Age of Mechs: Rise of a Polity (A Battletech Quest)

Voting is open
For the Family name, we voted for this:
[] Industrial Manufacturing Company: Since the days of Henry Bessimer, your family has been a foundation in the steel industry. Sadly after the 1950's you had to expand into several other ventures, but so far you have kept to your roots.
A steel related name could make sense?

Variation of 'Damascus' steel maybe?
e.g. 'Damas' as a name element?

Or "watered-steel" (aka damascus steel), in our nationality native language?
For the Family name, we voted for this:

A steel related name could make sense?

Variation of 'Damascus' steel maybe?
e.g. 'Damas' as a name element?

Or "watered-steel" (aka damascus steel), in our nationality native language?
Our fellow colonists are either french or japanese hence my Hiawatha name plan as an origin since natives gotta represent! Lol but yeah, if you can find the Iroquois word for steel and make a name out of it like Hiawatha (he who makes rivers) then i might vote for it... so how about a name like He Who Mastered Steel? Or He Who Molded Sky and Steel?
Can we take nationalities not in the 1st section since those do not have any bonuses assigned
You can - though it makes it harder for Madslayer and i.

Do note, if your going to list native american tribes, please list out the 'family group', then tribe. Most people are ignorant of them in the first place.

Also note, any maluses attributed to that culture, will show up.

In japans case, in particular you have Yakuza alongside a few other maluses.
Our fellow colonists are either french or japanese hence my Hiawatha name plan as an origin since natives gotta represent! Lol but yeah, if you can find the Iroquois word for steel and make a name out of it like Hiawatha (he who makes rivers) then i might vote for it... so how about a name like He Who Mastered Steel? Or He Who Molded Sky and Steel?
If anything, you could choose a westernstyle surname (as is common in many NA families). And claim they are descended from the 'He who mastered steel'; or if you choose Japanese - claim your descended from Sengu Marumasa - eventually taking those names over your own later on over your dynasty
If anything, you could choose a westernstyle surname (as is common in many NA families). And claim they are descended from the 'He who mastered steel'; or if you choose Japanese - claim your descended from Sengu Marumasa - eventually taking those names over your own later on over your dynasty
Well, i found the iroquois words for Iron and Wolf but it sounds too Clannish...
How much can we influence the way technology improves? The technology from Horizon zero Dawn / forbidden west would do wonders for us. Especially, if our planet ends up being further away from sol then the other colonies of this time. Most importantly, it's not too advanced to break the game
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To make things easier for you, heres some optional start ups people can choose from, should they wish to do their own plan - this list is based primarily on the seeming general interest in unusual start ups

Nationality: Hong Konger (chinese)
Claimed heritage: Ming.

Nationality: Japanese
Claimed heritage: Muramasa

Nationality: Kalingradian (Russian/baltic)
Claimed heritage: Prussian (path to recreate Prussian culture)

Nationality: Tunisian (berber)
Claimed heritage: Carthaginian

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I'm partially doing this, because while i can get the civil system in mind - for the life of me, I can't figure out an aesthetic for the Iriquois. even architectually for the space age.

I'd have similar issues if someone planned to do a character from Iraq trying to restart Sumer; or the Germanic barbarians from the fall of rome. (Huns are a different issue altogether, as I'd liberally steal from Mongol and Magyar aesthetics)

Iriquois lived in matriarchal clan systems, under broader 'tribes' which then lived under their respective nations. While they had a male leader/high chief/king; the 'parliament' equivelent and advisors outside the military were women.
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I'm partially doing this, because while i can get the civil system in mind - for the life of me, I can't figure out an aesthetic for the Iriquois. even architectually.

I'd have similar issues if someone planned to do a character from Iraq trying to restart Sumer; or the Germanic barbarians from the fall of rome. (Huns are a different issue altogether, as I'd liberally steal from Mongol and Magyar aesthetics)

Iriquois lived in matriarchal clan systems, under broader 'tribes' which then lived under their respective nations. While they had a male leader/high chief/king; the 'parliament' equivelent and advisors outside the military were women.
I dont think its necessary to overthink aesthethics and other such things like matrilineal laws since iroquous reservations can both be found in Canada and the US and adopted its laws, so do what you think is pleasing. We are here to just enjoy the ride after all.
How much can we influence the way technology improves? The technology from Horizon zero Dawn / forbidden west would do wonders for us. Especially, if our planet ends up being further away from sol then the other colonies of this time. Most importantly, it's not too advanced to brake the game
We keep up, and have our own innovations

We are not going to open the rabbit hole leading to discovering advanced mechs within 100 years. Too much power scaling can make things ridiculous and extremely difficult to keep on top of.
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I dont think its necessary to overthink aesthethics and other such things like matrilineal laws since iroquous reservations can both be found in Canada and the US and adopted its laws, so do what you think is pleasing. We are here to just enjoy the ride after all.
Up to you mate; i more think of cultural things and how they'd be re adapted and concentrated over time, as cultures try to define themselves, or redefine themselves (its my modus operandi an amateur cultural historian).

In my own case, I was always more facinated with the south american cultures, and the mound builders of the Mississippi, so its my own biases seeping through.

If you'd like to add various futuristic designs for buildings or soldiers id be glad (eg, mechs designed in iriquois colors, and traditional symbols).

Its not something we need immediately (thats more names, and customs from among the tribes/nations over how to speak to one another); but something that we can drift towards over time and the decades.

From what I can tell red would be a strong aesthetic of their clothing. Particularly in the form of long cloaks; but again i am largely infamiliar with them.
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From Britannica:
Beginning in the late 19th century, Mohawks—particularly from Kahnawake Reserve in Quebec—became known as iron and steel construction workers, first on high bridges and then on skyscrapers.
The timeline and steel industry involvement of the Mohawks, fit the vote.
[] Industrial Manufacturing Company: Since the days of Henry Bessimer [1856 Bessimer process], your family has been a foundation in the steel industry. Sadly after the 1950's you had to expand into several other ventures, but so far you have kept to your roots.
Could our family name be 'Kanien'?
It's the 'Flint' part of the Mohawk's self-name, Kanien'kehá:ka ("People of the Flint")... I think?

Could be a Mohawk descendant of Hiawatha, he left Onondaga to live among Mohawks, or so I read.
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From Britannica:

The timeline and steel industry involvement of the Mohawks, fit the vote.

Could our family name be 'Kanien'?
It's the 'Flint' part of the Mohawk's self-name, Kanien'kehá:ka ("People of the Flint")... I think?

Could be a Mohawk descendant of Hiawatha, he left Onondaga to live among Mohawks, or so I read.
Thanks for adding this; any further insight, or inputs would be most welcome.

At some point i will put up a 'culture profile' under the quests system for the Iriquois, much like i have already done for the french and japanese

My intention is to generate these things within CK3, using the tradition mechanic - with names shifted based on modernisation.
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[X] Plan: Hiawatha Kanien in SCIENCE!
-[X] Plan: Populous Beginning
Personnel Grants: 0 Bays, -19000 Credits
-[X] x3 Scientist Grants: -4500 Credits
-[X] x3 Farmer Grants: -3000 Credits
-[X] x3 Industrial Workers Grant: -4500 Credits
-[X] x2 Grants to Combat Veterans around the world and their families: -5000 Credits
-[X] x1 Grants towards the private sector military groups and their families: -2000 Credits (May draw additional Military Equipment and even 1 or 2 jumpships for said equipment.)

Colonist Options: 10 Bays, +4500 Credits
-[X] x6 Cryo Bays: 6 bays, -12000 Credits, holds 180000 People
-[X] x1 Human Gene Banks: 1 bay, -1500 Credits, Genetic Material for 200 000 People and Primitive Iron Wombs
-[X] x3 Luxury Quarters: 3 bays, +18000 Credits, holds 30000 People

Scientific Options: 4 Bays, -14500 Credits
-[X] x1 Scientific and Technological Storage vault: 1 bay, -4000 Credits
-[X] x2 Advanced Science Equipment: 2 bays, -6000 Credits
-[X] x1 Colonial Scientific Institute: 1 bay, -4500 Credits

Food and Agriculture Options: 6.5 Bays, -11500 Credits, -4 Power
-[X] x3 Advanced Farming Equipment: 1.5 bays, -3000 Credits, 6 Farms feed 450000 People, 6 Hydroponics feed 300000 People
-[X] x2 Preserved foods: 1 bay, -1000 Credits, feeds 300000 People for a year
-[X] x1 Animal Gene Banks: 1 bay, -1500 Credits
-[X] x2 Vat Grown Meat Equipment: 2 bays, -5000 Credits, 4 Meat Factories feed 320000 People, -4 Power
-[X] x1 Seed Banks: 1 bay, -1000 Credits

Civilian Industry (Factories and housing): 12 Bays, -29500 Credits, -10.5 Power
-[X] x3 Pre-made Heavy duty housing units: 3 bays, -7500 Credits, holds 270,000 People, -1.5 Power
-[X] x3 Building Equipment and Vehicles: 3 bays, -9000 Credits
-[X] x3 Building Materials: 1.5 bays, -3000 Credits
-[X] x1 Fuel Refinery: 1 bays, -2000 Credits, -2 power
-[X] x2 Water purification plant: 2 bays, -3000 Credits, -2 power
-[X] x1 Automated KF Drive Factory: 1.5 bays, -5000 Credits, -5 power

Military Industry and Equipment: 6.5 Bays, -19000 Credits, -3.5 Power
-[X] x1 Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault: 1 bay, -4000 Credits
-[X] x1 Modern military Infantry Equipment: 0.5 bays, -2500 Credits, 10 000 units of Infantry Equipment
-[X] x1 Modern military light Vehicles: 0.5 bays, -3500 Credits
-[X] x1 Modern Military Surveillance drones: 1 bay, -1500 Credits, -1 Power
-[X] x1 Civilian Small Arms: 0.5 bays, -1000 Credits
-[X] x1 Outdated Military Vehicle and Equipment Database Vault: 1 bay, -1500 Credits
-[X] x1 Military Factory: 1 bay, -4000 Credits, -2 power
-[X] x1 Munitions Factory: 1 bay, -1000 Credits, -0.5 power

Mining Equipment and Metallurgy industry: 3 Bays, -6500 Credits, -1.5 Power
-[X] x1 Automated Mining Equipment: 1 bay, -2500 Credits, -1 power
-[X] x1 Steel Factory: 1 bay, -1000 Credits, -0.5 power
-[X] x1 Advanced Mineral Refinery: 1 bay, -3000 Credits

Energy Equipment and industry: 4 Bays, -20500 Credits, -7 Power, +40 Power
-[X] x1 Fusion Powerplant: 1 bay, -4500 Credits, +40 Power
-[X] x2 Solar Panel and Battery Factory: 2 bays, -8000 Credits, -2 Power
-[X] x1 Automated Fusion Generator Factory: 1 bay, -8000 Credits, -5 Power

Space industry: 2 bays, -2500 Credits, -2 Power
-[X] x1 Small Space Dock: 2 bays, -2500 Credits, -2 Power

Plan Total:
48 Bays
-118,500 Credits
People/Housing = 210,000/180,000
Power Usage/Generation = 28.5/40

+ What the jumpships already have onboard:
People/Housing = 480,000/630,000
Power Usage/Generation = 57/60

= Final Total:
People/Housing = 69(Nice!)0,000/810,000
Power Usage/Generation = 85.5/100

Food Production:
+450,000 Farms
+300,000 Hydroponics
+320,000 VatMeat
= 1,070,000
-[X] Male (Gender)
-[X] Hiawatha (First name)
-[X] Kanien (Family/dynasty name)
-[X] Mohawk/Iroquois/Native American (Nationality)
-[X] Iroquois Confederacy, you will remake that great empire in the stars. (Ancestral family line)

-[X] (Bonus to Learning Actions) A Scientist:
-[X] Entrepreneur: DamasCorp, a materials science company.

-[X] Do you bring them along (adopt aesthetic of your core nationality) (same bonuses and cultures as in the previous turn)

-[X] West South West
What would a shorter informal version of Hiawatha be?

It seems a bit of a mouthful, for casual conversation.
[X] Plan: Hiawatha Kanien in SCIENCE!
-[X] Plan: Populous Beginning

For the French, Japanese and Iroquois people !!!
Voting is open