Don't Miss Your Deadline! (Manga Editor Quest)

possible too. I know I LOVE Doctor Stone, but until Senku reaches the village it's kind of a slog. in a similar way, Medaka Box becomes a LOT better once the Flask Plan and the fight with the Plus 6 begins.
I actually got bored with Dr Stone once it reached the village and dropped it not long after. It doesn't help that the weird Old Key kigurumi masks the girls had for faces became... Impossible to ignore. His previous works had normal looking human women. With gorgeous and detailed art for them too! And yet Dr Stone's women arem so close to the uncanny valley that they're the human version of a pug. What an odd choice to make.
Both "extra suggestion by visiting the mangaka" and "too much suggestion confuse the mangaka, and tank their 'applying suggestion' roll mechanic" says hello.
With that amount of suggestions we can't even make 2 suggestions per manga. And unless you want to spend all our actions every turn to constantly talk with our mangakas, we're going to very quickly run face first into several issues.
With that amount of suggestions we can't even make 2 suggestions per manga. And unless you want to spend all our actions every turn to constantly talk with our mangakas, we're going to very quickly run face first into several issues.

There are some points:

-we're encouraged to keep visiting our mangaka.

-suggestions themselves need another rolls to be effective, we can get malus instead.

-it is said that the hard limit not only on suggestions we can give, but also suggestions each mangaka can recieve.

-and lastly, why you're implying that majority fucked-up and will kill the quest, as if you know it is QM designated trap option?
on that note, keeping on average one action per turn to visit the mangakas would be good not only (not even mainly) for the suggestions, but mostly to see them in person and verify if they need help or anything else. Keeping them on rotation might be a good idea in that sense.

Generally speaking, it seems like we'll want to have a usual plan of

1)manga research
4)visit mangaka.

with the occasional overtime or moving one action to another category.
One more collum of special action/emergency, and it basically default action set bar circumstance.
special actions/emergency can't be predicted by definition. They'd come at the cost of either one of the other ones OR of overtime anyway.

But yeah, basic plan is mostly stable.

Sooner or later we should run out of research actions at least... hopefully...
Whelp, I didn't expect Subaru-kun's second chapter to drop this much. We're gonna have to visit Tana-sensei next. This is gonna be a blow after such a good start.

Lesson learned: keeping a manga functioning is a week-to-week constant effort, and the ax can come at any moment. At least till the mangaka is experienced and gets more bonus.
Lesson 2: we need to find ways to promote our magazine to increase the popularity rolls. I thought we had longer to modernize the web, but seems that we don't.
Lesson 3: at this point, there's no point in looking for a promising idea among the submissions. Even if we find a concept interesting and innovative, it just needs a bad week to be in danger. We can just work with whatever series they give us till the magazine's sales are more solid and we don't risk an insta-kill.
It was a HORRIBLE combination of few editor points AND nearly the lowest roll possible.

I mean, subaru rolled 1+2=3

it's nearly as bad as it could have gone. we NEARLY reached "this get axed immediately" points! correction,that's under 0. We ARE in imminent danger though.

Then again, this is STILL only the second chapter. 1st was phenomenal, and 2nd was incredibly disappointing. This means it all comes down to the next 1-2 chapters, really.

Luckily, we now have 30 more editor points, and we'll definitely NOT take an overtime, especially if it means halving the points (if it was only a -10 it's probably worth it).

Honestly the biggest problem is that we kinda wanted good results to bring to the board, so that we could have gone "look, I'm doing really well with 3 series on my first month, if you give me more quality will drop too much".

And instead quality dropped before we could talk. Maybe we can blame other things, like us having to solve Shion's problem ("internal bureaucracy was about to cause a collegue to not be able to work!") or the fact we're still getting used to the job, or that our mangaka was overconfident...

In any case, next week will be crucial. We'll have to focus on manga results more than office politics, because we need results to justify our requests
Seafood Restaurant, Animal Crossing Style
I did a set of the seafood restaurant from Space Racer Subaru-kun. I couldn't get a good idea of Kiki-chan's appearance, so I had her face away from the camera.. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do more scenes from this manga...
EDIT: uploaded pic to Imgur for easier viewing.

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I did a set of the seafood restaurant from Space Racer Subaru-kun. I couldn't get a good idea of Kiki-chan's appearance, so I had her face away from the camera.. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do more scenes from this manga...

Really sorry I didn't see this earlier, but wow this looks great! I'm loving these Animal Crossing style art pieces!

Really, the only problem is that this might be a little too good looking for a restaurant in Junkyard. It's too clean, too polished, you get what I mean?

Still, I'm willing to offer you 4 Favor for this piece. If you'd rather have a different reward instead, just let me know.
14. Meeting the Board (Week 2 Final Submission and Feedback)
Winning Vote: [X] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)

"I'd work more on the post editing process," you decided. "The mangaka obviously had some good ideas already, but even the best plot sometimes needs pruning."

"Well said!" John laughed. "I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell a writer to stop throwing in new shit just for the sake of it."

The two of you spent the rest of the walk chatting excitedly about what you would have done differently if you'd been in charge of My Hero Academia.

John seemed rather sour about the ending (though he still refused to share any details to avoid spoiling you). He argued passionately about how even the best writers needed time to work, pointing out many successful series that had ended up suffering in quality after becoming popular because the writers faced increasing pressure to publish their work quickly.

Not having any personal experience in the matter, you mostly nodded along to his words, chiming in occasionally when you thought of a new point.

After finally collecting your drinks, the two of you returned to John's place fully energized and ready to watch another season of spandex clad heroes and villains beating the shit out of each other.


The next morning, you remained wrapped up in your comfy blankets for much longer than usual, only crawling out of bed once the sun was high in the sky. Staring at your bleary, bloodshot eyes in the mirror, you cursed your past self for being so free and easy with his drinking.

You've shrugged off worse before, but waking up with a hangover is never fun.

After freshening up as best you could, you made your way to the kitchen only to find John looking as insufferably cheerful as ever despite the fact that he already had his work laptop up and running on the dining table.

"Morning, Maeda!" he called, ignoring your flinch at the loud volume as he pointed to the covered dish on the counter. "There's your breakfast. Wasn't sure what you normally have, so I just made the usual: toast, eggs, beans and bacon. It ain't fancy, but it'll fill you up."

Muttering your thanks, you grabbed your plate and sat down across from John. Instead of using your knife and fork as intended, you simply piled up all the other ingredients on top of the toast as an impromptu sandwich that was as messy as it was delicious.

Normally you'd try to be neater about it, but with your current headache you aren't really in the mood to care about table manners. Besides, you doubted that John would be the kind of person who'd care about eating "properly".

As you slowly worked your way through the wonderfully greasy meal, your coworker turned back to his work, stopping occasionally in order to take a sip from a mug with the words "World's #1 Dad!" sloppily painted on the side.

"Well, that's a stinker," he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Based on the views and comments so far, it looks like one of my series is probably about to get axed soon."

"Really? Which one?" you asked between bites.

"'Homecoming Isekai: I Hate Being On Earth, So Let Me Return to the Dungeon'," he said, not even missing a beat at the ridiculous name. The sad part was that even you had begun to grow desensitized to bad titles at this point. "I did warn the mangaka that he needed to actually progress the plot this week, but apparently the Assistant Editor in Chief wanted him to add a tsundere to the protagonist's harem first, so here we are."

Groaning, you covered your eyes. Goddammit, shit like this is why nobody wanted to talk to Daisuke unless they absolutely had to. It's embarrassing enough to be a lonely, socially maladjusted NEET, but did he really have to act like one at every opportunity?

"Well, look on the bright side; at least that's one series you won't have to worry about anymore," you said, trying to cheer up the glum looking John.

He simply shook his head, sighing as he continued clicking. "I suppose you're right. It still sucks to lose a series this quickly, but there's not much I can do about it at this point. You wanna take a look at how your series are doing?"

"... sure, why not. It's not like my headache could get any worse."

Popularity of Space Racer Subaru-kun (Chapter 2): 3 + 3 = 6

AsukaisMyLaifu: Laaaame. What's with all this boring talky talky shit? Where's the racing?

MysteryMaster: As much as I appreciate worldbuilding, I have to admit to being a little disappointed here. The artstyle feels a lot sloppier this time, with the action scenes in particular looking much less polished compared to just last week. Despite its good start, it feels like this series has tripped and fallen after just barely crossing the starting line.

PrettyPinkCure: Wait, so Kiki can become anything she eats? What would happen if she ate Subaru? Would she… turn into him? Gross!

Popularity of Our Daughter is Actually a Vampire! (Chapter 2): 6 + 4 = 10

AsukaisMyLaifu: Okay, I can dig this. It's not the best, but at least it's kinda funny. And the daughter is cute too!

MysteryMaster: This week's chapter definitely feels like a step in the right direction. The relationship between father and daughter is as sweet as it is hilariously filled with misunderstandings, and the dialog in particular feels a lot funnier this time around.

PrettyPinkCure: The daughter and her friend are soooo cute together! I know they just showed up, but I'm shipping them already! Also, I love how the dad and daughter both actually look like they've lost a few pounds by the end of the chapter.

Popularity of My Secret Ninja Sensei Needs to Stop Training Me (Chapter 2): 8 + 0 = 8

AsukaisMyLaifu: The library fight was alright, but that's about it.

MysteryMaster: On one hand, the story seems to be progressing slightly. But on the other hand, this whole chapter feels like a bit of a slog to get through. I'll still give this a chance, but I'm not sure how much longer I'll stick with this.

PrettyPinkCure: At least it's a little better than last time? I'm glad they've stopped with the fart jokes, but the rest of it is just kinda meh.

"That bad, huh?" John said, watching you cradle your head in your arms in despair. "Looks like I'm not the only one who'll be getting a message from the Editor in Chief tomorrow then."


-[X] Networking (Board of Directors): Alternatively, you can take his advice and just go directly to the Board. Calling on your Uncle Taishi for a favor might be a little overkill, but what's a little blatant nepotism between workmates?

On Monday morning, you arrived at the office about an hour earlier than usual. Normally you wouldn't bother, but today was the date of your meeting with the Board of Directors and you needed all the preparation time you could get.

To avoid embarrassing yourself - or worse, Uncle Taishi - you had to at least look like a serious, hardworking worker who definitely knew what he was doing.

At 11am precisely, you stepped away from your desk, giving John and Shion a half-hearted wave as they wished you good luck. By 11.10am, you had reached the seventh floor where your uncle spent most of his time working.

His secretary, a cheerfully sweet young woman who had obviously been chosen for her looks rather than her skills, had barely given you a glance before waving you past.

"You're the nephew, right? Go on. Maeda-sama's free at the moment." she said.

Nodding in thanks, you brushed past her and took a deep breath before knocking on his office door.

"Ah, Hiroshi. Right on time, as usual," said the man sitting at the desk.

His name was Maeda Taishi. Vice Chairman of the Board, Executive Managing Director of the company, former shogi professional player (you could see a few of his old trophies hung up on a shelf just behind him), loving father and husband (usually), and most importantly, your doting uncle.

"Good morning, uncle," you greeted him, bowing at precisely a 45 degree angle in order to show respect. Your uncle was a big fan of things being done "properly", especially if it involved someone else buttering him up for something. "I hope your day has been pleasant so far."

"Good enough, good enough," he said, gesturing at you to sit down in the chair across from him. It was a plain wooden chair, designed to be just a little shorter than normal so that most people would have to look up to see him.

You try not to take it personally. You're pretty sure that he doesn't even have a nicer chair to offer. After all, why would anyone he'd want to impress come down here to his office instead of summoning him over to theirs?

"Now then, Hiroshi," he said, resting his chin upon his hand as he leaned back. "You said that you wanted to bring up a few things to the board during the meeting today?"

"Indeed, uncle. It seems that our Editor in Chief has some… unreasonable expectations regarding our work. I was hoping that we could convince him to adjust his expectations a little."

"Hmph. This again?" your uncle grumbled. "Suzuki-san has been causing a ruckus at every board meeting he's attended so far. Quite frankly, if it weren't for his years of experience with the company he would have been sacked by now."

"Really?" you said, trying to hide your shock. "I had heard that he had been attending a lot of board meetings, but…"

"He's too stubborn, that one," your uncle said. "Good at his job, but stubborn. You'll have to watch out for him."

"If I may ask, why is there such animosity between the Editor in Chief and the Board of Directors?"

"Suzuki-san is still too idealistic. He wishes to cut down our running series to the bare minimum and focus on quality instead, but with the current state of the company that's simply not feasible," your uncle shook his head. "Most of the good mangaka have already jumped ship, and we can't afford to put all our hopes on a handful of new mangaka, no matter how talented they might seem."

"I'm guessing that the Board has other plans in mind?"

"Hmph. I wish!" Uncle Taishi laughed. "That would imply that we were actually united on something. Instead, it seems that everyone has their own ideas about how things should be going. Some agree with Suzuki-san and want to focus on a quality over quantity approach, some believe that we should loosen our standards and focus on pushing out more series than before. And of course we have a few who would rather keep everything just as it is and move along without changing a thing."

He sighed, shaking his head again. "Nowadays the whole board spends more time bickering than actually getting things done."

"I see. Then how about you, uncle?" you asked. "What would be your preferences on this matter?"

"At this point, I simply want to get this issue resolved at last," he said bluntly. "You're the editor on the ground, so I'll support you on whichever option you choose."

Well, wasn't that convenient. Having Uncle Taishi around to back you up would definitely make this proposal a lot easier, but you suspected that he wouldn't always be this helpful in the future.

Over the next hour or so, the two of you discussed your plans, eventually settling on:

Current Favor is 22. Please vote by PLAN for this one.

Quantity: How many series will the
Sunday Star publish each week? Determines the total number of series being published.

[ ][Quantity] 15:
The bare minimum that the board will accept at this point in time. (-15 Favor)
[ ][Quantity] 20: A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
[ ][Quantity] 25: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
[ ][Quantity] 30: Increasing the number of series will allow us to spread out a bit more. (-10 Favor)
[ ][Quantity] 35: Your team can handle this, right? (-15 Favor)

Quality: How good will the Sunday Star's standards be? Determines the minimum stat needed for a chapter to be accepted.

[ ][Quality] 20:
At this point, you'll take just about anything that you can get. (-15 Favor)
[ ][Quality] 30: Lowering your standards slightly in order to attract more potential mangaka. (-10 Favor)
[ ][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
[ ][Quality] 50: We should raise our quality to "average" at least. (-10 Favor)
[ ][Quality] 60: Only the best accepted here. (-15 Favor)

Personal Work: How much Maeda will be personally doing. Determines the minimum number of series that Maeda will be handling each week.

[ ][Personal] 3:
You're happy to stick with your current series, thanks. (-5 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 4: Okay, maybe you can do a little more. (-4 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 5: You can handle this, right? (-3 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 6: Double the work, double the fun. (-2 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 7: What, are you a masochist or something? (-1 Favor)
[ ][Personal] 8: Didn't you come here to reduce the number of series that you'd need to handle?

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[X] Small Cuts
- [ ][Quantity] 20: A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
- [ ][Personal] 5: You can handle this, right? (-3 Favor)
- [ ][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)

Prune some of the dead wood, lessen our workload. Develop what's there instead of hoping for better to come along.
Ouch. Why are they all minus favor? Even the ones where we'd be disadvantaging ourselves still cost us?

[] Plan Same quantity bumped up quality
-[ ][Quantity] 25: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[ ][Quality] 50: We should raise our quality to "average" at least. (-10 Favor)
-[ ][Personal] 3: You're happy to stick with your current series, thanks. (-5 Favor)

How about this? The reason we're accepting the drecs of manga ideas is that we need them for the profits they bring. But if we keep the same quantity but bump up the bare minimum quality, that should keep the divisive voices down for now while giving us a way to pivot to better things if better quality pays off for us.
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But even the status quo itself costs favor. The most status-quo-e of options will cost 11 favor.
Three comment.

First, goddamnit, the absolute wreck of Subaru's score and others make me unable to read the comment.

Second, so the editor in-chief only "sour" because he's tired seeing the company shot their own foot.

And lastly, suddenly glad all the omake rain, I usually didn't say this, but I hope the latest omake choose points as the reward.

How many favor points we can handle without being fired again?
Yeah we can't afford to do this too often. We really need to up our favor and stats. I'd suggest 4 series and the rest sadly the same as small cuts. 4 let's us use 5 editor points on each. 5 gives us only 4 and we want to get our mangakai better
Ouch. Why are they all minus favor? Even the ones where we'd be disadvantaging ourselves still cost us?

[] Plan Same quantity bumped up quality
-[ ][Quantity] 25: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[ ][Quality] 50: We should raise our quality to "average" at least. (-10 Favor)
-[ ][Personal] 3: You're happy to stick with your current series, thanks. (-5 Favor)

How about this? The reason we're accepting the drecs of manga ideas is that we need them for the profits they bring. But if we keep the same quantity but bump up the bare minimum quality, that should keep the divisive voices down for now while giving us a way to pivot to better things if better quality pays off for us.

I'm not comfortable on blowing all of our favors. Think we should keep 2 or 3
With only 20 favor it doesn't look like there's a lot of things we can actually do. Changing quantity and quality one movement, up or down, means not being able to reduce the personal workload, the reason we came. But at the same time, for example, reducing quantity without a corresponding increase to quality won't make anyone happy. reducing the number of series we actively have to keep track of, our dedicated, if inexperienced, editor team will do everything possible to make the best stories they can, even without a more official cutthroat standard.

It would also be nice to know when we'll be able to make future changes like this again, even if it was only a soft guess for how long the new standards would be in place. I assume taking this action will be available in the future again anyway.

Anyway, I'll back this plan. Like I said, our team is actually interested in making quality stories naturally, between the veteran editor and otaku, the former mangaka, and quester mentality, so allowing us to better focus on stories without constantly shifting attention away and around should work out.

[X] Small Cuts
My plan is this:

[ ] Plan universally reduced workload.
-[ ][Quantity] 20:
A slight reduction, allowing you to cut off some of the worst performing series. (-10 Favor)
-[ ][Quality] 40: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[ ][Personal] 3: You're happy to stick with your current series, thanks. (-5 Favor)

Our limit is 50 editor points to spread and 5 suggestions before IC-ly we burnt out, this way, we have roughly 16-18 points to spread among 3 manga, and 2 suggestions each mangaka, assuming we visit one mangaka minimum each week to gain 1 free suggestion.

What about the favor points? Well, I both now having some ideas, and we can take some actions to rebuild our favors.
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Prune some of the dead wood, lessen our workload.
Your plan increases our workload from 3 to 5.

Also I think I'm gonna go forward with my plan.

[x] Plan Same quantity bumped up quality
-[x][Quantity] 25: Let's just keep things the same for now. (-5 Favor)
-[x][Quality] 50: We should raise our quality to "average" at least. (-10 Favor)
-[x][Personal] 3: You're happy to stick with your current series, thanks. (-5 Favor)

We can hopefully transition towards only taking up the more promising series, along wth us taking up the role of spokesperson of the "editor on the ground", as our uncle calls us.
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