We are so far ahead of the "cutting and measuring" part, we are still pretty much at the drawing board. And Flamel is right now planning to build three legendary items that belong to Death, he probably isn't against ambitious dreams.
[X] Magic without restriction

True, but I prefer the more cautious philosophical view the baby steps implies, so that's what I went with. I'm fine with either one at this point though.
Ironically, without restriction would be the best method to make them go extinct, once the kill the different craze starts.
This is a good point. And I'm sure the increase in demand won't help. It'd be interesting to see how factory/Big Ag farming would effect the potency of magical plants and animals. It would probably be similar to how we've cultivated better flavor in modern crops at the expense of nutritional value.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.

When thinking about this I just don't think keeping to the status quo or baby steps is actually something Jacob would do especially in light of his wand. He wants to practice his magic unrestrained and without barriers especially when he is going to be dealing with the fae at the outskirts of Hogwarts so such restrictions sound terrible to him. Besides Jacob is still a selfish individual, to be free and to have his own happiness is very important for him so, to contradict that is anathema to him just look at how powerful his magic and soul interacted with Fleur's. A homunculus and a part fae interacting in magic and soul will always have an interesting reaction.
[X] Following behind baby steps – While you see merit in evolving out of the deadlock that wizardry has been kept in for a thousand years, you don't think it can be done all at once. You fear of getting to grow up a cog in the machine, like many free thinkers did before you, because you do not dare to think just big enough. But it is important to you to not have the world fall in chaos once magic is released into every corner of the realms.
how we've cultivated better flavor in modern crops at the expense of nutritional value.
But this raises more questions. Through what mechanism do magical plants gain their magics? Is it genetic? Metaphysical? Something else? Have they already been selectively bred? Is there currently magical big AG?

I sketched out a HP fic and I had a plan for the characters to waste years trying to get enchantments to work, culminating in a final realization that enchantments are always limited by the craftsmen.

The twist would have been the realization that magical plants and animals can be scaled arbitrary with normal farm workers, and then develop a whole slew of freakish "magi-biotechnology" using that advantage.

Changes to the flavor profile of magical plants are the very smallest of changes we're looking at. There's a reason I'm comparing us to Prometheus.
But this raises more questions. Through what mechanism do magical plants gain their magics? Is it genetic? Metaphysical? Something else? Have they already been selectively bred? Is there currently magical big AG?

I sketched out a HP fic and I had a plan for the characters to waste years trying to get enchantments to work, culminating in a final realization that enchantments are always limited by the craftsmen.

The twist would have been the realization that magical plants and animals can be scaled arbitrary with normal farm workers, and then develop a whole slew of freakish "magi-biotechnology" using that advantage.

Changes to the flavor profile of magical plants are the very smallest of changes we're looking at. There's a reason I'm comparing us to Prometheus.
That's a great premise and I would love to read that fic. A semi-uplift fic where the complete nonsense logistics of the setting are addressed sounds dope.
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[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.

Go big or go home. The wizardly world is a very shitty place on a societal and political level, perhaps this is what both sides needs to get some real impetus for change.
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[X] Following behind baby steps

Neither side is anywhere ready for true revelation, work on improving matters and understanding first.
[X] Following behind baby steps – While you see merit in evolving out of the deadlock that wizardry has been kept in for a thousand years, you don't think it can be done all at once. You fear of getting to grow up a cog in the machine, like many free thinkers did before you, because you do not dare to think just big enough. But it is important to you to not have the world fall in chaos once magic is released into every corner of the realms.
[X] Following behind baby steps – While you see merit in evolving out of the deadlock that wizardry has been kept in for a thousand years, you don't think it can be done all at once. You fear of getting to grow up a cog in the machine, like many free thinkers did before you, because you do not dare to think just big enough. But it is important to you to not have the world fall in chaos once magic is released into every corner of the realms.
[X] Following behind baby steps

There's a reason that wizards get to ignore the muggle world despite their ignorance of it, and that's because they brutally overpower it. Teleportation, mind control, invisibility... all easily within a wizards powers, all existential threats to muggle power.

Jacob is torn between the idealistic and the careful here, but he is not a man to accept a status quo. The idealistic view certainly fits a 14 year old who is unsure if muggles are even intelligent, but I'm not sure that's who I want jacob to be.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
This is the choice most fitting for Jacob as a person, he's very idealistic. On a darker notes he's darwinistic enough to be okay with the negative consequences.
This convinced me, as it resonates with the feeling I've had several times from Jacob throughout the story.

[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
I feel people forget what wand we chose Jacob's allegiance to.

Fagus wood, Phoenix feather core, 12" long - The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond his or her years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to tame and to personalize, and their allegiance is usually hard won. (Wand only available due to chosen origin. +5 to all spellcasting. If too many actions are taken that speak against the ideals of the wand, the wand will mark you unworthy and lose the bonus)

The very essence of our wand is to dream and push the boundaries of reality. Why should Jacob feel that it is his burden to be incremental in his steps when the people he acknowledges as his mentors will never have it. His mother escaped her home to be free and look at her now a great artist of international renown. While his father believes the strong should guide the weak but never coddle them. Perenelle believed that to be great, sacrifices had to be made just look at the Philosopher's Stone and Jacob himself. Nicholas in his dying days still believed in his abilities to challenge Death by recreating the Deathly Hallows where the first owners died by treachery, madness and grief, and dying on his own terms which he wants the third one. Why should we moderate when those he looks up to never would? Even if there is chaos then others can rise up to the occassion even muggles to take control and build upon the actions of dreamers.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
[x] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.
[X] Magic without restriction – Magic is inherent to anything you have dear. Even if someone is not capable of contributing to this world, it is neither in your nor in their interest to have the realms apart. You want any restriction to be fully abolished. Whatever happens in the aftermath is inevitable for the growth that the world will come to see. Giants, Meerpeople, Thestrals and all wonderful magical beings and creatures should roam the world as they please.

The moderate side has made some very good points. Both ourselves and our father underestimate the blood, sweat, and tears this may cause, and have a clearly out-of-touch view of Muggle capabilities and viewpoints at best. It would indeed be rational to be cautious and incrementally change the status quo. We don't even yet have the abilities to really make this goal happen, in any case.

However, the way I ultimately see it is thus: We are a mad science experiment raised to be the ultimate mad scientist. We are more or less a Homunculus from Fullmetal Alchemist. We were born to throw open the gates of society, nay, reality, and dare it to stop us.
[X] Magic without restriction

We can argue the merit of which choice is smarter with better long term consequences, but it's pretty clear in terms of characterization that this option fits Jacob more.
Food for thought...

The border between North and South Korea is abolished more or less abruptly...

The twist, North Korea has magic.
[X] Following behind baby steps

Idk, feel like there's lots of magical species that would get hunted to extinction or otherwise die out if the wider world suddenly knew about them.
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