If the amount they prayed was how you defined a heretic, most of Keltist would be on stakes about now.
I mean........going by the standards of the Lex Imperialis?

There isnt a single non-heretic in the entire Imperium. After all, it is both a legal requirement to worship the Emperor...and forbidden to literally worship any religion what so ever. You physically cant comply with the holy law of the God Emperor.
Might want to check the legal definition of "weapon" next turn though.
This is something I can just tell you.
The definition is probably a bit broad, but roughly "An item capable of, and intended to be used as such, causing harm".

There isnt a single non-heretic in the entire Imperium. After all, it is both a legal requirement to worship the Emperor...and forbidden to literally worship any religion what so ever. You physically cant comply with the holy law of the God Emperor.
Ha yeah, everyone has forgotten that by now.
Turn 2 - Part 4 Results
Adhoc vote count started by tygerbright on Jun 30, 2022 at 10:47 PM, finished with 25 posts and 14 votes.
Ha yeah, everyone has forgotten that by now.
More was just pointing out that Imperial Law is so fucked right now that it is completely possible for mutually exclusive things to be both mandatory and punishable by death. I would not be surprised if it was similtabiously heresy to not spend all day praying, spend all day praying, and any combination of time between also being heresy, purely because theres a few hundred thousand pages seperating each line dictating such, leading it to be updated to "fix" the supposed lack.
Turn 3 - 752.M41
+++ Thought For The Day: The heretic will try to hide behind ever increasing amounts of obscuration, which must be burnt through to reveal the truth +++
Date: 752.M41 TS

Annatar's Eye has been active constantly this year, but well within normal bounds.
Recruitment Passive: 237 Cultists - 23d4+6 = 56
Recruitment Active: +4 - +4d4 = 12
Church Holy Consecration Trait: 2d4 = 5
Water Stills: +9
Brethren Kelt: 2d4 = 5
Recruitment Total: 87
Cultists Unavailable: 13 Distancing + (Potential 60% =) 22% = 81 Cultists
Although the Drought is ongoing, your cultists have grown used to such conditions, and are able to perform their work. As your numbers slowly grow, so too does your reach, although you have yet to infiltrate any group particularly deeply. Your new charity has begun, although work needs to be done to make it actually functional.

Contact with your new Ogryn Prophet Krok is limited, mostly done through scribbled notes he passes to cultists he encounters while performing work. Considering he cannot write, or possibly read, it is difficult but it seems he is asking for help to convert his fellow Abhumans. It'll be difficult, but will likely pay off if you ever need brute muscle.

Some of your cultists are becoming concerned by the events of the Underhive, mainly the growth of the Redemptionists. While they are no threat to you now, they might one day be, and your members wonder what steps could be taken to limit their power, or prepare for the seemingly inevitable conflict with the corpse-worshippers.

Cult Details:
Numbers: 243 (324)
Status: Hidden
Cultists: Revitalized
Resources: 3540 (Income 1620 - Upkeep 275 - Bank 2195)
19 : 3 : 3 : 2 : 2 = 29

Active Modifiers
-5 to Piety or Esoteric actions
-10 to Infiltrating House Andustor and other related actions
+10 bonus to Clipper actions including Infiltrating
-5 to Infiltrating Administratum
+1 to actions within the Upper Hive
-5 to general stealth rolls
-5 to diplomacy rolls, chance on failure the Clippers will be informed about you
Up to 60% of cultists will be unavailable
Income cut in half
+5 to Historical Research
+5 to Alderi Cultural & Societal Research
[ ] Recruit
- Write in what area of the Hive, or who you wish to focus on
[ ] Infiltrate*
- write in organization
[ ] Investigate*
- write in
[ ] Research*
- Alderi Movement (78/???) (The Aeldari Files)
- Clipper Holdings - ? (24/???) (The Clipper Files)
- Paper Knives (94/???)
- a system
- a unit
- a organization
- a ritual
- a item
- write in
[ ] Pray
- write in to who, or/and how
[ ] Contact Group or Organization*
- write in who, in what way, and about what
[ ] Hunt Rats
Receive money for hunting vermin
[ ] Write in
(Write in suggestions; search for something or someone, try to find information, something more complicated, etc etc. I have finale veto if they can be done)

Voting will start in a few hours
Remember you only have one vote
Voting for Organization activities will be done next post
We will be voting about selling water to the Disciples of Nourishment later

If you want do a sub-vote, do it like this:
[*] Research
-[*] The Aeldari Files
Actions with a star * next to them means you must specify through a sub-vote.

That modifier list is slowly getting longer, not sure how I feel about it.

Anyway, turn three. You'll notice I've moved the Annatar's Eye roll to this post instead of news, as it'd affect this year if it did anything. I've also suggested a few lines of action, but feel free to do your own things.
Last edited:
[] Research
-[] A drug based on our ever increasing knowledge of the Eldar meant to heighten emotion to the same intensity as the Aeldari. Hope. Despair. Rage. All aspects of the human psyche brought to their most potent of extremes, the first step on the road to humanity taking their place as the true masters of the galaxy.
Also the tech research isn't right I think. Paper Knives according to the research informational should be around the 90's.
[X] Investigate*
-[X] Do we have the water pump activation codes in the old paperwork? With the drought, it might be worthwhile to check.
[X] Bait the Redemptionists into falling afoul of the Clippers.
-[X] Plant evidence that a high ranking Clipper or group of Clippers are heretics by the Redemptionists' standards- the worse the better. Make sure the evidence finds its way into the hands of the Redemptionists. At the same time, tip the Clippers off that the Redemptionists are planning a violent move against them.
[X] Bait the Redemptionists into falling afoul of the Clippers.
-[X] Plant evidence that a high ranking Clipper or group of Clippers are heretics by the Redemptionists' standards- the worse the better. Make sure the evidence finds its way into the hands of the Redemptionists. At the same time, tip the Clippers off that the Redemptionists are planning a violent move against them.
I was actually thinking about a similar stratagem. I was going to suggest that we lure Redemptionists to hit some slumming nobles. We may want to infiltrate or investigate the Redemptionists first though.
[X] Research*
Legal loopholes, weirdly worded laws and other such stuff to make our operations not as criminal as they actually are.
[X] Hunt Rats

Some extra cash wouldn't hurt, if we could get a few other people voting this it might help out coffers for the next turn and if we're lucky the turn after that.
[X] Infiltrate*
-[X] House Hyarrstor
—[X] Aim to gain positions overseeing Ogryn

Lay the foundation to recruit Orgyn!