A Meeting of Minds Part 1
There is a part of your brain that says 'Thankfully, the next day was Sunday', but the construction on Aldera wouldn't have even started yet, so there wouldn't have been school even if the next day was any day other than Sunday. You can't say that you are... happy with your name still blaring out of the TV two days after everything has happened, you can admit that it is useful. Mom spent hours over the course of Sunday talking with different Quirk Counselors who were all offering to take you on, some even offering to do so at a discount...

That was yesterday, and in a real show of just how serious they are, here you are. Getting your first Quick Counseling session just a day after everything else has happened. There is a part of you that is almost terrified. That all of this is happening too fast...

But at the same time, even as you are in the car and heading towards the counseling session, you can't help but tear up as everything clicks.

You're going to quirk counseling, just like everyone else does when they are growing up.

You... You might actually be normal.

Monday, March 6th

There is a long moment as you lay there on the couch in the living room, head tilted back as you idly watch the way that the blades of the fan spin round and round and round. Off to the side you can hear the sounds of the TV. Some older sounding woman is talking about an antique vase from the early twentieth century while there is some oddly soothing country-ish music playing underneath. You are...

Well... Maybe saying that you are bored isn't quite right. It's just that... You don't have anything that you can do at the moment. You don't have any school. And that is just so weird to think about. The thought does leave you with a leaden weight in your stomach when you think about the fact that you are the reason why there isn't any school, but you aren't going to let that stop you. So you don't have school to keep you busy, and between your... reaction yesterday and earlier this morning you've managed to finish off all the homework that was assigned before you accidentally destroyed part of the school. After you finished up with all of that you ended up tackling your chores.

Those only lasted you an hour too. So now that is off the list of things that you can do. In fact, you ended up going above and beyond, spending another hour just continuing to clean because at this point you have completely run out of other things to do. It's just... That between school and homework and chores and hero watching and studying, both academically and other heroes for your future, you have always been busy. But now that your school is shut down there are eight hours each day that are just... Empty again. You aren't entirely sure how to handle all this extra space in your day.

Normally you'd do what you do after school, wandering for a couple of hours trying to find a battle between Heroes and Villains so that you can study their quirks and see the heroes in action...

But well... You throw an idle glance over towards the TV. Someone from your school talked. Now the Media knows everything about what happened, and your name and face were plastered all over the news when you first woke up. Going out right now is the perfect recipe for being accosted by reporters. On top of that, your first session with your new Quirk Counselor is supposed to start in an hour. Or, at the very least, the vehicle coming to pick you up to take you to the session is supposed to arrive in an hour.

So even if you wanted to go out and be accosted by reporters, you'd barely have a chance to get anywhere before having to turn right back around in order to go home. So here you are. Sitting, waiting.

You sit and you wait. You wait and you sit.

All at once an thought clicks into place in your head as you realize something important. Without even thinking about it, you all but throw yourself up and onto your feet before hurrying out of the living room. You're going to Quirk Counseling. That means that you are going to be learning more about your quirk and what you can do. That's the whole point of the counseling after all.

That means that you need your notebook. That means that you need your pencils.

It is only as you find yourself standing before the door to your bedroom that you notice that the room around you didn't wobble nearly as much as during those first few hours when you had your quirk. Every time that you move, the world is a little more stable, and you are so glad.

There is another thing that you realize as you pick up Hero Analysis for the Future #12.

All together your current notebook has just under a dozen pages left in the book. There is no way that that is going to be enough space for everything that you are hoping to learn about your quirk.

You can't help but smile at what that means.

It's time to start up a new notebook! Just realizing that is enough to make you giggle as you rub your hands together, the smile on your face so wide that it makes your cheeks hurt in the best way.

This isn't going to be any notebook either, this is going to be the first one that focuses on yourself. That means that it is time to break out the real good books. The kind that you have been waiting to use until your analysis skills got a lot better.
There are so many things that you already want to start putting into this thing, enough that your hands are practically twitching towards the pens that you have at your desk. Notes about what you have already started to figure out about your quirk, the limitations and the strengths, the questions that you haven't learned the answers for, and what things that you might need to research in order to get all of this read.

But... No.

No. It would be for the best that you wait until you are with your new counselor, because they might have some ideas about how to better do your notes. New ways to explain things, or more accurate information that the stuff that you are able to figure out on your own.

At the same time, you do need to come up with an idea for what the book itself would be called. Normally you'd scrawl Hero Analysis for the Future #13 across the front like you do with any of your other books...

But is that really the right name for all of this? Are you really doing all of this for your future?

Or is this a notebook for your present? Hero Analysis for the Present maybe?

Just Hero Analysis perhaps?

What do you want to write across the front of this notebook?

[ ][Book] Hero Analysis for the Future #13
- You might have powers now, but that doesn't mean that much else has changed at this point. You don't really feel like you are any closer to becoming a hero than you have before.
-- Gain Trait: Hero Analysis Notebook, which gives a bonus to Prowess based on Learning, Trait evolution is based on multiple future choices
[ ][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #13
- This notebook is more focused on the development of your own quirk instead of the quirks and abilities of other heroes. Since it is still one of your notebooks, you decide to keep the numbering scheme so that you can better keep track of it
-- Gain Trait: Hero Analysis Notebook, which gives a bonus to Prowess based on Learning, Trait evolution is based on multiple future choices
[ ][Book] Hero Analysis #1
- You don't want to simply say that now that you have powers everything is different, but the fact of the matter is that now that you have powers things have changed. If there was even a time to actually change up the numbers of your notebooks, now would be the time.
-- Gain Trait: Hero Analysis Notebook, which gives a bonus to Prowess based on Learning, Trait evolution is based on multiple future choices
[ ][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1
- Since this is going to be a notebook dedicated to trying to understand your own quirk and everything about it, it isn't really a Hero Analysis book. Not yet anyways. You aren't even a student at U.A. yet, so you aren't a hero in training. Yet.
-- Gain Trait: Hero Analysis Notebook, which gives a bonus to Prowess based on Learning, Trait evolution is based on multiple future choices
[ ][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1
- As this notebook is not actually an analysis book at all, but a book that you are going to be taking with you to your Quirk Counseling, it does make sense to separate out this book from the other books that you have made in the past.
-- Gain Trait: Hero Analysis Notebook, which gives a bonus to Prowess based on Learning, Trait evolution is based on multiple future choices
[ ][Book] Something else
- Is there another name that you are thinking to give to the notebook? It will give the same trait as everything else, and it will start to give me a direction for the later trait that the notebook trait will give.
-- Gain Trait: Hero Analysis Notebook, which gives a bonus to Prowess based on Learning, Trait evolution is based on multiple future choices

After a few long minutes to thinking, you blink and shake your head. There is a part of you that has to wonder if you might be putting way too much thought into something as simple as the name of a notebook. It isn't like this decision is going to completely and totally shift the entire direction of your life going forwards.

It's just the name of a notebook after all.

At the same time, there is another part of you that does quietly argue that making a change like this would only be the first step that you would need to take in order to alter the way that you look at things, which would change the way that you think about things, and once you look at things differently, then you might be on the path to actually altering your actions.

So maybe there is a reason to think about this a little. There might be some weight on your future after all.

Not a ton, but even the smallest of stones falling can start an landslide.

You chuckle at that thought, before shaking your head and making a decision. Pulling a permanent marker out of one of the drawers of the desk in your bedroom, you quickly scrawl the name of your new notebook across the front.

So what else do you need? Pencils. Yes. You already thought that. It only takes a couple of minutes to both find a couple of pencils, along with one of the better erasers that you have (It's a Lion Hero: Shishido eraser). But even with all of that, your ride still hasn't arrived.

So now it is time to wait once more.

With a huff, you lay back down on the couch in the living room, making sure that you'll be ready to grab everything when the woman who is supposed to be picking you up is supposed to arrive.

You know that your new counselor is named miss Matsuri, and there is something about her name that scratches at the back of your head, like there is something that you've forgotten, but you just aren't sure what it is. Without anything else to do for the moment, you go back to watching as the fan blades slowly spin over head.

Honestly, you hate waiting. More accurately, you hate sitting and doing nothing for long periods of time. You just aren't any good at it, which is why there is a part of you that is thankful that you must have lost track of time somewhere along all your working to get everything ready, because before you know it there is a knock at the door.

"Coming!" You call out, groaning as you pull yourself back up to your feet. As you move towards the door, there is a sudden spike of nervousness that rushes up the small of your back. Up until now, you haven't had to deal with the media people. Mostly because you haven't left the house since returning from the hospital, but there is the fact that they haven't tried to come and bother you here at your home. That might be because of the fact that Mom has already spoken with someone at Shoowaysha News and Publishing in order to organize an interview with you soon enough as it is.

But that doesn't mean that it isn't impossible that some other reporter has finally gotten tired of waiting and is going to try and get into contact with you. You know that Mom mentioned having to push through some of them when she went to go grocery shopping yesterday. So there is a chance that this might not be the person that you are waiting for. You can't find out without opening the door, so with a gulp you push your fears down and open the door.

The man standing there on the other side of the door seems... You hesitate to use the word 'normal', if only because it is distinctly hard to try and describe him in any other way. The man is of roughly average height, with short brown hair, a thin beard, and brown eyes that are just barely hidden behind the tinted glasses that he wears. One thing that does actually catch your attention as the man adjusts his glasses is the fact that he is wearing Tsukamu brand Protectors.

The four fingered gloves that lack a middle finger are specially designed to assist those people who have five-finger-touch activation based quirks. What is odd however, is the fact that he adjusted his glasses by using the palm of his hand, making sure to keep all of his fingers away from his glasses. "Izuku Midoriya?" The man asks, as he pulls out a badge with the emblem of the HPSC on it. After a moment of staring you slowly nod.

"Uh... Yes sir, I'm Izuku." you say quietly, unsure of what who it is that you are talking with, and why he is here.

"Good." The man says, glancing first over you, and then to the room beyond you. "Are you ready for your quirk counseling session?" He asks, his tone flat and almost emotionless, like he doesn't care in the least about the answer to his question. "I am an agent of the Hero Public Safety Commission. It has been determined that after the events that took place at Aldera Junior High School that it would be prudent that you be escorted to your appointment, for your safety and peace of mind. However, rather regrettably, miss Matsuri's busy schedule has precluded her or any of her sidekicks the time necessary to do so." The man says, and you blink, as something finally manages to lock together in your head. "As such, we at the HPSC have graciously offered out services to support one of our valued heroes. After all, the safety of you the public falls to our organization as well, Mr. Midoriya."

The fact that your new counselor is named Matsuri has been bothering you since your mother first told you about it, and every time that you feel like it almost makes sense the idea slips right out of your thoughts again. But now that you are facing a member of the HPSC, everything makes sense.

Mirai Matsuri. The Gleaming Hero: Sundrop

She only just managed to break into the top one hundred a little less than a year ago during least year's Hero Billboard Chart. She's currently ranked as the 89th most popular hero in the entire country. This explain so much about why your mom seemed so pleased with herself when she told you that your counselor was miss Matsuri. As much as you want to go and complain to Mom about her not telling you...

Well, she did tell you. It isn't her fault that you failed to put together the fact that the hero famous for the fact that she is a Quirk Counselor in addition to a hero being a Matsuri with the fact that your new counselor is a Matsuri.

That is on you. Still, you do need to answer the man in front of you. So with a quick bow, you stutter out a "Th-thank you for taking the time to do this." You tell him. "Let me grab my notebook, and I will be right back." You explain, not even bothering to close the door as you hurry about the back of the couch and grabs hold of the notebook and your pencil and eraser before returning to the door.

The man barely raises an eyebrow, before nodding slowly. "Follow me." With that, he simply turns on his heel and starts to head down the hall and towards the parking lot. Taking a moment to make sure to both close and lock the door behind you, you hurry after the man. You have to admit, you do wonder what kind of vehicle you are going to be taken in. You've never really seen anything on the streets that looks like it belongs to the HPSC.

And you have to admit that there is a moment where you find yourself stopping and staring at the vehicle that the agent is approaching in the parking lot. There were a lot of different cars that you've imagined the HPSC using over the years, ranging from just top of the line cars, to using police vehicles or limos, to all black cars that look like the kind of things that spies would use, or even some kind of support tech enabled vehicle with fancy gadgets and the ability to fly like the Allmobile that was created by David Shield.

If there was one thing that you were completely and totally not expecting...

It would have been a white, unmarked van that looks like it should have the words free candy spray painted across it. But even as you stand there, it clicks in your mind that the very fact that this is the kind of thing that you would have never expected it exactly why it is so perfect for this.

This is the kind of car that only the police and children that don't know any better would give a second look. It is the kind of car that a lot of people would forget about the moment that it leaves their line of sight. Still, even though you know that this guy is a part of the HPSC, and so he is someone that you can trust...

Well, you've learned well from your Mom, and that means that you hesitate before climbing into the passenger side seat of a vehicle that you would avoid in every other situation.

The trip only takes about forty-five minutes, which is surprisingly good time given that the Moondrop Agency is in Yamanashi. You'd bet that the fact that the agency is so close is part of why Mom was okay with this, even ignoring the fact that Sundrop is a top 100 hero.

Now that the car is going, you finally have the chance to quietly panic over the realization that you are actually going to be meeting a major hero in person. Sure, you've managed to get fifteen actual signatures in person, and four of them were even in the top 100.

Admittedly, it would be more accurate to say that it is more like a single signature. Since the Harmonic Heats are a Hero team, each of them covering the positions from 97 to 100 itself.

The fact that they are so low on the top one hundred, and in fact have held the position for close to seven years now really doesn't matter. They are all still great heroes who have been working hard to better themselves and protect their home city. It was only because they were visiting for a lecture at U.A. that you got lucky and encountered them last year.

And now you are getting a chance to meet with another top 100 hero. Particularly because she's only been on the scene for just under three years herself. She debuted only a few weeks before 2301 Billboard, and didn't even appear in the top 500. The year after that she managed to get into the top 150 at number 131, and then it was about five months ago in November when the 2303 billboard came out, and that is when she managed to break the top 100..

It really is amazing how far she's gotten, especially at so young an age. The only other hero around her age that has managed to reach the Top 100 is Hawks, who debuted the year before Sundrop. Even in that first year of 2300, he still managed to reach rank 126. The year that Sundrop debuted he had already managed to reach the rank of 18, and in 2302 he hit rank 5.

Over the next year he's already managed to rise up to being the 3rd ranked hero in all of Japan. There are some people wondering if he might even manage to over take Endeavor by this year's Billboard. Thankfully, the ride to the Moondrop agency is quiet, allowing you the time to think all of these things through and get the worst of your excitement out of your system. You don't want to end up embarrassing yourself when you meet with Sundrop. Of course, despite the fact that you are saying that, you still can't stop the smile from stretching wide on your face, wide enough that your cheeks are already starting to hurt. As the unmarked van moves around to the side of the agency before pulling into a parking spot, the vehicle comes to a stop, and the agent turns to look at you.

There is a long moment where he just stares, eyes half lidded behind his glasses. You can't help but feel that you are being weighed. You are being measured.

And for the life of you, you can't tell if you are being found wanting or not. "Izuku Midoriya." The agent says flatly, his eyes still locked on your own. "You must understand that the circumstances around you have caused no small deal of trouble for the HPSC." The agent says, and all of a sudden you realize that you don't have the slightest idea what this guy's name is. You might be able to describe him, but he is so relatively average looking that trying to get anyone to track him down would be extremely difficult. "I understand that you are to have an interview in the next few days. It would be... advantageous to the HPSC if you were to tell your interviewer that you had an invisible quirk. Rather than letting the information out that it may be possible for quirkless individuals to gain Quirks of their own." He says, and there is something about the flat, toneless words that feels almost menacing. As if he is trying to threaten you without saying as such.

Of course, that doesn't make any sense. The Hero Public Safety Commission entirely exists to protect the public, so they wouldn't go about hurting people. Still, without any other idea of what to say, you say the only thing that you can think to say. "Okay?"

The man smiles, and there is a part of you that almost wants to flinch back because that is a look that completely fails to fit on the man's face. You aren't going to give him the satisfaction however. "Good. Your session begins in approximately ten minutes. Sundrop's office is on the top floor of the agency, so you may wish to hurry if you don't want to be late." The man says, raising a hand and patting you on the shoulder. In this moment you want nothing less than to move so that his hand slides off your shoulder, and it takes everything you have to hold back the shiver his touch elicits. Pulling his hand back, the man sits back in his seat, the chair reclining back as he closes his eyes. "Once your session ends, I will be here to deliver you back to your home." The man says. Thankfully, that means that you have the chance to get away from the man.

Hurrying out of the van, you head over to the front doors of the agency, before stepping inside. It is a little odd how... normal, the inside of the agency is. This is the home base of a hero, and for the most part it looks like the lobby of just any other office building or doctor's office. All the way up to the fact that there is a young woman sitting at the receptionist's desk. the woman herself couldn't be more than thirty, with shoulder length brown hair. Glancing up from the magazine in her hands, the girl raises an eyebrow or a moment. Then, all at once her demeanor changes, all the relaxation falls free of her as she sits up and smiles at you, bright as the sun.

"Uhh... Hello." You say, suddenly shy. You can't put the feeling into words, just... Just...

You never had a chance to go through Quirk Counseling before. You'd... You'd applied for counseling when you were younger. You never mentioned it to your mom, but you had applied to several places, hoping that maybe they would be able to prove that you really did have a quirk.

None of the offices answered your applications, and the only location that you actually went to literally laughed at you when you tried to ask about your application. But this is different. You know that. And yet... You have a quirk now, and yet... There is still a part of you that is really nervous about all of this, particularly because of how the woman is already reacting to you before you've even had a chance to say a word.

"Hey there!" The woman says, sounding nearly as cheerful as you do when you end up meeting a Hero. "You're Midoriya. You've got an appointment with Sundrop, right?" She asks, and you can't help but blink. you haven't even introduced yourself yet, and already this woman knows who you are. That... That's kind of wild if you are going to be honest. Her fingers dance across the keyboard of her computer, the keys clacking all the while. You don't often hear keyboards that are that loud. Most keyboards are all but silent these days. You actually have to go out of your way to find some that make those kinds of noises.

"I have to say, Izuku..." The woman starts softly, before she pauses. "I... Can I call you Izuku?" She asks, and she just sounds so happy that you can't help but nod. You're going to be coming by her a lot, so it isn't a bad idea to come to know Sundrop's staff. Next to her the printer starts to warm up. "I just... You are so brave. Really." She says, and there is a part of you that can't help but try to figure out if she is being sarcastic, but it doesn't sound like that to you. "Those kids at your school sound like they were even worse than the ones at mine..." She says softly. "If someone from my school did what they did to you to me, then I don't know if I would have ever been able to leave my house again. I'd be too scared." She says, before the printer finishes and she pulls out a key card that is half yellow and half blue, with an emblem of the sun and the moon in the center. She holds the card out to you, even as she clicks a lanyard on it with her other hand. "But seeing you here, still up and moving after everything. That's really an inspiration."

You aren't entirely sure you understand what she means, because you didn't really do anything. You just had something done to you instead, and that isn't something to aspire towards. "I... I didn't do anything." You say, trying to deflect her praise.

"You survived." The woman says quietly, "And you didn't try to become a villain. You didn't push any of your classmates down a flight of stairs or try to stab anyone. That makes you a saint in my eyes." The girl says, before she reaches in a pocket and presses a card into your hand. "Maybe... Sometime when things aren't so crazy, you'd be willing to come by at some point. Meet my friends?" She asks, and as you glance down at the card you blink in surprise.

The nearly blank black card has just three lines of text on it. A time and day of the week, a location, and in the center of it all in golden text the words 'Quirkless Support Group'. "Wha?" You finally manage to say, and she just smiles. "After what happened to you... Well, the fact that you are here, that all on it's own is enough to give the rest of us hope, Izuku." The girl says softly. "You're showing us that there is a chance that things might be able to get better in the future."

That... You don't have the slightest idea of how to react to what the girl is saying. There are so many words, all swirling around in your head, not the least of which being the fact that this girl... This means... She's quirkless. Just like you were.

That man from the HPSC wanted you to lie about the fact that you were quirkless. He wanted you to say that you didn't have a quirk, and yet...

Yet here is someone who doesn't have a quirk, and they are treating you almost like a hero because of the fact that you have a quirk. How are you supposed to try and balance those two different ideas. You just don't know. So you stand there, looking down at the card, a soft smile on your face. "I..." You start to say. "I'm not sure how often I'm going to be going much of anywhere right now." You explain softly. "As it is, there's an agent from the HPSC who brought me here, and he's supposed to be taking me home once this is all done too."

"Ah..." The girl says, but the tone of her voice is... odd. Like she just heard something that she didn't want to hear, but that doesn't make sense. You just told her that you got a ride from someone with the HPSC. "Well, given the fact that the news has been talking about you nonstop for more than a day now, it does make sense that you'd be a little nervous about meeting a bunch of quirkless people that you've never met before." What?

Wait. Wait wait wait. No. That isn't it at all. "That's not it. It isn't that I don't want to meet them." You explain, trying to figure out how to best explain yourself. "It's just... I'm already being hounded by the media. I wasn't even there, and my mom had to deal with multiple reporters just going shopping." You say quietly, glancing away from the woman. "I... I don't want to drag you and your friends into the media just because they won't leave me alone. I'm not going to make things any harder for you than it already is."

"You're a good kid, Izuku." The girl says quietly, smiling as leans back in her chair. "Don't let this business take that from you. Mirai is going to be waiting for you up the elevator. Just put the card into the slot in there, and it will take you right up."

Before you go, you realize that this is twice now that you haven't learned the names of the people around you. That is really a bad habit, and one that you need to get out of. "Well, I definitely can't go to any support groups without at least knowing the name of the person who is suggesting I do so." You say, just throwing whatever random words pop into your head out there.

The woman laughs, giving you a shy smile. "My name is Ubumi Nakano, it was nice to meet you, Izuku." She says.

Smiling, you make your way over to the elevator and press the button. "It was nice to meet you too, miss Nakano." You call back, before the doors finally open. The inside of the elevator isn't anything out of the ordinary, with the only thing that is actually out of the ordinary being the small card reader set under the pad of buttons that most elevators have. This has to be what the key card that miss Nakano gave you is for. Sliding the card into the slot, there is a chime before you feel a soft jolt as the elevator starts to move.

It doesn't even take a minute for the elevator to rise to the top floor of the Agency, the doors opening into a hallway.

Standing in the middle of the hall is a woman that is not at all what you were expecting. You've seen Sundrop on the news and in videos on the internet, but seeing the woman herself is something distinctly different. She's petite and thin, only an inch or two taller than you, with long blonde hair and green eyes that are quite litterally glowing even as she stands there.

The woman has one hand by her ear as she slowly nods. "Got it. Yeah, that shouldn't be a problem at all." She says, before turning and blinking. "Anyways, I've got to jet. My next client has arrived. Talk to you later." Taking another step closer, the woman gives you a blindingly bright smile. "Izuku Midoriya, it is good to actually meet you. I'm Mirai Matsuri, your new quirk counselor." She explains. "You probably know me by another name, given the discussion that I had with your mother."

You nod jerkily, trying to keep your smile down to a reasonable size. "Y-yes ma'am." There is a part of you that wants nothing more than to pull out your new notebook and ask for an autograph, but that really should wait. At least until you've managed to get through your first counseling session. There is time for fanboying later, you are here to try and understand your own powers.

"Now, normally," Miss Matsuri says, as she turns on her heel and starts down the hall. "I hold most first counseling sessions in my office." She explains, "Working with both parents and the child in order to get an idea as to the nature of the parents quirk so that I have a starting point for the still emerging abilities of children. However, you are a lot older than four, and based on what happened at Aldera high school, I have a feeling that even without the influence of Trigger in your system that you are going to be starting at a higher level of ability than most four year olds. Which means that instead of working in my office, we're going to be using the gym so that you can get some practice in with whatever abilities you have begun to develop."

Following after miss Matsuri, you pass by a few other people that you have seen before. Most of them other heroes related to the Moondrop Agency. Some are younger heroes who are sidekicks, while others are older heroes who originally joined the agency under Sundrop's father, Moondrop before he retired last year. Miss Matsuri leads you down about halfway across the building before coming up to a heavy set door that has a palm reader next to it. As your counselor presses a hand against the reader, she gives you a smile, before motioning over to the door. "Would you like to do the honors?" She asks, and you can't help but beam brightly at her.

Opening the door you find yourself entering onto a catwalk three floors up in a massive single gymnasium with hard tiled walls and what looks to be a thick matted floor, the kinds that you've seen gymnasts on TV practice on. With a laugh, Miss Matsuri takes a step and leaps over the edge, hovering there in the air in front of you. "Welcome to the Gym." She says cheerfully. "Once we get you down to the ground floor, I want to talk with you about what happened that day, and what all you might have learned since then. Once we do that, I'm going to have you run through several different exercises in order to see if you are able to manifest any of the most common quirk types or activation methods." She explains. "Things like Emitter quirks, or five finger activation abilities, things like that. After that I'm also going to want to get an idea of where you are, fitness wise as well as your goals for the future. That all make sense to you?" She asks, and you nod.

"Yes, Miss Matsuri." The woman laughs, spinning head over heels in the air.

"Come on, none of that now. Call me Mirai, or call me Sundrop. Mrs. Matsuri was my momma." She says cheerfully.

What do you end up talking with Mirai first? You'll be getting to some of the rest of your quirk later, this is just to help me organize the next update
[ ][Counseling] Light
- Your vision and your eyes are picking up new colors that you've never seen before, and it is really weird and hard to describe. There is definitely something strange going on here, and sensory powers are rather rare, so this might help really narrow down the nature of your power? But then again there are a lot of other weird bits about your powers too...
[ ][Counseling] Gravity
- When you walk and when you move there is something inside of you that reacts to this, and you don't understand how or why or most importantly what is happening. Hopefully someone trained to help you with all of this will be able to explain it to you.
Last edited:
It would be... advantageous to the HPSC if you were to tell your interviewer that you had an invisible quirk. Rather than letting the information out that it may be possible for quirkless individuals to gain Quirks of their own."

Completely make sense, and actually right, the picked power in chargen merely dormant from it being too strong to be handled by the body.

And if the current theory of "Ideo gave the Quirkless a Quirk" spreads and "confirmed", suddenly, many people will inject themselves with Ideo, to likely very fatal results.
[X][Book] Hero Analysis #1

The future is now! A positive new path going forward. The dreamer has woken up.

[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1

And this puts him on the path of a secondary career, something heroes need.

[X][Counseling] Light

I'll vote perception to start. Understand what we see better now that we got walking down.
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Completely make sense, and actually right, the picked power in chargen merely dormant from it being too strong to be handled by the body.

And if the current theory of "Ideo gave the Quirkless a Quirk" spreads and "confirmed", suddenly, many people will inject themselves with Ideo, to likely very fatal results.
Well...by "Dormant," you mean that it didn't awaken. But saying that it was an "Invisible" quirk is a blatant lie? Izuku didn't have one. The entire reason he has space eyes and a nuclear core burning in his chest is because it was never a thing until that moment.

Izuku in the quest may not even be the only Quirkless in a similar state, where there quirk factors haven't woken up and given them their powers/transformed their bodies to match. The HSPC doesn't want any medical research on the topic whatosever...

...which isn't something they have any right controlling considering last time I checked. There job was just Hero and Public Relations.

[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1

[X][Counseling] Light

Izuku will become a Hero regardless, I like the idea that Izuku may get more invested in the idea of Quirk Counselling. Even if a tiny push.
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And if the current theory of "Ideo gave the Quirkless a Quirk" spreads and "confirmed", suddenly, many people will inject themselves with Ideo, to likely very fatal results.
Well iirc canonically the true quirkless are completely immune to trigger and ideo trigger, and all derivatives, because they have no quirk factor to affect at all.
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And if the current theory of "Ideo gave the Quirkless a Quirk" spreads and "confirmed", suddenly, many people will inject themselves with Ideo, to likely very fatal results.

As FictionPack says, not if Izuku's situation is actually rare and it works like canon. Ideo trigger does literally nothing to the actually quirkless. This is still bad (and hopefully something we can head off at the pass with the interview, if perhaps not in the manner requested) because of the likely results of those who it does activate powers in, but if there were none of those it would do nothing.

If it can in fact give the quirkless quirks, that's another matter, but in that case we have no idea how it works or what will happen.
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-- Gain Trait: Hero Analysis Notebook, which gives a bonus to Prowess based on Learning, Trait evolution is based on multiple future choices
Are all of these supposed to be the exact same?

The man asks, as he pulls out a badge with the emblem of the HPSC on it.

"Are you ready for your quirk counseling session?" He asks, his tone flat and almost emotionless, like he doesn't care in the least about the answer to his question.
Oh no.

After all, the safety of you the public falls to our organization as well, Mr. Midoriya."
Well, you're not wrong in that regard. The HPSC is supposed to be about protecting the public. Whether or not they actually do so is something else entirely.

Still, even though you know that this guy is a part of the HPSC, and so he is someone that you can trust...

or even some kind of support tech enabled vehicle with fancy gadgets and the ability to fly like the Allmobile that was created by David Shield.

"I understand that you are to have an interview in the next few days. It would be... advantageous to the HPSC if you were to tell your interviewer that you had an invisible quirk. Rather than letting the information out that it may be possible for quirkless individuals to gain Quirks of their own." He says, and there is something about the flat, toneless words that feels almost menacing. As if he is trying to threaten you without saying as such.
...On one hand, we know OOC that Blinding Bright was an dormant Quirk, and that loudly proclaiming that Trigger can give Quirkless people Quirks is a bad idea. On the other hand, when you compare this statement to how Nakano was acting, that he's telling us to say we weren't Quirkless before we've even confirmed that, and what we know OOC about the HPSC itself...

Yeah, no. We've spent all of one update dealing with a single employee of the HPSC and I already want to tear it to the ground.

Standing in the middle of the tall
Should be "hall".
Thinking about it, what Izuku should focus on in the interview is less whether it can give the quirkless quirks (neither he nor anyone else know that and a definitive answer either way will be neither true, nor plausible), and more that the event blew up the building he was in and it's lucky nobody died. That should cut down the number of people who do this some place where collateral damage might result.

He should probably also suggest a government program allowing people to try this process somewhere safe with medical professionals and heroes looking on so it can be done safely, but really just making people more cognizant of the potential for collateral damage is probably the biggest help he can be.
Are all of these supposed to be the exact same?
Yeah, each of those are the same base trait, which is adding Learning/5 to Prowess, but each of these are showing a different starting point with Izuku's view of the world and himself and heroism, and as the quest continues this and several other choices heading down the line are going to influence the trait and how it develops as Izuku's own view of what it means to be a hero develops
Going to the Moondrop agency to be counseled by Sundrop when we are a star.....well we may want to consider Stardrop as a hero name in the future I suppose if this relationship goes well. Could even intern here!
Going to the Moondrop agency to be counseled by Sundrop when we are a star.....well we may want to consider Stardrop as a hero name in the future I suppose if this relationship goes well. Could even intern here!
...Actually, yeah! A space/star-themed hero who is also a Quirk counselor sounds perfect for us.

On another note, I really hope we can talk with someone (that isn't a HPSC drone) about what would be appropriate to discuss in the interview. Like, we already know we're going to ace it, but we need to figure out what we can say that wouldn't imply Quirkless people don't have potential, that Quirklessness is a disease/disability (because I feel like the MLA minion might try to push that angle), and won't encourage Quirkless people to try to "fix" themselves.

We should focus on how fucked up Aldera (and to a greater extent society) has gotten that there's such systematic abuse against children for any reason. What happened to Izuku wasn't a blessing or a cure. It was assault that just so happened to end in our favor, and it destroyed a building. People could have died. We could have died. All because Aldera and society conditioned this one stupid kid to think he could do whatever he wanted to someone "less evolved" and get away with it. Granted, given that Izuku's still struggling to acknowledge that he was bullied by his peers and abused by his teachers, I'm not sure that'd be an IC way to direct the conversation.
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Oh, right, there's a vote:

[X][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1
[X][Book] Quirk Counseling Book #1

These two seem to have the right attitude, at least to me.

[X][Counseling] Gravity

In terms of counseling, I think we need help with our gravity power and how it works. Sensory stuff is definitely also something we need help with longer term, but we already have some ideas and applications...our gravity situation we have absolutely no clue about. It's also more of an active combat power (at least in terms of mobility), so in terms of combat training having some ideas about it would be good.
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Well...by "Dormant," you mean that it didn't awaken. But saying that it was an "Invisible" quirk is a blatant lie? Izuku didn't have one. The entire reason he has space eyes and a nuclear core burning in his chest is because it was never a thing until that moment.
In this context, an "Invisible" Quirk presumably refers to any quirk that, for whatever reason, cannot be detected. In Izuku's case, he had a dormant quirk that simply didn't manifest, and he was born with the extra toe joint that usually signifies quirklessness.

Another example would be Yoichi Shigaraki, who was born with the ability to transfer quirks from himself to another person. This went completely undetected until his brother, All for One, forcibly implanted him with a Power Stockpiling quirk, inadvertantly creating One for All.

Personally, I think our talking points on the subject should look something like this.

1. Izuku doesn't know why he reacted the way he did to the Ideo Trigger. He met one person in the HSPC who suggested he might have had an invisible, dormant quirk, but at this stage that's really just an educated guess at best.

2. Regardless of where Izuku's current quirk came from, the way he was treated by the people around him was downright horrible, and the way quirkless people are treated by society is downright horrible. There is no explanation for Izuku's quirk that justifies or excuses the treatment he and other quirkless people received, up to and including being injected with a dangerous and highly illegal drug without his consent.

Our objectives, which I'm pretty sure we already agree on, are to emphasize and argue for the rights and dignity of the quirkless, and to shut down as much harmful misinformation as we can. Rigorous scientific accuracy is for when we're talking to doctors, researchers, and our quirk counselor, not for when we're shaping the narrative around us as best we can.
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Heroic Portfolio #1 - Sundrop

Alias: Mirai Matsuri
Age: 24
Rank: 89​

QUIRK: Photoplast
Photoplast is a powerful Accumulation/Emitter(E)/Meta Quirk that allows for Mirai to absorb energy from the sun through special organelles in her skin and hair and store that energy in a stockpile that she is able to manipulate and shift between the five primary manifestations of her power. These manifestations are Strength, Durability, Flight, Beam, and Shield. Each power burns through the gathered stockpile at different rates, and so long as she chooses not to activate her powers at all, she is able to store this energy apparently indefinitely. Similar to the same methods that her father accessed his own Quirk, Mirai registers the amount of power that she has access to in 'drops' of power. Sundrop's abilities are wildly versatile as she is capable of reaching levels of strength enough to hold up collapsing buildings, or is capable of reaching speeds faster than twice the speed of sound when relegating all 'drops' to a single attribute. The highest abilities in her other aspects are not known the public.

As an Alumni of Shinketsu Academy, Sundrop appeared relatively late on the scene of her graduating year, having put completing her training as a Quirk Counselor ahead of gaining her Hero License. In the year since her father has retired from Hero Work, Mirai has been working on both expanding the scope of the Moondrop Agency by hiring additional Sidekicks as well as furthering her own efforts to provide high quality Quirk Counseling to young children. Mirai has gone on record to say that she believes that the level of quirk counseling that most children are given is inadequate, and that misconceptions that can be formed during Counseling can lead to bad decisions later in life. Particularly in cases where children are either told that they have exceptional quirks, or more scathingly villainous quirks. Mirai believes that everyone can be a hero if they truly put their mind to it, and that if children are raised right then perhaps one day there will come a day when she no longer needs to fight.
[X][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1

[X][Counseling] Gravity
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Photoplast is a powerful Accumulation/Emitter(E)/Meta Quirk that allows for Mirai to absorb energy from the sun through special organelles in her skin and hair and store that energy in a stockpile that she is able to manipulate and shift between the five primary manifestations of her power. These manifestations are Strength, Durability, Flight, Beam, and Shield. Each power burns through the gathered stockpile at different rates, and so long as she chooses not to activate her powers at all, she is able to store this energy apparently indefinitely. Similar to the same methods that her father accessed his own Quirk, Mirai registers the amount of power that she has access to in 'drops' of power. Sundrop's abilities are wildly versatile as she is capable of reaching levels of strength enough to hold up collapsing buildings, or is capable of reaching speeds faster than twice the speed of sound when relegating all 'drops' to a single attribute. The highest abilities in her other aspects are not known the public.
...She's a solar-powered magical girl. Wow.
All because Aldera and society conditioned this one stupid kid to think he could do whatever he wanted to someone "less evolved" and get away with it. Granted, given that Izuku's still struggling to acknowledge that he was bullied by his peers and abused by his teachers, I'm not sure that'd be an IC way to direct the conversation.
Yeah. At the very least, considering the last words Izuku heard from Nagai were...
"Let's show them all just what an animal you really are."
In addition to his interaction with the secretary.
Wait. Wait wait wait. No. That isn't it at all. "That's not it. It isn't that I don't want to meet them." You explain, trying to figure out how to best explain yourself. "It's just... I'm already being hounded by the media. I wasn't even there, and my mom had to deal with multiple reporters just going shopping." You say quietly, glancing away from the woman. "I... I don't want to drag you and your friends into the media just because they won't leave me alone. I'm not going to make things any harder for you than it already is."
There is no doubt that Izuku will have to push back against a Discriminatory Platform to some degree even if they try to be subtle.
Mirai has gone on record to say that she believes that the level of quirk counseling that most children are given is inadequate, and that misconceptions that can be formed during Counseling can lead to bad decisions later in life. Particularly in cases where children are either told that they have exceptional quirks, or more scathingly villainous quirks.
Misunderstood Quirk: Toru being listed as "Invisible" not "Distort Light".
Exceptional Quirk: Mr. King Explosion Murder himself.
Villainous Quirk: Shinso.

Yeah. Looks like we hit the jackpot with our counselor.
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[X][Book] Quirk Analysis Notebook #1
It can also be argued that he can also have a large section for himself but also some for other's quirks that he encounters.

[X][Counseling] Light
This one is because she is very acquainted with light so I think she would give us a lot of help in that department.
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[x][Book] Book of Izuku Midorya #1
-Because, ultimately, this is going to be a book about Izuku's growth and what he discovers about himself.

[x][Counseling] Light
Supergirl + laseru beamus + forcefields and with a magical girl overlay as a bonus.

Mentor get, the dice gods and author gave us a option that is even better than all might overall for both Izuku's powerset and likely goals in the future.