A Far-Flung Hope (Warhammer 24K Quest)

A Far-Flung Hope (Warhammer 24K Quest)
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It is the final days of the Goden Age of Technology. Warp Storms ravage logistics and worlds alike, rendering interstellar travel fraught with strife. The Men of Iron rage against their creators, brought low by a disease of the mind. Strange and abnormal humans have begun appearing babbling and whimpering at the storm of shrieking pressed hot against their minds, against their very souls. Even the stars in the sky are disappearing from a malignant race delighting in watching Humanity's fall. The coming age shall be dark and brutal. Man against Xenos. Xenos aginst Xenos. Man against Man. A galaxy has gone mad, and in the corners of the Terran federation an isolated collection of systems see clearly the coming storm and rage aginst it.
Civilisation Generator 1
Civilisation Generator 1

The Terran Federation is commonly stated to encompass half the Milky Way galaxy, stretching from the homeworld of Earth all the way to the most distant realms of Segmentum Tempestus, Segmentum Pacificus and a small part of Segmentum Pacificus. This is the truth, but it does not tell of the true scale of the Federation. Even in the most distant reaches of the galaxy one can find outposts and ships belonging to our esteemed Federation. The policing and enforcement of quarantines is something that all foreign polities have grumblingly approved of. Numerous Ork hordes, savage Death World species, psychic horrors and weapons of long forgotten wars are best handled by the federation and our superior, navigator assisted, Warp speeds.

The Aeldari to our galactic north used to give aid in this manner, many millennia ago we can surmise from dusty old records and cogitators, but have since turned inwards in a maddening need for sensation and depravity. Indeed there have even been disturbing reports of requests for aid sent from former trading partners of theirs in Segmentum Obscurus. We didn't hear from them again.

Besides the Aelari to our North the enigmatic Rangdan are our only peers and rivals. They do not hold territory in the traditional sense. They thrive in the darkness of interstellar space, indeed there are many minor species of Xenos who don't know or don't believe the Rangdan exist. Nevertheless their mastery of biotechnology, stealth and sensor technology have often had them act as early warning systems for the Federation, allowing us to know of escalating situations as they occur.

Between our two species we are barely covering the duties that the Aeldari used to accomplish with contemptuous ease.

It is the the 24th millennia, and Humanity and its allies are walking on a thin line between salvation and annihilation.

- Taken from the memoirs of the Retired General Otto Relusia, Leader of the 57th Quick Response Fleet.

The Galaxy is burning. Perhaps it was always burning. Burning during the ancient Age of Old Earth, Perhaps burning during the Great Diaspora. Almost certainly burning during the Age of Exodus and the beginning of the Green War. Definitely burning now he thought, as he watched a rift expand and cover an entire planet.

Tygries 3 was an average world of the Federation. Home to windswept plains, cool alpine forests and glistening glaciers. Mankind had found this planet
only 200 years ago. He remembered reading about it on the Noosphere, half-heartedly flicking through discoveries of ancient bacteria present in the forest and various travel commercials starring the planet. And now it was dying. The famed Azure Glaciers of Andura crumbling and breaking apart. Those large and pristine forests burning and falling to the ground. The geological sites and digs set up around the planet fading like a forgotten dream.

The Assistant Technician Wilhelm Tagg watched a planet die and felt a keen sense of loss at something irreplaceable. That planet had existed for two billion years, forming from the catastrophic birth of a star, surviving and eventually growing to harbour complex biological life...and yet. The Assistant Technician babbled something but it sounded distant. He could hear a ringing in his ear, and the distorted cries of the other passengers. Many, he distantly realised, were likely refugees from this planet, taken once they had sensed the Empyreal Veil start to tear upon it.

He raised one of his hands out, almost as if to hold the planet. To will it to keep surviving. Alas, the Galaxy is cruel, and the Warp crueller still. And so the man stood in muted shock, blind and deaf to his yelling superior as the planet cracked apart like a rotten egg, and as he did he could almost make out fangs, and talons and faces.

One of them turned to look at him and smiled.

"For fecks sake, can't anything go right in this godforsaken Galaxy!" The Governor snapped as he considered pouring a glass of brandy, before he thought better of it. There were 300 something billion people depending on him having his head straight and narrow in this ongoing crisis. Once communication was cut between the, hastily named, Besarife Federation had to be quickly formed and numerous censuses ran through some of the few remaining Men of Stone AI that remained following the Cybernetic Revolution. Counting population, worlds, resources and various critical needs taking two days, even for a hyperadvanced artificial intelligence like MS-55. After that various orders and shipments had to be delivered to various planets while various think tanks and research groups were reaised to come up with various substitutes for materials they needed, but didn't have.

Oh how it wore on him, Governor Cincinnatus Vol bemoaned, if only in his own mind, he hadn't even wanted to be the Emergency Governor for this shitfest, he had only ever studied Economics and political theory in order to criticise people in power and to, maybe one day, get his own comedy skit show. Mocking the Government and various Governors practically wrote the material itself, given just how many of said governors there were. Instead he had found himself one of the most capable of the gathered candidates for the job.

He couldn't even give the job to Ganthor due to his blatant xenophobia, in spite of his brilliant statesmanship.

'Really was there nobody else better than me!' He sighed and ran through the numerous proposals sorted through by MS-55. It was only a matter of time before the Warp Storms reached them and cut them off from each other. To that end he had already Raised numerous initiatives and bills designed to increase the ability of the various systems to survive independently, if diminished heavily.

But just surviving wasn't what he was after. The proposals he was look through were those sent in from various Scholas, Research teams, think tanks and artificial intelligences. Plans, longshots really, to salvage the Federation. Or rather, he thought darkly, saving Humanity.

Indeed there were numerous Xenos taking advantage of Mankind's paralysis, only some of which were malicious in nature. In truth the coming calamity was affecting everyone badly. Tensions were Frayed, Resources were low and everyone was at each others throats. Many of the Quick Response Fleets having been cut off from the Government had start pillaging from various Alien powers to survive, powers which were already wary of having them in their space. It didn't take long for various wars to start and the madness to spread like a contagion.

Still, Humanity had survived through everything the Galaxy had to throw at them and would do so again.

Hello and welcome to A Far-Flung Hope, a quest in which you play as a remnant form the Dark Age of Technology. This will be a mostly narrative quest, as nothing kills my will to write like spreadsheets can. You will control this society, from its structure, to its goal, to its technology. First of all we should Flesh out the Age of Technology a bit more, in order to flesh out our remnant.

How did Humanity's expansion past Sol go? Pick One:

[ ] The Age of Silence

During M5 Humanity discovered and decoded various alien signals. To their horror they discovered not only the Warlike Ork, but also an expansionist imperial polity with a penchant for xenocide. In response to this humanity ceased any signals that might reach them and turned inwards. Human Technology could not match either species in a one on one slugging match and thus humanity adapted. The pitch black hulls of humanity became harder to sense, could run longer and became more suited to make the long trip required to reach their enemies. The Human forces disguised themselves as the mythical Aeldari they had decoded from their enemies computers and committed to hit and run tactics, biowarfare and prolonging the war between the two species. They stole technology and data where they could and sent them back in STL ships. Slowly, but surely the two forces were ground down for long enough to reverse engineer warp drive technology.

During and after this age Humanity struck up and odd, if rewarding, friendship with a Rangdan hive ship which shared schools of thought and prodded Humanity in various technological paths.

Pros: Better stealth technology, longer ship longevity and toughness, established hit and run tactics and better relationship and understanding of the Rangdan. Higher intrigue bonuses
Cons: Worse weaponry, poorer understanding of The Warp, sneaky reputation. Stewardship Malus

[ ] The Age of War

Humanity looked to the stars and heard the baying for our blood. Instead of us coming to them, they came to us. The Orks won their war and then bumbled upon us before we were ready. their assault savaged the outer worlds of the solar system and even threatened Mars for a time. However the Orks didn't bet on one thing: our desperation. We threw everything at them. Weapons of Mass Destruction, bioweapons and even our own people were thrown into the meatgrinder to buy even the slightest amount of time. By the time the war had ended One third of Sol's 100 billion citizens had perished, Deimos was destroyed and discretely replaced with Ceres and Humanity had been scarred and brutalised far beyond what they had been ready for.

Now they fly boldly forth, in ships bristling with the nastiest weaponry they can muster. Humanity shortly after became known as one of the most bloodthirsty younger races to have ever existed.

Pros: Massively improved weaponry, better personal war gear, heavily developed close quarters combat doctrine, better soldiers in general. Higher Martial Bonuses
Cons: MASSIVE hatred for the Orks, Xenophobia is more widely accepted, you have even less allies. Diplomacy Malus.

[ ] The Age of Progress

Humanity Looked up to the Heavens, decoding the cries of alien wars, and shrugged. They neither hid nor made war upon the aliens, they simply built and innovated. Soon a Dyson Swarm circled Sol while magnetic harvesters drank greedily from the Mantles of worlds and even the Sun itself. Huge shipyards encircled every planet and space stations the size of continents were set up to house excess population. When both alien sides eventually learned of and attacked humanity it was said they gaped in horror at the sight of such a built up system and the numerous advanced fleets sent to happily greet them. The imperial aliens ran the Orks didn't and were annihilated. Humanity soon expanded much to many a would be conquerors shock and horror.

Each of their ships is built for science first, with war coming at a distant fourth. Yet each of their ships is a treasure trove of advanced technology.

Pros: Increased technology level, Better industry, faster research, better sensors, knowledge of megastructures is fairly common. Higher Learning bonuses
Cons: Smaller population, need for advanced materials, lower war fatigue threshold, everyone wants your shit, no real developed tactics. Martial Malus.

[ ] The Age of Unity

After the Atomic Wars of Old Earth it was known that Humanity required unity. It was their factionalism that almost destroyed them and if they ventured into space unprepared then they could face annihilation from their worst opponent: themselves. Thus, they toiled for centuries to create the best system of Government they could One which was as fair, just and incorruptible as they could. They then colonised the Sol System and built it up. they delayed leaving the Sol system until Einstein's cage hard be partially circumnavigated, allowing for faster than light communication. After that the colony ships left, and yet they were always in touch with one another.

Their tactics and comradery would one day become known throughout the entire galaxy. Their logistics and bureaucracy moved like greased lightning and their logistics were a thing of wonder to behold. Finally when they found alien life they met it face on the way they always had: together.

Pros: Higher homogenisation, far less susceptible to corruption or rebellion, better communication technology, slightly faster warp speed, developed combined arms tactics. Higher Stewardship bonuses.
Cons: Higher homogenisation, slower research speeds, your people desperately want to get back into contact with the main Federation, Learning Malus.

[ ] The Age of Contact

For millennia Mankind had looked to the stars and wondered at the thought of alien life, now they hear the barbarous cries of warlords and find themselves...disappointed. Still they searched the night skies for any other signs, and found one. A world much like theirs. A species travelling within the confines of their star system and so Humanity reaches out...and begins to talk. The two species share research, culture, thoughts and dreams. The two decode, decipher and learn everything they can about the two races and begin to understand. Two becomes three centuries later and then four.

By the time the Imperials triumph over the Orks and find Humanity they also find the aliens that had joined their coalition.

Pros: Better translators and xenolinguistics, more allies , faster reverse engineering, higher threshold for the doom counter, Developed special forces. Higher Diplomacy bonuses.
Cons: Reputation of extreme naivety, sometimes you live up to said reputation, must attempt diplomacy first, cannot commit war crimes (no, not even on the Orks). Intrigue Malus.
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Guys! Help! How do I add a timer?

Edit: Welp, I give up. You have 24 hours starting from when this was edited!
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Guys! Help! How do I add a timer?

Edit: Welp, I give up. You have 24 hours starting from when this was edited!
I just go to new tally whenever you feel like that's enough, than see everyone's votes and that's it. Make sure to refresh it before you announce your voting to end.

If that's not what you meant just open voting next time, and end literally whenever you want.
By the way if anyone has any questions on the traits or anything else, I'm going to be online for another four hours or so. So feel free to ask.
I got one, the age of progress and it's smaller population… how much smaller? Not specific numbers but like percentage wise? Like 50% or?

Technically the population of humanity in the age of progress is higher than all of the others, but they are also highly clustered around the more industrialised systems. Ones with megastructures massive communications networks and numerous fleets for defense.

You, however, are in a collection of frontier systems and thus your population is smaller. About 50% smaller. Still 150 billion people.
[X] The Age of Contact

The classic 40k Xenophobia should have no place in our polity.
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