Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on May 4, 2022 at 4:46 PM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "If you wish to understand her, I would speak with her. But if you are to do so, you must be careful not to betray your desires for her to come with you. To care for a child, and wish her well, that is fair and good and as my God is said to wish of all living things."
    -[X] "Ask what she wishes for, what she desires, and when it is hard to understand, say so. Your daughter is a woman grown by mortal standing, no matter that she will be your child. If you wish to understand her, that is the most important thing to recognise."
    -[X] "We live short lives, but they must be ours to live. I believe you can be part of hers, but to do so you have to give her the opportunity to let her in. Or shut you out. That is the risk of speech, my lady, but also the opportunity."
Arc 14 Post 13: Pearls of Wisdom
Pearls of Wisdom

Twenty Eight Day of Elnu-Hamba (Elnu Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

"If you wish to understand her, I would speak with her. But if you are to do so, you must be careful not to betray your desires for her to come with you. To care for a child, and wish her well, that is fair and good and as my God is said to wish of all living things." It feels a touch absurd to be giving such advice, you are no father and no brother, but needs must when the devil drives and better your voice of dubious wisdom than only the voice in her own mind telling her what she wishes to hear.

"But He said also that children should honor their father and their mother, did he no?" the words are soft and probing, and they leave you floundering. How would she know...

"She is spirit and you are flesh, if you should wonder whence she knows the things she knows you would go mad," Esha speaks then in your mind, as an anchor in the storm. "Were I to guess I would say that she heard some prayer on the wind not meant for her, dreams and hopes float high in the sky like smoke from the flame of men's souls and like smoke they can be seen in far off places by eyes unknown."

It is with more conviction then, if a newfound resolve to do all your praying behind closed doors, or else behind locked lips that you answer. "Honor yes, I honor many people, a skilled comrade at arms, a craftsman at his trade, a lord in his realm and in his own hall even the master of the meanest hovel, but that does not mean that I would obey all of them blindly."

"You speak with silvered tongue..." As she trails off you wonder if the words are meant as praise of needling. Anwari does not hold in high esteem those who live more by the tip of their tongue than of the spear as they say

"I speak with true tongue, or so at least I strive," you say as your hand loosens a touch on the hilt of Durendal, to its disappointment. You can almost feel the fire's will to test itself against the sea. Not today, you send even as you turn other words to the spirit, ones you hope will call her own will to better purpose. "Ask what she wishes for, what she desires, and when it is hard to understand, say so. Your daughter is a woman grown by mortal standing, no matter that she will be your child. If you wish to understand her, that is the most important thing to recognize."

Instead of answering she points at something at the bottom, long pale fingers pointng into the dark. "What is that? Can you see?"

"A rock," you reply bemused only to see the 'rock' open two wide staring eyes and then unfurl into a many armed sea beast. Almost too fast for the eye to follow it snatched up an unwary fish to devour and then again it takes on its mask.

"It did not choose to pretend to be a stone for the love of stones, but because it was afraid, so too my daughter was driven by fear into the arms of those who see her as an amusement, as one toy among thousands."

"Fear no less than courage is part of being human, but I do not see Lina as unthinkingly beholden to that fear. She would not have approached me with so perilous a plan then," you retort. "We live short lives, but they must be ours to live. I believe you can be part of hers, but to do so you have to give her the opportunity to let her in. Or shut you out. That is the risk of speech, my lady, but also the opportunity."

It is not just mortals to fear, you think, but do not say, hoping against hope that your words will move her to a more reasonable course. You might know much of the spirits of the sea, but this you can be sure of, there is nothing but blood needlessly spilled to be gained in battle to rescue one who is in duress. Faintly you recall something about the legends of... some ancient Greek land in a poem. Your Latin had never been up to reading the poem though.

"Clever is thine counsel mortal, though we have yet to see if it is wise, I will seek Lina out as you said..." Then something bright flashes though the water between you. As you catch it in your left you realize it is a pearl, bigger than any you had ever seen before, about the size of a knuckle-bone and it hums with power. "For your trouble."

Gain Pearl of Power level 2

With that it seems the spirit is ready to bid you farewell... without ever returning to the fate of Ohun.

What do you do?

[] Keep the reward and return to the ship, you are sure she will release him soon now that she knows the priest is not an enemy

[] Ask for Ohun's release rather than this as your reward

[] Keep the pearl and once she is gone continue towards where Ohun is kept, the spirit seems to have forgotten him

[] Write in

OOC: Well at the very least this was not hard to write, quite the opposite really.
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Wow, Lina's crazy mom gives good loot. It's not something our mages can use, but that's a valuable little bit of magical gear lots of people might be willing to pay for.

Valuable it might be, but we couldn't in good conscience trade it for Ohun.

[X] "Many thanks, my lady. Before we depart, would you allow us to take Ohun off your hands as well? He will have surely learned his lesson on meddling in affairs beyond his station or power."
Mechanical question: is this pearl one-use item?

@Goldfish , I vague remeber something from ASWAH about "thanks are a bane for the fey" and "service without offered price"...
No, that is a item that flat out gives you one more spell of that level per day.
A Pearl of Power is a really fitting piece of loot given our current location, but Pearls of Power only work for prepared casters, which we don't have. Inge or Esha would normally need a Runestone of Power to accomplish the same effect.

If that's intended, I'm cool with that, since it's extremely valuable and much easier to transport than most similarly valuable non-magical items. If it's meant to be usable by Esha or Inge, however, you should add a note to it that explains the change.
A Pearl of Power is a really fitting piece of loot given our current location, but Pearls of Power only work for prepared casters, which we don't have. Inge or Esha would normally need a Runestone of Power to accomplish the same effect.

If that's intended, I'm cool with that, since it's extremely valuable and much easier to transport than most similarly valuable non-magical items. If it's meant to be usable by Esha or Inge, however, you should add a note to it that explains the change.

Ah... right I had forgotten how the weird arcanist powers work in this instance. To be clear the thing works for Esha since she does prepare her spells before casting them, it is just that she has more flexibility as to how.
@DragonParadox , can we ask Ohun to awaken Ripper as a reward for his rescue?
I think Ripper is already somewhat more intelligent than a typical animal/non-sentient magical beast, meaning he may not be eligible for an Awaken spell.

Also, I doubt Ohun has the juice to do that. If he can, it's bound to be part of an elaborate and lengthy ritual with a significant personal cost to Ohun, like attribute or level drain.
I think Ripper is already somewhat more intelligent than a typical animal/non-sentient magical beast, meaning he may not be eligible for an Awaken spell.
I've asked DP about Ripper gaining XP and/or feats. He can not do that before Awakening or becoming a companion.

By the way, what about my questions about your plan (about "unanswered thanks are a bane for fey" and "every service must be paid")?
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