Attempting To Fulfil Your Contract: A Noveria Planquest [Mass Effect]

[X] Plan: dbRevned #1 + charity + New options
Infrastructure: 9D, +38 Bonus per roll
-[X] Distributed Windworks (Repeatable) (C)
--[X] 1 D (Progress: 100/200 - 25 Resources per die) (+6 Power)
-[X] Communication Booster Relays (Repeatable) (C)
-- [X] 1 D (Progress: 125/150 - 25 Resources per die) (+6 Network, -1 Power)
-[X] Distributed Emergency Stockpiles - Food (Repeatable)
--[X] 7 D (Progress: 0/250)
Heavy Industry (8D, +26 Bonus per roll)
-[X] Distributed Emergency Stockpiles - Construction And Repair (Repeatable)
--[X] 8 D (Progress: 0/250)
-[X] Carrot and Stick (Targets 1 Corporation)
--[X] Citizens of Noveria 10D 100R
-[X] Nomi (Distributed Windworks)
-[X] Felix Myers (Distributed Windworks)

Seeing as the new options don't cost any resources I don't see why not to simply go all in with our remaining dice.
[ ] Distributed Emergency Stockpiles - Construction And Repair (Repeatable)
[ ] Distributed Emergency Stockpiles - Food (Repeatable)

we absolutely need to take these. Nil'Zannis doesn't know IC that the war will soon be over. OOC we do since the GM told us but again we should prepare for it.
Technically we don't know that. The war may or may not be over. All we know is that the quest itself will be over. Now the next turn might be right after this month or it could be a time skip to where Emperor Nil'Zannis and his Legion of Not-Geth rule the icebox of Noveria waiting to make contact with his Homeworld.
[ ] Distributed Emergency Stockpiles - Construction And Repair (Repeatable)
One relative weakness of Noveria's existing emergency planning is the high level of centralisation when it comes to the storage of emergency goods. Hardened as Port Hanshan is, a sufficiently destructive event could compromise multiple strategic reserves at once. Sequestering even small amounts of vital supplies and equipment elsewhere, such as by expanding the Peak Facility's emergency stockpiles, making use of various storm shelters and tunnels along the main ground transit routes, or even exploiting Noveria's natural ice caverns, could help ensure the survival of those supplies even in a worst-case scenario.
(Progress: 0/250)
Umm. So does this mean it's a zero resource cost dice?
[ ] Distributed Emergency Stockpiles - Food (Repeatable)
For both of them?

Honestly, it feels like a waste of time. I get people want options so the turn feels less empty but like, overkill.

I'll add it if people want it to #1 +charity if people want it. It'll have to wait until I have faiths answer, but this is admittedly vexing do to being unnecessary and avoidable.
Umm. So does this mean it's a zero resource cost dice?

For both of them?

Honestly, it feels like a waste of time. I get people want options so the turn feels less empty but like, overkill.

I'll add it if people want it to #1 +charity if people want it. It'll have to wait until I have faiths answer, but this is admittedly vexing do to being unnecessary and avoidable.
It's not producing stuff so much as moving stuff around, so yes, zero cost is intentional. The impact would be narrative only and depending on dice rolls (not the rolls for the action, other dice rolls that will take place after this turn ends) they may not have any value at all.

Nil'Zannis is in the unfortunate position of having to make decisions with very little information about costs and consequences, and a limited understanding of the broader context he's operating with.

To a lesser extent, so are you, the players, and that is intentional.
[X] Plan: dbRevned #1 + charity + New options

Seems good, if we end up doing a horizon zero dawn crossover we'll hopefully have some vaults we can use.
[X] Plan: dbRevned #1 + charity + New options

Though I feel we should do:
[ ] Poking Through Boxes (Targets 1 Corporation)
Whilst the NDC enforces strict quarantine procedures on cargo going in and out of Greater Hanshan, and all cargo is subjected to thorough multi-spectrum scanning, unless the sensors find something alarming the crates are never opened and the contents never searched. Sannat Vakk has suggested that in cases where the contents of such crates might be suspect, scanners might suffer 'unfortunate malfunctions' necessitating the opening of sealed crates so that NSID or ERCS goons can poke around inside. All in the name of national security, of course.
(Breakpoints: 50 - 10 Resources per die) (Intel on corporate shenanigans, possible blackmail material, other consequences unclear)

With the refugees since you know, it would be easier to arrest the troublemakers and find out if they are doing anything illegal. Besides we are just using existing personnel even if it would be more time-consuming to check every individual package the refugees would send to each other to ensure Cerberus and Shadow Broker agents are kept to a minimum.
[ ] Poking Through Boxes (Targets 1 Corporation)
We are barely shipping anything away, let alone having anything shipped in. Not neccessary. The only people arriving at port hashan is refugees, and according to the action descriptions, it 's more risky to pull our people off daily tasks and risk overwelming our security. It's the main reason I don't intend to vote to accept any more refugees, because our security can't handle any more.
Vote closed
thank you 11 other people for voting me as #1. sadly I dont have any charity, because alll my new options are college class's wanting to take my money :p.
Okay, final dice rolls, whadda we got?


Wow, the NDC is really doing its best to not implement welfare, huh?
Faith threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Distributed Windworks Total: 60
60 60
Faith threw 1 50-faced dice. Reason: Distributed Windworks (Felix) Total: 18
18 18
Faith threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Comms Booster Relays Total: 91
91 91
Faith threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: Stockpile (Food) Total: 363
82 82 54 54 21 21 19 19 32 32 61 61 94 94
Faith threw 8 100-faced dice. Reason: Stockpile (CAR) Total: 518
9 9 75 75 94 94 49 49 38 38 72 72 83 83 98 98
Faith threw 10 100-faced dice. Reason: Carrot And Stick / Crisis Pay Total: 370
14 14 73 73 67 67 26 26 6 6 21 21 16 16 80 80 4 4 63 63
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