I'd normally vote for gravity first, but it feels like a waste to not focus on light with the light powered magical girl.

[X][Book] Hero Analysis #1
[X][Counseling] Light
Misunderstood Quirk: Toru being listed as "Invisible" not "Distort Light".
Exceptional Quirk: Mr. King Explosion Murder himself.
Villainous Quirk: Shinso.

Yeah. Looks like we hit the jackpot with our counselor.

I immediately want to add examples to all of these (most notably Himiko Toga as someone who got told her quirk was evil), but yeah, these are all common issues and it's great that we got someone who is aware of them.

This one is because she is very acquainted with light so I think she would give us a lot of help in that department.
I'd normally vote for gravity first, but it feels like a waste to not focus on light with the light powered magical girl.

I mean, she's gonna be our counselor going forward for some time, it's not like we miss out on her insights into light by doing them a tad later. We do not only get her insight one aspect of our powers. Also, she can fly so I think her powers involve gravity to at least some degree as well.
[X][Book] Hero Analysis #1

I like the idea of Izuku swapping from Hero Analysis for the Future to just Hero Analysis. Feels like a neat encapsulation of the idea that becoming a Hero isn't just a nebulous fantasy anymore, it's now something that's genuinely within reach.

[X][Counseling] Gravity

Honestly, I just like Gravity more.

And I think Sundrop's pretty cool. While I know this is wildly premature, I'm kinda hoping we can get an internship under her when that eventually rolls around.
Yeah, each of those are the same base trait, which is adding Learning/5 to Prowess, but each of these are showing a different starting point with Izuku's view of the world and himself and heroism, and as the quest continues this and several other choices heading down the line are going to influence the trait and how it develops as Izuku's own view of what it means to be a hero develops
So, we're getting the Fallout 3 Wasteland Survival Guide perk, where our decisions change how the perk ends!

I thoroughly insist that we complete all optional quest objectives, and answer based on Learning and/or Stewardship to get the best Hero Counselor Perk! :D

That said...

[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1

[X][Counseling] Gravity
The Hero Public Safety Commission entirely exists to protect the public, so they wouldn't go about hurting people.
Laughs in Lady Nagant and Hawks being the HPSC's personal hitmen.
Photoplast is a powerful Accumulation/Emitter(E)/Meta Quirk that allows for Mirai to absorb energy from the sun through special organelles in her skin and hair and store that energy in a stockpile that she is able to manipulate and shift between the five primary manifestations of her power.
So I assume that when she isn't on patrol or doing physical conditioning, she has a special sunbathing spot with a bunch of mirrors at the top of her building so she can maximize her energy absorption. And yes, there's the slight possibility that she does it in the buff, but get your mind out of the gutter.
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[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1
[X][Counseling] Light

Also crackpot theory time, but a nondescript man in a suit with notable gloves and the tic of using his palm to adjust his glasses gives me serious vibes of Captain Kuro from One Piece. Not saying it is a crossover or anything but the unnamed agent man is ringing so many alarm bells right now.
Also crackpot theory time, but a nondescript man in a suit with notable gloves and the tic of using his palm to adjust his glasses gives me serious vibes of Captain Kuro from One Piece. Not saying it is a crossover or anything but the unnamed agent man is ringing so many alarm bells right now.
I also had this thought, but Captain Kuro has black hair and no beard, this HPSC guy has brown hair and one beard.
[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1
[X][Counseling] Light

Honestly I like seeing Izuku take a different path being a Hero, his wish (as far ad I know never read the Manga beyond School Festival) is to be an inspiration hero for all like All Might, and of he happened to get OfA (with the Star aspect able to offset the doublr quirk side effects) his mtiplr Quirks might help him get a better view on how to help people.

All Might inspire the fact you can be a Hero
Izumi inspire the fact that your quirk doesn't matter but you are
Can we all take a moment to admire the quirkless receptionist for going out of her way to get the loudest keyboard she could so that people can't just ignore her existence in a brilliant show of passive aggressiveness?

Also didn't the description of the HPSC guy have orange glasses? I can think of 2 evil Japanese guys with those, and only 1 has hair and wears gloves. We didn't get a face claim though so probably not that important.
Quirk Classifications
Currently, Quirks are classified into five general types - Emitter (E)/(M), Heteromorphic, Transformative, Accumulative, and Meta. In the current era, most Quirks can be categorized as at least two of the five.

Emitter (E)/(M) - Emitter Quirks themselves are further broken down into two sub categories, E and M for Energy and Matter respectively. These quirks are abilities that primarily allow the user of the quirk to generate and sometimes control certain things, or alter the conditions of things around them. The vast majority of Emitter type quirks require conscious effort to activate however that is simply the norm, and other activation methods have been documented in all Activation Tags. Emitter Type quirks often have a variety of ranges dictated by the strength of the user and the actual manifestation itself.

While most Emitter-type Quirk users generally have a handle on their own "emissions", it's also possible for users to hurt themselves from coming into too much contact with their Quirk as they gradually lose their natural resistance to the harmful aspects of their quirks. In the case of Accumulative hybrid Emitters, generating too much of their emission or doing so for too long can potentially harm the used if their own stock is formed from their body.

Emitter-type (E) Quirks are the most common type of Quirk, followed by Emitter-Type (M) Quirks as the second most common.

Heteromorphic - Heteromorphic Quirks, or as they are more crassly referred to as Mutant Quirks, are Quirks that generate a permanent 'abnormality' directly related to their powers. Often times, Heteromorphic Quirks will bestow prehensile appendages that the user can control, or alter the physiology of preexisting limbs to enhance their capabilities. While not exactly a weakness, Heteromorphic Quirks cannot be deactivated, and can cause their users inconveniences due to their non-standard body types. On the other hand, due to the far more physical nature of these quirks, they are partially immune to many Meta quirks, most notably Cancellation type effects which they are fully immune to. Since Heteromorphs are so distinct, they are the most identifiable at a glance. One further issue in the current day is that many heteromorphs are the subject of discrimination due to their outer appearances. Interestingly, Heteromorphic quirks show the least common manifestation of alternative methods of activation such as those documented in Activation Tags. Because of this, there is a theory that Heteromorphic Quirks evolved separately from the Golden Baby.

Heteromorphic Quirks were historically the least common type of Quirk, but given the genetically dominant traits that many heteromorphs show, it is likely that over time this type of quirk will become the most common.

Transformative - Transformative Quirks are those abilities that cause the user to take on a temporary alteration of some kind, such as temporarily enhancing existing features, removing existing features, or creating entirely new features to the body all together. Many transformative Quirks require conscious effect by the user to activate, though many users can be trained to initiate them reflexively. That does not mean that alternative activation methods do not exist, though the commonality of such are lower for Transformative quirks than Emitter types. The overwhelming majority of Transfromative Quirks require a close range proximity to be able to fully utilize them in combat, due to how the quirk can only affect the user's body. However these quirks are quite often very powerful, and their biggest weakness beyond the range limitation is the fact that their effects are temporary in nature, and over-exertion can lead to painful backlashes. Transformative Quirks are the most common type of quirk to have hybridized with Accumulative quirks over the years, and as such there are a great number of Transformative Quirks that require a resource to reach their full potential.

As of the current age, Transformative Quirks are the third common type of Quirk.

Accumulative - Originally, this category of quirk was entirely separate from the other manifestations of Quirks. These quirks involved the building of a stock of whatever particular manifestation that was related to the quirk, and the usage of the quirk would rely completely on the stock. Often times, these quirks were seen as being very weak and were disparaged by the societies in the past. However, in the current day most Accumulative Quirks are hybrid quirks that have taken on aspects of the other classifications of quirks enhancing the capabilities of the other aspect of the quirk. Emitter quirks that rely on a stock of energy can be used for longer and with less stress on the user because it is not their own energy that is being used to power the effect, but the stock. Transformative quirks that have stocks can be used for longer than those that rely on the strength of the user alone.

Accumulative Quirks are considered rather averagely spread among the populous. Neither common, nor uncommon.

Meta - The Meta classification of quirks is the most recent development within the science of registering and understanding quirks. Meta Quirks have been theorized to have existed for as long as any other type of quirk, but due to the complex nature of their abilities, this classification has gone ill-documented over the years. Meta Quirks are those abilities that allow the user to manipulate the usage and limitations of quirks, both their own and those of others. The most common type of Meta Quirk are Self-Regulating Quirks, those abilities that have multiple different modes and activation types that can be shifted between at the expense of the other modes. Sundrop is an example of a Meta Quirk, who can enhance her own strength and durability at the cost of losing flight and ranged capabilities. Another type of Meta Quirk are Cancellation type quirks, that allow for the user to prevent other quirk users from using their quirks. The least common type of Meta Quirk are Replication type quirks, that allow for a user to replicate the abilities of those around them.

Meta Quirks are by far the least common type of Quirk.

Activation Tags - A short-hand for the method by which the quirk is used. The most common tag is ME, or Mental Effort, followed by FFA, or Five-Finger Activation.
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[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1
[X][Counseling] Light

I say F the HSPC. We can say whatever we want. Like focusing on the Mistreatment of Quirkless in a way that Doesn't make people want to support Flect Turn and his World Wide Cult.

Sundrop gets her power from Sunlight. Boy will she get Enough of it from Izuku once he starts practicing his Quirk's power. Bet some people will want to Waifu her. Along with the usual waifu's to try to make this a harem. whether this is a harem or mono? I don't care about it right now for this quest at the moment.

I bet David Shield will want to try to see if Melissa has a dormant quirk if he ever hears of the Aldera incident. Even if we know she is Quirkless. unless Lunaryon has plans.
Bet some people will want to Waifu her. Along with the usual waifu's to try to make this a harem. whether this is a harem or mono?

I'm gonna come down firmly against this for a wide variety of ethical reasons that should be obvious (starting with Izuku being a child, going on to her being the equivalent of his physical therapist/career counselor, and continuing from there). And, frankly, am pretty sure that she would feel exactly the same way (Izuku might well too, honestly).

If we want to pursue Izuku actually dating, that seems fine...but can we keep to age appropriate targets, please?
If we want to pursue Izuku actually dating, that seems fine...but can we keep to age appropriate targets, please?
Clearly the best ship in this Quest is Tokoyami!
The Star and the Moon(and the Shadow)!
The boy that can see things birds see and the bird headed(and eyed) boy that's dark and gloomy front will be revealed to be rainbow feathers and a UV painted black room!
He even plays guitar for the Idol route!
This would truly be wholesome and adorable. ^-^
And he lives in our prefecture!