Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[X] [Empress] A small gift of great value to you
[X] [Social] Ledaal Anay
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork

[X] [Social] Ledaal Anay
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] Tepet Usala
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits

This is the path we have chosen, more than individual spell work, and thus takes a higher priority. One of our goals is the improvement of Verdigris, and another to bind more spirit snakes to our service. This is conductive to both. Eyes on the prise people.

[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera

We won't fair much better, but it will spur Ambraea to train more.

[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi

Amiti says we'd like her, and I'm of a mind to find out, and mutually exalted twins are rare.
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits

[X] [Social] Tepet Usala
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera
[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
As you pass one such arch, you briefly eye one of its large, marble pillars, and have to refrain from rubbing at your nose in a distant memory of pain. From her place beside and slightly behind you, Peony follows your gaze. The trace of a smile on her lips is so faint that no one could have credibly chided her for it.

Hah, had to go reread the Peony POV where this came up, and now I want a Demure Peomy, Best Handmaiden quest.

[x] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork

Snake witch boosts.

[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] Tepet Usala
This is the path we have chosen, more than individual spell work, and thus takes a higher priority. One of our goals is the improvement of Verdigris, and another to bind more spirit snakes to our service. This is conductive to both. Eyes on the prise people.
The prize smells like criticism of our relationship with Diamond-Cut Perfection.
[x] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork
- Emerald Circle Sorcery (initiate before end of first year) COMPLETED IN YEAR 1
- Discover a rare spell COMPLETED IN YEAR 2

- A Heart That Hides the Deepest Dark (resolve romantic tension with Maia)
- The Serpent Witch (long term growth direction)
-- More snakes
-- Upgrade Verdigris
-- Establish a reputation
I'd suggest dropping spellwork. We already completed rare spell, which leave our remaining goals as things which involve spirits. best to get this advice and ease the next steps.

The prize smells like criticism of our relationship with Diamond-Cut Perfection.
Thats ego talking. That just because the empress has been an accomplished sorceress for more than 50 years for every year Ambraea has been alive doesn't mean she doesn't have usefull insights, is rather narrow minded. This is a positive thing meant to further Ambraea's studies. No need to get defensive. The Empress has made deals with far more capricious and deadly creatures than Diamond Cut perfection probably every century the empire has existed.
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Thats ego talking. That just because the empress has been an accomplished sorceress for more than 50 years for every year Ambraea has been alive doesn't mean she doesn't have usefull insights, is rather narrow minded. This is a positive thing meant to further Ambraea's studies. No need to get defensive. The Empress has made deals with far more capricious and deadly creatures than Diamond Cut perfection probably every century the empire has existed.
From the update:
The Empress will give you something you do not want, which will cause you pain. Because she cares.
My suspicion is that the vote result will contextualize the pain she inflicts.
"At this moment, my lady, I couldn't possibly tell you."

I have never heard anyone say "You're so full of shit" quite that politely.

Peony is best girl.

Too bad she's stressing about the new reminder of Ambraea's career and how it could place her soul in peril for unseemly fraternization with spirits, if only by association. Or, you know, about how she'd have to fly on a fucking dragon for a week straight from time to time.

Admittedly, you do not -- the Imperial City's great buildings and major streets are cleverly arranged to present a view worthy of the Realm's crowning glory to those of means. From above, though, you can see what had always been hidden from you, even from the highest towers of the Palace: Thousands upon thousands of homes crammed in amidst factories, workshops, slaughterhouses, and all the other small and petty drudgeries that make a city run. Teaming masses of peasant laborers and beasts of burden and slaves throng in those narrow streets, making up the lion's share of the more than a million souls living within the Imperial City's protection.

Ah, the ever present realities of big cities, hidden away from the princess.
More literally than in the most cases, thoguh.

It isn't really discomfort you're feeling. Just surprise. Inside your coat, Verdigris stirs, nuzzling a scaly head against you. You ignore Perfection's laughter in your head, and try to join Peony in simply taking in the view.

Is she, like, dissociating?

Y'know, I feel like from in-character perspective, Ambraea didn't quite think through when she asked for Perfection's help to reach the capital as fast as possible.

on the one hand, she gets to ( hopefully, maybe, somewhat, ) impress her mother, on the other, she gets to see her mother that much sooner.

I wouldn't say she's the blight upon Ambraea's existence, exactly, but she's certainly not winning any mom of the year awards, except, like, ironically.

As you pass one such arch, you briefly eye one of its large, marble pillars, and have to refrain from rubbing at your nose in a distant memory of pain. From her place beside and slightly behind you, Peony follows your gaze. The trace of a smile on her lips is so faint that no one could have credibly chided her for it.

Ah, an old friend who was here for her when Ambraea underwent a dramatic discovery that shifted her worldview. Always such a pleasure to reunite with them years later.

[X] [Empress] Advice on the advancement of your spellwork
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
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[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
My suspicion is that the vote result will contextualize the pain she inflicts.
I think it's the opposite. the vote is more of a consolation prize. Something Ambraea gains in perfunctory small talk leading up to the Empress hurting her, which is a set and decided thing as a result of our actions this year.

As for the actual hurting, I have two theories. One, she's pulling strings and arranging a roommate swap, specifically moving Maia out. Two, an outright betrothal, with all the bells and whistles, binding her to a powerful house. Ambraea has focused on her sorcery with less consideration than perhaps was expected of her on political matters, with thes incident involving darting fish being the last straw and her mother may be stepping in one way or another to "Correct" things "For her own good" as it were.
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I honestly will be relieved if it's just some small shit like a betrothal.

It would suck, yes, but it can be potentially worked around or accommodated if both parties agree, and OOC it's not like the Empress is going to be around to enforce it in the future, so it's up to Ambraea whether she goes with it or makes several political blunders in an attempt to extricate herself from it causing a powerful house of noble stature to resent her during a period of great upheaval.

But it will be okay, because she's going to do it for great love. Great love and great old ultraviolence, the superior motive forces of the Exalted-verse.

But yeah, Big Red E can fuck up Ambraea's life way, way harder than just a political match without even trying to. She's the ultimate expression of my previous opinion on Peony: Peony is quite possibly very wise in feeling discomfort and fear around Ambraea, because their station and personal power are so dissimilar that Ambraea can hurt her without meaning to, and there's basically no realistic recourse for her if it happens. Ambraea will be sorry, of course, but especially if it was an accident, any restitutions would likely be either disproportionate due to their status or posthumous.

Empress isn't going to, like, accidentally murder Ambraea, of course, but also nobody is going to give her literally any shit for doing whatever the fuck she wants to, much less for whatever she thinks is best for her daughter. So the possibilities are boundless and terrifying, if constrained by my imagination inasmuch as I don't believe it's going to be physical, much.

So yeah, tldr, emotional scars ahoy!
It would be very easy to just say yes. But if you can't be entirely honest here with her, where could you ever be? You glance away from her, studying the pattern of sunlight on the brightly patterned carpet. Then, fighting not to swallow the words, you make yourself say: "I'm... afraid."

"Of seeing your mother?" It's not really a question that this is what you meant, but she seems to know you need the prompting. You feel her arms slip around you again — this time, she sits up straighter, and draws you in. It's a startling feeling to be the one being held like this. You don't pull away.
God, they're so fucking good together. I love them.
Maia nods. Her mood has definitely fallen, presumably because of the farewell. "Good luck on your journey," she says. "I hope— Wait!" This last word is accompanied by her diving half off the bed to snatch something up from the floor, holding it out to you hilt first.

"A knife?" you ask, examining it with a perplexed air. The blade is both slender and flat, designed to be easily concealed. You don't test the edge — you know how Maia keeps any blade she carries.

"Well, it's, um... my favourite knife!" she says, face colouring. "This would be a great time to have some kind of meaningful piece of jewelry I could give you and say, 'wear this over your heart', but, uh... this is what I have onhand."

You look up from the little knife and smile. "I'll be sure to wear this over my heart, then," you say.

So fuckin' cute I stg.
The monk gives you a respectful bow. "They alarmed some of the local farmers when they flew in," she says. "I have been trying to ask after the reason for their presence here unannounced."

"And, I told you, I was waiting for a friend," Perfection says. They twine a finger through their white-blonde hair, their smile as flawless as it is insufferable. "Hello, Ambraea. You look lovely this morning."
"And thank goodness you're here to smooth this all over. And to think, when we first met, you asked why I wanted to make a pact with you in particular." The scale around your neck goes subtly colder as Perfection's voice speaks in your head. They sound so pleased with themself that you briefly entertain the fantasy of telling the monk that they're a dangerous criminal.
DCP is entertaining as always.

...You know, it occurs to me that DCP's characterization actually has quite a bit in common with Deiza's. I can't help but imagine they'd get along like a house on fire, to Ambraea's profound horror.

It's really interesting to see how Ambraea's rigid understanding of social roles shapes her respective reactions to them, also; DCP is a spirit, who are expected to be unruly and improper creatures, and so Ambraea sees DCP's behavior as the annoying but ultimately more amusing/endearing quirks of a friend than as actually offensive. Whereas Deiza is a Dynastic lady, which to Ambraea means a need to adhere to a very rigid set of cultural expectations.

Honestly, I wonder if Ambraea's instinctive reaction to Deiza isn't on some level at least partially motivated by subconscious resentment that she can feel this free to be unbound by the expectations of others, which has literally never been an option for Ambraea with her parentage.
It's late morning when you finally arrive, less than a week after you set out, a pace which Perfection smugly describes as "leisurely".
Seriously though, DCP is a smug icon. Best dragon.
You pick out plazas and avenues you've been borne through, each lined with splendor hard won from every Direction -- temples to defeated gods, captured monuments turned into trophies of conquest, the shattered remnants of manses and palaces rendered into paving stones at your mother's command. And there, shining like a jewel at the city's heart behind high walls and gates gleaming with jade, is the Imperial Palace -- the truest home you've ever known.
It's interesting to see the framing of the Realm's foundation of bloody-handed conquest as the unambiguously positive history of hard-won accomplishments. But I suppose conquest usually looks glorious from the perspective of the victors.
Of course there's nothing wrong. You're looking down at the greatest city in all Creation from a vantage that few have ever gotten to see. It's merely... different, from how you normally see it.

"Oh, I see!" they say. "You don't normally see those parts, do you?"

Admittedly, you do not -- the Imperial City's great buildings and major streets are cleverly arranged to present a view worthy of the Realm's crowning glory to those of means. From above, though, you can see what had always been hidden from you, even from the highest towers of the Palace: Thousands upon thousands of homes crammed in amidst factories, workshops, slaughterhouses, and all the other small and petty drudgeries that make a city run. Teaming masses of peasant laborers and beasts of burden and slaves throng in those narrow streets, making up the lion's share of the more than a million souls living within the Imperial City's protection.

It isn't really discomfort you're feeling. Just surprise. Inside your coat, Verdigris stirs, nuzzling a scaly head against you. You ignore Perfection's laughter in your head, and try to join Peony in simply taking in the view.
"'I'm not uncomfortable, I'm just surprised,' says deeply uncomfortable local Dynast.

Nice to see that Ambraea's ability to maintain denial of her true feelings even in her internal monologue remains intact. Which is cute, but also kinda sad tbh.
"Excellent timing," you tell the officer, as if your presence here is entirely normal and expected, "I have urgent business at the Palace, and require proper transportation. I trust you will see it arranged?"
I do really enjoy Ambraea leaning into her sorcerous flexing.
Your mother's presence has always been overwhelming, the sheer weight of her attention like a vast bonfire — the palace itself often felt a little like that to you, whether or not she was in it at any given time. Like the very architecture of the place had taken on some of her essential being. Now, far more attuned to the mystical energies of the world than you had been when you last walked these halls, you recognise that this was never your imagination. Her sorcery permeates every part of the vast building, the power of it a constant background hum.
Really helps paint a picture of what a vacuum at the heart of the Realm the Empress' sudden disappearance will leave.
Her tone is deferential but confident. As a deputy to the Keeper of the First Imperial Seal.
"As a deputy to the Keeper of the First Imperial Seal." doesn't really seem like a complete sentence. I think it should be something more like "As expected for a [etc.]." Or just merge the sentences but swap the order, so it's "As a deputy to the Keeper of the First Imperial Seal, her tone is deferential but confident."
"She will send for you at her convenience, but I shouldn't expect that to be before tomorrow."

You don't resent that — it gives you a chance to be clean, rested, and fed by the time you face your mother. "Of course," you say, "I am happy to await her pleasure."
Pretty sure "you don't resent that" is about as accurate as "you're not uncomfortable" was.
As you pass one such arch, you briefly eye one of its large, marble pillars, and have to refrain from rubbing at your nose in a distant memory of pain. From her place beside and slightly behind you, Peony follows your gaze. The trace of a smile on her lips is so faint that no one could have credibly chided her for it.
HAH. I see Ambraea still remembers walking face-first into a pillar because she was awestruck by a pretty girl.
"And I would hope that a sense of duty and dedication are the other half," he says, releasing you, "and not that V'neef woman putting you on your back in a practice bout?"

"I was hoping that you hadn't heard of that."

"Please," Nazat says, wandering over to one of your cabinets to look for something to drink, "I keep an ear out for news of you. And it's really nothing to be ashamed of, losing to a swordswoman like V'neef S'thera at age sixteen. I haven't met her, but her reputation speaks for itself."

"So I understand," you say. You don't voice the snide remark that comes to mind, about S'thera's 'reputation' being as much for putting women on their backs in another way as it was for swordswomanship. It would make you seem like a sore loser, after all. And you're here talking to your father.
She's such a fucking sore loser lmao.
At length, however, Nazat speaks to you: "I don't promise that I'll follow most of it — I had a cousin who attended the Mandir of Sixfold Insight, and half the things he talked about afterward went entirely over my head. But I would not mind hearing what your time at school has been like."

"I write letters," you tell him.

"You write letters like you're dictating a shopping list," Nazat says, faintly amused, "it reminds me of your grandmother. Please, indulge me."

"As you wish, then," you say. And so you tell him about your year, the wine and the quiet comfort of his company helping to ease your anxieties about tomorrow. Between this and Lohna, you're finally, truly able to feel like you're home, at least for a little while.
I do like her relationship with her dad.
I'd suggest dropping spellwork. We already completed rare spell, which leave our remaining goals as things which involve spirits. best to get this advice and ease the next steps.
Honestly, I'd totally forgotten about that list of goals - good catch. Yeah, with that in mind I think the spirit-binding advice is the way to go.

[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits

[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi

Meeting the twin of Best Girl contender Amiti would be interesting.

[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera

Ambraea being a terrible loser will never not be funny to me.
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] V'neef S'thera

Yeah, okay, so Fayhem's post influenced me. Consider me influenced.
[X] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] Mnemon Rulinsei
[x] [Empress] Advice on binding and treating with spirits
[x] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[x] [Social] V'neef S'thera
I think it's the opposite. the vote is more of a consolation prize. Something Ambraea gains in perfunctory small talk leading up to the Empress hurting her, which is a set and decided thing as a result of our actions this year.

As for the actual hurting, I have two theories. One, she's pulling strings and arranging a roommate swap, specifically moving Maia out. Two, an outright betrothal, with all the bells and whistles, binding her to a powerful house. Ambraea has focused on her sorcery with less consideration than perhaps was expected of her on political matters, with thes incident involving darting fish being the last straw and her mother may be stepping in one way or another to "Correct" things "For her own good" as it were.
Expanding on this, I'll say given her seniority and wisdom it's reasonable for the empress to have criticism of spellcast, spirits, and the same is probably true of whatever the gift covers. These are things Ambraea wouldn't be particularly surprised to have brought up, and ultimately she is prepared to be found wanting. To hurt her the empress would have to strike from a durection she isn't expecting. She's been fretting all week about her performance as a student of sorcery, so even if she's wounded by her mothers words, it's not one likely to scar, which is why I believe this is about Ambraea the daughter of the empress rather than Ambraea the Sorceress.

I honestly will be relieved if it's just some small shit like a betrothal.
Depends on the betrothal. A poorly made one could easily cause drama. Like say, Keric for instance?

Yeah, whatever she's doing isn't something that ruins ambraea by any stretch of imagination, and is probably something the average dynast or sorceress would appreciate in ambraea's place.

This does bring a certain bit to mind though.
"The Empress is in meetings for the rest of the afternoon. And for the past month she's been spending her evenings with her latest plaything."
I wonder if the Empress is pregnant, and is planning to install her current paramour as her official consort. Having her father replaced and having her mother warn her against making a scene about it would be very belittling to Ambraea.
She's such a fucking sore loser lmao.
It's really fucking funny. Just comedy gold waiting to happen. Now imagine if she loses again, and Diamond cut perfection is there in her headspace egging her on. Such comedy, and the best part, the war between choosing to deal with her father being insufferable, or missing out on the chance to learn more Prasadi techniques from him. God it'll be glorious if S'thera wins
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It's interesting to see the framing of the Realm's foundation of bloody-handed conquest as the unambiguously positive history of hard-won accomplishments. But I suppose conquest usually looks glorious from the perspective of the victors.
Problematically, it has not occurred to Ambraea that the society that raised her is bad, actually 😔

I wonder if the Empress is pregnant, and is planning to install her current paramour as her official consort. Having her father replaced and having her mother warn her against making a scene about it would be very belittling to Ambraea.
The Empress has multiple consorts at any one time, in addition to a husband, occassionally, who she inevitably outlives.
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The trip to the Imperial City was wonderful, and everything I'd hoped it'd be. Both of the meetings with Ambraea's parental figures were heartfelt and sweet.

One of the things I most vividly remember from the 1e and 2e Dragon-Blooded books (cringe, I know😔) is the complicated game of one-upsmanship that Dynastic parents play, using their children as the pieces. The kind of toxic possessiveness of like "Oh, your little Menoda was top of his class in archery? Have I told you that our daughter is the best sanxian player her primary school has seen in half a century?" Ambraea's dad bringing up her loss to S'thera in that practice bout is just the right injection of that energy into the quest. I love it.

[X] [Empress] A small gift of great value to you
I'm just a sucker for artifacts. I love them! I love them so much.

[X] [Social] Ledaal Anay
[X] [Social] Sesus Kasi
[X] [Social] Tepet Usala
I call this arrangement 'Kasi and the moms.' Though honestly I'd be be okay with whichever pair we end up getting.
One of the things I most vividly remember from the 1e and 2e Dragon-Blooded books (cringe, I know😔) is the complicated game of one-upsmanship that Dynastic parents play, using their children as the pieces. The kind of toxic possessiveness of like "Oh, your little Menoda was top of his class in archery? Have I told you that our daughter is the best sanxian player her primary school has seen in half a century?" Ambraea's dad bringing up her loss to S'thera in that practice bout is just the right injection of that energy into the quest. I love it.

You could even see it with Maia's reassurance to Ambraea, telling her that she's going to be fine because she's the best in their year. Like, you can tell just how ingrained that awareness of their parents' competition is among the kids subjected to it. Excellent stuff.