Don't Miss Your Deadline! (Manga Editor Quest)

I was being comedic for general purposes, since MC complained about the same thing happening in-quest. :V

But I'mma need a hot link/name for that anime mah fellow quester.
Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road or

The Executioner and Her Way of Life

to be clear, I have no idea if it's good. For another isekai in which the main character goes through a lot of trouble I'd also suggest the criminally underrated "Ascendance of a Bookworm".

reincarnate yourself into a 6 year old child of a poor peasant family in a world who only wants to spend her life reading books... in a medieval world where books are only for rich people and nobles.

Also she's initially very sick/weak.

...I suppose that in terms of problems/consequences, there's also shield hero, but I don't think that's what you meant.
well, I found it annoying how you initially pointed it out as a "waste", but it was still a bet with very low odds of success (some 5 to 15% at best, and I have no intention to actually check the math).
4.31% for Layout/Background and 7.54% for Characters, to be precise. If we were being mathematically optimal we would have put it on Characters and whiffed the 7.54% of it being relevant anyway.
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4.31% for Layout/Background and 7.54% for Characters, to be precise. If we were being mathematically optimal we would have put it on Characters and whiffed the 7.54% of it being relevant anyway.
a bit lower than I expected, but not outside of expectations. As said before, it was only worth it because it was (on the net) for free, and there's valid reasons to prefer instead to add quality to a different manga.
13. Anime and Chill (Week 2 Review 2)
Sorry for the late update, guys. I took my computer to the repair shop this weekend and unfortunately it seems that it's just not possible to fix. I'll be saving up to buy a new computer in another month or two, but in the meantime updates will likely be less frequent as I'll be relying on a borrowed laptop.

-[X] Research: It's probably a good idea to make sure that you're not totally ignorant about your job anymore. (Progress towards removing Maeda's "Complete Newbie" trait)
--[X] Shonen '20s Hits: My Hero Academia. Jujutsu Kaisen. Demon Slayer. Even though most of them are long over, the 2020s was filled with hit shonen series that many fans still remember fondly even to this day.

--[X] John (Anime and Chill): John seemed absolutely appalled when he realized that you were serious about not knowing the character he was cosplaying as. He's invited you to his "crib" so that you could both watch "the best superhero animated show since Spiderman!" together.

When John had first invited you to his "crib" in order to "show you what you've been missing", you were initially rather reluctant to accept. But after a long day of sorting through both your own and Masaru's work, you figured that it would be nice to relax and unwind for a bit.

It may not have been your first choice, but there were worse ways to spend a weekend than watching anime and drinking beer.

Surprisingly enough, John's place was a lot roomier than you'd expected. Rather than an apartment, he had somehow managed to find a house in a nice, sleepy little neighborhood about a half-hour's drive away from the heart of Tokyo.

"You just moved in recently, right?" you asked, plopping yourself down on his sinfully plush leather sofa. "How are you finding Japan so far?"

"Oh, it's been great!" your loud coworker called, rummaging through something in the other room.

A moment later, he returned holding a can of beer in each hand. "You like Asahi? I know it's popular around here, but personally I just can't get into it. Bought a whole six pack last week, but I could only handle one can. The rest have been taking up space in my fridge ever since."

"Asahi's fine," you reassured him, taking the proffered can. It was nice and chilled. Just how you liked it. "I'm not normally a big drinker, but since it's the weekend I guess we can make the exception."

"Hah, I'll drink to that! Chee-, uh, I mean, kanpai!"

"Kanpai!" you grinned, clinking your cans together. Throwing your head back, you took a big gulp. "Ah, that hits the spot."

"Go ahead and finish it. There's plenty left!" John laughed. "I'll just stick with my Guinness."

"Well how could I say no to a generous offer like that?"

"Now that we've got our drinks, let's get started!" John said, taking a seat next to you. Picking up a remote, he turned on the big screen TV embedded in the wall across from you, bouncing excitedly as he brought up the menu. "Better buckle up, cause tonight we're gonna go through seasons one, two and three, baby!"

"Do we have enough time? If I stay too long, I'm going to miss my last train," you pointed out.

"Eh, it's fine," he said, waving off your concerns. "You can just stay over for the night! The kids aren't gonna be here till March, so there's plenty of room!"

"You have children?" you asked, trying to hide your surprise. From what you'd seen so far, John's house looked more like a bachelor's pad than a family home. Despite being fully furnished, there were no pictures or decorations anywhere, much less the toys or schoolbooks that you'd normally associate with children.

"Oh, yeah. I've never shown you, have I?" he said, putting down the remote so that he could bring out his phone. Opening it up, he showed you the background picture.

It was a family portrait with himself, a darker skinned woman who was presumably his wife, and two kids; a scowling, blonde teenage girl who looked like she'd rather be anywhere else and a shy looking young boy who shared his mother's curly hair.

"That's me, obviously. And there's my wife Marie and my kids Susan and John Junior!" he said, pointing to each of them in turn.

"John… Junior?"

"It's a family tradition!" he said, which explained absolutely nothing. "They're all still in the states for now, but I'll be bringing them over before the new school year starts so that the kids won't have to do the whole transfer student thing."

"That's probably a good idea if you plan on staying long term," you said. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are they?"

"Susan's sixteen now, but Junior's gonna be eleven next month. It's going to be the first year where I won't be there for his birthday party," he sighed.

"That must be hard."

"Yeah. I wish I could go back for that day, but between the flight costs and travel times it's just not worth it. At least I'll still be able to see them through video calls."

Instead of answering, you took a sip of your beer. Noticing that John's mood had fallen, you decided to change the subject before things got too depressing.

"So… My Hero Academia. Anything I should know before we get started?"

John blinked, your question seemingly knocking his train of thought off track.

"Ah, well I wouldn't want to spoil anything for you. It's better if you watch it for the first time with an open mind… though I still can't believe you've never watched this show before," he shook his head, dumbfounded by your lack of otaku knowledge.

"I've seen a few clips of it here and there," you defended yourself. "It's just that I've never had the time or interest to watch the whole thing before."

"Well today we're going to make up for it!" John cried. "I hope you're ready Maeda, cause you're about to get your socks blown clean off!"

"Just hurry up and start it already."


A few hours (and plenty more cans of beer) later you and John both cheered as you watched the green haired main character punch a monstrous yakuza villain in glorious high definition.

"Woo! Now that's the stuff!" John yelled, pumping his fist in excitement. "Let's rewind and watch it again!"

"Sure. But only if you get me another beer," you answered, waggling your now empty can in front of his face.

John just laughed, pausing the show before standing up. "Alright, alright. We've just cleared out my stock, though. Mind coming with me to the convenience store?"

"Alright! Beer run!" you replied. You got back to your own feet, only to grab on to the nearest wall for support as you swayed alarmingly. "Whoa. Haven't drunk this much in… in a while."

John laughed again, looking far too amused at your discomfort. "Jeez, you really are a lightweight, Maeda."

"S-shut up," you retorted, brushing off your shirt as you tried to stand up straight and look dignified. Judging by John's expression, you weren't succeeding as well as you'd have thought. "Just get that door open and let's go already!"

The two of you chatted about the show as you walked. John seemed pleased at your interest, though his refusal to discuss any "spoiler" material was really beginning to get on your nerves.

"I'm telling you, that Invisible Girl is definitely a double agent," you insisted. "Think 'bout it. You'd never know when she's really there, wouldn't you?"

"Mm-hmm," John hummed, looking far too smug for your liking.

"God, I hate you," you groaned. "C'mon, not even a hint?"

"Sorry, but I ain't spoiling shit," John said, not looking sorry at all. "We'll just have to wait and see~"

You flipped him the bird, which just made him laugh again. The pair of you continued in silence for a moment before you spoke up again.

"Hey, John," you said, trying not to slur your words. "Thanks for this."

"What, the beer?"

"Well, yeah. But also, like, this," you said, waving your hand vaguely. "The show and all. Wasn't expecting to like it this much."

"Well, I'm glad you gave it a chance," he said. "So what'd you think of it so far? You think any of our own series could get that big in the future?"

"I 'unno," you frowned. "Hero Academia's good. Really good. But there are some parts… I think they could have done better."

"Oh? Like what?"

"Maybe the characters?" you suggested. "They're good, but there's too damn many of them. I keep forgetting their names! And that's not even mentioning the half-assed 'romance' they're doing with Deku and Ochako!"

"At least it's not a harem?"

"And thank god for that," you shuddered. "I can already imagine all the doujin…"

"So if you were the one in charge of editing something like this, what would you do better?" John asked.

"Well, I guess I'd…"

[ ] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)

[ ] Focus more on advising the mangaka (Gain +10 Editor Points, 9 Suggestions per turn)

[ ] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)

(You currently have 20 Editor Points.)


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No middle ground. They write it again! Our way! Or the highway!

[X] Focus more on advising the mangaka (Gain +10 Editor Points, 9 Suggestions per turn)
First, shame about your PC Zamin, I hope you can find a decent one at reasonable price.

[X] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)

For now, this, while suggestions can give multiple bonus, they are dependent on good rolls. With 50 editor points we have more control on bonus distribution, while less dependant on rolls.
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)

Is this suggestions per Mangaka or suggestions total?
"Maybe the characters?" you suggested. "They're good, but there's too damn many of them. I keep forgetting their names! And that's not even mentioning the half-assed 'romance' they're doing with Deku and Ochako!"

mh... I tend to agree.

Now, for a hero CLASS lots of characters are kinda needed, and I think that as things went on they dealt decently with most of them...

...but even right now, where I imagine the manga is close to the end, there's still plenty of really forgettable class A members (invisible girl, tail guy, tape guy...), and if you also count class B that's even worse.

...and yeah, the romance is very half-assed.

"At least it's not a harem?"

"And thank god for that," you shuddered. "I can already imagine all the doujin…"

...silly Maeda and John. there's already plenty of doujin.

[ ] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)

[ ] Focus more on advising the mangaka (Gain +10 Editor Points, 9 Suggestions per turn)

[ ] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)

(You currently have 20 Editor Points.)
ok, so the exchange rate is 10 editor points for 2 suggestions. (or 5 for 1).

A few things to consider

1) Generally speaking we get MORE than +5 on a stat from each suggestion. Though of course we need GOOD suggestions, but I don't think that will be a problem

2) then again, Editor points can be much more effective as they can be put where they're most effective by raising the tier of the stat, AND can be used to avoid the <40 scores.

3)We can do overtime at the cost of editor points. Would we still only lose 10 points for an extra action? Maybe it's half? Maybe we can do it multiple times?


[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)

Honestly all 3 options have their good points.

1)50 points would basically let us adjust quite a few scores. Basically all the ones missing 3 points at the very least, and a few 4 points too.

2)9 suggestions would give the most raw bonuses... but it's also the most tiring on us, as it requires us to give GOOD advice, and sometimes there's just not much to say (like with the last subaru chapter). Also in some cases a +10 is just not worth anything more than 1 or 2 editor points, or 5 points can be used to improve more than 1 stat...

3)and then there's the middle road.

In the end I go middle road. it's still a doubling of our editor points and gives us the most flexibility. And it's not like we're not going to improve anymore...
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)

This turned out better than I expected! Is this the combined effort of all of our research, or is this the result of our research plus hanging out with John?
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[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)
If we're getting more series, I'd rather stick with 7 so we can make at least one suggestion each if needed.
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)
If we're getting more series, I'd rather stick with 7 so we can make at least one suggestion each if needed.
and seriously, 9 suggestions might get tiring more often than not.

there would also be a lot of pressure to USE all 9 of them each turn. 7 is at least a bit easier.
[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)
Nice scene, there's a lot more to John than it seemed. I liked that he's a family man.

[X] Focus more on the post-editing process (Gain +30 Editor Points, 5 Suggestions per turn)

I think we need the editor points more at this moment. Even if only to avoid too much crunch time for the mangaka.

Looking ahead to the next turn, I think there's a few things we should focus on:

1. Picking up new series. No matter how the visit with our uncle goes, we'll probably have to pick up at least a couple of new series to edit.
2. Research manga: we need to "get gud" and try to earn some editor points. We really can't afford to overwork anymore until we massively improve.
3. Network with our cousin. We were right to put it off this turn because we had enough on our plate, but we don't want him to think we're ignoring him and we did just pay his dad a visit. Plus, he'd probably like his figurines back. (Hopefully he won't ask about Rei.)
EDIT: we should get a choice of traits this turn later on, so hopefully we'll get a few points already.

But yeah, we have to continue our research. One action per turn is fine, mostly.

A couple counterpoints.

-I think that networking with the chief editor is more urgent than with our cousin. Not only did we made a bad first impression and were, from his point of view, 'disobedient', we're also making a hierarchy jump and talking straight to the board instead of going through the 'proper channels' (I bet he was being super-sarcastic when he said 'talk to the board' and didn't even consider we'd be so shameless to actually do it). He's surely furious right now, and having our direct boss furious with us is a bad situation that we can't leave to fester.

If Daisuke was more competent or well-liked by Isamu, the argument could be made that going to him first would give us clues how to best calm Isamu down, but that doesn't seem to the the case.

-I agree that we need to keep picking 'get gud' actions, but as much as I love research, for next time I think we should pick this one:

[ ] Networking (Masaru-senpai): It's probably a good idea to butter up your direct superior before your other riva- I mean, editors arrive.
-[ ] Learning the Ropes: With the sudden increase in the number of series you're expected to work with, it might be a good idea to ask Masaru for advice. Perhaps he has a few tips or tricks that he can show you?

As important as learning how to make better manga is, learning how to juggle an increased workload sounds like something we should quickly do before the new series arrive. We're being straight warned. There are good chances than being unprepared would lead to penalties. And on the other hand, this action could count to the progress to remove the Newbie trait.
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[X] Focus on a balance between the two (Gain +20 Editor Points, 7 Suggestions per turn)