[x] Plan Goggles On, Find Black
-[X] LOCKED: Case V: The Search for Sirius Black (2 Actions [1 Action in May, 1 Action in June])
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Learn about Animagus (how do you become one, limitations, examples, etc.)
-[X] Overdrive applicable: Do Something! Visit with Professor Lupin - Lupin is the one person in the castle that has intimate knowledge of Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew. Perhaps he can help make the pieces of this mystery fall into place.
-[X] Random Encounter – Just… Go and live your life. You don't need to plan everything in your life out.
-[x]x9 personal actions.
--[x] Train Constitution x1
--[x] Legilimency & Occlumency x1
--[x] Work on x 7 (Ghostly Goggles, Immobulus, Diffindo, Waddiwasi (Basic Understanding), Incendio (Deep Understanding), Accio, Reducio, Expelliarmus (Deep Understanding))
Here's my plan. Reasoning as follows:
For the Normal Actions, finish the case of course, followed by learning more about Animagi, as it is now clear to Jacob that Sirius is one. Hopefully it will also spark Jacob's interest in becoming one as well. I wasn't going to include the Werewolf option, but it is pretty clear from the text of the last chapter that Jacob still has some questions and uncertainties about how Lupin's condition plays into all of this. So it makes sense for him to look deeper. Round that all off with a Random Encounter and that is 4 Normal Actions spent.
As for the Personal Actions, training Constitution because it is the easiest stat to train with a DC 20 (because of the Hagrid's friend Perk), it is needed in order to learn to Apparate, and with the boots Jacob's Constitution is added to his Combat which he will probably be in soon. The Mind Arts because I think it would help Jacob if he encounters Dementors (there was some text about him trying to center himself when they approached in the last chapter), his dad asked about his progress in the last letter he sent, and because Jacob needs to keep working on it for when he eventually goes back to the Lake. And if the Soul Snatcher's is any indication, being in the presence of Dementors will likely trigger a Mind Arts check and I'm sure they are getting hungry and frustrated being at Hogwarts all year, so putting some work in there seems like a decent idea. The last 8 Personal actions are spent on working on the Goggles, followed by various spells that should help in dueling. I put Expelliarmus last because with Immobulus it becomes a bit less of a priority compared to other spells that give a bit more utility.
Edit: It was brought up that Jacob has both read up on Werewolves and had the class that Snape taught about them. So researching Werewolves won't give much when Jacob has already done so. Therefore, I changed the Werewolf research action to going to see Lupin. Maybe a meeting with him can help provide context for Jacob.