[X] Administration World
[X] Upper Hive
[X] Chaos Undivided

No one pays heed to the secretary.

Until that secretary ascends, that is :p

This seems interesting(, as long as everyone can agree that all factions are evil. I'm not getting into another fight with a fascism defender.)

I wonder if we could pull off making things better, even if only locally…
This seems interesting(, as long as everyone can agree that all factions are evil. I'm not getting into another fight with a fascism defender.)
This is a good point actually, I'll probably update the first post with something but I'll say part of it here:

There are no true "good guys" in 40k (no, not even the Tau). There are only shades of morality, and perspectives from where you stand.

Maybe the cult does think they are doing the right thing. Maybe they think what they are doing is evil, and don't care. Keep those kind of arguments, if you really have to have them, in world and brief.

I say it now; I can and will delete anything I, or another user, finds uncomfortable or distasteful. Argue and you will be banned. End of.
Honestly the most difficult part about starting on a admin world is that I'm pretty sure inquisitors probably check up on these worlds
On the subject of how a cult should operate here is an interesting video that goes into detail on how a Cult can go about taking over a planet
Also here is another video on the type of logistic stuff we need to think about
I was literally going to post at least one of these at some point, nice sniping.

Although I think these videos came out after I had the idea for this quest, seeing them was definitely the nudge from fate that told me "Yeah, this'll work. Or be fun at least."

Also yes Arch can be an massive asshole sometimes, but I avoid that stuff as best I can because his lore stuff is great.
Please Read - on being too Grim Dark.
I'd love us all to I have a nice fun time, but I am realistic enough to know my definition of "fun" is not shared by everyone. I know 40K can attract a certain kind of discussion, particularly when you play as "the bad guys," so I want to set the record straight as soon as I can.

There are no true "good guys" in 40k. Not the Imperium, not the Tau, not any minor race or special group. Everyone does terrible things to each other, sometimes in the name of survival, sometimes for the hell of it. There is no moral high ground. There is only perspective from where you stand.

The cult is going to do a lot of terrible things. Might they be able to rationalise it as a necessary evil? Yes. Could they, alternatively, believe what they are doing is wrong on every level and still do it? Also yes. Don't think too much about, these people live in mad times. If you really have to discuss it, keep it brief, short on details, and reference the real world, in any way, as little as possible.

Also; I reserve the right to remove something, anything that I or another user finds distressing/distasteful.

I will allow amounts of grim darkness, because otherwise it's not 40K. You want the cult to do human trafficking, using the "merchandise" as prostitutes and sacrificing the resulting babies by eating them alive? If you can get enough vote support, sure, I'll allow it. You write detailed accounts of that kind of thing, or expect me to write that? No. Gone. I don't want it on my thread, it does not need to be in this quest, we can have a fun time without it.

Press the issue, and I ban you. Break the rules, I ban you. Be intentionally hurtful to users, I ban you.

Consider this a preemptive warning.

Thank you for your time, and please enjoy the quest.

Praise Chaos!
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Honestly I'd love to try to make an actually nice cult.

When you think about it, each of the chaos gods has a kernel of positive and necessary traits, buried underneath countless layers of what the warp does to anything really.

(Tzeench has the pursuit of knowledge, Nurgle has renewal, Slaneesh has joy and self respect, and Khorne has honor. As warped as any of those may be.)

If chaos undevided wins, we could try to align the cult along those lines. Maybe make a true good guys grouping, or at least less evil, even if just to check how fast we get ground into the dust by the selfperpetuating nature of war and hate.
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When you think about it, each of the chaos gods has a kernel of positive and necessary traits, buried underneath countless layers of what the warp does to anything really.
Which as you said has been warped to hell which means honor for Khorne means not using psyker powers not double teaming someone or betraying your allies, Slannesh has joy but thats focused on yourself who cares about other people
Cult Creation Part 1 - Results
Adhoc vote count started by Dragonofelder on Apr 16, 2022 at 6:17 PM, finished with 72 posts and 34 votes.

Aaaand that's the vote! It seems you are a cult of Chaos Undivided, forming within the Upper Hive on a Administration World! Books Books Books?

Of note are the 7 votes for Tzeentch (auspicious), 4 for Khorne (halfway there buddy!) and the fact no-one voted for the Pleasure World. What's wrong with a bit of glitz and glam?

Next post should, should be out on Monday, I hope. It'll deal with; choosing what aspect of Chaos Undivided you worship (I promise it'll make sense) as well as a chance to modify Kelt/Keltist a bit, for better and for worse.