Don't Miss Your Deadline! (Manga Editor Quest)

Ramen Ninja +8 : slight drop on quality and definitely will get head editor order.

Subaru +6: it trip a starting line of buildup chapter. Hopefully the head editor order reasonable/didn't interfere with story plan.

Daughteru +10: barely reach minimum, but since the old one is +8, may or may not get head editor order.
Wow, ok. Thanks for the rolls by @Shard , @BookMouse and @Neshuakadal. So right now the scores are:
  • Space Racer Subaru-kun (Chapter 2): 3 + 3 = 6
  • Our Daughter is Actually a Vampire! (Chapter 2): 6 + 4 = 10
  • My Secret Ninja Sensei Needs to Stop Training Me (Chapter 2): 8 + 0 = 8
... wow, Subaru-kun's popularity has really gone down, huh? Not sure how to explain this one narratively, but I guess I'll say that the readers really want more high paced racing and less slow character scenes.
Man, I know IC-ly Maeda want to use this as a proof that extra work will kill the quality, but considering all the hint about the upper manager, they definitely will blame Maeda instead.

Imminent reduced favor from "trashing a potentially good series"?
These rolls is a wakeup call that we should rely on actually good quality roll, rather than popularity roll at the end.
... wow, Subaru-kun's popularity has really gone down, huh? Not sure how to explain this one narratively, but I guess I'll say that the readers really want more high paced racing and less slow character scenes.
Maybe competition came out with their own racing manga, one whose initial chapter was a true work of art?
I dunno, just seems like a fun idea of accidentally dropping right into a brewing dueling of the manga.
We could also be a looking at a Doctor Stone scenario where the manga just needs to switch it up so it'll be something worth reading. I know once Taiju went off and we actually got Senku as the MC things drastically improved.
I guess I'll put forth another argument for the +30 Editor Points: The less suggestions we have per turn, the less we have to try and come up with per turn. Admittedly, the way I phrased that seems obvious, but I feel it's an important point to make. However many suggestions we have, we're going to feel pressure to use up all of them each turn. That's going to make planning harder in the future, as we need to identify more areas of improvement. For some turns that might be easy, but if we ever out-of-character get burnt out and/or there's not a whole bunch wrong with the pitches it might be a real struggle. So to minimize that, I'm voting for the maximized Editor Points spread instead. It's much easier on our end to allocate numbers rather than come up with specific, insightful, tactful suggestions.

Plus, as others have mentioned, we've seen that bad/incompatible suggestions are more than capable of backfiring on us, while Editor Points are a straight bonus.
Wow, ok. Thanks for the rolls by @Shard , @BookMouse and @Neshuakadal. So right now the scores are:
  • Space Racer Subaru-kun (Chapter 2): 3 + 3 = 6
  • Our Daughter is Actually a Vampire! (Chapter 2): 6 + 4 = 10
  • My Secret Ninja Sensei Needs to Stop Training Me (Chapter 2): 8 + 0 = 8
... wow, Subaru-kun's popularity has really gone down, huh? Not sure how to explain this one narratively, but I guess I'll say that the readers really want more high paced racing and less slow character scenes.

The massive quality drop is obviously to blame. It went from a +10 to a +3. Even disregarding setup chapters being disliked, -7 is enough of a change I believe readers would pick up on it. The dynamic art drop was extra significant too -- dropping to -1 from +3.

Edit: you could also point to the low hanging edit suggestions -- 3 editor points would have pushed it +2 popularity, which while still bad, it's less bad.

That being said, the first chapter was a total fluke. We're gonna struggle to keep chapters above 10 unless we're working with established mangaka. We need to get chapters to +3 just to average 10 after all and that means like half the time it's even less
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I honestly think we should have some form of popularity reservation system. My idea is we can only roll one die but we add half of the previous total.

Or maybe modifying the popularity bonuses we can get from the quality of the manga like having changing +1 to +2 based on what does the reader expected.

This would give the popularity comments an inherent secret mechanic instead of just being flavoring.

Ps. Sorry for the knee jerk reaction.
... wow, Subaru-kun's popularity has really gone down, huh? Not sure how to explain this one narratively, but I guess I'll say that the readers really want more high paced racing and less slow character scenes.

the quality difference is nearly completely in the art section, so you can just point out how the art looks worse. maybe the readers already got used to Junkard's surface and want to see new places, or more races, and find the dialogue and character establishment moments boring.

Then again, periods of downtime are expected. this will only be a problem if next chapter, which is supposed to be the underground race, is also bad and unpopular.

If next chapter works, this one will just be seen as preparation for it.

We could also be a looking at a Doctor Stone scenario where the manga just needs to switch it up so it'll be something worth reading. I know once Taiju went off and we actually got Senku as the MC things drastically improved.

possible too. I know I LOVE Doctor Stone, but until Senku reaches the village it's kind of a slog. in a similar way, Medaka Box becomes a LOT better once the Flask Plan and the fight with the Plus 6 begins.
I guess I'll put forth another argument for the +30 Editor Points: The less suggestions we have per turn, the less we have to try and come up with per turn. Admittedly, the way I phrased that seems obvious, but I feel it's an important point to make. However many suggestions we have, we're going to feel pressure to use up all of them each turn. That's going to make planning harder in the future, as we need to identify more areas of improvement. For some turns that might be easy, but if we ever out-of-character get burnt out and/or there's not a whole bunch wrong with the pitches it might be a real struggle. So to minimize that, I'm voting for the maximized Editor Points spread instead. It's much easier on our end to allocate numbers rather than come up with specific, insightful, tactful suggestions.

Plus, as others have mentioned, we've seen that bad/incompatible suggestions are more than capable of backfiring on us, while Editor Points are a straight bonus.
We had like 10 suggestion for two series this turn though. Given that we are going to get more, I don't think that having trouble coming up with enough suggestions would be the issue but coming up with ones for a specific stat of a specific manga but if we do need to boost that suggestions seem to give a good bang for buck provided we come up with decent ones so it is probably worth the effort.
We had like 10 suggestion for two series this turn though. Given that we are going to get more, I don't think that having trouble coming up with enough suggestions would be the issue but coming up with ones for a specific stat of a specific manga but if we do need to boost that suggestions seem to give a good bang for buck provided we come up with decent ones so it is probably worth the effort.
They are not just suggest and extra points provided however, but it also require rolls with varying DC depending on many factors.

The Good case is the 80+ roll on this recent Daughter manga, it gave 2-3 quality points.

But if we gave bad suggestion, it will be like Ramen 1st chapter, where despite rolling 40+, the DC is 60 and we end up losing 1 quality point, and it only popular due to near-max popularity roll.

And also, there's a limit on how many suggestions each mangaka can accept, without lowering their manga quality, or at least the edit rolls.
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[X] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)
Adhoc vote count started by zamin on May 11, 2022 at 11:03 AM, finished with 90 posts and 50 votes.

Winning Vote: [X] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)

Sorry for being late, but the vote is officially CLOSED. Unless something goes wrong, you guys can expect the next update to come up sometime over the weekend.
Well that's going to bite us in the ass once we run out of suggestions when all three series need a few suggestions.