hierarchy idea.

Valsen finds people who are loyal and competent and raises them to something like cultist level 1. The levels 1's can appoint people to cultist level 2 and so on with new members alway being the lowest.

Valsen the assigns tasks like organizing training, researching stuff, or keeping up the front organization to the level 1's. They assign people to deal with lesser/more specific tasks and are assigned a amount of resource (people/material) to use. Those who fail to complete their task in time will be demoted or killed depending on how much they failed and prior service.

For tasks that can't be completed such as maintaining a front organization then people will get rotated through that task on a semi regular basis.

the reason for this is 1. It makes it extremely hard to pin down our organization and 2. We're Chaos, so let's be chaotic
Updated the Research page, now includes Potential Research.

I've also added a limit to the amount of Research actions you can have per turn, currently at 2. This is just to prevent Research spam. If there are more than two Research actions, the lowest voted ones will be invalid. Don't worry though, as you can increase the amount, including an opportunity soon.
At the top we have Valsen, with four advisors just below them. Each advisor is responsible for suggesting the will of one god on each topic or task under consideration, while Valsen has the responsibility for interpreting that advice to best determine the correct course of action to further the Fourfold Path.

Down the level from that, the cult has one leader for each area of focus and interest (i.e. infiltration, water management, etc). Each of those leaders is assigned tasks and roles by Valsen, and each leader has four advisors (again, one for each god) to help them perform them in accordance with the Fourfold Path.

This structure repeats itself all the way down to the base level, with each leader or subgroup having four advisors, and each leader assigning tasks to individuals or groups of subordinates. It should be noted that the advisors are not and indeed should not be devoted solely to the god whose will they interpret- their role is to act as a messenger and mouthpiece in aid of the Fourfold Path, not a priest to one of the Four.

Honestly. I think that is a good idea in concept but in practice is way too complicated and complex.
I know! It's perfect. :)

Smart man. I actually forgotten that Chaos is both simple and easy but yet complicated and complex.

You'll have the option of creating a Head Researcher
Can we have a Limb Researcher, too?

Maybe a head researcher for all researches with head researchers for individual branches like prosthetic and daemonic studies below him/her.
Turn 3 - Part 2 Results
Turn 3 - Part 3: Hierarchy & Positions
The last time the cult gathered in such numbers, it was for their formation, and since then their numbers have more than doubled. This meeting is about the hierarchy of the cult, in particular the delegation of leadership. Valsen is an effective leader, it is true, but she cannot be everywhere at once, and there are some tasks that require an experienced hand to lead.

Valsen has private concerns, however. As the cultists begin to settle in to their worship, the aspiring among them will be trying to gain power for themselves. As one such person herself, Valsen is wary of potential rivals; but to ascend further she must rely on others, for now at least.

This is going to be done over two posts. The first (this one) will be creating the Positions, as well as the (mostly) thematic hierarchy, and the second will be deciding who gets them.

Each Position (for example, Head Researcher) gives a bonus to the subject (+1 Research Action per turn), while costing 100 Resources. Keep in mind; an ambitious character in a powerful position might be tempted to work towards their own goals, instead of those of the cult…

You can suggest one Position, and vote for as many as you want. Keep in mind I have final say on Position Bonuses, to try and keep things more balanced. A Position needs 10 votes to pass. If there are two positions with a similar focus, the one with the lowest votes will be discarded We'll use a plan vote for this; with the format as such;

[] Job Title
- [] Job Focus
- [] More Detail
- [] (Potential) Bonus

Here are some of my suggestions, although you need to vote for them if you want them. I won't be voting myself, but I will be advising and such.

[] Head Researcher
- [] Research
- [] Directs the cult's research projects
- [] +1 Research action per turn

[] High Priest
- [] Religious Practices
- [] Leads the cult in prayer and rituals
- [] +5 to all Religious actions

[] CEO
- [] Brethren Kelt
- [] Runs the everyday operations of the charity
- [] +5 to Diplomacy actions with other organisations
other organizations

I was going to go with NSMS's plan for the hierarchy, since it seems the most popular, but I'll give you a chance to vote. It'll be a Write in vote, no need to make it complicated, just keep it separate from the Position Votes.

Quick question though; do you want me to create a specialized selection of characters for each role, or make a large pool of characters to draw from? The second might be more complicated, but maybe more amusing.

Vote will start soon, and will continue until Monday to give people more time to vote.
[] Sovereign of the waves
-[] Cult Water Supply
-[] Manages the cults own water supply methods and stores, whatever they may be at a given time. Not the most glamorous of positions, but an essential one on a world such as Kelt.
-[] Increases effectiveness of water production/saving methods, provides sooner warning in case of an upcoming water shortage.

Here is my pitch. Water is essential, and we cannot afford to loose access to it. Never, ever, underestimate the importance of logistics.
[X] Head Researcher
- [X] Research
- [X] Directs the cult's research projects
- [X] +1 Research action per turn

[X] Director of public outreach
-[X] Infiltration
-[X] Directs all cult infiltration activities
-[X] +5 to all infiltration actions

- [X] Brethren Kelt
- [X] Runs the everyday operations of the charity
- [X] +5 to Diplomacy actions with other organisations

[X] Sovereign of the waves
Last edited:
[] Head of recruitment
-[] Recruitment
-[] Directs and organizes all recruitment efforts
-[] Gives an increase to recruited members, either as a die bonus or a % of the number of new recruits

Not exactly an imaginative title, but it doesn't take imagination to realize that more cultists = good.
[X] Masters of Scrawls
- [X] Mundane Paperwork.
- [X] Masters of Scrawls manages day to day paperwork and mundane administratum forms and requests. By necessity they need to be someone with administratum adept training versed in all the bureaucratic rituals of that order, though one with enough connections to bypass red tape would also be appreciated.
- [X] +5 to actions involving the Adepta Administratum.

[X] Sovereign of the waves
-[X] Cult Water Supply
-[X] Manages the cults own water supply methods and stores, whatever they may be at a given time. Not the most glamorous of positions, but an essential one on a world such as Kelt.
-[X] Increases effectiveness of water production/saving methods, provides sooner warning in case of an upcoming water shortage.

Here are my votes. Will adjust to add in suggestions I think are cool.