In that case it looks like I need to drop my approval vote.

[X] Close the Fist
-[X] High Merger [25 Arete]
--[X] Invincible Vigor
--[X] Living Legend
Death against the Maiden, or even death in the epilogue, is one thing, but please, please do not vote for death by arete debt. I literally cannot think of a worse way we could flub this now than that.
There are only two Hour of Destiny voters as of right now, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. Well, it kind of does, people either don't want to nerf our max mitigation, or use the more reasonable argument of thinking that the Accursed Favor could be saved for the epilogue instead. But IMO both of those arguments pale in comparison to the possibility of not only guaranteed victory but some amount of protection against epilogue bad ends as well. With High Merger, there's even a chance (not a great one but I think it exists) that Living Legend Hunger could win without spending the Hour of Destiny. Guaranteed victory with little cost and the possibility of victory with no cost and some one-ups saved for the epilogue is not being valued as highly as it should be IMO.

I think at the end of the day people are confident enough in the Invincible Legend build that they are willing to take the risk, or they're voting Perfect Merger out of a steadfast belief that our arete miners will do the impossible again. And then there's Tragedy Gang.
1. This was a banger of a post. Very well put.

2. I don't think even Supreme CtF is guaranteed victory.

3. Knowing that I think HoD is the single best option, which of the other two moves do you think pairs best? Vigor makes Hunger much harder to kill, which allows the Apocryphal Curse more time to bail him out. On the other hand, Refinement of War is extremely important to keeping him alive for even another 12 exchanges. So I'm undecided.

(The real trick would be to mine another 8 Arete and buy Supreme CtF!)
If anyone wants to write a Mage-Recruit omake in the effort to mine Arete, I'd be happy to help.
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Okay, I can't promise anything, but I might, emphasis on might, be able to pull out a Corvidae-style mega Omake within a week.
I think it's about time I put some builds up for my own CYOA, don't you think?

[1 Even Further Beyond] Splice Savant:
Neo-Tokyo, the Awakened Future
Pacific Breach
[Free]: Pet Kaiju!
Gods of Empire
[Free]: Demigod (Son of Athena)
Sons and Daughters of the Prophet
Aspects of Olodumare
Wakanda Forever

[Free]: Receive instant induction into the royal guard as a naturalized Wakandan citizen, regardless of your actual origin.
The First Nations
[Free]: Why not Zoidberg you? You also instantly become one of the foremost beneficiaries of this empowerment.
Gods and Ancestors
[3 Picks] Wood Element
[1 FB] Water Element
[1 FB] Fire Element
[1 FB] Earth Element

[1 FB] Air Element
[4 Picks] Deadly Sinner
-[1 Even Further Beyond; requires Deadly Sinner] Deadlier Savior
[5 Picks] Magical Girl

Build name: Magical Girl of Sin and Virtue; Master of Monster

The base description of the Wood Element says that, at base, with a month's effort you can turn an ordinary dog into a Category I Kaiju-equivalent. It also states that the ceiling on how far you enhance something is tied to what their initial baseline was. One must wonder, then, what one might be able to enhance a Category III Kaiju into...

This build's primary focus is on exploiting that to the maximum extent possible. Even with the base element, enhancing my Category III to a Category VII (or above) is likely viable even without greatly refining my skill. But we can do better than that. To do so, the build first enhances my elemental mastery as far as possible. Each additional Element multiplies the power of every Element by 1.5. This build takes all four additional Elements. Thus, the final power of my Wood Element is 1*1.5*1.5*1.5*1.5=5.0625, which we can just round to five times the initial base.

Now, let's consider that Magical Girl multiplies all other magic by a factor of 5 while it is active, and with training I can keep it up for hours at a time - more than enough time to get some work done! With Magical Girl active, my Wood Element now operates at 5*5=25 times the initial base power.

Now, let's also factor in that with Deadly Sinner + Deadly Savior I can apply the power of my Obsession to this as well. Cue maniacal laughter here, because it's entirely plausible that if I put the work in, I can show the world what a Category XX Kaiju under my direct control can do.

Now, let's also consider that Wakanda has its own biological enhancement technology, that is capable of raising even an ordinary human being to Hulk-level power. Scaling it up may be a challenge, but surely it can be agreed that in such a chaotic and dangerous world that Wakanda has a vested national interest in taking a Category XX Kaiju under the direct control of the Royal Guard, and enhancing it so that it is a veritable Hulk even among other (for the time being, entirely hypothetical other) Category XX Kaiju?

Obviously, with so much power vested in my Kaiju and my will being the only leash on it, I will become a priority target for assassination. Sadly for my enemies, this build also makes me highly difficult to assassinate even before factoring in my hilariously powerful Kaiju bodyguard. My superpowered Wood Element makes me as good as immune to disease and poison across the board, so that kind of subtle method is right out. Stealth-based approaches will also find me a challenging target, as between my Air and Earth elements I've effectively got blindsight and tremorsense out to an incredible distance.

There's also the matter that my own Hulk-level base physique will have raised the ceiling on how far I can enhance my own physical attributes with the Wood Element. I'm not going to be an easy target to kill, and if somebody can't oneshot me then I can turn Magical Girl on. My Sin enhancements make me a hilariously tough target as well, since Deadlier Sinner means I can keep them up near-indefinitely. Pride gives me levels of immunization to harm itself, Lust quells the ability of any enemy that is or could ever become capable of experiencing attraction to even target me, Sloth saps their abilities of vigor, Wrath multiplies my own obscenely powerful physical enhancements still further, and if, after all this, someone somehow is still stronger than me, Envy will steadily erode their advantage until it is gone.

[1 Even Further Beyond] Splice Savant:
Neo-Tokyo, the Awakened Future
Pacific Breach
[Free]: Pet Kaiju!
Gods of Empire
[Free]: Demigod (Son of Athena)
Sons and Daughters of the Prophet
Aspects of Olodumare
Wakanda Forever

[Free]: Receive instant induction into the royal guard as a naturalized Wakandan citizen, regardless of your actual origin.
The First Nations
[Free]: Why not Zoidberg you? You also instantly become one of the foremost beneficiaries of this empowerment.
Gods and Ancestors
[3 Picks] Wood Element
[1 FB] Fire Element
[1 FB] Earth Element
[4 Picks] Bright Spark
[5 Picks] Magical Girl
-[1 Further Beyond; requires Magical Girl] Super-Duper Ultimate Magical Girl
-[1 Further Beyond; requires Magical Girl] Incubator

[1 Even Further Beyond] Sponsorship Deal

Build name: Magical Girl/Monstergirl Alliance

This build starts from a similar premise, but takes it in a different direction. My Wood Element is only 2.25 times stronger than base to start with, and I'll be lacking Obsession, which is a shame. But I can still do a lot with it, here. But my first approach isn't going to be to enhance my Kaiju's physical power. No, no. My first approach is going to be to combine my Wood Element with the insight and technology of Bright Spark to enhance my Kaiju's intelligence. Because if it's sapient, then it can accept a Magical Girl contract from my Incubator.

Any roadblocks to achieving this should be cleared by Sponsorship Deal, and hopefully (one can never really say for sure) the inherent entertainment factor of seeing a Kaiju Magical Girl will translate enough to win Nix's approval and keep them entertained with me.

I mean, just picture it - the enemy besets a lethally adorable Magical Girl on all sides. Even with all their power, their Elements, and their vibranium-powered Spark creations, they're hard-pressed. Then they turn to the giant monster next to them and cry out - 'we've got them right where we want them! TRANSFORM, HOMURAZILLA-CHAN!' and one sparkling transformation sequence later, the monster is replaced by a second Magical Girl with a Godzilla tail poking out the back of her costume and a breath weapon.

That's me.

And the fun train doesn't stop there, either. With such a compelling proof of concept, I should be able to get highly favorable contract terms from a Great Dragon in exchange for making them into a Magical Girl as well. With Homurazilla-chan and Smaug-chan to back me up, my position will become difficult to challenge indeed.

1180 words.

Also, a question for @Rihaku - as somebody highly interested in seeing Perfect Merger win and actually get paid for I was wondering - have you considered posting an "arete bounty," so to speak? I.e., picking something you'd particularly like to see fanworks for and offering a multiplier/bonus to the normal arete rate for works on that topic? I know, we do already have the conversion bonus for the previously accumulated arete, but what can I say - I really want Perfect Merger.
Semi-related, could I recruit your help writing a Techno Stax omake, Fayhem?
Since I had some time:

Santa Monica by Night Part 2
Uh, yeah I got a ladder in the back room. You gonna bring it back or…?

The Asylum looms in the night, its yellowed, distorted neon sign a crooked, grinning signature on its ragged gothic style.

At ground level posters cover the walls, peeking out beneath the arches, leaning and peeling off the brick work. Its double door entrance is the only white lit surface, surrounded by shadows, moody greens, and reds. For all that the lights do not flash, don't glare or blind with the rhythm of the club.

Instead the lights pulse and roll, an almost gentle coaxing heart beat that melds in with the street lamps. Only when you open the doors do you hear the thudding base, the still muffled pounding of the music. Almost like an airlock there's a second door to pass through, if you want into the club proper, and when you open that door the sweltering, music packed air hits you.

You're almost swimming through sensation, drenched in light and sound and heat. Then you see Jeannette.

She is at the center of it all, distorted, attractive, and quixotically charming. The club is a reflection of her chosen aesthetic, the very deliberate heavy makeup, the pig-tails and overt sexualization of her body, the-

"Ooh, a little devil's tumbled into my club. It's not frightening you, is it, duckling?"

Ah… "It is a little overwhelming, Miss Voerman, thank you for your concern."

"Mmm, little playthings like you are always welcome here. Look, you've already drawn attention from all my little lunatics."

She isn't wrong. I draw a discomfiting amount of attention wherever I go, and in a club where interest and intent are already heightened the effect is pronounced. Eyes focus on me like camera lenses, my presence rippling out and even into the tight knots of the dancing crowd.

Does it bother her, to lose the center of attention? "My apologies, I did not mean to interrupt."

Jeannette's eyes are hungry, her smile more jagged than crooked. "An apology, for little old me? You didn't need too, but, of course, I'll accept. Tomorrow you'll come by and dance for a bit-"


"-or at least have a drink at the bar, the day after, too. With that it'll be needles under the bridge."

A drink or two I can manage, maybe talk to a patron or two – she wants an attraction, I suppose. "Thank you, Miss Voerman, I will do as you ask. I would also like to introduce myself to the barons of Santa Monica. Would this be the right time and place for that?"

There's a flicker, a micro-expression I can't read, when I say barons. Then she settles on annoyance. "You want to talk to Therese."

"I would like to introduce myself to Therese and Jeannette Voerman, the barons of Santa Monica. Or have I misunderstood the custom?"

Her eyes narrow, brow furrows. "No, you've-"

In an instant she's grinning, and there's none of the teasing, coaxing languor of before. "Oh, I do like you, duckling. Go tell Cal, the little grump at the bar, to send you up to Therese. And don't forget, tomorrow I'll find you at the bar. We'll drink an almost virgin Mary, just the three of us, maybe some alcohol too."

Her saunter is enough to drag the club's attention back to herself, until the elevator doors clang shut behind her.


Talking to Therese, in contrast, is a relief.

"Good Evening, Miss Voerman. My name is Martin West. It is nice to meet you."

She doesn't extend her hand, doesn't return my smile, but doesn't scoff either. Instead she gestures to the chair across from her desk. "Good evening, Mister West. What brings you to Santa Monica?"

I take my seat, its cushions are rather plush, the same pink color as the bed – Jeannette's choice? "A man named Sebastian LaCroix asked me to speak to a man here. However, I understand that this is your territory and so it seemed both prudent and polite to introduce myself, before asking your permission."

Therese preens like a cat, her eyes relax a little closed, her spine and shoulders straighten, even the corners of her lips draw back just a little bit. "It seems you understand whose good side you should remain on, Mister West. Tell me, whom are you meant to speak to?"

"I will need to speak with Bertram Tung."

Her nose scrunches, a cat quite suddenly offended by the smell of stinky cheese. "That loathsome scoundrel, ugh, what for?"

"There is a Sabbat warehouse I am to level, with explosives."

Now she sneers and all but spits her words. "You! He sends you to cleanse that filth. But, oh, of course he would. I ask and he- No, that arrogant little man won't have his way."

"Mister West," she says, eyes bright with manic energy and words all but dripping venom. "You will do me a favor and then I will do you a favor in return.

"Go to the Ocean House Hotel. It is haunted. Acquire an item of import to the haunting spirit and bring it to me. Then I will send you to Bertram Tung, with a message on what he will do for you, if he wishes to ever leave his wretched little sewers again."

"Yes Ma'am." The words slip out more than they are said. The artful severity of her features and the clean presence of her suit and silhouette rather fluster me.

I manage to stand without stumbling and thereby catch my fumbling thoughts. "I may need the night to find the item. If so, is there a particular time I should be here tomorrow?"

"No," she's preening again. "Tell Cal when you arrive. I will make time."

Ah, this isn't good for my heart.


"Hey, Trip, you got a phone book too?"

"Course man, you wanna buy it or just look?"

"I'll be needing one for a while, so… just add it to the total, I guess."


The pet shop, rather unfortunately, is not open at half past one in the morning. Somewhat more fortunately I have been engaged in excessive amounts of daring do this evening and so both my wallet and lock picking abilities have markedly improved.

I leave the store at two, a hundred dollars lighter and a little better fed.


The dirt puffs up into little clouds as I drop down from the third floor.

Ugh, I've got sand stuck in my socks now and I had to leave the ladder behind. But, well, it did its job. I didn't even have to go into the creepy fucking basement, just climb up the right side into the burned out room, swipe the necklace, and jump back down.


"Good evening, mister Cleaver. There is no need to panic. Take this pistol, you will need it. Now, listen closely: You will walk up those stairs, run into the house and demand 'That shit I paid for!'."


"So, what happened to those cock suckers? You ice 'em?"

"No, it seems there was a shootout. A nurse wanted revenge after they cheated him on some product. Everyone died. The nurse needed to be shot quite a few times, just to be sure "

"Yeah? Sounds about right. Well, if you ever need anything just call, I owe you one."

"You are welcome, Mercurio. It doesn't need to be today or tomorrow – wait until you are well, please – but I could use a mobile phone."

"Ey, no worries, I'll hook you up – on the house even, just this once. Swing by tomorrow and I'll have one here, waiting for you."

"Thank you."

The story is gently sliding off the rails, just how different might things be once mister West has a cellphone!? And a magical sword of progression, of course, but mostly the cellphone.

1275 words
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Ilbgar The Bizarre Hermit II: Defeating the Darkness​

Turned out the red-suited man had a long-standing rivalry with the decidedly plainer black-haired man he'd attacked. The latter had a word attached to his soul, an Epithet, Magician, which allowed him to access a large number of what operated like spells, despite technically not being Magic at all. That being the case, I elected to contain the collateral damage as I managed to piece together their history from comments weaseled out of them, in hopes of ending this feud before they did major damage. My main self had pondered slapping a bunch of extra powers onto my chassis, but felt that rather defeated the point of their excursions. Still, with 10.8 times what a human mage at their peak would possess, fueled by what little of the knowledge of the physical and metaphysical that remained understandable to a fragment such as myself, and a truly stupendous amount of inspiration from multitudes of multiverses, it wasn't that hard to essentially make up spells as I went. At least on the level of paltry tricks like shields that could stop a ton or two of force without issue that I could set up to cover whole buildings without bothering the people inside. I suppose it was more like reinforcement than a conventional shield, but doing it for the whole city block was a little taxing.

Of course, then the jerks left me to talk to the police. I sighed internally as I filled out some paperwork. Today was not a great start. Hopefully the other mes were doing better on average.

As a rule, the various mes were doing alright. We could sense each other, intended to act as an early warning system against anything targeting my avatars and possibly a means of detecting a handful of threats that could fly under my greater self's radar by whatever means while remaining detectable by what technically both was and wasn't me. We were moderately superpowered by the standards of most universes, and capable of rapidly adopting local magic systems if we really needed to gain a powerup. We'd been designed more with proliferation in mind than power, so we were adapted to the meta-ontologies of our respective Gigaverses, which was a little more complicated than simply Frankenstein-ing the component cosmologies together. Well, a lot more complicated, but at ISH 5, it really wasn't that hard. Some breadth could have been traded for more power, but even what they had could be rapidly escalated, given they were more than 10 times as intelligent, wise, and witty as the most potent normal humans and how easily that could be leveraged into massive growth with even a moderately abusable system of advancement. There were, however, a few exceptions. On the edge of my true self's influence, where the dimensional infrastructure had not yet been fully developed or was being actively contested, the projected avatars died with some frequency. Either from universes or timelines collapsing with their supports suddenly knocked out, or simply from sudden outbreak of hostilities. Odd, the greater me should have predicted this sort of thing and worked around it. Was he distracted by something...?

Well, it didn't matter much to me either way, specifically, given that I was now in a clearing staring at a small group of people surrounding perhaps the most cliche-looking Isekai protagonist I'd ever seen. Black hair, dark eyes, Japanese, the works. It was like the distilled essence of- wait. Looking closer, I was pretty sure that was exactly what was going on. While I couldn't do much about narrative tethers with my current paltry powers, I understood them and their rules well enough to trace them, like a Quincy following Spirit Ribbons. I staggered back when I followed the tethers to... well, it was one of the evilest things I'd ever encountered, like the cosmic force Eru generally operated as in the Tolkienverse, but of opposite morality and ultimate intentions, and from what I could discern his counterpart, as there almost always was for things like this, was most definitely dead. Evil could be considered an 'ideal' which meant that it had a lot of continuity relative to, say, souls between different Gigaverses, nevermind individual universes within a multiverse, but there were differences in manifestation that always made it difficult to discern which of the various Ultimate Evils of a given cosmology were objectively worse in the meta-cosmology of the wider Verse. It didn't help that it had parceled out a significant portion of it's power to accelerate this world's destruction, which I would assume had something to do with the summoned Hero and the usual narrative advantage he would possess being all screwed up and laden down with what seemed to be pretty obvious Curses, including a budget-Decimator, though it could just be pure sadism. I could use the narrative tethers to discern the general direction of them and triangulate from there, and I could tell that they didn't seem active yet, but anything further would have to wait for line of sight or dedicated spellcraft.

"Uh, hi." I began. One of them, the elderly man somewhere between a ghost possessing their own corpse and a lich, whose gaze briefly flicked between the Hero and myself, and who looked at me with open suspicion. The others just seemed confused.

"Greeting, Outlander." he said, tone not unpleasant, but certainly not pleasant either. Well, that wasn't good, he seemed to be under the impression I had something to do with all the terrible maladies afflicting the Hero. I assumed some aspect of Blood Sorcery, as I believed the local blood magic was called, allowed the undead man to discern the loss of fundamental essence he was being hit with. His apparent semi-deafness was also fairly obvious, and his dulled sense of smell would also become noticeable in little time. "What brings you here?" he asked, the elven girl and what seemed like a black mage, though he was both a fairly potent Blood Sorcerer and an angel-contracted Divine Sorcerer, content to watch the byplay for the moment.

"Ah, well, I was sent as a representative of sorts for a higher being." Technically correct. "You can call my Ilbgar. It's not my real name, but you learn to be careful about these things." Of course, with how much my chosen name was used to refer to me across massive sections of the local Verse, far in excess of my original name, it could be used as a moderate substitute for my real name in some of the spells that required such things, but any extra protection never hurt. "It wouldn't be wrong to think of me as somewhere between a Divine Sorcerer and a contracted spirit." I was drawing power from a patron who'd created me, but I was also a fully sapient being capable of making my own choices, for whatever that was worth when you were an ISH 1 being tied to an ISH 5 being. So I wasn't quite either.

"And why here, specifically?" the man asked.

"Ah, well, I think this a 'point of least resistance' situation. Either that, or my patron noticed what was going on with Airoy and decided to have me help you out."

"Airoy?" the elf girl asked, perplexed.

I decided I might as well bite the bullet. "The Darkness I'm sure you've sensed to one degree or another is essentially the anti-Yoria. Hence her name spelled backwards. I'm afraid there's quite a struggle ahead of us, seeing as Yoria is dead, presumably by his hand."

The girl gave a sharp intake of breath, the man grit his teeth but paused when the Hero nodded once in confirmation, and the mage sighed. "I was afraid of that. Kharmiel could tell something was wrong with the cosmic balance, but..." the mage explained.

"It's why our friend here is in such bad shape. The Darkness wanted to be absolutely sure he couldn't pose a threat, and without Yoria to oppose him, he was free to interfere in the summoning. First, he's afflicted with an essence bleed that can only be staunched by murdering others, which we should get on unless we want him to start losing powers, skills, memories and eventually ontological coherence in... 4-6 days by my estimation."

Once again, the Hero nodded, adding "He told me all about it."

"Second, a curse that causes anyone who interacts with him for more than a couple minutes to eventually betray him, due to a highly realistic vision of him doing so in an incredibly cruel manner first being inflicted on them. You three seem immune, and I have the benefit of knowing exactly what it's trying to do and some significant protection against hostile mystical effects, but if he interacted with, say, your patron in Divine Sorcery, you'd have to worry about... actually, direct associates like those only suffer the curse at 80% strength, but anyone not directly connected to you, and perhaps a handful of others possessing a natural immunity, would, well, frankly they'd be a constant risk unless you were willing to kill everyone in your path or keep him locked away from everyone else at all times. Basically? Don't expect raising an army to help. In fact, assume they'd be a hindrance sooner rather than later. Third, he seems to have had a tendency to show off implanted into him. He literally can't avoid monologuing, especially if it's an enemy or an attempted ambush. Expect a lot of heroic speeches. We might as well start keeping a mental list of how many times we hear certain phrases, because it's going to get old fast."

"Wait, the Darkness can just... alter people's personalities?" the elf girl looked deeply disturbed.

I waggled a hand. "Eh, not really. It would require a moment of extreme vulnerability, such as being outside of conventional reality as the summoned Hero was, or an injustice done to someone so extreme that most people, like 99% of people would seriously consider aiding the victim in extreme and horrific forms of revenge. Anyone with a conscience at least." I did have a couple spells for turning that off when I had considered intervening in various atrocities throughout human history, such as the Iron Age collapse, back when I was under the impression my timeline was still on course. It was a good thing my Willpower was so high when I had discovered all of that was for nothing.

"At any rate, the fourth is, well, direct interference in his incarnation into this world. His hearing and sense of smell are damaged. He's halfway to deaf and noseblind. It's also affected his willpower, from what his soul indicates." Given that his hearing problems had already become apparent, this caused the least reaction of any of what amounted to Curses I had listed off. While it didn't sound as bad as loss of essence, a gradual wearing on you via lowered quality of life could have extreme effects in the long-term. It all added up, too. Who knew when his compromised willpower might come back to bite him?

"Lastly, and in my opinion, worst of all, a curse that bears a very strong resemblance to one that I'd only heard about. He seems to have a weakened version of the Apocryphal Curse. It boils down to making one's life 'interesting' in the Chinese sense." the Hero winced at that. "Perhaps an enemy has an outrageous breakthrough in their study of their magic. Perhaps some unrelated threat emerges to drain our resources at the worst possible time. The good news is that from what I can tell, unlike the real deal, it's possible to outgrow it, as it won't eventually start dragging stuff from outside the universe to chuck at him if he outgrows everything here. It boils down to Airoy permanently tilting Fate against our friend here, rather than deeper forces being subverted at the semi-autonomous will of the Curse. It also, by it's nature, won't default to anything that absolutely can't be overcome, as dying suddenly and anticlimactically isn't interesting, unless it gets sufficient narrative weight to become so. Like someone who was obsessed with avoiding such a mediocre death being a valid target because of the irony factor." It also wouldn't return to The Accursed if the Hero died, but that wasn't really relevant to them.

"By my calculations, if nothing is done, magic as you know it will cease to exist in 6 thousand years, and the world will follow suit in at most 30." Not a lot of time by my standards. Sure, we Avatars kept True Immortality and attacking us along ontological coherence lines was an exercise in futility for any being incapable of obliterating an entire multiverse's ontology, but as mere fragmented copies, our Attributes were miniscule shadows of our greater self, and thus we effectively didn't have Growth. So unless I got lucky and my greater self decided to hyper-accelerate time to speed Growth along from my perspective, I would have to make do with local magics and anything I could scrounge up from elsewhere that was compatible. Perhaps use the local Mantle system in a manner similar to Diagram's Signs for various magic systems to incorporate them into the world? Thoughts for later.

"That's certainly... disheartening." the older man admitted. "Still, I can feel the raw power radiating from the Hero, and if nothing else, I'd quite like some measure of vengeance for Yoria. You may call me Aldrich."

"Bela." the elf girl followed suit.

"Eryc." the mage contributed.

"Yoria apparently knew that this time was different, so she left me quite a few powers." the Hero demonstrated a strange orange glow, which resolved itself into a simple iron bar.

"Joss? The power she used to set the very laws of the world?" Aldrich asked, flabbergasted. Huh. How did he know that? Prior history with Yoria?

"I think that's just an instance of it going to the most viable candidate, since it seems different from his other magics and empowerments." It wasn't tethered to his soul quite the same way, and worse, his vessel was ill-fit for it. Was this why the Darkness had done so much to screw up the Hero's vessel?

"I think we should take some time to work out the exact mechanisms of these powers. For one thing, we have no idea how Joss interacts with other Mantles, considering where most of them came from." Eryc suggested.

"I'd offer a nearby location owned by my House, but considering the issues the Hero is facing, there's no better time than the present." Aldrich agreed.

So we began testing, cataloguing, and in my case specifically, beginning work on copying for my own Advancement and an additional sample of the powers to work with in researching their techniques, the various abilities the Hero possessed, and their various interactions.

AN: So, the Hero's build looks like this.

[H] Cheat Mode: Doubled picks, take 4 Artifacts and all Companions. Half now, half later.
[H] Writer's Mode: 1K. +1 Empowerment.
[H] Writer's Mode: 3K. +1 Artifact.
[H] Writer's Mode: 5K. +1 pick in any section.(Mantle)
[H] Writer's Mode: 10K. +1 pick in Mantles.
[H] Writer's Mode: 15K. +1 pick in Sorceries, and then +1 pick in any section for every 2.5k words on top of that.
[H] Writer's Mode 17.5K. +1 Mantle.

I think I have enough cred to be confident in going for the 17.5K version. That's enough for me to get everything I want. I'm already more than a third of the way there anyway.

[H] Bet Seal: Dying-and-Rising.
[H] Azure Rose.
[H] Amulet of Unlife(Golden Ring).
[H] Shard of Imperishable Eternity.

Now, the Bet Seal and Azure Rose have a fair amount of overlap, but preventing energy from being siphoned to regulate the Hero's age/heal wounds is of benefit to Progression. Azure Rose also has synergy with a certain artifact. Especially when that artifact is boosted by Amulet of Unlife's general boost to said artifact. Between the endless replenishment of vitality being constantly burned by Golden Ring, which provides at least ++++++++All Stats according to Aabcehmu before the Amulet's boost, and the safety net provided by the Golden Ring's phylactery status if somebody manages to snipe the Hero while he's burning most of the vitality Azure is giving him makes it about as safe as it could possibly be. The Shard provides yet more protection if the bad guys get lucky or Apocryphal pulls something outrageous like Mordred, or both.

[H] Hero's Mantle.
[H] Mantle of Assiah.
[H] Mantle of Kephas.
[H] Mantle of Bria.
[H] Mantle of Mobius.

[H] Mantle of Joss.

Hero's Progression booster is very important, especially when Joss is so slow to learn. I should probably be able to rustle up some help, possibly a training dimension of one kind or another in Yoria's proximity. It might not be an original piece, but it should count about as much as an organ transplant does. Sure, 'I' won't be in a position to do it for a while, but the whole premise is that Transcendent me had this place right in the middle of incorporation when the Petaversal threat popped up, so there should be at least some of the dimensional infrastructure in place. Alternatively, Mobius and the Rift Maker Empowerment should be able to provide some assistance in this regard. Either way, by year one's end, making it myself shouldn't be too hard regardless of whether or not the Hero can make one. Now, Joss can't be used to make Blood Sorcery-viable blood, at least initially, but it was always intended to be a fill-in for Yoria. Even just beating all the Scenarios would lengthen Yoria's lifespan enough that corresponding improvements from the Hero filling in for her would probably lengthen it enough to reach the next point of significant lengthening until either Yoria can be replaced, or revived. Plus, it can be used for just about any basic item, so working up to combat servitors shouldn't be too hard.

Assiah's conceptual cleaving and combination(fun fact, the technical definition of cleave can mean to cleave something apart or together) should be of great interest to someone who can access pocket planes via portals, because technically creating a permanent portal would combine the pocket plane with the greater one. A crude Close the Fist would also be available. Should be interesting seeing what a combined Eney and Scepter can do. A fate boost to Eney's boast-based buffs, or maybe the ability to manipulate fate via boasting? Turn Death Flag statements into active boosts to whatever action. The Golden Ring and Silver Pendant put together could also be quite good. Perhaps the ability to turn the +All Stats into a general power pool to choose different Stats to raise, or maybe outright drain certain Stats to improve others? Plus it could be a good way to combine the Amulet's boost with different artifacts. Later on, combining the two might grant an improvement to the buffs and make the boast buffs last some time outside of a given mission. Closing the Fist between Bela and Aldrich's artifacts should also be doable, plus the looted artifacts from the Archmages and Dark Lords. Kephas is mostly for raw Stats, though the boost to combat will be very helpful against the majority of Scenarios, especially when so much of the early game is going to be preoccupied with magic training and messing around with the cross-synergies of the magic systems as opposed to combat training, given the Beasts won't be up an running for a while to provide fodder. The Mantle of Bria and Arcana Sorcery combine very, very well. Not to mention the Int and Wits boosters. I suspect the connection to the sky would be of use against Fog of Ages as well. At least in terms of sensing it's progress.

[H] Arcane Sorcery
[H] Divine Sorcery
[H] Natural Sorcery
[H] Blood Sorcery

I imagine 10.8 times normal human intellect will help a lot with Arcane Sorcery, even if I'm initially just advising. Betrayer and Divine Sorcery normally wouldn't play well, but a certain crown can change that. With Natural, when is alchemy not useful? Especially with Joss to provide at least some of the materials, even if it can't provide Blood Sorcery with blood initially, there's plenty of other stuff we could alchemize with mundane elements. As Fayhem noted, white phosphorous is technically made from natural materials. Similar, according to this Live Science article, flourine technically does occur in nature, specifically in a radioactive florite. Making Chlorine Trifluoride shouldn't be too hard, since harvesting the former from salt shouldn't take much effort. This is a chemical so reactive it burns concrete on contact and makes water explode. Forget nitroglycerin, this stuff is way more explosive. Then there's FOOF, Dioxygen Diflouride. Oxygen was never going to be a problem, and this stuff makes ice explode. What's more, the sheer environmental control is amazing for setting traps. Being able to erode a hill or cliffside a hundred years in 5 seconds and similar is going to be a very unpleasant surprise for anyone standing on it or next to it. Blood Sorcery when given one infinitely replenishing corpse is impressive. With two? The things we can't do with a few days prep likely consists mostly of things that would reshape entire continents. Massive advancement of the party's powers probably wouldn't take long.

[H] Wind Waker
[H] Soul Eater
[H] Blaze Star
[H] Rift Opener
[H] Jade Mistress
[H] Fearsome Overlord
[H] Scattered Phantom
[H] Sky-Tearing Bird
[H] Thunder Runner

Cards on the table, while Astral Liege could be neat... Blood Sorcery is way too important to this build for it to be worth it. So the +1 Empowerment from Writer's Mode is unhelpful, to say the least. Still, if Soul Eater can let the Hero harvest some of my infinitely regenerating lifeforce for his own empowerment, then millions of my corpses should empower him a great deal, and if not then the baseline Stat boost and plethora of enemies to kill will soon resolve that problem. Wind Waker improving general mobility through flight is a welcome addition, and aerokinesis can act as makeshift telekinesis under the right circumstances, not to mention the physical and mental speed boost. Blaze Star grants yet more security, and a minor super mode. Seeing as my Avatars are crippled compared to the main me, Rift Opener allowing for use of the Zoom spell to go wherever is likely to be absolutely crucial to getting to places in a timely manner. I can probably pull a Jumper and make a spell to follow along via keeping the Rift open a little longer than it's supposed to be. Plus, it should have synergy with the pocket plane portals and creation of Mobius, which doesn't explicitly allow for conventional teleports like this, but it's not entirely dissimilar either. Jade Mistress' independent healing factor presumably allows some healing to persist even with Golden Ring, and I won't say no to the ablative armor and environmental control on offer for the Hero. Fearsome Overlord's weakness sense should be useful against almost all the Scenarios, and the further bolstered speed of thought certainly isn't a problem. Scattered Phantom provides yet more security. In some ways it's like a second Silver Pendant permanently set to physical damage. Combined with the normal Silver Pendant, and the magical knife slicing your stomach open via the enchantment or the knife itself not being blocked is no longer an issue. Sky-Tearing Bird and Nature Sorcery should combine well, and not being crappy at finding his way if the group gets separated by an enemy is a good thing for the Hero. Thunder Runner provides both a massive physical and mental speed boost, but also a powerful Desperation Attack.

[H] Scepter of Oshirah(later)
[H] Sword of Eney(immediate)
[H] Silver Pendant(later)
[H] Golden Ring(immediate)
[H] Spirit King's Crown(bought via Writer's Mode)

Eney is not only for countering Gull, but also to expedite killing each other. A vorpal blade should cut my head off without issue, especially when a Hero with all these buffs does the slashing. Golden Ring is crucial for this build, as noted above. Silver Pendant can wait, though I wonder if setting it to Social can block Betrayer's visions of betrayal, as we're going to be spending the first week or so killing the crap out of each other. Similarly, we have plenty of Sorcery to study while we wait for the Scepter. The Crown and it's spirits are going to be a week, but I don't think they'd come any sooner if I picked it for one of my 'later' slots, and Eney and the Ring both have much more immediate use than it. This is what Divine Sorcery is to be used for, since Betrayer would mess it up with any other divinities.

[H] Aldrich Elderlast(immediate)
[H] Bela Vista(immediate)
[H] Gilen(later)
[H] Aumelia Sunsworn(later)
[H] Eryc Noctazar(immediate)
[H] Po the Pretender(later)

So, presumably Bela sought out Aldrich for help with the encroaching Darkness, and he was quite willing to hear her out, as he was already working on the problem. He, in turn contacted Eryc for his special talent involving Blood Sorcery, and to see what his angelic friend knew. That seems like something he'd keep an eye on. Their knowledge of Blood Sorcery is very helpful here at the start. If we can take advantage of that special ability of theirs with a few million bodies to sacrifice, massive Attributes gains would probably be the least of our potential rewards. By that point it would probably be obvious that my own Attributes were rising on their own(I'll explain further down), so supercharging Joss and it's Progression would likely be what we burn at least the first month's charge of that on.

Gilen's proto-Mantle/Sorcery is best saved for when we've enhanced our Attributes and trained enough to gather the low-hanging fruit of our existing abilities. Of course, my Avatar is probably going to be incredibly good at building new Mantles and Sorceries thanks to sheer breadth of experience with Magic systems and knowledge therein and the Hero being right there with 4 of the 5 extant Sorceries and 6 of the 7 extant Mantles, so it's hard to be sure I wouldn't be able to do that relatively trivially. I sympathize with Aumelia's plight, but her war-making capacity isn't very useful to us at the start. Similarly, if Po's not willing to divulge the details of his artifact, then there's only so much we can do to help him with that. His talent for trickery and deception will be of use later on, once we're actually spending time in society and Alrich can't trivially secure us whatever we need.

I like to think that the first three are immune because they partook in his summoning, while the other three are different flavors of no-sell. Gilen just isn't from here, so he's got the same sort of issue that would negate the Hero's Immortality working in his favor here, Aumelia just straight up no-sells the betrayal vision because of how she treats even the most vile of people, and Po's special power offers protection. Though it's possible that there's some sort of marker the local me is using to discern these things, rather than just directly analyzing the Drawbacks in Curse format. Transcendent me did a lot of Curse analyzing in hopes of helping with Curse Mitigation, either mine or a Cursebearer I encountered. As an ISH 5, I could probably manage up to Stage 2 of most Curses without any real issue, and at least some of the Stage 3s.

[H] The Dark Lord.
[H] Six Beasts.
[H] The Fog of Ages
[H] Archmage of Winter.
[H] Archmage of Flames.
[H] The Final King (requires The Dark Lord).

In this version of events, the Darkness is being a sadist and has elected to respond to the Hero deciding to try and fix things by a) enacting all of these Scenarios at once to drive him into despair, and b) inflicting all the Drawbacks on him, seeing as Yoria is in no position to protect him, just to ensure he can't pose a threat. Boy, is he in for a shock!

[H] The Slayer. +3 Enhancements.
[H] The Betrayer. +1 Mantle.
[H] The Gull. +1 Immortality.
[H] Sensory Aggravation. (3, 2.) +1 Immortality.
[H] Apocryphal Curse. +1 Sorcery.

Rolled hearing and scent for Sensory Aggravation, so the actual hero is, due to Cheat Mode, operating half-deaf and halfway noseblind. Infinite Corpse Works for Blood Sorcery should take care of that pretty quick. The Slayer and Soul Eater combine well, and Gull and Eney partially cancel each other out. Apocryphal Curse at half strength shouldn't be unbearable. Betrayer is the big deal here, but given that I a) know all about it, and b) have a number of options to defend against it with by the massive number of magics available, not to mention anything local that boosts my defenses. Protection seems to be a Stat unique to my Avatar here. If nothing else, I could 'Betray' him by simply not attempting to call up my greater self to deal with all this, under the logic that if my Avatars weren't all dead, he was probably fine, but the fact that something so malicious and yet so weak to even an ISH 5 being was allowed to persist would definitely raise alarm bells. While my usual strategy is to pull an Eru and just arrange things for a general uptick in positive emotions and actions, not the least of which is resolving most of the things that cause the opposite in one way or another, I am not above intervening directly if there's an unrepentantly bad actor like the Adversary screwing up whole universes.

So, just as Transcendent Ilbgar sent out the avatars, the Petaverse came under threat. Because of course it did. Various high-level entities of similar scope and power in it's component Teraverses have banded together to buy time enough for those who have not yet hit their peak to achieve yet greater heights. My Transcendent self being one of them, having finally bitten the bullet and locked himself away in a Hyperbolic Time Chamber where time passes a billion times more quickly to abuse Growth. While this effectively makes it impossible for him to react to much of anything happening, which leaves a number of avatars in the lurch in the short-term, each day from the perspective of an avatar, my main self gains 228,310 to all Attributes, which in turn provides a +2.2 to avatar Attributes per day. That's going to come out to 841.6 for the avatars and 84,166,666 for my main self, more than a hundred times as powerful even ignoring the exponential nature of the Attributes, though if anything further away from the ISH 8 of the main me. The massive difference is why the Avatars don't know much of anything about what's going with the main me, as they largely can't comprehend any of it in much the same way a quark couldn't comprehend the simplest of human thoughts. The reverse, despite their massive number, is not true, and a lot of entertainment value is derived from reading through their misadventures while he waits for Growth to push him further towards the infinite Attribute cap. Since 666 is infinite in a single cardinality, I assume that even with all 6 Scenarios and all Drawbacks, we've got a shot, especially when True Immortality and of course the Hero's own immortality can be abused to let the Hero Blood Sorcery it up with an endless supply of volunteer bodies/bloodbags to massively empower the Mantles including Joss, and if I'm a valid target for Slayer, he can store 7 kills up constantly.

Of course, I fully expect all 6 Scenarios and the lesser Apocryphal to leave me with significantly less than 10 years to prep the Hero and his Companions. Given Fate is bending over backwards even for a common Dark Lord, nevermind the Final King, and with backing from Apocryphal. I suspect a handful of months before the prep time is run out pre-emptively by Apocryphal deciding the training arc is boring. Still, that's more than enough time for my avatar to hit 100+ in my Attributes. Enough for Luck to start contesting at least the basic Dark Lords in their fate-bending even with Apocryphal backing. Perhaps I could shove them into a Zero Infinity plane to buy time if necessary. Basically, a place between multiverses. The multiverse equivalent of the intergalactic void. The Hero might lose his Immortality if he leaves Yoria, and the Advisor might not be able to leave, but it doesn't say what happens if you shove a Dark Lord or whatever outside of this multiverse. Zero Infinity is a survivable location, though not pleasant, but I suspect at least some loss of power, given how invested in this universe the Adversary is. The fate-bending at least should degrade substantially. Transcendent Ilbgar generally has them made more habitable and connects them to their connected multiverses, in turn treated as a sort of rest stop between them along the travel route created by him/me, but as I've mentioned, the dimensional infrastructure in the area is of limited scope. Where it exists at all between my unfinished stuff and the Adversary killing the Goddess.

I wonder if this kind of assistance would be enough for a Hero to get through Accursed Difficulty? It takes months for the local me to ramp up, but I don't exactly start at baseline human even on day one. By the time one fifth of the allotted time until the world collapses under the existential weight of the Scenarios has elapsed, the smallest of infinities will be well within the reach of an Avatar across the parameters of Strength, Intellect, Vitality, Agility, Wisdom, Luck, Appearance, Willpower, Magic, Theft, Protection, Wits, and Prowess. Now, doubled Apocryphal with +30% spam, I mean attack speed, would be super-nasty, but it scales to the Hero, not my avatar. Heck, the Dark Lords and their Final King are the only Scenarios that actively grow worse with any speed, and I don't think even they grow this fast. The Accursed can't just go for super-strong people as Cursebearers, but can he pick out people who he can be sure will get significant outside assistance? In theory, I could just leave the guy in a lurch, but unless Apocryphal expends credibility on that, even Wretched isn't going to make me do that.

In total, the Hero's full strength at journey's start is +30 Strength, +14 Intelligence, +34 Constitution, +33(34 in Phantom mode, 43 with Thunder Runner active, 44 if both) Agility, +27(37 with Thunder Runner active) Wits, +9 Willpower, +10(14 with flora and fauna) Luck, +10(14 if Eney is drawn) Manipulation, +16(20 if Eney is drawn, 22 with animals, beasts, and non-sophont creatures, 26 if both) Charisma, and +13 Appearance(28 if this counts as a physical Attribute thanks to Kephas).

So, the Hero surpasses the Avatar in every way at the journey's start, assuming the Attributes are exponential here as well. However, a single week will add roughly 15.4 to all of the Avatar's Attributes. 8.3->23.7, and within 2 that's going to rise to 39.1, placing the local me well above what the Hero has before training, and it's not as if I won't be doing my level best to copy over any and all local magics for my own use. I'm going to be studying them anyway for common threads to use in augmenting the training of Joss, after all. Of course, Blood Sorcery makes this calculation difficult, given it's unclear how hard it is to do direct Attribute upgrades with it, nevermind bolstering Empowerments, Mantles, Sorceries, or Artifacts. While Mantles can explicitly be advanced, it's suggested by at least Blood Sorcery that there's a sort of 'muscle' that affects your capacity beyond what you sacrifice. Artifacts don't naturally improve on their own, but while waiting for Assiah to Advance to the point of Closing the Fist with Artifacts, improving the individual Artifacts can only help the end result of those mergers.

6135 words, discounting this line.
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Here's my personal build that combines a decent amount of risk with good powers. If I wanted to go more cautious, I'd probably forgo the drawbacks and buy Heir + Specter, which seems like it'd offer a good level of potential comfy and security.
The Woundlands
Legacy Beyond Life
(3 Coins)
True Heir (3 Coins)
Exalted (1 Coin)
Slow Burn (+1 Coin)
Nemesis (+1 Coin)
Trojan Horse (+2 Coins)

I don't actually have much to say about this. It's an assemblage of powers and risks whose purpose is to allow me to venture forth boldly into Genesis and, hopefully, return some mote of order (and advance the agenda of the Trojan Horse,) to the locals.

I'd suspect that Trojan Horse involves swearing to The Hand, and I'm always big on his puns and overall work. (As I've always said, nobody who makes puns can be completely evil or ill-intentioned.) If I'm wrong about any of that, oh well, that's simply too bad - the risk is worth it! Nemesis and Slow Burn are somewhat dangerous, especially in combination, but Exalted + Legacy should provide enough speed in progression, as well as talent and charm, to give myself some reasonable early security and experience with the magics that I possess. I'd probably select the Principle of Emotion for True Heir, but I'm not completely sold on that.

I am not certain how Slow Burn and Legacy Beyond Life mesh together, but I'm reasonably certain that Legacy should at least partially offset the risks imposed by the drawbacks I selected. If I can manage to destroy my Nemesis and overcome the Slow Burn towards power, I'll pretty much be on the straight and narrow - aside from supporting the agenda of activity imposed by Trojan Horse. Although I'm sure it'll push me to do some things that are altogether regrettable, as the option says, "Your purpose becomes a guiding light, a dream of justice burning in your soul." If justice is what I'm after, how can it be wrong? Maybe I'll regret my choice in an eon from now, but the me in the past is the one who laughs at the fool in the future. In any case, having the Hand on call might be its own form of boon, once I overcome Slow Burn.

Altogether, I expect this combination to yield a build of considerable power and potential, with enough risks to keep being interesting. I didn't pick up the Apocryphal Curse, because I feel like I've got enough on my plate, and resolving cataclysm after cataclysm - let alone inflicting such a terrible fate on the entire world - sounds like a terrible use of my time. The existence of the Nemesis, for mere power, is already one crime weighing on my conscience - and their grievance is legitimate. There exists a certain line at which I am simply stacking power to my own advantage, rather than to help others, even in a tangential manner. Nor would the Apocryphal offer that much more power than any other set of possible drawback choices I could make. Not the comfiest build in the world, but I think I wouldn't be entirely opposed to such an existence had I to make the choice. Although, if I was actually thrust into such wild circumstances, it's possible that I'd select something more secure.

For a slightly more powerful yet risky version of this build, delete my memories and pick up Armamentarium. It means I do not remember the Nemesis, and might forget certain other aspects of my being, interfering thereby with advancement and operations - but the Armamentarium would, in time, offer its own boost of power.
Hey @Fayhem Does Heroes Don't Kill apply to Kaijuu? Given that the Is and IIs are of debatable sapience.

If they don't count, then 'eating' them with Void to empower the Diagram with Signs for all the other Magic Systems could be a viable build. I wouldn't bother building defenses, and indeed actively demolish any since my scenario involves leaning into being regarded as The Devil in the Double Your Pleasure route.
I didn't have that much time to write today, but I can prepare for tomorrow.

+ Defeating the Darkness +
[ ] Standard Mode -
[ ] Bet Seal: Dying-and-Rising -
[ ] Amulet of Unlife -
[ ] Shard of Imperishable Eternity -
[ ] Mantle of Heroes -
[ ] Mantle of Joss -
[ ] Blood Sorcery -
[ ] Silver Pendant -
[ ] Spirit King's Crown - (Amulet: A Fable of Divinity)
[ ] Aumelia Sunsworn -
[ ] The Dark Lord -
[ ] Six Beasts -
[ ] The Fog of Ages -
[ ] Archmage of Winter -
[ ] Archmage of Flames -
[ ] The Final King (requires The Dark Lord) -
[ ] Sensory Aggravation - (5. taste, 3. scent)
[ ] Apocryphal Curse -

The Fable of Divinity
It seems a wreath woven from starlight, no more substantial than a day dream. Throughout it's leaves and branches, in the weft and weave of arteries, in the cracks of its bark and the whispers of air a fragile pattern reveals itself, a figments fractured fractal. Where intersections should have shone like stars, thirteen voids hunger, twelve lesser and one all together greater.

Once this was to be foundation and capstone both, thirteen divinities worn upon one Heroes brow, their legacy made concrete. What remains has been hollowed out, exsanguinated, all but unmade. No God's arise from gleaming gems, no domains unfurl beneath the gentle light of experience.

And yet...
qwolfs threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: In order of mention Total: 8
5 5 3 3
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Hey @Fayhem Does Heroes Don't Kill apply to Kaijuu? Given that the Is and IIs are of debatable sapience.

If they don't count, then 'eating' them with Void to empower the Diagram with Signs for all the other Magic Systems could be a viable build. I wouldn't bother building defenses, and indeed actively demolish any since my scenario involves leaning into being regarded as The Devil in the Double Your Pleasure route.
Hm, it's an interesting question. I don't think you've used your Nix question yet - do you want to use it on this?
A/N: I really want Perfect Merger to win, so I figured I should put my mouth where my marker is and contribute both omake power and Arete towards that option! This is my very first CYOA ever, so feedback is very much appreciated, especially on balancing.
All the Avatars and Dragons are a bit samey. It's particularly bad in Africa, which has only three options. Perhaps you could add another option or two there, maybe take inspiration from the "landing place of Noah's Ark" or "origin of life" stories?

Anyway, my question for Nix is thus: "The Splice and the last-year Rival deaths seem astonishingly unlikely to be the only planned events. What's the most important thing you haven't told me?"
All the Avatars and Dragons are a bit samey. It's particularly bad in Africa, which has only three options. Perhaps you could add another option or two there, maybe take inspiration from the "landing place of Noah's Ark" or "origin of life" stories?
That's very fair. I had a good number of ideas for splices that I was very excited about, and then the reality that I needed a minimum of three options for every sector and I had not quite *that* many distinct ideas. I'm keeping a doc where I record planned revisions that I'll probably post as an "expansion pack" for the CYOA once I've got enough - I do already have another unique Splice for the African Sector lined up there.
Anyway, my question for Nix is thus: "The Splice and the last-year Rival deaths seem astonishingly unlikely to be the only planned events. What's the most important thing you haven't told me?"
Nix: Heh. Good insight. The single most important thing I haven't mentioned here yet... alright. This contest? It's actually an elimination bracket, played between multiple alternate worlds. And you're only eligible to advance and get closer to the Grand Prize if you score high but don't win outright.
That's very fair. I had a good number of ideas for splices that I was very excited about, and then the reality that I needed a minimum of three options for every sector and I had not quite *that* many distinct ideas. I'm keeping a doc where I record planned revisions that I'll probably post as an "expansion pack" for the CYOA once I've got enough - I do already have another unique Splice for the African Sector lined up there.
Some ideas:
Add an ANZAC splice to the Asia-Pacific area.
A Holy Roman Empire resurgent splice for Europe.
An Ethiopian-based Rastafari splice.
Maybe add a FB option (that is, one that's entirely optional and not part of a set of compulsory region options) for one or both of the poles.
So in powerlevel of options (in terms of winning%) I have:

Ending True
CtF (Supreme)
Perfect Merger

--Power Gap--

CtF (High Merger)

--Power Gap--

Vengeful Merger
CtF (Baseline)

If Ending true and CtF (Supreme) aren't acceptable, the next best option would be Perfect Merger, followed by CtF with 2 Picks.
So in powerlevel of options (in terms of winning%) I have:

Ending True
CtF (Supreme)
Perfect Merger

--Power Gap--

CtF (High Merger)

--Power Gap--

Vengeful Merger
CtF (Baseline)

If Ending true and CtF (Supreme) aren't acceptable, the next best option would be Perfect Merger, followed by CtF with 2 Picks.
Among people who don't think we're going to hit 50A, the first decision point should be about Ending True. I'm not sure whether the ability to sacrifice Arete currently allocated to Companion Survival at a 2:1 matching rate also applies to the Shattering Blow mentioned in that blurb. If so, we are looking at a range of 15-25A available to safeguard Hunger's identity, albeit potentially risking the non-Gisena companions as well during the Epilogue.

Personally, the "outgrowing remittances" quote is just too sad for me to vote for this option.

So the second decision point is about CtF moves. I'm currently voting for the non-Apo mitigation options because I'm an idiot. Hour of Destiny (even on its own) is the most pivotal ability for this battle *and Hunger's future*. It is an Epilogue safety net: Daylian made it quite far with his own Crowning Curse thanks to defensive wishes and some good luck. With Fault-Defeating Stance and the average rate of Advancement established by the Digital Waterfall, I think AST has decent odds of an optimistic ending.

Hour of Destiny works best if Hunger can benefit from its advantages for longer than 3 nanoseconds. So, the second ability has to be something that will prolong the fight. Being allowed to use Refinement of War freely for the next 12 exchanges keeps Hunger relevant in close quarters combat, and I believe the Maiden is counting on Hunger to run out of Praxis endurance. That would be going out with a whimper. I won't stand for it.

But consider what the opportunity cost is here. Absorbing the All-Defeating Stance into Hunger's blood makes it extremely difficult for the Maiden to actually kill Hunger. The +Protec makes for a sort of DIY Invincible Night advancement. Hunger would just face-tank a few attacks and be immediately more powerful. The Maiden would be on a timer to land a doubly-decisive blow (bypassing Hunger's health-bar twice-over). Every failed attack benefits him, and a longer the windup means more time for Apo-chan to help turn the tides.

So at the end of this, what I'm realizing is that Supreme CtF is really the most carefully planned and s*nergistic build we've ever been offered. Consider:

-The Maiden attacks Hunger
-The attack is blunted by a massively boosted Power of Ruin defense
-If the attack is not powerful enough to fully eliminate Hunger, it makes him stronger instead
-If the blunted attack could kill Hunger at least twice over, he can instead Cut Through the attack, using his highest ISH ability as a defense
-For each exchange where Hunger tanks or parries the Maiden's assault, more Apocryphal activations pile up and help Hunger to survive.

Keeping in mind that Apo has a 1% mitigation for the next billion years (thanks to Mordred)… this feels like a really excellent setup for surviving the *next* major Apocryphal activation too
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Hands upraised, sending my power.

AN: Total duration from draft to post: 4 hours
Here's my personal build that combines a decent amount of risk with good powers. If I wanted to go more cautious, I'd probably forgo the drawbacks and buy Heir + Specter, which seems like it'd offer a good level of potential comfy and security.
An initial premise: as much as the Ormulum was an inspiration for my CYOA, the latter doesn't share a setting with it. Believing that Oathbound isn't much different from Trojan Horse is bound to end in regret.

Onto the build proper, you're absolutely correct that Nemesis and Slow Burn are a match made in hell: the initial moment of weakness is something that most Nemeses will attempt to exploit immediately to end the feud once and for all. Additionally, True Heir and Slow Burn mix about as well as oil and water: Heirs of the Four Planes develop much slower compared to other Shardbearers, so you're going to spend more time getting yourself into shape again - although it must be noted that, thanks to Exalted, you 'just' start a bit weaker than a normal True Heir would have been.

And yet you've found ways to minimize those issues.

What does it matter if whoever you anger might be strong enough to kill you, when you can simply hop into another body? What does it matter to start at a lower level when you can afford yourself some plausible deniability under a new guise? Perhaps you have sacrificed much in the way of actual progression - as once Slow Burn is overcome, you'll merely be how you should have been from the start. However, personal development for a True Heir is always a chancy thing; better to invest in the goals of your sworn liege and find ways to acquire goodies. In a way, this might be one of the best builds to ensure yourself a comfy Trojan Horse life down the road - or rather, as comfy as such a condition can be.

Much like beauty, justice is in the eye of the beholder: whether this is a welcome boon or an additional binding it is up to the reader.