As someone who hates Bakugou... all I'm going to say is if our eyes are unnerving, and creepy to some degree, all that means is that every time he has to look at us he has to see them.

And on the other hand I'm pretty sure that our qm made all of these herself and she's pretty new at this form of art. Constantly saying that they're all shitty, or that you think for being forced to vote to be ugly, it's kind of a huge what from me bro but. Mmmm.
The thing that I'm incredulous about is that players, other than you, seem to be reacting the presented options as akin to the way people would something they see as horrible ugly disfigurements, and some flocked to making Izuku a bottle blond in response. There's some interesting implications in that. But also, this whole thing is absurd and I'm not going to be polite about that. I think it's sad that a GM as good as Lunaryon has had one of her quests attract a player base where people are whining about eyes not being pretty enough.
Understandable but i would like for it to not be so rude.Yes its their opnion that they are entitled to but it could have been worded different by both sides i must say and as you can see in the tally the starry eyes win and i didnt even plan to change the eyes only the hair color for a more solar flair as i have state in previous posts im no artist and just took one that was close to my imagination
As FictionPack and WastingPixies said Luna edited all of these herself lastnight.

Also of the ones I'm going to go with
[X][Mutation] White Burst
I'm increasingly realizing that I'm so biased against Bakugou because
It could have been much worse, yes.

Love them so much, and it's like purely because my gut instinct and first thought was that I need to vote for this because I can force that fucking shitrag to look at those all day.
The hate I feel for Bakugou is paying my heating bills.

Anyway more people should vote for rainbow, tbh. It's the most cheerful and happy looking option.
[X][Mutation] Head Empty

I like the idea of not having irises or pupils.
It could have been much worse, yes.
Sorry if this is presumptuous, and you can feel free to say no, but I wanted to see if a write-in choice would allowable:

[X][Mutation] Pale Burst Void

Edit: Alright, got the okay so I'll put an X in the box. And also gonna approval vote for the regular Pale Burst.

[X][Mutation] Pale Burst
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Hm, would that there had been an option for Izuku's entire body to change in appearance to resemble a pleroma aeon, a humanoid outline comprised entirely of the starry night sky in which one could observe the dance of celestial bodies, planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies.
Hm, would that there had been an option for Izuku's entire body to change in appearance to resemble a pleroma aeon, a humanoid outline comprised entirely of the starry night sky in which one could observe the dance of celestial bodies, planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies.
That's a bit much for a starting effect. A heroic supermove however...
Hm, would that there had been an option for Izuku's entire body to change in appearance to resemble a pleroma aeon, a humanoid outline comprised entirely of the starry night sky in which one could observe the dance of celestial bodies, planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies.
We could always ask to do that. I thought about similar stuff on my grocery run. Like, but what if his hair had a calming view of some random galaxy? Or, what if the space sclera change over time/at random? Then some space nerd ends up saying, hey nice NGC 6357. It's fun because it means his eyes actually show random locations in space. Which is creepy, because why would it do that?

If his eyes have one of the green suns in them, and that's the only part that doesn't change, does that mean that Izuku's eyes are connected to some fucked up star traveling through the cosmos? Who knows. Don't think about it bro.