STAR TREK: A Long Road (Voyager Fix It Quest)

The Dragon: Once per episode, at the beginning of combat place an Advantage on the field representing a cunning tactic or strategy devised by Danara Pel.

USS Voyager
Sovereign Class Heavy Exploration Vessel
Command Ship: Can give advantages using Command within range to Away Missions or to supporting ships.

EMH: Has an EMH!

Improved Warp Drive: When going to warp, roll 1cd on an effect, regain the power point.

Quantum Torpedoes: Can use Quantum Torpedoes! (60 total)

Secondary Reactors: +5 to Power

High Resolution Sensors: +1 momentum to out of combat sensor checks.
Federation Starship – A highly sophisticated and advanced vessel, with holodecks, replicators, and similar comforts, primarily designed to handle multiple operations. Highly sensitive and requiring constant maintenance, the vehicle is less rugged than other interstellar craft

Maquis Crew - a good chunk of the crew are former Maquis troublemakers. Expect discipline problems and unorthodox plans.
Phaser Arrays
Power Cost: 1-3 | Range: Medium | Damage: 9cd [+1 per extra power spent]
Can Use Spread: Hit +1 time at ½ damage per effect OR Area: hit +1 ship per effect within close range.
Versatile 2: Gain 2 bonus momentum with a successful hit

Photon Torpedoes
Power Cost: 0 | Range: Long | Damage: 6cd
High Yield: If it causes 1 breach, it causes +1 breach

Quantum Torpedoes
Power Cost: 0 | Range: Long | Damage: 7cd (Vicious 1 - +1 damage on effects)
High Yield: If it causes 1 breach, it causes +1 breach
Calibrations: Requires 1 minor action to calibrate

Tractor Beam (Strength 5)
Power Cost: 0 | Range: Close | Damage: None
Effect: If successfully established, enemies face a diff 5 check to escape.

CREW COMPLIMENT (Base Stat: 9 | Base Skill: 2)
CO: Captain Katheryn Janeway (Skilled: Command, Science | Weakness: Combat)
SPECIAL ABILITY: "We Can Be Better" - if you succeed on any diplomatic check with Janeway, Get +1 momentum​
XO: Commander D-91 (Skilled: Command | Weakness: Socialization)
HELM: Lt. Tom Paris (Skilled: Conn | Weakness: Not Being A Fucking Up)
TACTICAL: Ensign Harry Kimm (Skilled: Gunnery | Weakness: Harry Kim)
SECURITY: Lt. JG Amy Strong (Skilled: Personal Combat | Weakness: Lying)
MAQUIS HEADBREAKER: C'nola (Skilled: Combat, Sneaking and Scheming | Weakness: Emotional Wreck)​
SCIENCE: Tuvok (Skilled: Science | Weakness: Emotionless)
COMMS: Lt. Bian T'are (Skilled: Communications | Weakness: Combat)
MEDICAL: The EMH (Skilled: Doctor | Weakness: Kind of a Dick)
ENGINEER: B'lanna Torres (Skilled: Engineering | Weakness: Also a dick)

Ensign Steve (Useless Security Goon)
Ensign Becky (plural fighter jock)
Petty Officer Third Class Jessie (Hard working engineer)
Crewman Billingsly (Dude, Billingsly!)
Crewman Chandra (Concerned Crewman)
Bifurcate (bidimensional robot girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Princess Lyan Positron (runaway daughter of magician most foul and girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Soria Flyte (Pegasus girl and girlfriend of Harry Kim)
Mirror Universe Trevor (he's fine!)
MRSS Val Jean
Keldon Class Heavy Cruiser
Electronic Warfare Suite: Whenever making a Jamming or Intercept communications check, can spend 2 momentum to select +1 target (repeatable.)

Fast Targeting Systems: No +1 diff for called shots

Improved Hull Integrity: +1 Resistance

Cloaking Device: Spend 3 power, and make a Control+Engineering + Engines + Security check with a diff of 2. If successful, gain the Cloaked Trait (impossible to detect, cannot attack, shields are down.) It takes a minor action to decloak.
Cardassian Ship – Durable, uncomfortable, close, cramped and cheap. Thinks creature comforts are for other people and technical sophistication is for people who haven't spent decades starving to death. The fact that the starving could have been avoided if the government were know, monstrous doesn't seem to have occurred to that many of them.

Okampan Crew – the crew are bright, perky, cheerful, and incredibly psychically powerful. Individually, they're all better than Vulcans, and as a gestalt? Who knows!
Phaser Arrays
Power Cost: 1-3 | Range: Medium | Damage: 7-9cd (Spread: Hit +1 time at ½ damage per effect OR Area)
Versatile 2: Gain X bonus momentum with a successful hit

Disruptor Banks
Range: Medium | Damage: 8-10cd (Vicious 1: Each effect adds +1 damage)

Tractor Beam (Strength 3)

CREW COMPLIMENT (Base Stat: 8 | Base Skill: 1)
CO: Lt. Commander Brian Wacoche (Skilled: Commando Tactics | Weakness: Independent)
TACTICAL: Seska (Skilled: Being Seska | Weakness: Everything Else)
CONN: R'lash skilled: Piloting | Weakness: Romulan Fuckup)
ESPIONAGE: Kes (Skilled: Commando Tactics | Weakness: Naive)

Crewman Stadi - Age 23, Betazoid, born Beta Colony-5 to Zani and Talwyn of the House of Riis, survived by her sisters Tari and Batri.
R'mor - age 182, Vulcan, burn on Romulus to R'tan and Leslali, survived by his twelve nieces and nephews across the Empire
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Tuvok frowned. "I shall talk to Dr. Kray. Can you interview Mrs. Ren?"

Kes gave him a quick nod and the two advanced in opposite directions.

The turbolift opened onto the rain and Tuvok stepped out. "Dr. Kray!" He called out as Dr. Kray walked to one of the corner side transportation pads, surrounded by a thin plastic partition to keep anyone from stepping onto it by accident. Dr. Kray, his umbrella in his hands, turned and sighed.

"What?" he asked, his beak grinding as he turned to face Tuvok. "Did you not get that I didn't want to talk to you offworlders?"

"This is an ongoing murder investigation, Mr. Kray," Tuvok said, walking forward, rain pattering onto his hat, streaming along the shoulders of his brown coat. "You can't simply walk away from it."

Mr. Kray sighed. "Fine. Ask your questions." He said, leaning against the plastic partition.

Kes stepped to the door, and her voice was soft. "Miss Ren? I'm Kes, I'm from the USS Voyager. May I come in and speak with you?"

The door opened and Kes found herself looking in at a beautiful Beaneran woman - her plumage tall and vibrantly colored, her beak a sleek little triangle of nearly orange keratin that she had touched up with a bit of coloring and makeup, though it looked faded now. Her eyes were rimmed with red. Even in a species with feather and fur, she had red eyes from crying. "What is it?" she asked, her voice tight.

"We're...investigating your husband's murder," Kes said, gently. "And, uh...I...what the fuck was that up with Dr. Kray? I'm not being nosy, we're just trying to find out who killed your husband know?"

Lindel laughed, bitterly. "Oh...oh, yes, that little sniveling toad bastard would have killed Tol, if he thought he could get away with it. But his alibi is airtight - he was nowhere near...the..." She shook her head. "He was here to offer his condolences." She frilled up her ruff. "He put his hand on my ass."

"What a dick!" Kes exclaimed.

Lindel let out a little churring hiss of pure rage. "That's one way to put it."

"Tell me, were you-" Tuvok started.

"Mr. Tuvok, please, if we must converse, can we at least get out of the rain?" Dr. Kray asked, gesturing. A tiny tremor went along his hand. His breath caught as he spoke, like he was breathing heavily. Like he had run quite far, quite fast. "We can beam to my offices, and talk somewhere sensible."

Tuvok inclined his head. "Logical," he said. He stepped forward, but he moved with his body angled slightly - shoulder forward, presenting a narrowed profile to the agitated doctor.

And then, as he came close, Dr. Kray jerked something blunt and rough and rectangular. He thrust it in Tuvok's general direction as the rain came pouring down and pulled back on the trigger.

Kes watched Lindel, looking so sad and angry, her eyes focused on the window of the room, at the streaks of raindrops sliding along the window. Her reflection looked broken up by jagged lines of water. She sighed and then said, quietly. "I still can't believe he's gone, you know. Tolen and I would always look at the stars together - can't see anything out there." She looked into the window, turned into a mirror by the light in the place.

"Tolen might be gone," Kes said, quietly. "But you can still get justice for him - come with us."

"I play a detective on TV. I'm not-" A flash of light came from the streets. "That was a beam!"

"Shit!" Kes hissed, drawing her phaser from her transporter buffer. "Come on!"

She sprinted down the corridor, hit the turbolift, and then barked out: "Ground floor!" Moments before Lindel reached the door, the other woman running after her. Kes realized, then, it might have been a bad idea to ask for Lindel to come along - but before she could process that, the turbolift doors opened and she sprang out, rushing to cover, phaser at the ready.

She saw Tuvok standing above a prone figure, his hand drawing away from his throat. "Ah, Miss Kes, Mrs. Ren. I believe we have found the murderer."

"...oh..." Kes said as she looked down at the prone Dr. Kray, who was still grasping a crude phaser.

Tuvok picked up the phaser, frowning. "This has been modified to not be detectable by local security..." He frowned.

"That's great! We just call them and-" Kes started.

"We need more evidence," Tuvok said, his voice firm. "This proves that Dr. Kray attempted to kill me. The local authorities need no room to wiggle out from the accusations against Tom. Pick him up. Do you mind, overly much, Mrs. Ren, if we interrogate him there?"

"Not at all," Lindel growled.

They hustled into the building and into the turbolift, dragging the unconscious man. Kes glanced around quickly, but saw no one looking their way. In the turbolift, Lindel was practically quivering with rage. She glared down at him, her voice soft. "This bastard..." she whispered. Tuvok shook his head, ever so slightly.

"I must ask you to restrain your emotions for the time being, Mrs. Ren," he said, then the turbolift doors opened and they hustled into her apartment. There, Kes and Lindel set Kray against the couch, and Kes hastily tied him up, using her rolls of duct tape - pulled straight from her transporter buffer. Once she was done, they stepped back - and Dr. Kray groaned, opening his eyes slowly.

"Good evening, Dr. Kray," Tuvok said.

Dr. Kray glared at him.

"If you would like to confess-"

"I would like to see my lawyer," Dr. Kray said, his voice clear.

Tuvok frowned. "Is that so. He will be most interested in hearing what we've discovered," he said. Tuvok frowned to himself. They had a number of clues - but Tom had a limited amount of time. If Dr. Kray tied things up in legal proceedings, maybe made up a lie about thinking himself threatened by the off-worlders, then the already antagonistic government would have every reason to be on his side. That slowdown would lead, then, to Mr. Paris' death.

He needed to convince Dr. Kray that they had him dead to rights, with an airtight case...

We're at the FINAL update! Based on the clues you have, construct what happened. The more right you are, the more likely Tom lives without having to beam him out with a daring commando raid. We've got a motive, we've got a killer, now we just need to convince everyone else!

[ ] Write in

Dr. Kray rolling to see if Tuvok suspects him: 2s! Tuvok keeping a cool face: 2s. Agressors win! Dr. Kray knows he suspects.

Dr. Kray has to make a call...

Dr. Kray lies: 2s! Tuvok trying to see through it: 1s!

Dr. Kray attempts to kill Tuvok with an energy weapon: 0s!

Tuvok responds by melee: 3s vs 1s, for 2 momentum! Tuvok does 6 damage, inflicting an injury on Dr. Kray. He's out!
okay! First things first, Can we get a rough timeline of events as we understand them, that would be helpful for me because I cannot hold this all in my head at once
okay! First things first, Can we get a rough timeline of events as we understand them, that would be helpful for me because I cannot hold this all in my head at once

Sure thing!

First, Lindel and Tom dallied on the hill - then were discovered by Dr. Kray.

Dr. Kray went off to go work elsewhere.

Dr. Ren discovered that there was tabloid information, called in Tom, then got shot.

At an UNKNOWN POINT, maidbots came around with something heavy under a tarp!
Morning of the murder: Tom and Dr Lindel are having sex on the hill outside Dr Ren's house, expecting Dr Ren to come across them for a roleplay cuckold scene. Instead, Dr Kray bumps into them, probably on his way to set up or check-up on a specially treated mirror.

Later that day, Dr Ren and Tom argue about how to respond to a hit piece in some tabloids. Dr Ren is shot and Tom sees something on the hill (possibly the mirror) and shoots back.

Dr Kray has a solid alibi for this time, but that's of course not taking into account that he could shoot around the corner using the mirror.

At some point a maidbot moved something heavy covered with a tarp on the hill. I think this was probably either setting up or removing the mirror Kray used.

What we don't know, but may want to bluff about:

- Where Kray was at the time of the murder
- How he got his phaser or created the mirror
- What happened to the mirror (e.g. was it blown up or moved after the murder)

I don't really know how we convince Kray to spill the beans here. What motive can we give him to do anything but clam up? Perhaps we can appeal to his pride or vanity, or play on his misconceptions about us? Maybe we could pretend we want to recruit him because he's so smart? idk
So... either we correctly guess how he did it, or we bluff that our super-science can prove it? Or both?
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So... either we correctly guess how he did it, or we bluff that our super-science can prove it? Or both?
Is it ethical to lie during an interrogation?

an actual for real Amercian Cop would tell you yes, not only is it ethical, it is perfectly legal.

and I don't know about you but I think Tuvok is better than a cop :V
Huh, I didn't expect for us to catch the killer that easily, but I suppose that only means we're getting to the hard part now. So we've got a good enough idea of how he did it but not much in the way of physical evidence. Him having the phaser could be something. Phasers are supposed to be experimental tech, a guy staring at the sky shouldn't have easy access to one, let alone one designed to be undetectable.

In the grand scheme of things I suspect the Technocracy will be more interested in people making and smuggling stealth phasers into their country more so than a murder.

"I play a detective on TV. I'm not-" A flash of light came from the streets. "That was a beam!"

I thought it was weird that the tabloids were talking about Tolen and Lindel but it makes way more sense for them to be the talk of the town if Lindel is a famous actress.
Whatever happens, we'll need to wrap this up fairly quickly cos if we don't hand him over to the proper authorities this will probably become kidnapping or false imprisonment.

I think it's ethical to bluff and lie to Kray so long as we are not coercing him. We owe him a certain duty of care while he is our prisoner, but I don't see why that should extend to protecting him from self-incrimination.
I don't see any way we can appeal to Kray to get him to give himself up. The best options as I see it are to cause Kray to become emotional and more likely to slip up or bait him with Lindel's help. She is an actress, she could act as if she is sympathetic.

Otherwise we could try and bet on Kray being a racist and rub in his face that despite him belonging to the majority Benaran ethnicity, Lindel ignored him in favor of her V'thrakan husband and human lover.
Alright, I think I got it. Speculation being rolled in here but not voting it in myself, if it sounds good then copy it in and vote yourself

[ ] Plan Remote Murder
-[ ] "Dr Kray, the morning of the murder you stumbled upon Lindel and Mr Paris engaging in what they expected to be a cuckold scene expecting to be found by Dr Ren instead. Reason being, it was in character for Dr Ren to be out on the hill and out of character for you to be there, and the embarrassing nature of the situation covered the reason why you were there. Dr Kray, you had already decided to kill Dr Ren at this point, having an alibi setup and you were on the hill to find a point on the face visible to both your alibi and the house."
-[ ] "Backups of the security logs shows you, Dr Kray, providing instruction to the automatons at the house to take one of the reflectors used in your experiments to a location on the hill before the recorded time of death."
-[ ] "If anything, Mr Paris being present was an unexpected complication to your assassination. Without him, the modified phaser would have been completely undetected, and there would have been no warning that something was amiss. His medical alert that recorded his time of death would simply have been written off as an accidental discharge of high energy particles from an experiment he was working on, the exact cause easily able to he setup after the fact if required. Even if someone suspected a weapon discharge from the hill they would find no evidence of a shooter due to you using the reflector as you did."
-[ ] "But Mr Paris is a Starfleet officer, and noticing the situation of appearing to be under fire he pulled out his own weapon and fired back. This triggered the security response and foiled the rest of the existing plan, leaving you to improvise as what was supposed to have gotten treated as an accidental death instead started a murder investigation."
-[ ] "We have been working with the local authorities since the start of the investigation and sharing our findings and evidence with them. While I understand your legal system offers you a number of protections to attempt to stall I also understand that the Death Penalty is common for crimes of this nature. Starfleet does not condone such sentencing and outside of a request for asylum cannot interfere. I suggest you cooperate with the local authorities, case history shows a high likelyhood of a man of your background and lineage being offered a plea deal for a significantly lesser charge when the victim has been someone like Dr Ren."
[X] Plan Remote Murder

It's plausible and it might work and I don't have anything better ;) Failing this we do a commando raid, I guess.
[X] Plan Let's Review the Facts
"Earlier on the day of the crime you visited a hill near to the Rens' mansion and encountered Mr. Paris and Mrs. Ren enacting in sexual roleplay. Both participants had expected someone to walk in on them however they had not expected that person to be you. An embarrassing proposition, yet one that is curious in hindsight. After all, according to Tom Paris experiments were never conducted at the mansion, so what were you doing there?​
Did you know doctor that before I and Ms. Kes arrived from Voyager that the police did a preliminary search of the hill and found trace elements of mercury? Being an astrophysicist I presume you are familiar with liquid-mirror telescopes. Mercury is commonly used to form the mirrors used by such telescopes.​
Initially I had assumed Dr. Ren had been killed with a phaser to implicate Mr. Paris but then I learned while checking in at the police station that hand phasers were considered experimental technology. Few people would have had access to such a weapon making it rather unlikely that someone would have gone out of their way to procure it to simply frame one of the Voyager crew. More so when one considers the additional time and effort that would have been required to make it invisible to local sensors. These preparations would have been far too time consuming for it all to have occurred after Voyager's arrival in the system. No, that it was a phaser that killed Dr. Ren and that Starfleet's standard sidearm are phasers was merely a coincidence that favored the real killer.​
The perpetrator used a phaser because of its unique properties. Whereas a disrupter would have vaporized a mirror a phaser beam on the right setting would not. In fact, if done properly a phaser beam could be made to deflect off a reflective surface while still retaining enough power to kill.​
Dr. Kray, we know for a fact that one of the mansion's maid robots was out on that hill on the day of the murder. We know for a fact that it was ordered to haul something from that hill while keeping it covered by a tarp. An odd occurrence when one considers that there was no reason for anything to have been there in the first place. Moreover there had been nothing there before the crime otherwise Mr. Paris and Mrs. Ren would have found it. That means that sometime between your discovery of Mr. Paris and Mrs. Ren and the death of Dr. Ren a device was planted there up on the hill.​
When I spoke to Mr. Paris he claimed he saw something on the hill and because of that opened fire with his phaser. While it is possible that his testimony was self-serving, the physical evidence says otherwise. The shot fired by Mr. Paris could not have struck Dr. Ren because it struck a tree thirteen meters away from the hill. It knocked the branch off the tree and left behind a visible burn mark. And since Benanran security did not register a second instance of weapons fire Mr. Paris could not have been the one to shoot Dr. Ren. Only somebody with a phaser specially modified to go undetected could have done so.​
Let us review the facts. You, Dr. Kray, have in your possession a phaser modified to go undetected by Benaran sensors and the resources needed to make a mirror capable of reflecting phaser fire. That is means. You have an interest in the deceased's wife, Lindel Ren but she had no interest in you. Her sexual partners meanwhile were a V'thrakan and an alien. While I will not go so far as to claim that you are a racist, given your civilization's societal norms I will also not rule that out. That is motive. Finally, you had access to the mansion's maid robots and free reign of the the mansion grounds. Opportunity.​
There is ample enough evidence to convict Dr. Kray, and that is before we get to your attempted murder of myself. What do you have to say?"​

I should have wrote this up earlier but I needed some sleep to clear my head. It implies a number of things but there are no outright lies present which is good since Vulcans don't like to lie.
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[X] Plan Let's Review the Facts

I think we should also see if it would be possible for a single phaser shot to have hit both Dr Ren and that tree. That could add to Tom's defense.
"I want my-" Dr. Kray started again.

"Dr Kray, the morning of the murder you stumbled upon Lindel and Mr Paris engaging in what they expected to be a cuckold scene expecting to be found by Dr Ren instead. Instead, you found them. Correct?" Tuvok asked. He saw the flush on his nares, blood flowing beneath his beak. "Lying about it will serve no one - Lindel has already told us."

"...yes," Dr. KRay growled.

"Uou had already decided to kill Dr Ren at this point, having an alibi setup and you were on the hill to find a point on the face visible to both your alibi and the house," Tuvok said.

"Now, hold up here-"

"Backups of the security logs shows you, Dr Kray, providing instruction to the automatons at the house to take a mirror to the hill at a predetermined time," Tuvok said - a statement that caused Kes to look at him in shock. Dr. Kray...though...

Looked smug.

He smirked. "And did they find any evidence of a reflector? Or any of them missing? No. They didn't. They're all nice and in place, fully accounted for."

Tuvok cocked his head. "That is true," he said. "However, I did not say they took one of your experimental reflectors. I said they took a mirror."

Dr. Kray blinked, then tried to hide whatever he felt about it.

"A mirror you had specially designed for the act," Tuvok said, sureness growing in himself. "A mirror-"

"There'd be something left, particles, you have nothing!" Dr. Kray shot back, his voice desperate. But then Kes snapped her fingers.

"Mercury, the cops found mercury there-"

"Not enough!" Dr. Kray exclaimed.

"There is one thing we found there. In abundance. In such abundance that it would have been dismissed," Tuvok said, then turned to Lindel. "Mrs. Ren. Please call your maidbots and query any of them if they have been tasked with refrigeration logistics. the movement of ice."

Lindel blinked, then pulled out her communicator. She flipped it open as Dr. Kray froze - and then she spoke into it softly, then turned up the volume on the speaker: "Robot-3 task report: Move ice sculpture to picnic."

"Ice?" Lindel asked.

"Ice...coated with a thin layer of mercury to turn it into a mirror, placed just as Mr. Paris arrived. His being present at the hill must have been an unexpected complication to your assassination. Without him, the modified phaser would have been completely undetected, and there would have been no warning that something was amiss. His medical alert that recorded his time of death would simply have been written off as an accidental discharge of high energy particles from an experiment he was working on, the exact cause easily able to he setup after the fact if required. Even if someone suspected a weapon discharge from the hill they would find no evidence of a shooter due to the vanishing mirror - with the storm coming tonight, you knew the water would be missed, as easily as a tree in the forest."

Dr. Kray gaped at him.

"But Mr Paris is a Starfleet officer. He returned fire. This triggered the security response and foiled the rest of the existing plan, leaving you to improvise as what was supposed to have gotten treated as an accidental death instead started a murder investigation."

"B...I..." Dr. Kray stammered.

"We have been working with the local authorities since the start of the investigation and sharing our findings and evidence with them. While I understand your legal system offers you a number of protections to attempt to stall I also understand that the Death Penalty is common for crimes of this nature. Starfleet does not condone such sentencing and outside of a request for asylum cannot interfere. I suggest you cooperate with the local authorities, case history shows a high likelyhood of a man of your background and lineage being offered a plea deal for a significantly lesser charge when the victim has been...someone like Dr. Ren."

Lindel drew in a sharp, short gasp, but did not comment more. Dr. Kray hung his head forward.

"I just...why did you love him!?" he asked, jerking his head up. "How!?"

Lindel turned her back on him, snarling. "If you have to ask, you'll never get it. I...g-get him out of here!" She put her hands over her face, as Kes stepped forward, shoving him to his feet.

"Lets get you to the station," she said, her voice tight and furious. She shoved him towards the door and Dr. Kray stumbled, his head hanging forward - defeated. The two left the room as rain continued to patter against the window. Tuvok turned to look at Lindel, who was wringing her hands as she stood before the window.

"What was the point, Mr. Tuvok? I..." She turned back, her eyes gleaming with tears.

"There's rarely a point, Mrs. Ren," Tuvok said. "Among my people, we try to control these emotions for this very reason."

" murders on Vulcan, huh?" Lindel sniffed, then sat down on a chair. "It sounds nice."

Tuvok lifted an eyebrow. "I never said there were no murders on Vulcan. They just are draped in logic, hiding the base emotional reasons behind them. We seek to control our emotions. But we often do not attain the mastery we look for." He placed a hand on her shoulder, with a stiff formality that somehow did little to dim the compassion of the gesture. "It is not logical to blame oneself for actions beyond our control. And yet, Vulcans do this as well."

Lindel placed a scaled hand on his hand, squeezing. She looked out to the darkness - and her beak clicked as she realized that she could see, faintly twinkling, the stars.

I think it's a tad early to roll credits. After all, will this be enough to get the local LEOs to release Tom? Or will they try and cover this up in order to try and get rewards from the Vidiians? Or is that next episode?