[X] Establish the Ordnance Office - Developing an arms industry from scratch will take time and effort. An Ordnance Office will allow us to delegate some of that work to specialists. (Constant Investment.)
[X] Production Licensing: Machine Guns - Attempt to buy the rights to produce the ZB vz.30 in 6.5×50 mmSR. (9 Months Remain) ☑◻◻◻
[X] Establish the Carabinieri Oversight Office - No one really keeps an eye on the paramilitary police force that keeps watch over the nation. If the force is to be reformed and re-established in a new role, then oversight is needed at the very least. (Constant Investment.)
[X] Organisational Reform: Wilderness Rangers - The Carabinieri is responsible for massive tracts of rural land. A specialist ranger unit trained in long-distance patrol and survival would be useful to the force as a whole. (9 Months Remain) ◻◻◻
[X] New Uniform Standard - The current issued uniform barely qualifies and is only truly standardised amongst the officers and the cavalry. Order new, standardised uniforms and web gear for the whole army. (3 Months Remain) ☑◻
Kismayo-Turkana Line:
Progress, Marsabit-Turkana: 52% (Est. completion October 1933)
Arisaka Rifles, Orders, and Production:
Progress, Rifle Deliveries: 50% (Est. completion December 1932)
Progress, Rifle Factory: 3 rifles per day
Type 3 HMG Project:
Progress, Reverse Engineering: 60% (Est. completion March 1933)
Belgrade: Milan Srškić appointed Prime Minister of Yugoslavia.
Munich: Sixteen thousand fascists and as many social democrats hold parades campaigning for the upcoming parliamentary election.
Asunción: Paraguay government sends army battalion to reclaim forts seized by Bolivian forces.
Reims: Italian Tazio Nuvolari wins automobile Grand Prix at the Reims-Gueux racetrack.
London: Britain imposes 100% import tariffs on Irish goods following Free State's refusal to pay for land.
Lisbon: President Carmona appoints Salazar 100th prime minister of Portugal.
Paris: French senate votes down female suffrage.
New York: Dow Jones industrial average at historic low!
Lausanne: Germany freed from reparation obligations after next 3 billion RM payment.
Oslo: Norwegian government declares annexation of Greenland's eastern coast.
New York: 2,000 homeless after fire in city blocks.
Newark: Aviatrix Amelia Earhart sets new women's transcontinental record: 19 hours, 14 minutes, and 40 seconds!
Washington: Riot erupts among protestors, America president decides not to attend congress for own safety.
Hamburg: 18 dead after reds, fascists clash. Papen bans all outdoor demonstrations.
Dublin: Irish Free State retaliates, raising tariffs on British goods.
Geneva: Shouting row erupts between Italian and French delegations.
Havana: 9 dead, 55 wounded in raid on communist headquarters.
Moscow: Soviet Union signs non-aggression pacts with Estonia, Finland, Poland.
Paris: Doumer's assassin on trial: I was possessed by demon.
Washington: Rifles, cavalry, tanks, and gas used to drive protesting veterans out of American capital.
Budapest: Despite French protests, Hungarian government hangs communist after speedy trial.
Los Angeles: The Summer Olympic Games opens. More under sports.
Berlin: Hitler's National Socialist party biggest after parliamentary elections with 230 seats. No coalition can form a majority: Franz von Papen remains chancellor.
La Paz: Bolivian troops capture a further three Paraguayan forts in the contested Chaco region, including Fortín Boquerón.
Asunción: Paraguay declares a general mobilisation. Bolivia responds with a partial mobilisation.
Stockholm: Carl Gustaf Ekman resigns as prime minister of Sweden: Felix Hamrin new prime minister.
Berlin: New laws to stop protests: prison for attack on policemen, death penalty for political terrorism!
Seville: General José Sanjurjo seizes Spanish city of Seville in coup, demands resignation of government. Azaña government's swift response sends rebels fleeing: conspirators arrested.
Los Angeles: Olympic Games end. United States dominates: 41 gold medals!
Pozzolengo: Auguste Piccard, assistant, set balloon altitude record: 16,201 metres!
Asunción: Dr. Eusebio Ayala becomes president of Paraguay.
London: Communal Award announced for India, separate elections to be established for various religious groups and castes.
Potempa: Crowd storms courthouse after death sentence is read for five fascists for murder of communist.
London: British Broadcasting Corporation begins to transmit 'television' signals on a regular basis. Futurists predict that by the year 2000, there may be a 'television' in every home, replacing the home radio.
Lancashire: 200,000 cotton workers enter strike!
San Marino: Sammarinese Fascist Party wins general election, taking all seats.
Berlin: National Socialist Hermann Göring elected president of German Reichstag.
Potempa: Death sentences of the five fascists sentenced last month commuted to life imprisonment after an impassioned speech by Herr Hitler.
Bogotá: Peruvian army seizes Colombian town of Leticia.
Berlin: Nearly 200,000 monarchist paramilitaries march in support of Franz von Papen.
Gospić: Gendarme station in Yugoslavia attacked by revolutionary Ustaše movement.
Asunción: The Paraguayan 1st Army Corps deploys and attacks Fortín Boquerón. A hasty assault from the march is bloodily repulsed and the Paraguayan and Bolivian forces settle into a siege. The Chaco War has begun.
Berlin: Franz von Papen threatened by vote of no confidence.
Bogotá: Colombian government pledges 10 million pesos to recapture Leticia, deploys army against Peru..
Chiaotung: Guomindang government unable to control own generals: Armies of Chinese warlords Han Fuju and Liu Zhennian clash.
Stockholm: Per Albin Hanson appointed prime minister of Sweden after elections.
Poona: After hunger striking in protest against the format of the new separate elections enforcing caste divisions, Mohandas K. Gandhi signs an agreement with B.R. Ambedkar to double the number of seats assigned to Dalits or 'untouchables'.
Athens: Liberal Party retains majority in parliamentary elections.
Ierissos: Nearly 500 dead as earthquake strikes Greece!
Havana: Four dead in wave of assassinations.
Asunción: After a month-long siege, the few remaining Bolivian soldiers in Fortín Boquerón surrender to the Paraguayan commander, Lt.-Col. Estigarribia. Both sides have suffered heavily in the fighting, not only from enemy action but also from a chronic lack of water. International commentators are surprised by this result, the smaller and poorer Paraguay being expected to lose any conflict over the Chaco, but expect that as Bolivia mobilises Paraguay will have few further victories.
Havana: University students riot in street on anniversary of student leader Rafael Trejo's death.