What would readers prefer?

  • Pure narrative quest: no dice will be used, the author will have free reign to decide what happens.

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • New dice system: the author will design a new, better dice system to add some randomness and risk.

    Votes: 17 40.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 23 hours
[X] Travel as fast as you can, resting only when needed. This will make your journey far shorter; it will also be nearly impossible for Countess Mantrae's people to catch up. However, you're almost certain to be spotted, and may even have a notable encounter (Choose one encounter).
-[X] A wing of curious Pegasus Knights intercept you.

Seems the most interesting to me out of all the options
This is not just a story, though. This is a quest on the quests board. I don't know how many forum quests you've been involved in before, but quests are games. People take doing as well as possible at them as a serious intellectual challenge, and they will get very upset if you ruin everything for them by making clearly poor choices just because you think they're interesting, or funny, or for any other motivation. It's a bit like playing a board game and deliberately throwing the game because you're more entertained that way. It's a violation of the social contract.
Mind if I sig-quote this?
Mind if I sig-quote this?
It belongs with a quote by Always Late that I was finally able to find here.


Oh, right, I should probably actually contribute to the discussion.

As a quester, I want to present a reasonable collection of information to suggest that doing things the way I want to do them will result in good outcomes or avoidance of bad outcomes.

I do not want to end up calling names, assuming bad faith, or ending up in a screaming match. Those all take way too much effort for something that's supposed to be fun.
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People take doing as well as possible at them as a serious intellectual challenge, and they will get very upset if you ruin everything for them by making clearly poor choices just because you think they're interesting, or funny, or for any other motivation.

Oh, man, yes. This, all the way. That happened to me in a quest recently. I spent a while considering the options and their ramifications, worked out how it would affect the goals of the quest, and voted accordingly. Like, within sixty seconds, the next guy came along and just flat out said, "That's the most boring option, the other ones have fun drama" and voted for every other option, nullifying the vote I just cast.

Yeah, I was pissed. That's not engaging in a quest in good faith and having an honest difference of opinion, that's being a child and setting things on fire to giggle at the flames. If you're just looking for a fun read and can't take the quest aspect of this seriously, well, the User Fiction forum is over there, don't let the door hit ya.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within
I don't think rushing through and encountering the knights would be too terrible. Considering where we are going, they might very much be on our side, or even offer to carry a message ahead or escort us if our flight becomes to taxing for Ryza or Artimis.

If the reveal of dragons is a concern, dropping in on the bandits could potentially get us goodwill depending on what bandits, and what they are doing, and who sees it. The Wandering Stranger option sounds fairly tame. I'm getting "After landing, during your rest someone who will be important later will give you advice/a warning/foreshadowing that won't make sense until later" Vibes. Which could be good if we learn of any trouble in the direction we are heading.

That being said, It looks like we will be flying at night. I'm a bit worried about this one, since it gives our enemies longer to catch up and might stress our dragon to much with the long and repeated half-shifting but its not a bad time to get more training in.

My real question is, why aren't we considering learning heal during that time? We currently have a party composed of Two, neither of us with healing magic. Is the concern that we wont be able to find ourselves 'At Peace' enough to learn it?
That being said, It looks like we will be flying at night. I'm a bit worried about this one, since it gives our enemies longer to catch up and might stress our dragon to much with the long and repeated half-shifting but its not a bad time to get more training in.

My real question is, why aren't we considering learning heal during that time? We currently have a party composed of Two, neither of us with healing magic. Is the concern that we wont be able to find ourselves 'At Peace' enough to learn it?
It's the same amount of time shifted and flying either way, if it helps to think about it that way.

As for The Dragon Within instead of healing, the concern is that there's a lot in that scroll we just skipped over to get a solution to our immediate problem.

In part I want Ryza to be able to use her dragon form in an emergency effectively, and have that problem solved so we have the tool in our toolbox if we need it. We've got some hints about 'Awakening' and 'The Path' that sound like ways to get in touch with the inner dragon and manage emotions, respectively. Those will be useful, and if we have to fight we might need them sooner than later. (Not to say that healing isn't great, it is, but turning into a dragon is a pretty huge trump card to ensure you and your friends don't need healing in the first place.)

The other part is that if there's some horrible downside to what we're doing that we don't know about, we want to know ASAP before it becomes a big problem. The bit about how half transformations are especially dangerous if you aren't yet awakened has me nervous, and I want to mitigate potential issues.
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Oh, man, yes. This, all the way. That happened to me in a quest recently. I spent a while considering the options and their ramifications, worked out how it would affect the goals of the quest, and voted accordingly. Like, within sixty seconds, the next guy came along and just flat out said, "That's the most boring option, the other ones have fun drama" and voted for every other option, nullifying the vote I just cast.

Yeah, I was pissed. That's not engaging in a quest in good faith and having an honest difference of opinion, that's being a child and setting things on fire to giggle at the flames. If you're just looking for a fun read and can't take the quest aspect of this seriously, well, the User Fiction forum is over there, don't let the door hit ya.
I don't want to start a fight, but...the reason that guy was a dick isn't that they wanted dramatic narrative instead of boring practicality, it's that they voted specifically to negate your vote instead of to support their preferred option. I'm not doing that.

It's possible to want to do well and to want to tell a good story. (Have none of you guys played D&D?) The fact that you, Taliesin, etc are trying to draw a dichotomy between the two—to say that we can either play well or have a good story, that the two are incompatible—and worse, trying to say that the former option is Good and the latter option is Wrong...I don't think I can articulate how much that pisses me off!

If I want to make careful strategic decisions, I've got dozens of unplayed Steam games that would let me do that, from raising sims to grand strategy. Narrative is what sets Quests apart from those games*. Asking me to not care about the narrative in a Quest is like asking me not to care about the characters in a typical Fire Emblem game, to only care about winning battles. Forget whose support conversations I want to see or what couples I think work, how do I produce the most powerful children from these action figures?

*...putting aside that many of those video games also have good narratives.

As for The Dragon Within instead of healing, the concern is that there's a lot in that scroll we just skipped over to get a solution to our immediate problem.
In an effort to not be wholly negative: I agree. If we're going to stop, reading The Dragon Within is the best choice. It's practical, it makes sense narratively (Ryza's using her dragon more now than she ever has before, she wants to make sure she's doing it right), and it's going to give the players some interesting lore to chew on.
It's possible to want to do well and to want to tell a good story. (Have none of you guys played D&D?) The fact that you, Taliesin, etc are trying to draw a dichotomy between the two—to say that we can either play well or have a good story, that the two are incompatible—and worse, trying to say that the former option is Good and the latter option is Wrong...I don't think I can articulate how much that pisses me off!

I don't intend to start a fight either, but I think you're completely mistaking my point. Not trying to speak for TaliesinSkye here, but I entirely agree about the value of narrative storytelling in a quest. Have you ever read Omicron's Now You Feel Like Number None? It's fantastic. You can sit down and read it like a novel; I would call it publishable, if not for copyright issues. And I love it for that.

But whether or not storytelling is incompatible with good decision making is something that is very much judged on a case-by-case basis. If those are in sync, great, problem solved! But if they're in conflict? Then, yeah, voting for the smart play really is right, and voting for the fun yet obviously stupid option is...not wrong, exactly, but irresponsible? Disrespectful to your fellow players? Yup. (I'm not saying that's what you did, this is just my belief on the subject.)

In the end, it's a quest, not a story, and the two are not the same. Narrative is one important aspect of a quest. Narrative is the only purpose of a story. If narrative overrides all else, go read, or write, a book. A quest is a game experience which has other priorities.

Just my two cents. We can always agree to disagree.
(I'm not saying that's what you did, this is just my belief on the subject.)
I want to keep this polite, but...then why the heck did you bring it up in the first place?

Your earlier post seemed to be implying that you thought my vote was, at least, comparable to the a-hole that voted to negate your vote. That kinda pissed me off! I never said, and do not think, that good strategic choices are irrelevant in Questing; in fact, I've been trying to emphasize the fact that I think my vote is, at the very least, not substantially worse than the option Taliesin prefers. At this point, I have no idea what you think you're arguing for or against.
Here's a change of subject for you. It's bugged me a little for a while that the picture used for Ryza's heart form has so much green for a Yellow manakete even though I like the picture itself quite a lot.

So I kind of went and did something about it.

Perhaps not quite as yellow as I originally intended but it took six hours and my fingers hurt. Hope it's not bad.

Edit: I realized I missed a spot so I went over it real quick and replaced the image.
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Your earlier post seemed to be implying that you thought my vote was, at least, comparable to the a-hole that voted to negate your vote

If that's how you read it, I can see why you would be pissed; I would be too. But I assure you no such implication was intended, nor was I originally attempting to argue for or against anyone. In fact, I wasn't even thinking of your vote when I wrote that post which quoted TaliesinSkye. The point he raised is one that's near and dear to my heart, and I wanted to illustrate how irresponsible voting is a problem for people trying to engage in good-faith questing.

For the public record, I would personally categorize your vote as a good-faith vote with which I have a disagreement. It happens. Reasonable people can disagree.

The only point I ever wanted to make out of this is simply that in my opinion, voting for narrative reasons is a valid yet secondary concern compared to voting to play the quest skillfully. And there is a line of severity past which voting for narrative at the expense of intelligent play qualifies as bad faith treatment of your fellow players, because this is indeed a quest as opposed to a story. If a voter finds narrative so overwhelmingly important that they are willing to cross that line, there are other creative formats besides questing that they may be more at home in.

If there's anything else to discuss, please message me.
Here's a change of subject for you. It's bugged me a little for a while that the picture used for Ryza's heart form has so much green for a Yellow manakete even though I like the picture itself quite a lot.

So I kind of went and did something about it.

Perhaps not quite as yellow as I originally intended but it took six hours and my fingers hurt. Hope it's not bad.
That's an amazing piece of work. How'd you do it?
Here's a change of subject for you. It's bugged me a little for a while that the picture used for Ryza's heart form has so much green for a Yellow manakete even though I like the picture itself quite a lot.

So I kind of went and did something about it.

Perhaps not quite as yellow as I originally intended but it took six hours and my fingers hurt. Hope it's not bad.

Do you mind if I switch the original image with this one?
Nothing special in terms of method, just went over all of it with the marker tool in Paint.
That's a special amount of dedication, if nothing else. Maybe someone with more photoshop skills than I have could have done it with filters, but doing it by hand probably produced a better result anyway. Bravo, man.
Alright; the image has been switched and credits have been given.

Adhoc vote count started by SoaringHawk218 on Apr 28, 2022 at 9:23 PM, finished with 94 posts and 41 votes.

As for voting: currently night-travel is winning, though not overwhelmingly.
[X] Travel only at night. You will be less likely to be spotted, and in general you'll be better rested. However, it will take noticeably longer to get back to Agrithe. You will have time to do some fun things while you're resting (Choose one activity).
-[X] Read a scroll (What scroll will you read?)
--[X] The Dragon Within
I was in the shower thinking again. How do you guys think Ryza would fair in any of the Fire Emblem games?

Like the Tellius series or Awakening?

Edit: is it Fare or Fair?
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 23 hours