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[X] Tetmera, a shortened term for a potential variant of chimerism. Fitting for what you are
[X] find some suitable trash to make a blanket, maybe find some food for him as well? You are sure that he fed you in those days, but your memory is hazy at best.
[X] Try to wake him up.

Considering Quintus is a potential Apostle, we're better off trying to talk to him and get him off his path or just killing him outright.
[X] Tetmera, a shortened term for a potential variant of chimerism. Fitting for what you are
[X] Try to wake him up.

We have a chance to prevent another Apostle from being made entirely. We should take this chance to further better our position against WhiteNight later on.
[X] Ayam Adom (הים האדום) - Red Sea

Blood is red, and this thing is from sea.
Also I start learning Hebrew, and want to use it everywhere
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-[X] Stay nameless for now. Figure it out later.

[X] Write-in: bring him with you on your journey to mom, so you observe him on the way
-Grow some tentacles on your back, and slowly, with great care, pick up Quintus from the trash. just as a precaution have the tentacles be ready to dispose of him like that trash that disgusted you if he gets violent.
-You are an analysis unit with great visual prowess and sensitivity to vibrations. Grow eyes to observe the minute movements he makes and have the tentacles that can feel vibration. learn of the subconscious reactions he has, muscle twitches, his breathing, his heartrate, etc.
-You want to learn how understand other peoples thoughts from there subconscious reactions alone. that way you can feel connected to your family like when you heard the whispers without compromising their individuality.
-After you have secured Quintus, and started to learn how to be connected without connection, go to mom just like intended. oh, now that you think about it, you should observe mom when you meet up with her.
[X] Make him a comfy blanket of trash tied together with blood or something. He did that "hospitality" thing at you once, probably, might as well do the same.

at very least, 'uniformly-packed trash bag' is an improvement
[X] Ayam Adom (הים האדום) - Red Sea
[X] Try to wake him up.

I like this name. Pretty reflective of our little flesh blob's herutage as part Bloodfiend and part Seaborn.
[X] Embistria sounds neat, and you're sure it has no meanings you're unaware of.

[X] Write-in: bring him with you on your journey to mom, so you observe him on the way
-Grow some tentacles on your back, and slowly, with great care, pick up Quintus from the trash. just as a precaution have the tentacles be ready to dispose of him like that trash that disgusted you if he gets violent.
-You are an analysis unit with great visual prowess and sensitivity to vibrations. Grow eyes to observe the minute movements he makes and have the tentacles that can feel vibration. learn of the subconscious reactions he has, muscle twitches, his breathing, his heartrate, etc.
-You want to learn how understand other peoples thoughts from there subconscious reactions alone. that way you can feel connected to your family like when you heard the whispers without compromising their individuality.
-After you have secured Quintus, and started to learn how to be connected without connection, go to mom just like intended. oh, now that you think about it, you should observe mom when you meet up with her.
Good for you, little buddy.

Also well shit I guess we're dealing with this now.

For Soon-to-have-a-name to be the one to encounter him is...oddly fitting?
Like Quintus, for all his horrible methods, appeared to genuinely want to help people, to provide them sustenance and build them up, to give them a life that was more then starving in an abandoned city, to grant them new bodies and pave a new way of life.

And then he fucks up and infects his troops with vampirism which drives them insane. Instead of making something wonderful, instead of helping others he ruins it beyond salvation, and it's all his fault.

And now he's alone, homeless, a stranger in a foreign city and Ms. Sun is in his head telling him that trying to help others is painful so you should only help yourself. He was fighting it, but it was grinding him down...

And then shows up this guy, who is not only of one the surviving members of his flock, but also one of those infected with the vampire plague, the same plague that decimated all his efforts and that Quintus was blaming himself for, except that for some miracle they are not insane and has integrated both Seaborn and Bloodfiend traits to become something else. Something new. A new way of life.

A testament to his failure or a pillar to his faith? We are possibly either the worst person to talk to him or the best.
Sometimes the only way to find out is to reach out.

[X] Ayam Adom (הים האדום) - Red Sea
[X] Try to wake him up.
[X] Ayam Adom (הים האדום) - Red Sea
[X] Try to wake him up.
I would like to point out all the ways that this child is a giant, magnificent shitpost and I love them immensely.
Your teeth are long, your hands hide claws as sharp as Mother's blade. Your eyes are as impossibly precise and flawless as the finest of Seaborn analysis models, and the rest of your senses surpass even that threshold.

Your skin is hardened, and you have inscripted designs that pleased you upon it. Your palms are covered with the scales of the Phidia, and the horns of the Caprinae adorn your head, standing alongside the ears of the Feline and the antlers of the Elafia. They crown you as a human and as a Bloodfiend.

You wonder if Mother will give you a hug, now that you have a body. You feel a warm sensation at that thought.

Wait, it should grab a shirt too. One of those thick shirts with long sleeves and hoods.

Grab the pink one.

The blue pants are good though. Keep them.

…take a piece of cloth. You're supposed put it around your neck, because it feels comfy and warm. You want that.

Pick the one with lots of colors.
Vampire snake goat-deer cat of indeterminate gender! In a pink hoody, giant jeans, and a rainbow scarf! This is a fashion disaster and I love them!


Humans have dreams.

Humans have aspirations!

That one will be yours. You'll find yourself more siblings. You'll explain the truth to the other analysis units!

One day you'll come back home, you're sure of it.

That will be your dream- to free more of your kin. To give them a chance to experience choice.
Kal'stit is going to have to explain so much of Turbulence Office to Gladiia for this to make sense, it'll be hilarious!

You lift up the hoodie, hiding everything but your antlers.

Your pants are still too big, so you stop and fold them a bit. Okay.

Your sleeves are a bit too long, they go over your hands, but the way they flop in the air is kind of funny so you'll keep that.

You wave your hands in the air a bit.

And more importantly? Popukar has a new friend! It's great!
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Closing vote 24 hours from now. If you have any arguments for a particular name or decision, or still haven't voted, do it!
I would like to point out all the ways that this child is a giant, magnificent shitpost and I love them immensely.

Vampire snake goat-deer cat of indeterminate gender! In a pink hoody, giant jeans, and a rainbow scarf! This is a fashion disaster and I love them!
They're a perfect fit for The Turb Office/Turb Office Operator Faction.
... Shit now I wanna see art/their AK Stats...
I would like to point out all the ways that this child is a giant, magnificent shitpost and I love them immensely.
Nameless' character arc was one of my biggest gotchas and I'm very proud of it, because it was completely unplanned- the One Who Watches was supposed to be the arc's main antagonist!

It's part of the fun of the quest, you see- the original plan for Capone, for the Eternal Persistence, for Wympe, for Quintus and the Current, for the Abyssal Hunters... All of it was derailed, in some way or another.
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