Why do people want to brew the Uncommon Antidote this turn? I don't see the reason, and I don't think we have enough money for the ingredients.

Anyway, even if we can dodge stress penalties this turn I don't think we should fully abandon social interaction and being a normal person.
That's a pretty poor defense tbh. Yeah, it took the strongest wizard out for three weeks but if he'd tried to handle that thing solo the damage would probably have been worse.
No, in the Sally-Anne's case Dumbledore, with his long exposure to her magic and his own strong connection, was situated badly.
My original comment was partly a joke, but my point is that the last few months were a grand lesson of the failing of admired adults for Jacob.
No, in the Sally-Anne's case Dumbledore, with his long exposure to her magic and his own strong connection, was situated badly.
My original comment was partly a joke, but my point is that the last few months were a grand lesson of the failing of admired adults for Jacob.
True. I'd rather not get into the habit of not calling for backup from objectively stronger and experienced wizards but that's a lesson I am imagining Jacob will learn the hard way
Why do people want to brew the Uncommon Antidote this turn? I don't see the reason, and I don't think we have enough money for the ingredients.

Anyway, even if we can dodge stress penalties this turn I don't think we should fully abandon social interaction and being a normal person.

I think people want it just to have it as a precaution.
What if we tell Remus about Peter?
He knows about the animagus stuff, so he would come to the rat = Petey conclusion faster than we could

Can we advertise for doing alchemy commissions?
Make money/
Help us learn different alchemy recipes, and possibly help us with learning alchemy through experience
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[X] Plan Combat Training
-[X] LOCKED: Case V: The Search for Sirius Black (2 Actions [1 Action in May, 1 Action in June]) - There is a dangerous criminal on the loose, and it is your job to track him down. Sirius Black is a wanted man, and it is believed that he may be hiding out close to the castle. No one should get near, there is danger at all steps. You are determined to find him. You know that Black is cunning and resourceful, and you will have to use all of your acquired abilities and detective skills to track him down. With your determination and intelligence, you are confident that you will be able to solve this case and bring Black to justice.
-[X] Random Encounter – Just… Go and live your life. You don't need to plan everything in your life out.
-[X] Write a Letter (Free Action) – Jacob's Dad updating him on what Jacob has been doing, including his investigation.
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Build Or Tame- [Ghost Goggles] x5, but if finished early:
--[X] Overdrive applicable: Do your researchImmobulus, Diffindo, Expelliarmus (Deep Understanding)
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Train, Learn, Achieve – [Creativity to 6, DADA to A+, Legilimency to P-, Care of Magical Creatures (Remainder)] x4 in order
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Train, Learn, Achieve- [Stamina]

The idea of the plan is to build the Ghost Goggles. If the rolls go well, also learn combat spells that will help. Also, increase Jacob's highest combat skill to A+ to get to E- with the Ravenclaw bonus. If the rolls go well, build up Legilimency and Care of Magical Creatures, which will be needed in the coming year for further adventures.

Also, training Stamina since it is physically a fairly inactive plan. Need to keep Jacob at least somewhat physically active.
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Jacob has grown a lot as a person over this quest and I really love how that's captured. The scene with the Dementor was really sad it showed just how much what Perenelle told Jacob on her death bed effected him. Sirius seems to be in a really bad place which sucks maybe when the case is over Jacob could brew him some Poción Vital to help him rebuild himself physically. The creation of the Map was great it shows how much Jacob has grown magically plus his True Ravenclaw trait evolved into Wide-Eyed Seeker.

-[X] Completing the Case
[X] LOCKED: Case V: The Search for Sirius Black (2 Actions [1 Action in May, 1 Action in June]
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn Animagus
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Werewolves
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn what a Secret Keeper is
-[X] Ghostly Goggles x 5, if finished early, do more Training (Requires Alchemy and Ancient Runes skill of at least P), DC: 400.
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Train, Learn, Achieve- [Stamina]

--[X] Overdrive applicable: Learning x3 In Order (Immobulus, Diffindo, Expelliarmus (Deep Understanding))

This makes it so Jacob looks into all aspects of the Case, he learns more about Animagus and Werewolves both of which he will be needing to deal with and he will gain another layer of understanding of the situation by learning what a Secret Keeper is. (Would be really awkward if people where yelling about Secret Keepers while Jacob has no clue what that is) Ghostly Googles are really useful helping with both combat and tracking, also they interact with Dementors which Jacob likely won't see for a long time after this turn.
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I can't remember, what are these goggles and why are we crafting them? They don't seem to have anything to do with the case.
Ghostly GogglesMagical Item. You now have a much higher understanding about what it is to be a ghost. For a second, you walked in their shoes and looked through their eyes. They live in a spectrum of the world far different to yours, bridging between the here and the there as most of their magic has passed on and some of their soul stayed behind. You may be able to build something that did the same; give an item magic and then simulate the process the Grey Lady let you feel. Simulate the process of dying and give yourself the ability to see between the living- and the afterlife. [While wearing Ghostly Goggles; Allows you to see the spirits of the living; Gain a +5 in combat against creatures; Gain the ability to see a form of afterimages as footprints that living creatures leave behind; Gain the ability to see living things through walls; ?? when interacting with Dementors ??] (Requires Alchemy and Ancient Runes skill of at least P), DC: 400.
The dementors will be gone when Black is caught or declared not guilty.

So people want to find out what the ?? when interacting with Dementors is.

It also is a useful tracking tool, so it has some utility for the case, though admittedly it's secondary.
I think people want it just to have it as a precaution.
That doesn't alter the fact that we can't afford it. The cost is 2 Galleons per vial, and we don't even have 2 Galleons right now.

Though hmm, an idea for money making, could we sell Acromantula Venom? It is described as "Highly valuable" after all. Right now we have 7 vials, and from the looks of it, it will be actually pretty easy for us to acquire going forward.

Wasn't it something like 100 Galleons per vial to buy? Even if we don't get that full price selling it we should still get a lot.

The right charms could make hunting more Acromantula much less dangerous too. Like the Protego mastery. Being able to get hundreds of Galleons per action would be way better the the couple dozen we can expect from Business School of Hogsmeade.
I'm arriving a bit late here, but can we learn and brew Pocion Vital this turn?
Poción Vital - Also known as a variety of the potion of vitality in the western parts of Europe, is a potion that strengthens the drinker's constitutional development. When brewed correctly it turns into a dark blue liquid. It is often prescribed to wizards after heavy injuries or prisoners after long sentences to facilitate their recovery. Raises Rolls to training Constitution by 20% when taken. Cost for ingredients: 5 Galleons per vial, DC: 75.
We now have very good evidence that Sirius Black is *not* a murderer (his victim is alive!) and we know that he's very weakened by his imprisonment.
And I'd like to think Jacob is both enough of a planner to prepare for that, and well-meaning enough that he would want to help Black.
I think that we have finished the checklist for what we need to learn for exams, right?

[X] Case focus empathy
-[X] LOCKED: Case V: The Search for Sirius Black (2 Actions [1 Action in May, 1 Action in June]
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Animagus
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Werewolves
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn what a Secret Keeper is
-[X] Ghostly Goggles x 5, if finished early, do more Learning spells (Requires Alchemy and Ancient Runes skill of at least P), DC: 400.
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Train, Learn, Achieve- [
--[X] Overdrive applicable: Learning x3 (Immobulus, Accio, Expelliarmus (Deep Understanding))

I think @ArcanaVitae has the right idea with his plan. But personally I think that Empathy would help us more over stamina in this case. (Also favoring Accio over Diffindo)
Huh, I guess I misread that. Whoops.

Still, I don't think the antidote is a good action use right now. We aren't expecting to encounter anything we will need it for next turn.
Probably made the same mistake as me in accidentally looking at the exchange rate instead of the actual funds. I've done that a few times.
As I said above, we could do a solid to Sirius Black by offering him a potion that is specifically noted to be good for recovering from prison. Let's not waste the opportunity!

[X] Plan: Goggles with Sirius Black's Poción Vital
-[X] LOCKED: Case V: The Search for Sirius Black (2 Actions [1 Action in May, 1 Action in June])
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Brew (Poción Vital)
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Animagi
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Werewolves
-[X] Actions 5 + 4 = 9
--[X] Ghostly Goggles x 5, if finished early, do more Learning spells (Requires Alchemy and Ancient Runes skill of at least P), DC: 400.
--[X] Overdrive applicable: Learning x4 (Immobulus, Poción Vital, Diffindo, Incendio (Deep Understanding), Reducio, Expelliarmus (Deep Understanding))
[x] Plan Goggles On, Find Black
-[X] LOCKED: Case V: The Search for Sirius Black (2 Actions [1 Action in May, 1 Action in June])
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Animagus (how do you become one, limitations, examples, etc.)
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Visit with Professor Lupin - Lupin is the one person in the castle that has intimate knowledge of Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Perhaps he can help make the pieces of this mystery fall into place.
-[X] Random Encounter – Just… Go and live your life. You don't need to plan everything in your life out.
-[x]x9 personal actions.
--[x] Train Constitution x1
--[x] Legilimency & Occlumency x1
--[x] Work on x 7 (Ghostly Goggles, Immobulus, Diffindo, Waddiwasi (Basic Understanding), Incendio (Deep Understanding), Accio, Reducio, Expelliarmus (Deep Understanding))

Here's my plan. Reasoning as follows:

For the Normal Actions, finish the case of course, followed by learning more about Animagi, as it is now clear to Jacob that Sirius is one. Hopefully it will also spark Jacob's interest in becoming one as well. I wasn't going to include the Werewolf option, but it is pretty clear from the text of the last chapter that Jacob still has some questions and uncertainties about how Lupin's condition plays into all of this. So it makes sense for him to look deeper. Round that all off with a Random Encounter and that is 4 Normal Actions spent.

As for the Personal Actions, training Constitution because it is the easiest stat to train with a DC 20 (because of the Hagrid's friend Perk), it is needed in order to learn to Apparate, and with the boots Jacob's Constitution is added to his Combat which he will probably be in soon. The Mind Arts because I think it would help Jacob if he encounters Dementors (there was some text about him trying to center himself when they approached in the last chapter), his dad asked about his progress in the last letter he sent, and because Jacob needs to keep working on it for when he eventually goes back to the Lake. And if the Soul Snatcher's is any indication, being in the presence of Dementors will likely trigger a Mind Arts check and I'm sure they are getting hungry and frustrated being at Hogwarts all year, so putting some work in there seems like a decent idea. The last 8 Personal actions are spent on working on the Goggles, followed by various spells that should help in dueling. I put Expelliarmus last because with Immobulus it becomes a bit less of a priority compared to other spells that give a bit more utility.


Edit: It was brought up that Jacob has both read up on Werewolves and had the class that Snape taught about them. So researching Werewolves won't give much when Jacob has already done so. Therefore, I changed the Werewolf research action to going to see Lupin. Maybe a meeting with him can help provide context for Jacob.
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We are getting only one single point for the rolls in Occlumency and Constitution I would go entirely for Spells If I were you.
I put the low DC spells first. I think it makes more sense to get a point in the Mind Arts and Constitution than to try for another spell with a higher DC, roll a 30, and then not get it. And we do need to keep working at them. Every little bit helps.

Edit: Also, a single point can help. For the last roll session, there was a DC 40 and Jacob rolled a 40 to just squeak in. Not everything is won by a wide margin.
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Ok, this is my plan, the main difference with the other plans is that I am using one of the actions to try to talk with Lupin... It may come to nothing but if it works we can make our adventure significantly easier...
The rest is pretty standard, learn about werewolves, animagus, and use 9 personal actions to get the googles and as many useful spells that we can...

[x] Plan Googles, Lupin, and Black
-[X] LOCKED: Case V: The Search for Sirius Black (2 Actions [1 Action in May, 1 Action in June])
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Visit with Professor Lupin - Lupin is the one person in the castle that has intimate knowledge of Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Perhaps he can help make the pieces of this mystery fall into place.
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Animagus
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Werewolves
-[x]x9 personal actions.
--[x] Work on x9 (Ghostly Goggles, Immobulus, Diffindo, Waddiwasi (Basic Understanding), Reducio, Incendio (Deep Understanding) Expelliarmus (Deep Understanding), Flipendo (Deep Understanding), Accio )
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I think we should talk to remus, cause I want to see what would happen if we tell him about peter, so I'm going to vote for the plan that does it.

[x] Plan Googles, Lupin, and Black

but I do think we should train constitution, so we can hit the requirements for apparation
and a random encounter couldn't hurt.