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So my question is this: where is the hay for the horses (something that's gonna be by definition pretty flammable)?

There are several bundles around the Horse Area on the map, mostly towards the inside of the camp. The horses are contained by several small fences: these are clearly quickly-made and wouldn't stand up to much abuse. However, for keeping docile horses contained, they work fine.
I say we should try to accomplish as much as we can. We did rest up to be at full strength for the battle; might as well make use of it. Especially now that Kelton might be present and we can't exactly take him with us. If he survives the battle he's going to be retreating across the ground, and the Talons might be right behind him and everyone else. If we care about Mantrae's people and Kelton making it back in one piece then hitting the horses is vitally important, even moreso than for our own escape. Taking out or at least releasing full on trained horses will hamper the Talons significantly even if they retrieve them eventually or seize horses from the village. Giving our pseudo-allies a better chance at escape would also do a world of good for Ryza's mental well-being.

If we want to accomplish more than just slipping in and running away, then hitting the wyvern before its rider arrives and it takes off would be one of the best things we could do to buy time both immediately and long term. We should also retrieve Artemis' bow. If you give me a week I will try and come up with an argument about how this helps the escape.

Which I guess brings up the question...what can we even do to the weapons?

In human form a few zaps from lightning to shatter any wooden handles, smash bows, etc. In dragon form one big zap or some claw action should do the trick.

Aside from that, Kelton being here is an amazing sign for the wellbeing of Axton and Lancel.
I think running into the wyvern or mage wouldn't be the worst thing here if we can deal with one of them. The wyvern has the ability to easily chase us of course, but Green magic has all the movement stuff so that mage is going to be a problem on the pursuit even if everything goes well. If he's buffing the wyvern, even more so. Unfortunately neither of those sounds like ideal matchups for us.
I personally think the best way to neutralize the Wyvern is to take out the rider before they can mount it, since from the sound of things Wyverns don't let just anyone ride them even when they're tamed.
That leaves the other ??? building at the north end. I'm inclined to believe that's the Commander's tent but that's just a hunch. I'm doubting the mage's tent is marked on Ryza's map because there was never any indication she caught onto anything about him while we were there AFAIK.
If she knew it was the mage's tent, she would have marked it as such. But that doesn't mean the big tent which she noticed was unusual was big and unusual in part because the mage lives there.

The large gathering place on Ryza's map is the mess hall and I guess it's a potential target but I don't know how we'd best go about that.
It's a good target if we want to fight as many Talons at once, but there's not much there worth attacking. Possibly not even the kitchen or food stores.

I guess I'll ask this then: Would it be possible for Ryza to fake a lightning strike on the camp?
That would make a good distraction. It would freak everyone out, and maybe start a fire. Strike somewhere with people, somewhere not too far from water, but somewhere flammable, to (hopefully) maximize the number of people who need to fight the fire while minimizing the number of people who die because of it.

Especially now that Kelton might be present and we can't exactly take him with us.
Why not? It doesn't sound like Ryza thinks flying cross-country with both Sypha and Robin is practical; bringing Kelton just means we need to steal one more horse.

If we want to accomplish more than just slipping in and running away, then hitting the wyvern before its rider arrives and it takes off would be one of the best things we could do to buy time both immediately and long term. We should also retrieve Artemis' bow. If you give me a week I will try and come up with an argument about how this helps the escape.
...it gives Robin a weapon that would be extra-effective against the wyvern rider?
Why not? It doesn't sound like Ryza thinks flying cross-country with both Sypha and Robin is practical; bringing Kelton just means we need to steal one more horse.
I think Ryza figured even if flying with two people is going to be a little impractical we would still do it. The following
You're going to be stressed and grumpy if you're forced to half-shift over and over again in rapid succession like you did on the way here. Especially since you're going to be carrying two people
seems to imply that Ryza is considering carrying them both to be a done deal.

...it gives Robin a weapon that would be extra-effective against the wyvern rider?
Here are the absolutely must do objectives:
  1. The wyvern or the rider needs to die or be incapacitated so we can escape without aerial pursuit.
  2. We need to grab Sypha and escape.
Everything else is an optional objective.

Taking out the wyvern will be easiest if it's done at the outset, ideally with Ryza landing on it out of nowhere while it's sleeping and ripping the thing's throat out, or killing it with lightning, or whatever will get the job done. We do not want to get bogged down in a fair fight with the wyvern. That is something we simply cannot afford, so it needs to go first.

Distractions would normally be a good idea, but we can't have a distraction go off before the wyvern is dead because we can't afford to wake it up and have a fair fight on our hands.

Here's a draft plan:
[X] Plan Death From Above
-[X] Primary objectives, in chronological order:
-[X] When the wyvern falls asleep tonight, Ryza will transform (determination), approach the camp with Robin from high altitude and attempt to kill the wyvern by diving on it first. (PREY!) By tooth, claw, arrow and magic, it needs to die or be made incapable of flight fast.
-[X] Next land by Sypha's tent. Rip the tent open, grab Sypha. (MINE!) Blast or flatten the guards if you must, but Sypha is what matters.
-[X] Fly over the horses, blasting some of them as you go or at least blasting the fence.
-[X] Leave by flying over where Mantrae's people are camped. Let Sypha's shouting tip them off to what's going on. Robin can shout something if need be. Fly low, change directions out of view, and get as much distance as you can before having to land somewhere out of sight. Perform the half-transformation ritual while Robin watches Sypha and fly for home at best speed.
--[X] Secondary objectives:
--[X] If the mage shows himself, avoid fighting him. You can't afford to get bogged down or risk getting hurt.
--[X] Grab Artemis' bow if you see it while performing other objectives. (SHINY!)
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[] Plan Death From Above
-[X] When the wyvern falls asleep tonight, Ryza will transform (determination), approach the camp with Robin from high altitude and attempt to kill the wyvern by diving on it first. (PREY!) By tooth, claw, arrow and magic, it needs to die fast.
-[X] Next land by Sypha's tent. Blast or flatten the guards, rip the tent open, grab Sypha. (MINE!)
-[X] Grab Artemis' bow if you see it. (SHINY!)
-[X] If the mage shows himself, avoid fighting him. He's not important.
-[X] Leave by flying over where Mantrae's people are camped. Let Sypha's shouting tip them off to what's going on. Robin can shout something if need be. Fly low and get as much distance as you can before having to land somewhere out of sight. Perform the half-transformation ritual while Robin watches Sypha and fly for home at best speed.

Looks good for the most part, though do please clearly list out the secondary objectives and what order you put them in. I'm pretty sure you only have the 2 (Kill wyvern and grab Artemis's bow) but I just want to be sure.
I think the biggest disadvantage of going dragon is that it may well provoke the hostility of Mantrae's forces too. If a dragon drops from the sky, it's not unthinkable to rethink who you're fighting with. It'd be a worst-case scenario but it's not implausible.

I also think it's a decent secondary objective to save Jack if we can.
I am not a fan of doing an alpha strike. :/ I would prefer to guard the dragon for the escape.
Something about that story summary makes me wonder if the creative leads behind Fire Emblem Engage took some inspiration from a certain mobile game...

Not necessarily a bad thing, if they treat it more seriously than FEH does. Still feels a bit brand-icon-ey, though. Maybe they assumed that including recognizable franchise characters like Marth and Sigurd would boost player engagement?
[x] Plan Death From Above

Honestly, while it would be nice to rescue Jack, at this point? I don't think we can. It's not realistic, and as much as I hate to say it, why do we care about some random ass kid in the middle of an honestly random village in the Imperial Border. It's... Just not worth actually getting bogged down for.

On FE:Engage, you literally wear the Emblem Rings on your Ring Finger on your left hand. Intelligent Systems is getting cheeky recently XD
What if we did this
Here's a draft plan:
[] Plan Death From Above
-[X] Primary objectives, in chronological order:
-[X] When the wyvern falls asleep tonight, Ryza will transform (determination), approach the camp with Robin from high altitude and attempt to kill the wyvern by diving on it first. (PREY!) By tooth, claw, arrow and magic, it needs to die or be made incapable of flight fast.
-[X] Next land by Sypha's tent. Blast or flatten the guards, rip the tent open, grab Sypha. (MINE!)
-[X] Leave by flying over where Mantrae's people are camped. Let Sypha's shouting tip them off to what's going on. Robin can shout something if need be. Fly low, change directions, and get as much distance as you can before having to land somewhere out of sight. Perform the half-transformation ritual while Robin watches Sypha and fly for home at best speed.
--[X] Secondary objectives:
--[X] If the mage shows himself, avoid fighting him. You can't afford to get bogged down or risk getting hurt.
--[X] Grab Artemis' bow if you see it while performing other objectives. (SHINY!)
-[X] Next land by Sypha's tent. Blast or flatten the guards, rip the tent open, grab Sypha. (MINE!)
-[X] Fly over the horses, blasting some of them as you go or at least blasting the fence
-[X] Leave by flying over where Mantrae's people are camped. Let Sypha's shouting tip them off to what's going on. Robin can shout something if need be.
It's not much farther to the horses after all.
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...as much as I hate to say it, why do we care about some random ass kid in the middle of an honestly random village in the Imperial Border.
Because most of the players aren't assholes, and neither is Ryza. I think Ryza feels partially responsible for getting Jack into this mess, or feels like she owes the J-boys something...and even if she doesn't, she doesn't want Jack getting hurt for being curious in the wrong place.

I could be wrong, but my feeling is that after what we're about to do the mercenaries will have bigger concerns than a kid who isn't their target.
Yeah, but is that in a "don't worry if he makes a break for it" sort of way, or a "don't worry if he gets trampled/trapped in a burning tent/etc" sort of way?

I'm not saying we should make some detour to rescue Jack. But if we come across Jack as we're doing other stuff, we should try to rescue him, and if we learn where he's being held, we should consider whether rescue is possible.
I kinda assume we'll be given a chance to follow up on such opportunistic objectives regardless of what's in our plan, but I don't think we should completely dismiss the possibility of rescuing Jack.
There's one thing I really don't like about this plan, which is that it blows open the return of dragons. But I'm having a hard time thinking of a way of pulling this off without Ryza transforming. A stealth infiltration and exfiltration with Sypha while undetected seems very unlikely, and Ryza and Robin just don't have the firepower to fight their way out.

I do have one idea, but I'm not sure what people will think of it.

[] Plan Keep The Secret
-[] Perform the half-shift ritual so that Ryza is ready for Mantrae's people to make their move.
-[] Let them die to get Sypha out. Follow Sypha high in the air until the remaining retainer(s) get her some distance from the enemy, enough to make your move without being seen.
-[] Dive, grab her without warning, fly for home at best speed.
-[] Fullshift to fight off pursuit if pressed, such as if the wyvern locates you.
-[] If Mantrae's people fail to get Sypha out, grab her at the best opportunity. Fullshift to fight through if you must.

It goes without saying that letting Mantrae's people die only to grab Sypha from them at the last moment is downright cold blooded. This might be the smart play for Ryza's safety in the short and long term, though.

What do people think? @Jiven, it preserves the dragon for escape. @Hestia&theCourt, @Fish & Chips, @Miho Chan, @Cubbyhb1, you guys are in favor of Death from Above, thoughts?
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There's one thing I really don't like about this plan, which is that it blows open the return of dragons. But I'm having a hard time thinking of a way of pulling this off without Ryza transforming. A stealth infiltration and exfiltration with Sypha while undetected seems very unlikely, and Ryza and Robin just don't have the firepower to fight their way out.

I do have one idea, but I'm not sure what people will think of it.

[] Plan Keep The Secret
-[X] Perform the half-shift ritual so that Ryza is ready for Mantrae's people to make their move.
-[X] Let them die to get Sypha out. Follow Sypha high in the air until the remaining retainer(s) get her some distance from the enemy, enough to make your move without being seen.
-[X] Dive, grab her without warning, fly for home at best speed.
-[X] Fullshift to fight off pursuit if pressed, such as if the wyvern locates you.

It goes without saying that letting Mantrae's people die only to grab Sypha from them at the last moment is downright cold blooded. This might be the smart play for Ryza's safety, though.

What do people think? @Jiven, it preserves the dragon for escape. @Hestia&theCourt, @Fish & Chips, @Miho Chan, @Cubbyhb1, you guys are in favor of Death from Above, thoughts?
Honestly, I think the cat is coming out of the bag by this point, whether we like it or not. People already saw a dragon in another Nation, after all.
[] Plan Keep The Secret
-[X] Perform the half-shift ritual so that Ryza is ready for Mantrae's people to make their move.
-[X] Let them die to get Sypha out. Follow Sypha high in the air until the remaining retainer(s) get her some distance from the enemy, enough to make your move without being seen.
-[X] Dive, grab her without warning, fly for home at best speed.
-[X] Fullshift to fight off pursuit if pressed, such as if the wyvern locates you.
-[X] If Mantrae's people fail to get Sypha out, grab her at the best opportunity. Fullshift to fight through if you must.

I'm already compromising by not insisting on going out of our way to try and save Jack. I really don't want to make the moral issues worse by doing this, too. Too cold for my blood.

Also, even if we did agree on this plan, the question has to be asked: what do we do if the wyvern is faster than Ryza? This plan has no specified plan of action for dealing with the wyvern, and there's no guarantee that whatever Mantrae's people have in mind for dealing with the wyvern will work. Overall, I consider your Death from Above plan to be stronger in the sense that we've got a specific plan for the wyvern aside from "be faster than it".

???: Also, this plan gives us no chance to get Artemis's bow back, as opposed to Plan Death from Above's slim chance of getting it. Always spring for the swipable items where possible!
I'm already compromising by not insisting on going out of our way to try and save Jack. I really don't want to make the moral issues worse by doing this, too. Too cold for my blood.

Also, even if we did agree on this plan, the question has to be asked: what do we do if the wyvern is faster than Ryza? This plan has no specified plan of action for dealing with the wyvern, and there's no guarantee that whatever Mantrae's people have in mind for dealing with the wyvern will work. Overall, I consider your Death from Above plan to be stronger in the sense that we've got a specific plan for the wyvern aside from "be faster than it".

???: Also, this plan gives us no chance to get Artemis's bow back, as opposed to Plan Death from Above's slim chance of getting it. Always spring for the swipable items where possible!
The plan to deal with the wyvern if necessary is to fullshift and kill it. Risky, since it would be a fair fight, although Ryza would have Robin's help.

Your other points are good ones, though.
Yeah, I don't like either of these plans. Screw waiting, I'll just make my own.

[X] Plan Solid Drake
-[X] Primary Objectives:
--[X] Use magic lightning to set the innermost ??? tent on fire from beyond the edge of camp, hopefully without being seen. (Also hopefully, the wyvern is where we think it is and won't be in fighting condition after the fire.)
--[X] Sneak into camp once everyone starts rushing to put out the fire. (It's a fire in the middle of camp, lots of people are going to run and help so other people don't get hurt. Right?) Specifically, Robin and Ryza both sneak from what I assume is the northwest corner to Lady Sypha's tent.
--[X] Robin and Ryza use knives to cut a person-sized hole in the tent we're pretty sure has Sypha in it. (What else could it have? Where else could she be?) Rescue Sypha and run to the horses' pen.
--[X] If discovered on the way to the pen (which won't happen, we're all stealthy, right?), Ryza turns into a dragon and carries Robin and Sypha out of the camp ASAP—secrecy can wait until we're safe!
--[X] Otherwise, cut the horses loose, open the gates or knock down the fences, and steal a few horses to ride away from camp. (We can do this.)
-[X] Secondary Objectives:
--[X] Try not to fight anyone. We probably can't win.
--[X] If we come across Artemis's bow or Jack and can free/de-steal them without much risk, do so.
--[X] If we come across anything outside the implied parameters of this plan—like Jack in a place where we might be able to free him, or something that might reveal the Talons' secrets, or Kelton being here for some reason—take a moment to think and figure about whether to chase that new thing or follow the old plan or what.

Not much sabotage, only a small chance of retrieving Jack or Artemis's bow, but I feel those are acceptable sacrifices. Hopefully this stealthy plan gets us into and out of the Talons' camp without having half of the company trying to stab or shoot the big mutant wyvern that's trying to rip their wyvern apart.

Also, I'd like to request that the QM confirm that this plan is—as far as Ryza knows—physically possible. Like, can she fake a lightning strike from that far away? Did the material Sypha's prison-tent look like canvas or something else a knife can quickly cut and not, I dunno, leather or chainmail?
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