[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.

Revolution makes the world go round and round!
[X] Following behind baby steps – While you see merit in evolving out of the deadlock that wizardry has been kept in for a thousand years, you don't think it can be done all at once. You fear of getting to grow up a cog in the machine, like many free thinkers did before you, because you do not dare to think just big enough. But it is important to you to not have the world fall in chaos once magic is released into every corner of the realms.
Learning towards Magic without restriction or Baby steps. The magical world can't stay hidden forever, especially as Muggles continue to advance.

The two spells we just had displayed to us show that the magical world absolutely can stay hidden forever. One of them literally says "lmao" to cameras and satellites while the other not only hides you from sight, it makes people forget they saw you.

Let's not pretend that the muggle is the one putting anything other then trouble on the table in the hypothetical scenario where the statue of secrecy gets lifted. The intital poaching attempts are going to be crazy if they learn about the uses for Magical Plants and Animals, Envy and bigotry will rear their ugly heads and see millions move against anything magical, and then more then likely die in the process because most things in the magical world is hilariously deadly to Wizards and flat out unsurvivable for a muggle.
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[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.

2 feels vaguely paternalistic, and 3 feels even more so. I don't see why we get to decide for ourselves that muggles would be helpless therefore it's for their own good. They're already shat on from above with a fair amount of impunity, even with some laws against that. At least with 1 they'd know what's happening and could take some action themselves, instead of having to rely on the benevolence of good Wizards.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
There's a reason that wizards get to ignore the muggle world despite their ignorance of it, and that's because they brutally overpower it. Teleportation, mind control, invisibility... all easily within a wizards powers, all existential threats to muggle power.
You're not wrong in that Harry Potter magic is incredibly powerful but it's not divine Lord of the Rings style magic. It has rules and limitations. And a war isn't necessarily won with raw power. With the three examples you've brought up, I see enough holes that could downgrade their effectiveness.

For teleportation, the muggles could hang strings from the ceiling and make their rooms modular by having adjustable walls and furniture. Because a wizard has to visualize (be familiar with) the destination, their risk of splinching is increased.

Invisibility is an easy one. While the user may be invisible, they are not ethereal. They still interact with the world and can be detected with the right technologies. Imagine if every first world country adapted surveillance state tactics like we have in Chinese metropolitan areas.

Mind control is the most difficult to deal with. I actually can't think of any way for a baseline human to counter it thats not borderline science fiction. What I suspect would happen is that the chain of command would become less centralized. This is good in that the muggle forces would be less organized, but would make most diplomacy impossible. Any major change of policy in a leader would be suspect and the amount of distrust and fear this would cause would be more likely to start a nuclear holocaust than lead to a victory. At the least, we're looking at the breakdown of muggle society and it's institutions if that ability becomes known.

It's my opinion that most of the magical elements in the setting could be mitigated with the right tools and knowledge, or they have enough drawbacks or resource constraints, that it's not worth risking a trained witch or wizard in a war where they're probably outnumbered a hundred to one. The only way forward for a total victory for the Magical World is to hit hard and fast, and not let the muggle learn and adapt. It's getting that knowledge that will be hardest for the non-magicals… which is why it's good that the Magical World is full of bigots. It's a time honored tradition to hire one side to kill the other. For example, I imagine that there would be many muggleborns and squibs that initially side with the muggles, if just out of familial loyalty or spite, and the goblins are a wildcard that have a lot of information on their historic enemies.

Just saw the above post about the no-sell to satellites and cameras. I don't think that spell is canon but it makes sense that something like that must exist for the continuation of the setting past the 2020s. In that case, the muggles are fucked. They capitulate or get info from the goblin nation and just start dropping bombs.
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[X] Following behind baby steps – While you see merit in evolving out of the deadlock that wizardry has been kept in for a thousand years, you don't think it can be done all at once. You fear of getting to grow up a cog in the machine, like many free thinkers did before you, because you do not dare to think just big enough. But it is important to you to not have the world fall in chaos once magic is released into every corner of the realms.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
abolished more or less abruptly...
The points about Jacob being a 14 year old student is good, but let's take this thought further.

Right now the north and south Koreans live in separate worlds, right? The question we're asked is "what should the situation be in a perfect world?" Option one is "the people should be able to move freely" and option 2 is "improvements should be pursued till freedom can be established".

In an ideal world, what will you choose? Because option 3 "keep everything the same for fear of consequences" isn't what I want to work for.
Also we may want to start doing research on soul stuff like Horuxes etc and start preparing to kill the souleaters. Jacob's homoculus status and whatever his soul is seems to be slowly taking a greater part in the narrative. So best to use the leads we have to learn more about it.
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[X] Following behind baby steps

Im on with baby steps as i explained befor ww 3 would happen if the muggle learned about magic imagine all the old man that hear of the tale of the flamels that cheated death.Hire a wizard or burn enough until u get ur hands on the immortalty that u desire(like get the notes of nicolas at all cost) ... nah man trafficing would go up not just for magical creature but WIZARDS by themselves would be traffic target let me explain : Longer life span , can do shit with time and space, they can bend the free will of the people and to top it of cheat ceath if ur good enough wich elite in our time wouldnt want to have something like this ? And lets be real here if wizards are revelead it would led to expirements how they work how they can OBTAIN magic and as all the muggles would say it is for progress the minority doesnt count in a grand goal so yea expect lots of deaths. To highlight another point Jacob would become a dark lord if he tried this idea , why the wizard gov dont take kindly to the status of secrecy abolished and jacob would have to fight and rally because thats what would be the end game here, and not just against britain i think u guys underestimated how powerfull all of the wizards gov are just because britain is incompetent is not the rule for all wizards gov to be incompetent. He would be the new grindelwald with different ideals but basically for the magical community at large he would be the same a terrorist that wants to abolish the long held foundation of the wizarding world even the moderates like dumbelorde wont vibe with that ergo it means war when to ideas and perspectives cant find common ground it always comes to this espcially the gov as they are the ones that lose to much of it (authority, soft power ,hard power the list goess on).
Just my hot take on it take it with a grain of salt as i see evryone be like DREAM BIG and forget the ramification for it.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
He would be the new grindelwald with different ideals but basically for the magical community at large he would be the same a terrorist that wants to abolish the long held foundation of the wizarding world even the moderates like dumbelorde wont vibe with that ergo it means war when to ideas and perspectives cant find common ground it always comes to this espcially the gov as they are the ones that lose to much of it (authority, soft power ,hard power the list goess on).
That is not necessarily true, there have been critics and malcontents with the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy since its creation, and activists like Carlotta Pinkstone who want teel the muggles the existence of magic exist without being considered potential Dark Lords, a most they are considered minor annoyances.
Just my hot take on it take it with a grain of salt as i see evryone be like DREAM BIG and forget the ramification for it.
That is the whole point... Jacob is a teenager, he is at the age in which "Dream Big and Screw the Consequences" is the norm rather than the exception, once he older and more mature he can moderate his views like most teens do.
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[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.

One thing this chapter made me wonder is which is stronger? Imperio or Repello Muggletum? If I cast the latter on an area and then Imperius a Muggle to go into that area which spell triumphs over the other? Pretty sure either way it would break the Muggle's mind trying to accommodate two completely different orders.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.

paternalism is for cowards
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.

I do not see any of the three ways working out, to be honest. But I'd much rather be playing an idealistic extremist than a cautious realist.
[X] Following behind baby steps

Changing my vote to this, because I don't want the no-restriction-vote to win. That's countless Ariana Dumbledores waiting to happen.

Baby steps hopefully involve the opinion and vote of others.
Right now the north and south Koreans live in separate worlds, right? The question we're asked is "what should the situation be in a perfect world?" Option one is "the people should be able to move freely" and option 2 is "improvements should be pursued till freedom can be established".

"The people were allowed to move freely without any oversight and zero attempts to change how their cultures thought before that freedom. Now we're here for a historical view on the various firebombings, mass murders, thefts and sabotages that came about because of that."