Attempting to Fulfil The Plan: ISOT Edition

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Last time we didn't do it because we were worried about smallpox, not as relevant this time because it's already everywhere.
This went very well. There's now a good chance of other neighbors trying to stomp down what they see as a threat after this invasion.

I think managing granaries is the most important thing now, so:
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Ok I have been convinced to send people into the country but I still don't want to eat a -11 (-3-8) on dice in Athens.
Depending on the degree of urbanite experience with farming, actually sending them to the countryside can result in lower production, at least comparative to just using them as surge labor in a harvest. We are fairly good at producing tools to enable single families to cultivate more land (steel plows, herbicides, steel tools, and some basic mechanization soon). It might be better to just let the experienced farmers farm and only use the urbanites as additive labor for harvest/planting season rather then giving them plots in the countryside. We can expand the acerage of each family of subsistance farmers instead and focus on production, while leaving the urbanites that have no experiance in setting up a farm, only maybe doing surge labor in some seasons to just do the same. I really do not have confidence we can just move people to the countryside and get them to efficiently farm, instead of utilizing them in areas where they have experience/letting farmers farm.
My interpretation of the proposal is that is less BACK TO THE COUNTRSIDE REJECT URBANISM EMBRACE YEOMANRY and more just trying to better direct surge labor to farms that have been ravaged by smallpox and war. That said when it comes to peasant farmers its historically better to just let them do their thing than sticking your hand in I'm just voting for it because fucks the point of being an extremely radical ideologue if you don't do some radical ideology every once in a while