Hmmm, actually, wait, I've thought of something...

@Tam Lin, I know this is might be a bit of a stretch, but since it's not technically an event roll, could we use one of our Nat 20s on the roll that is made for the chance that the ??? predator shows up if we choose to deposit our gunk further away? Essentially making it certain that something does turn up?

Pretty pleeeeeaaaase?
No, sorry :p

You're not gonna want to use a 20 for that anyway. You'll want to use a 1
43/60 HP
0.9 Stored Food
1/5 Days till Farm
2/4 Days without cultivating

Day 42
+6 HP - 49/60 HP
+2.0 Food - 2.9 Stored Food
-1.2 Food - 1.7 Stored Food

5/5 Days till Farm
3/4 Days without cultivating

Day 43
+6 HP - 55/60 HP
-1.2 Food - 0.5 Stored Food

4/5 Farm till Farm
0/4 Days without cultivating

Day 44
+6 HP - 60/60 HP
-1.2 Food - 0.0 Stored Food

3/5 Days till Farm
1/4 Days without cultivating

Staying safe while rebuilding
-[][Ladybug] Use the Ladybug as cultivation materials and gain 60 Cultivation XP. You will also gain 3 Poison Energy.
-[] D42: Deposit the black tarry substance just outside your lair (0/??)
--[] Nat 20
-[] D43: Try to get a feel for the mysterious energy surging within you (Initial 2nd Realm of Qi Gathering 32/60)
-[] D44: Fix the collapsed area (0/??)
--[] Nat 20 x2

We need to pause predators for a second before we start a death spiral. We need to remove the tar so we stop getting attacked while cultivating, we need to fix the shelter to lower our food costs, and while doing those we heal to remove that food cost as well.
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No, sorry :p

You're not gonna want to use a 20 for that anyway. You'll want to use a 1

Fair enough, I meant more in the sense that as Nat 20 a generically "best possible roll".

Anyway, in that case... damn.

Thinking it over, the issue with attracting more predators is that I think we're sort of treading water here, as it will be difficult to accumulate enough of a surplus to give us time to fix our roof and set up the next farm, plus it's deeply annoying to have to kill cultivating predators (which come with more risk, though not a lot of risk) just for food.

The other issue is if one shows up on Day 42, which is not unlikely, then we're quite likely to face an attack on Day 43 as we're forced to cultivate outside. From a cultivating predator, that gets a bit dicey.

[X] Staying safe while rebuilding
-[X][Ladybug] Use the Ladybug as bait in order to attract more predators to your lair.
-[X] D42: Deposit the black tarry substance just outside your lair (0/??)
--[X] Nat 20
-[X] D43: Try to get a feel for the mysterious energy surging within you (Initial 2nd Realm of Qi Gathering 32/60)
-[X] D44: Fix the collapsed area (0/??)
--[X] Nat 20 x2

This leads to us probably starving to death unless a predator arrives, in which case what happens on Day 44 is not relevant as we'll have a turn break. Also quite possibly we get attacked on Day 43 when we're forced to cultivate.

Also, you're using three Nat 20s and we only have one.

EDIT: I see you've amended your plan not to attract predators since I posted - this makes it more likely we starve to death. Looking at your calculations in the spoiler, it has us gaining two food when our farm produces, but unfortunately we only get one.
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can we apply the nat 20 ... to the event roll, instead of the action? force a positive event + reset the event chance back to 1 or 20?
I think they mean "use the second Nat 20" with the "Nat 20 x2"

Ah, that would make sense, my mistake.

Unfortunately we're still at Starving on Day 44, and having used all our Nat 20s, there's not much chance of being able to forage enough to prevent ourselves from dying.

can we apply the nat 20 ... to the event roll, instead of the action? force a positive event + reset the event chance back to 1 or 20?

This was asked on the last page, and no, we can't.
[X] Digging Ourselves Out of the Death Pit
-[X][Ladybug] Use the Ladybug as cultivation materials and gain 60 Cultivation XP. You will also gain 3 Poison Energy.
-[X] D42: Fix the collapsed area (0/??)
--[X] Use Nat 20 (1/2)
-[X] D43: Cultivate outside your lair (Small chance of summoning a predator)
-[X] D44: Try to salvage food from the ruined colony (1/10)
--[X] Nat 20 (2/2)
--[X] Qi Burst

Okay, so having looked at the numbers, I think it works.

The foraging on Day 44 resets our hunger penalty so there's no risk of us starving. Hopefully the progress needed to fix the collapsed bit of our lair is twenty or less, so by Day 44 we are back to normal food consumption and can spend the next couple of turns building a second farm. However, even if we do still have some more work to do on finishing fixing our lair, we should be fine - all it means is we have to forage once again.

The Beetle Charge is there because otherwise the penalty from being at Hungry on Day 44 would stop us from getting a full 2 Food, which would be unfortunate if the progress needed to fix our collapsed lair is greater than twenty, and stop our hunger status resetting. We'll heal this by the end of Day 45, so it's fine.

EDIT: @uri has helpfully informed me that Qi Burst should be available, so I'm putting that in the plan.

[X] Staying safe while rebuilding
[X] Staying safe while rebuilding
[X] Staying safe while rebuilding

So, obviously feel free to vote however you wish, but this plan does mean we are at a very high risk of starving to death as it is based on incorrect calculations of our food. Our hunger status will be at Starving by the end of Day 44, and even if we forage on Day 45, it probably won't save us if we're still needing extra food due to the damaged lair. Even if the lair is repaired, there's a significant risk of death if we roll less than nine.

It also has us cultivating inside on Day 43, which will cause a Qi deviation unless we completely clear the gunk from our lair on Day 42. We have no idea if twenty is enough to clear it, but I certainly wouldn't assume that. Admittedly, we will probably be too busy starving to death to care much about Qi Deviation.
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[X] Staying safe while rebuilding

I just really don't want to cultivate poison qi, but our 'room,' probably smells of death cause of our cultivation. Better clean up.
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[X] Staying safe while rebuilding

I just don't want to cultivate poison qi, simple as.

Sorry, are you aware that the plan you're voting for also has us gaining more poison energy?

Also the "starve to death" thing, but I don't want to keep on banging that drum.

Perhaps you might want to vote for Fouredged sword's plan? That's the only plan currently which does not have us absorbing more Poison Energy .
I see you've amended your plan not to attract predators since I posted
That was an error on my part. I had copied the predator option when making the plan by mistake.
it has us gaining two food when our farm produces, but unfortunately we only get one.
Shit you're right. I had it correct to start with but when tidying up my notes I messed up and thought the nat 20 was for foraging and would give 2 food.

Time to rejigger the plan.
That was an error on my part. I had copied the predator option when making the plan by mistake.

Shit you're right. I had it correct to start with but when tidying up my notes I messed up and thought the nat 20 was for foraging and would give 2 food.

Time to rejigger the plan.

No worries, and sorry if that came across as a bit brusque, which looking back I worry it did. I must have done similar things myself dozens of times. Honestly it's kind of a tricky situation we're in.

It seems like our plans are actually fairly close in intent, but basically I don't think we can afford to do gunk clearing right this second given our food situation. Once the roof is fixed I think we should beeline for getting the second farm going, then we've got options.
[] Staying safe while rebuilding
[] Staying safe while rebuilding
[] Staying safe while rebuilding
[] Staying safe while rebuilding
I removed my plan because it had major mistakes with my food count that would probably kill us. I was going to remake the plan but Skippy already made effectively what I wanted so I'm joining them.

[X] Digging Ourselves Out of the Death Pit
If I remember right the hungry penalty Is 3 so why not use Qi burst for it and beetle charge to ensure we fix the shelter?

Originally when I was drafting the plan, I did have us using Qi Burst, but then I looked back and saw that we last used it on Day 37. Qi Burst has a cooldown of nine days, so sadly it won't be available on Day 44. It's rather annoying since the +3 would be exactly what we'd need as you say, but there you go.