I really like the concept of the stary twinkling eyes, though the super wide eyes and smile that doesn't quite reach do make it look a tad creepy.
why do people think the eyes looks creepy?
i think they look cool
Creepy is cool. I would have voted for this option just for the eyes and I love it.

Its still existential horror.
interim image has been applied to sheet
Now I'm picturing Izuku literally growing a secondary skeleton within his body just so he can break extra bones. Though... I'm not sure if he technically has bones to break in the first place right now considering that he is a living stellar metaphor.
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I think some of the creepiness people are detecting might be from all the little white dots and how fast the green star people's flicker.

Also yeah so I think Bakugou being treated like a nothing asshole the moment he gets into highschool display exactly what's going on with him. A big fish in a small ass pond who gets his up until he leaves his social ecosystem. The guy who would peak in highschool irl. Unfortunately, there are plenty of schools where the adults help cultivate a situation where one particular kid gets horribly bullied. I was that kid. The notion that superpowers mean it's a villain training ground is... The kind of thing I'd expect a person who has no idea what that's like to write. Or someone who read one thing about gang recruitment, once.

But MHA also took steps back from Bakugou's initial characterization pretty fast, which iirc the mangaka actually talks about. He does apparently apologize? Anyway, I hate him, and I'd appreciate it if we all collectively vote to atomize his desk by accident. Mistake. Happenstance. :V
The notion that superpowers mean it's a villain training ground is... The kind of thing I'd expect a person who has no idea what that's like to write.
Yup. I've gotten weird looks from people when I say I empathize with Book!Harry for the abuse he suffered. I never got locked in a closet under the stairs, but I have more in common with him and Matilda than is comfortable.

Actually, yeah. Matilda is even better, because we're both bibliophiles—the only difference is that I escaped into fantasy, while she fantasized about escape.
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Yup. I've gotten weird looks from people when I say I empathize with Book!Harry for the abuse he suffered. I never got locked in a closet under the stairs, but I have more in common with him and Matilda than is comfortable.

Actually, yeah. Matilda is even better, because we're both bibliophiles—the only difference is that I escaped into fantasy, while she fantasized about escape.
Yep. Matilda is so good, and in hindsight it's basically a contender for healthiest power fantasy for any mistreated kids.
I don't mind the starry skies eyes.
But the in sync flickering stars come of as artificial, like a badly made animatronic.
I agree. Desync the sparkles and it'd be immensely and immediately better.

Edit: have them synchronize when we're angry or something and then the creep factor works for us!
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To give you a preview of the other options: "glowing green irises/pupils on a starry background" is basically all of them, there's just basically two different starry backgrounds and a bunch of different designs for the irises/pupils, with the twinkling design that was first posted here being one of several.
Since I am not quite at the point of being able to focus on this update at the moment, putting together a quirk minivote to handle things works.

[ ][Mutation] Pale Eyes

[ ][Mutation] Blue Starburst

[ ][Mutation] Pale Burst

[ ][Mutation] White Burst

[ ][Mutation] Current

[ ][Mutation] Head Empty

[ ][Mutation] Spiral

[ ][Mutation] Rainbow

[ ][Mutation] Gemstone Twinkle

[ ][Mutation] Gemstone V2

[ ][Mutation] Starry Eyed Youngster

[ ][Mutation] Sunny Boy

These are all the non-memes one that I came up with. And it's not past 1am for me. So have at it with the vote. My first ever gifs are among here, so no matter what I am proud of my own slowly increasing art skills.
I think Gemstone V2 is a good combination of the current while shifting it to have an iris.

Personally also like spiral and the lighting the stars offer.

If I had to have a third pick...pale eyes also looks good.

[X][Mutation] Gemstone V2

[X][Mutation] Spiral

[X][Mutation] Pale Eyes
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[X][Mutation] Blue Starburst
[X][Mutation] White Burst
[X][Mutation] Head Empty
All of the options discussed in the discord were "starry eyes" variants, I just happen to think some of them look really good, and this one looked creepy. Hopefully you'll like some of the other options better, too.
Huh. Alright. I keep forgetting that discord cabals exist.

[X][Mutation] Head Empty

I'm going with this option because it heightens the metaphor. Rather than showing a star its showing what a star sees: You are looking at a star and its us, not our eyes. Our eyes become the one dark spot on our body.
[X][Mutation] Pale Eyes

[X][Mutation] Pale Burst

[X][Mutation] Spiral

These are my top 3. I'd be happy if any one of these won.

[X] Pale Burst Void
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[X][Mutation] Pale Eyes
[X][Mutation] Current
[X][Mutation] Gemstone V2

I like these 3 best.

[X][Mutation] Head Empty

This one I'm adding just because it's disturbing in the best worst way.
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[X][Mutation] Gemstone V2
Really liking the desync on this one.

[X][Mutation] Head Empty
approval voting
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[X][Mutation] Gemstone V2

[X][Mutation] Head Empty
This feels best for me.
Having singly star in an empty void could also work, but if we have the star fields, i feel that having such obvious pupils just detracts from the design.