happens though there exists the Outlands. A place of primitive mystery and feudal brutality. Though some claim it's the only place to find freedom on the planet, others can only wonder if that freedom comes at a cost.
Description: Write an Omake set in the Outlands or featuring a character found in the Outlands.
Reward: +1 to Martial Stat, +Random Benefit.

The Movers, The Shakers, and the Kingmakers

The Big 3 rule The City. We are fortunate to be beneath their gaze. One can only imagine the decisions they make and the lives they shape. Or perhaps it's simply distance that causes us to mistake them for being above us. Are they more like us then we think, or do they truly lack
Description: Write an Omake depicting either a fake turn from the eyes of one of the Big 3 or merely focusing on the perspective of one of the Big 3. Repeatable once per Big 3.
Reward: +Random Benefit, +Chance for Canon Ascension

Bombs? They're Yours My Friend…

- Bounty Claimed!
The City is a violent place. And where there is violence there is a universal need for one thing: Weapons. Be it makeshift, archaic, Pre-Crash, cutting edge, handheld, or autonomous, there is no shortage of weapon types. And no shortage in demand…
Description: Write an omake focused around an arms deal, the arms trade in The City, or the kinds of weapons finding their way into the hands of various factions.
Reward: +New items appear in the Eagle Quarter, +New faction action will show up later

I Get That Reference! (Lies)

Here in The City the people are as diverse as the zones, the terrors, and the possibilities. One can't expect to exist here and not be surprised by some of the folks and things you can come across. No one can know everything after all.
Description: Write an Omake focusing around an obscure game included within the 8-Bit Dystopia setting.
Reward: Trigger a Random Event on the next possible turn.

Blasting Off Agai-Wait, Wrong Quest.

- Bounty Claimed!
Pocket Monsters? What are you talking about?
Description: Write an omake centered around the Kanto Region.
Reward: +Unlocks ???, +Adds ???, Chance for ???

Shedding a Light on-Oops, Wrong Quest.

Doctor Light? Don't be ridiculous, he's dead.
Description: Write an omake centered around the exploits of Doctor Light.
Reward: +Starts ???

Proud King of Mac-Sorry, Wrong Quest!

Dragons? Don't be stupid, they're just myths.
Description: Write an Omake centered around Fire Emblem characters.
Reward: +Triggers ??? Event

Internship Program!

The corporations in The City are entirely self-serving, but there are some elements of business that have an inherent altruism to them. Kart and Floppy have found themselves with the opportunity to intern at their preferred company of choice. GD TECH and METPHARM! Who knows what they could experience or the things that they could learn?
Description: Write an Omake of either Kart or Floppy interning at their company of choice. Experiencing fulfillment, disillusionment, or possible personal corruption from the experiences.
Reward: +Triggers ??? when an Omake for each sibling is written.
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Now that everything is out of the way, I will give 24 hours for voting on character creation!
Voting will end 11:00 AM tommorrow!
LET'S GO!!!!! I'm psyched!

[X] Plan: Deliquency is Rad
[X] Cass Darnel (or 'CD' for short)
[X] Female
[X] 16
[X] Pizza
[X] An old, tattered stuffed plush

[X] What is your strongest trait?
[X][X] Your sportiness (Martial)

[X] What is your weakness?
[X][X] Your bad reputation (Intrigue debuff in certain situations)

[X] What is your most prized possession?
[X][X] A cracked baseball bat (+Offensive Martial Item)
[X] Plan: Please Understand

[X] Tendo
[X] Male
[X] 14
[X] Cinnamon Waffles
[X] My Dog, Duck

[X] What is your strongest trait?
[X][X] Your way with words (Diplomacy)

[X] What is your weakness?
[X][X] You're in debt (Stewardship debuff in certain situations)

[X] What is your most prized possession?
[X][X] Ruler, to measure things (+???)
[X] Plan: Deliquency is Rad

I wanted to make a Delinquent myself, but this plan made it...and frankly a rebel fighting the powers that be is what the City needs
Damn, it seems like folks are really dead set on fighter delinquent
[X] Plan: An Easter Angel
[X] Hark Art
[X] Male
[X] 14
[X] Pie
[X] Gaming
[X] What is your strongest trait?
[X][X] Your unseen potential (PSI)
[X] What is your weakness?
[X][X] Your untreated asthma (General debuff that can appear without treatment)
[X] What is your most prized possession?
[X][X] Nothing, but you do have some junk (+2 random items)