[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[x] #BlessedMunition
Any thoughts guys? Personally, I'm currently leaning toward Mass Cremation and Monument for the Fallen.

Mass Cremation feels ...classier than Mass Graves. Or, like it could be.
Also, we can recycle the ashes into the monument.

[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Mass Cremation

(Auto-Completes Project)
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)

[X] Fortification Troubles
-[X] Expand Scope
-[X] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[X] #BlessedMunition

[X] The First Visitor/s

-[X] The Heiress
-[X] The Knight
-[X] The Priest
Last edited:
[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[x] #BlessedMunition

[X] Monument For The Fallen
[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[x] #BlessedMunition

[X] Monument For The Fallen
[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Mass Cremation
(Auto-Completes Project)
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
[x] #BlessedMunition

The next time someone tries to invade us, we'll show them what the U.S. marines felt assaulting the Pacific isles with an added portion of what the G.I's we're going through on the Vietnamese nature trails. And let me tell you something, here on Momi ʻōmaʻomaʻo the trees speak High Gothic.
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[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Mass Cremation
-[X] Monument For The Fallen

[x] #BlessedMunition
[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Mass Cremation
-[X] Monument For The Fallen

[x] #BlessedMunition
[X] Fortification Troubles
-[X] Expand Scope
-[X] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture
[X] The Fallen's Due
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Monument For The Fallen

(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
-[X] Heroes, One And All
(Gain a Social Trait)
(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
[X] #BlessedMunition
Last edited:
[X] Fortification Troubles
-[X] Expand Scope
-[X] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Mass Cremation
(Auto-Completes Project)
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
[X] #BlessedMunition
[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[x] #BlessedMunition

[X] Monument For The Fallen
[X] Fortification Troubles
-[X] Expand Scope
-[X] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Mass Cremation
(Auto-Completes Project)
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
[X] #BlessedMunition
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[x] Monument For The Fallen

(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
-[X] Heroes, One And All
(Gain a Social Trait)

[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[X] #BlessedMunition

[x] The First Visitor/s

(Choose as many as you want.)
-[x] The Soldier
-[x] The Heiress
-[x] The Knight
-[x] The Harem
-[x] The Wizard
-[x] The Seer
-[x] The Priest
I have the feeling that this is basically what the populace wants out cities to be at this point.

[X] Fortification Troubles
-[X] Expand Scope
-[X] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture
[X] #BlessedMunition
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
-[X] Heroes, One And All
Last edited:
[X] Fortification Troubles
-[X] Expand Scope
-[X] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture
[X] #BlessedMunition
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
-[X] Heroes, One And All
[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Mass Cremation
(Auto-Completes Project)
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
[x] #BlessedMunition

[x] The Court
-[x] The Heiress
-[x] The Knight
-[x] The Wizard
-[x] The Seer
[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Mass Cremation
(Auto-Completes Project)
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
(Unlocks: Tomb of the Fallen Martyrs)
[x] #BlessedMunition
[x] Fortification Troubles
-[x] Expand Scope
-[x] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[x] #BlessedMunition

[X] The Fallen's Due

-[X] Monument For The Fallen

[X] The First Visitor/s
-[X] The Soldier
-[X] The Knight
-[X] The Wizard
-[X] The Seer
-[X] The Priest
[X] Fortification Troubles
-[X] Expand Scope
-[X] Integrate Defenses Into The Architecture

[X] The Fallen's Due
-[X] Monument For The Fallen
-[X] Heroes, One And All

[X] #BlessedMunition