Son of Death (30k Mortarion Quest)

[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

Camaraderie is a close second but I feel like Humility is what Morty would most want to see here. None of the Overlords ever displayed it, nor would they deign to.
I mean, I feel the most effective request, both for Mortarion and the Emperor, is...

[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

Mortarion himself has seen both sides of the coin for both Camraderie and Resiliance, from the Overlords and from the people below, but Humility? That's what sets apart a leader and an Overlord in Mortarion's eyes I believe, since the Overlords, while cognizant of their limitations, saw the world as fundamentally theirs, something I don't think Mortarion could accept.

OOC it's liable to serve as a small reminder to Not-As-Big E about who he's (supposedly) fighting for beyond himself, and who the people under him are fighting for.
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?
This will be hilarious.
[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?

As amusing (not) as it would be to see Mortarion's revulsion at the empty vessels that are Custodes, this is something I would have loved to see.
I don't care for Humility because out of character we know he has, The Emperor has been alive since like the late stone age, he's had to have mundane jobs at some point.

Did you miss the part where Maugan noted that this Emperor isn't the Perpetual Of All Time, Destined Foe of the Chaos Gods? specifically so that his insane paranoia and dismissiveness about the Warp made more sense.
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
[] Resilience. Together, Father and Son climb the highest peaks of Barbarus, testing themselves and each other in the purest expression of body and will.

"Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them."

[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
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[X] Humility. The Emperor may wage war on the stars and rule over billions, but has he ever laboured for his bread?
[x] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?

I am soooooo tempted by humility.
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star? am I. God, one of the latter two.
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
You are silent. What do you say to that? What does he mean brothers? There are others like you. Of course there are, there have to be, if he could make one like you then it stands to reason he would make others. None of your kin stand on Barbarus, but perhaps they had trials of their own, crucibles to forge their bodies and temper their wills. What must they be like? How much of you is inherent, and how much the product of this land that taught you all you cared to learn?
Oh, Mortarion, those thoughts will die a quick, silent death five minutes after you meet the wonderful personalities that are your brothers.
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?
[x] Resilience. Together, Father and Son climb the highest peaks of Barbarus, testing themselves and each other in the purest expression of body and will.
[X] Camaraderie. It was mortal men that scaled the peaks of Barbarus and followed Mortarion into battle. What manner of men have followed the Emperor to this star?